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Soils have substantial capacity for sorption of sulfur dioxide (SO2) but little is known about the nature of the sorbed S. Three surface soils varying in pH, organic matter, CaCO3 equivalent and surface area were exposed to air containing 5% SO2 and subsequently analyzed by ten different procedures to characterize the sorbed S. Most of the sulfur retained by soils after exposure to SO2 could be recovered as CaCl2‐extractable S, Ca(H2PO4)2‐extractable S, or S released as H2S by hydriodic acid (HI). Only small amounts of sulfur could be recovered as tetrachloromercurate (TCM)‐extractable S, S released as SO2 by HCl, or S released as H2S by HCl + Zn, HCl + Sn, or Raney Ni and NaOH. However, large amounts of S released as SO2 by HCl were recovered from the air‐dry Webster and the moist Storden soils indicating that SO2 sorption is influenced by organic matter in air‐dry soils and by CaCO3 in moist soils.  相似文献   


To evaluate conventional calcium dihydrogen phospahte [Ca(H2PO4)2] solution containing 500 mg P/L as an extractant for soluble plus adsorbed sulfate (SO4), we added known amounts of SO4 to 10 soil samples differed in clay mineral composition and extracted with Ca(H2PO4)2 solution. The experimental results showed that the five successive extractions at a soihsolution ratio of 1:10 could quantitatively recover the added SO4, and there was little effect of air‐drying the soils after addition of SO4. Based upon these experimental results, we concluded that the Ca(H2PO4)2 extraction is an excellent method for determining soluble plus adsorbed inorganic SO4 in soils.  相似文献   


Sulfate (SO4 2‐) is present in soils as salts of various metals, and the different metals associated with sulfate may influence adsorption of SO4 2‐by soils. The analytical method used for determination of SO4 2‐could be affected by the type of metal associated with the SO4 2‐. Four analytical methods based on different principles were evaluated for determination of SO4 2‐in different metal salts and in soil extracts obtained with three extractants {0.1M lithium chloride (LiCl), 0.15% calcium chloride (CaCl2), and 500 mg P/L as calcium phosphate [Ca(H2PO4)2]}. The analytical methods were: (i) a methylene blue (MB) colorimetric method after the reduction of SO4 2‐to hyrogen sulfide (H2S), (ii) an ion Chromatographie (IC) method, (iii) a turbidimetric (TD) method, and (iv) an indirect barium (Ba) atomic absorption spectrophotometric (SP) method. The recovery of SO4 2‐associated with various mono‐, di‐, and tri‐valent metals was quantitative by the MB method. But, trivalent metals, such as aluminum (Al), indium (In), lanthanum (La), and scandium (IC), decreased the recovery of SO4 2‐by the other three methods. The MB and IC methods gave similar values for SO4 2‐in soils by using the three extractants. The TD and SP methods gave variable results and, in general, underestimated the amounts of SO4 2‐in soils. Among the four methods, the MB and IC methods were the most accurate and precise.  相似文献   


In recent years, ion exchange membranes (IEM) have been used successfully to determine the availability of soil nutrient elements for plants. In general, the procedures proposed are applied to the determination of a single ion, and in only a few of these studies, the selectivity of these IEM was considered. Therefore, this work was conducted (a) to find the most suitable extraction conditions for phosphate (H2PO4 ), nitrate (NO3 ), and sulfate (SO4 2‐) in soils by IEM and their subsequent determination by ion chromatography, (b) to test the effectiveness and selectivity of IEM, (c) to compare the results obtained by IEM with the common procedure for determining the availability of the soil nutrient elements, and (d) to verify whether a relation exits between the concentration of phosphorus (P) extracted by IEM and the plant P requirement. The soil samples used for this study were Humic Cambisols located in four forest plots under natural conditions and four plots fertilized with 100 kg P ha‐1 as triple superphosphate. The efficacy of the IEM was high (85% for SO4 2‐, and 92% for H2PO4 and NO3 ). Statistically significant correlations were obtained between the H2PO4 extracted by IEM and the H2PO4 obtained by the Bray P1 procedure (r2=0.936) and with the H2PO4 extracted using Saunders and Williams (1955) procedure (r2=0.370). The correlation obtained between the amount of NO3 extracted with IEM and that obtained using 2M potassium chloride (KCl) was also highly significant (r2=0.828). The IEM extraction allowed to know in a single extraction process and a single subsequent measurement by ion chromatography the concentrations of soil available H2PO4 , NO3 , and SO4 2‐ ions, which are of great plant nutrition interest. Phosphorus extractable with IEM yielded a close relationship with biomass production and could be used for determining the P requirement of these forest trees.  相似文献   


Methods based on simultaneous determination of oxyanions in soil solution are needed for studies of competitive adsorption of several oxyanions by soils. An accurate and precise ion Chromatographie (IC) method was developed for simultaneous determination of PO4 3‐, AsO4 3% SeO4 2‐, WO4 2‐, and MoO4 2‐ in solution equilibrated with soil. The water extract obtained was analyzed by a Dionex 2002i IC after filtering (0.45‐μm membrane filter). The IC unit was fitted with a guard column (AG‐3), a separator column (AS‐3), a 50‐μL injection loop, and a micromembrane suppressor system eluted with 12.5 mM H2SO4. A solution made 3.0 mM NaHCO3 + 6.0 mM Na2CO3 was used as an eluant, and conductivity was used as the mode of detection. The proposed method was tested by analyzing soil extracts obtained after equilibrating soils with a series of solutions containing mixtures of these oxyanions. Results showed that the elution times for PO4 3‐, AsO4 3‐, SeO4 2‐, WO4 2‐, and MoO4 2‐ were 1.8, 2.5, 4.1, 6.6, and 8.0 min, respectively. The accuracy of the method was evaluated by spiking the soil extracts with standard solution of the oxyanions. The recovery of standards (made to correspond to 0.5 mM) added to the solution analyzed ranged from 95.4% to 104.6%, with coefficients of variation ranging from 0% to 10.5%. The detection limits of oxyanions studied ranged from 1 μM with PO4 3‐ to 25 (μM with MoO4 2‐. A single operator can analyze about 50 solutions of the five oxyanions in a normal working day.  相似文献   


An experiment was carried under controlled conditions to investigate the influence of the anions, H2PO4 . and Cl on the ionic equilibria, selectivity and effective diffusion of Rb, K, Na, Ca, Mg in two Indiana soils.

Additon of anions to the soils increased the concentration of cations in soil solution. In both the soils receiving H2PO4 , lower cation concentrations were found in the soil solution than in those receiving Cl . Additon of H2PO4 and Cl reduced the ion selectivity coefficient, k, for various homovalent (Rb/K, Rb/Na, K/Na, Ca/Mg) and mono‐divalent ion pairs (Rb/Ca, Rb/Mg, K/Ca, K/Mg). In Zanesville soil treatments receiving H2PO4 had lower k values for mono‐divalent cations than treatments receiving Cl. However, no such conclusions could be drawn for Raub soil. Soils treated with H2PO4 had higher k values for homovalent cations than Cl treated soils. The differences in the selectivity of adsorption in these two soils might be attributable to the differences in the type and nature of exchange materials and cation concentrations on the exchange phase.

Addition of H2PO4 or Cl enhanced the magnitude of effective diffusion coefficient. (De) of all the cations under considerations. The magnitude of effective diffusion coefficient for cations was lower for H2PO4 treated soils than Cltreated soils. Such a reduction in De is related to the reduction in cation concentration in soil solution thereby increasing the buffer capacity for the ions under consideration.  相似文献   


Although over 40% of excretal S is returned to intensively sheep ‐grazed pastures as faecal S, limited information is available on faecal S fractions, their water solubility and temporal distribution. This study reports results obtained from sheep faeces returned to grazed pastures which have received long‐term annual sulphate applications for 15–20 years. Five freshly‐voided sheep faecal samples (<100 g moist faeces per sample) per sampling were randomly collected at approximately one month intervals over a one‐year growing season. Faeces were fractionated into total S, inorganic SO4 2‐, ester SO4 2‐, Hi‐reducible S and C‐bonded S. Results obtained showed that faecal total S, ester SO4 2‐ Hi‐reducible S and C‐bonded S fractions varied significantly throughout the year. Carbon‐bonded S was the dominant (>80%) faecal S fraction, regardless of faecal total S content or the time of year faecal samples were deposited. Faecal ester SO4 2‐ and inorganic _SO4 2‐fractions accounted for 3.3–7.1% and 0.1–14% of faecal total S respectively. Thus approximately 3.4–21.1% of faecal total S was estimated to be potentially leached or readily available to pasture plants. The Hi‐reducible faecal S fraction was significantly‐correlated (r = 0.59***; *** = P 0.001) with HCl‐extractable faecal inorganic S, which was considered to represent faecal total SO4 2‐ (ester SO4 2‐ and inorganic SO4 2‐ fractions).

The solubility of different faecal S fractions was determined by sequential extraction of ground (< 1 mm) faeces three times (30 minutes per extraction) with water or 0.01 M Ca(H2PO4)2 solution (1: 5 ratio of faecal DM: extractant). Both amounts of water‐extractable and Ca(H2PO4)‐extractable faecal S fractions were found to vary significantly throughout the year. Ca(H2PO4)2 tended to extract more inorganic faecal S than water, attributed to the presence of phosphate and the low pH (pH=4) of Ca(H2PO4)2 extractant. A significant proportion (15–25%) of faecal S was extracted by water and most (70%) of this water‐extractable faecal S was in the organic S fraction. Water‐extractable inorganic faecal S probably originated from the faecal total SO4 2‐ fraction as shown by their significant correlation (r = 0.45** ‐0.63***; ** = P≤ 0.01; *** = P≤ 0.001). Some of the faecal S in water extracts may also originate from the faecal C‐bonded S fraction, as a significant correlation was obtained between C‐bonded faecal S and either water‐extractable faecal organic S (r = 0.53–0.57***; *** = P ≤ 0.001) or water‐extractable faecal inorganic S (r = 0.40–0.41*; * = P ≤ 0.05).

Significant amounts of faecal inorganic SO4 2‐ and ester SO4 2‐ fractions were removed by Ca(H2PO4)2 extractant. The Ca(H2PO4)2‐extractable faecal inorganic S was significantly correlated (r = 0.73***; *** = P 0.001) with water‐extractable faecal inorganic S.  相似文献   


Several rainwater samples and 14 profiles of Hawaii's volcanic ash‐derived soils were analyzed for sulfur (S). Atmospheric deposition was an important S source at the coast (24 kg S/ha), but its contribution decreased with increasing distance from the sea (1 kg S/ha at 24‐km inland). The S concentration of rainwaters also decreased linearly with increasing rainfall.

Several thousand mg SO4‐S/kg can be extracted from many volcanic ash‐derived soils of Hawaii, and it was often required at least four extractions [0.04 M Ca(H2PO4)2, 1:10 soil to solution ratio] to completely desorb this SO4. There was a close association of high SO4 retention with high rainfall. This might have resulted from (1) the development of a solid phase with high SO4 retention under intense weathering conditions, (2) more total SO4 received by the soils from atmospheric deposition, and (3) past fertilization of sugarcane grown in high rainfall areas.

Low concentrations of soil solution SO4‐S in relation to large amounts of P‐extractable SO4 suggest that a S bearing mineral, such as basaluminite, may be controlling soil‐solution SO4. Furthermore, SO4 adsorption isotherms of these volcanic soils generally show a bi‐phasic property, and suggest that 40 to 80 mg SO4‐S/kg is required to maintain 3 ‐ 6 mg SO4‐S/L in the soil solution, a concentration range considered adequate for the growth of most crops.  相似文献   

A variety of different methods have been used for the determination of inorganic soil SO42? in the past, which makes it difficult to compare SO42? contents of soils. Sulfate was extracted with the four commonly used extraction solutions 0.5 M NaHCO3, 0.02 M NaH2PO4, 0.1 M NaCl and H2O from A-, Bw- and Bs-horizons of six acid forest soils. 5 g of field moist soil were percolated with a flow rate of 5 ml/h and percolations were repeated as long as SO42? was detectable in the percolate (> 0.5 mg SO4·l?1). NaCl and NaHCO3 extracted highest amounts of total inorganic SO42? in A-horizons, but NaHCO3 caused analytical problems. NaHCO3 and NaH2PO4 yielded highest amounts in B-horizons. With the exception of Bs-horizons more than 70% of the total inorganic SO42? was H2O-soIuble. Thus, if H2O-soluble SO42? is defined as reversibly bound, the greater part of the inorganic SO42? in the investigated acid forest soils was reversibly bound. This SO42? fraction can potentially be released, if SO42? deposition decreases.  相似文献   


Gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2O) is used in agriculture both as a source of calcium (Ca) and sulphate (SO4 2?) and as an amendment to improve soil structure. The effect of gypsum on the adsorption of SO4 2? in irrigated and nonirrigated soils was examined. Almost all of the indigenous sulphate (SO4) in a range of Golesthan and North Khorasan soils with moderate pH values (>6) was found to be present in the soil solution and, as a consequence, was highly susceptible to leaching. The adsorption of sulphate to the soils receiving no gypsum was greater with correlation coefficient of r=0.91 at 0 kg S ha?1 as compared to the soils received 40 kg ha?1 of gypsum as fertilizer with the value of r=0.88 in Golesthan Province. The same trend was observed in Khorasan Province with r=0.79 and r=0.75 with soils receiving 0 and 40 kg S ha?1, respectively. The results were more pronounced in irrigated fields for both provinces. The amount of sulphate adsorption in Golesthan Province soils was comparatively greater than soils of Khorasan Province. The results raise questions regarding the efficiency of SO4‐containing fertilizers in correcting and preventing S deficiency in situations where leaching is a concern.  相似文献   


Turbidimetric methods, using Ba ions to precipitate SO4, are frequently used to determine soil sulfates extracted with phosphate solutions. These methods, as routinely performed, seriously underestimate SO4 in some soils of the tropics because phosphate is removed from the extractant by soil adsorption and because many extracts fail to yield satisfactory precipitate even if the extracting procedure is adequate. Decolorizing the extracts with carbon black, treating extracts with strong oxidizing agents, adding SO4 spikes, and seeding the extracts with BaCl2 seed‐crystals improve precision, but some extracts, especially those from soils derived from volcanic ash, do not yield reliable precipitates even though these procedures are employed. This paper presents a method that consistanlty yielded more SO4 than other turbidimetric procedures with which it was compared. The proposed method was further validated against an ion‐chromatographic method for SO4 determination. The two methods yielded virtually identical results.

The proposed method consists of extracting SO4 with 0.04 M Ca(H2PO4)2 pH 4, at a soil‐to‐solution ratio of 1: 10. Repeated extraction is necessary for phosphate‐retentive soils. (A. single extraction was approximately 40% effective for removing indigenous SO4 from a Hydric Dystrandept subsoil, approximately 78% effective for an Eutrustox.) Organic materials are removed from the extracts by adsorption on charcoal; SO4 is concentrated in the extract by volume reduction; a SO4 spike is added; BaCl2seed crystal is added, after which volume is increased by adding BaCl2 solution. Optical density is read at 600 nm.  相似文献   

Soil sulfur (S) analyses for fertilizer recommendations in the northern Great Plains often do not reflect crop S requirements. Seven SO4-S extraction methods with S determination by either turbidometry or inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy including Ca(H2PO4)2 and KH2PO4 (both containing 500 ug/l P), 0.25 M KCl (40 ºC) and 0.25 M KCl (room temperature), H2O, DTPA, and Mehlich 3 extractants. Three horizon depths of three soils from a previous field study were used for these comparisons. Average standard deviations for turbidometric determinations were 4.3 times greater than ICP determinations. With turbidometry, S values were H2O > KH2PO4 > Ca(H2PO4)2 > KCl (40 ºC) = KCl, while with ICP, the values were Mehlich 3 > KCl (40 ºC) = KCl > DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) > KH2PO4 > H2O > Ca(H2PO4)2. Extraction with KCl at room temperature with ICP determination appears to show promise, but further method evaluation is necessary before it can be recommended as a SO4-S test method.  相似文献   

Soil amended with 1% glucose was treated with H2SO4, fuming H2SO4, HCl, H3PO4, HNO3, fuming HNO3 or with combinations of fuming and non-fuming H2SO4 and HNO3 to lower the bulk soil pH to values ranging from 5.0 to 2.0. There was a difference in the amount of toxicity caused by the different acids at the same bulk pH of soils. Acidification to pH 2.8 or 2.9 prolonged the lag phase of glucose degradation; fuming HNO3 had the greatest effect, and fuming H2SO4 was only slightly more toxic than non-fuming H2SO4. At pH 2.3–2.4, fuming HNO3, alone or in combination with H2SO4, inhibited CO2 evolution. Both fuming and non-fuming HNO3 also reduced the amount of C mineralized to a greater extent than did fuming and non-fuming H2SO4. The amounts of C mineralized from soils treated with combinations of H2SO4 and HNO3 were intermediate between those from soils treated with each of these acids alone. HCl and H3PO4 had a similar effect on prolonging the lag as did non-fuming H2SO4. H3PO4 was less toxic than the other acids and sometimes increased the total amount of C mineralized. The “anionic effect” of acid rain must, therefore, be considered in addition to the effect of the proton. When the soil was inoculated with a suspension of microbiologically-active soil, more C was mineralized, in general, and the inhibitory effects of acidification on C mineralization were less pronounced than in soil that had not been inoculated. The addition of montmorillonite, but not of kaolinite, enhanced the growth of Aspergillus niger in soils amended with 2:1 combinations of H2SO4 and fuming HNO3 however, growth was inhibited completely at pH 3.4.  相似文献   

利用长期定位试验 ,比较了长期施用含SO42-和Cl- 化肥 22年后稻田土壤的 pH值、养分状况及其吸附解吸特性。结果表明 ,长期施用含SO42-化肥 ,土壤有机质、速效氮和速效钾的含量较高 ,但全量氮磷钾的含量较低 ;长期施用含Cl- 化肥 ,土壤全量氮磷钾和速效磷的含量较高 ,但pH值相对较低。长期施用含上述二种阴离子的化肥后 ,土壤对H2PO4-的最大吸附量均较大 ,且在Cl- 处理下土壤对H2PO4-吸附的结合能较大 ,而SO42-处理下土壤在同等吸附量时对H2PO4-的解吸量相应较多。长期施用含SO42-的化肥亦使土壤对钾素的供应强度较大 (ΔK0的绝对值较大 )、缓冲能力增强 (AR0值较高 ) ,而长期施用含Cl- 的化肥时则与SO42-相反  相似文献   


Simple steam distillation methods are described for determination of ammonium N and nitrate N in acid KMnO4 solution used to absorb NH3, NO and NO2 evolved from soils. They involve use of MgO for distillation of ammonia and of FeSO4, Ag2SO4, and MgO for reduction of nitrate to ammonia. The methods are rapid and precise, and they permit nitrogen‐15 analysis of NH3‐N and (NO + NO2)‐N evolved from soils.  相似文献   


Lead arsenate was extensively used to control insects in apple and plum orchards in the 1900s. Continuous use of lead arsenate resulted in elevated soil levels of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). There are concerns that As and Pb will become solubilized upon a change in land use. In situ chemical stabilization practices, such as the use of phosphate‐phosphorus (P), have been investigated as a possible method for reducing the solubility, mobility, and potential toxicity of Pb and As in these soils. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of calcium carbonate (lime), P, and iron (Fe) amendments in reducing the solubility of As and Pb in lead‐arsenate‐treated soils over time. Under controlled conditions, two orchard soils, Thurmont loam (Hapludults) and Burch loam (Haploxerolls), were amended with reagent‐grade calcium carbonate (CaCO3), iron hydroxide [Fe(OH)3], and potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) and incubated for 16 weeks at 26°C. The experimental results suggested that the inorganic P increased competitive sorption between H2PO4 ? and dihydrogen arsenate (H2AsO4 ?), resulting in greater desorption of As in both Thurmont and Burch soils. Therefore, addition of lime, potassium phosphate, and Fe to lead‐arsenate‐contaminated soils could increase the risk of loss of soluble As and Pb from surface soil and potentially increase these metal species in runoff and movement to groundwater.  相似文献   


A modified selenium (Se) fractionation procedure was used to study Se distribution in three soils (two silt loams and one silty clay). This sequential procedure consisted of: i) 0.2 M potassium sulfate (K2SO4)‐soluble fraction, ii) 0.1 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)‐exchangeable fraction, iii) 0.5 M ammonium hydroxide (NH3H2O)‐soluble fraction, iv) 6 M hydrochloric acid (HCl)‐extractable fraction, and v) residual fraction digested with perchloric (HClO4) and sulfuric (H2SO4) acids. The fractionation procedure had high recovery rates (92.5 to 106%). The Se distribution in soil was controlled by soil properties, such as pH, oxide, clay, and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) contents. In the untreated soil samples, residual Se fraction was dominant. In the Se‐enriched soils, the silty clay had significantly more Se in the NH3H2O and residual fractions while in the two silt loams the largest were KH2PO4 and residual fractions. The Se availability in the two silt loams was higher than in the silty clay. The Se availability pattern in the untreated soils was: unavailable (HCl + residual fractions) >> potentially available (KH2PO4 + NH3H2O fractions) > available (K2SO4 fraction), while in the Se‐enriched soils it was potentially available > unavailable > available.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10):2151-2159

The impact that nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) application rates on the sulfur (S) fractions in leaves and fruits of greenhouse-grown cucumbers plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Brunex) are presented. The treatments were as follows: N (N1=5 g NO3NH4/m2, N2=10 g NO3NH4/m2, N3=20 g NO3NH4/m2, N4=40 g NO3NH4/m2), two levels of P (P1=8 g H3PO4/m2 and P2=16 g H3PO4/m2), and two levels of K (K1=20 g K2SO4/m2 and K2=40 g K2SO4/m2). The foliar and fruit contents were determined for total S, organic S and sulfate. The influence of the N treatments on the total S (St: organic S +sulfate) concentration, proved significant, showing a progressive increase in the leaf and fruit concentrations. In the leaves, the P slightly diminished the St concentration but values in the fruits did not appreciably differ from control. The K dosage did not cause the St concentration to differ from that of P, although in the fruit a slightly lower St concentration appeared in the K2 treatment. The response of the organic-S concentration in the leaves resembled that of St, and thus organic S should not be used as a diagnostic method for S status. In the relationship SO4 2-/St, the SO4 2- concentration proved more influential than did the St form, providing a more accurate representation of the potential status of this nutrient in the plant.  相似文献   


It was the objective of this study to compare the suitability of different extractants for predicting the availability of sulfur (S) in natural grassland in a sulfur response trial on three different soil types in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. For soil analysis, seven different extractants have been employed. The inorganic SO4–S concentration was determined by ion chromatography. Additionally, in the Ca(H2PO4)2 extract the total soluble S was determined employing turbidimetry. Weak salt solutions (0.15% CaCl2, Ca(H2PO4)2, and KH2PO4) extracted similar amounts of SO4–S. Extraction with 0.025 M KCl provided the lowest SO4–S values. Deionized water dissolved significantly more SO4–S in the control plots than most weak salt extractants. The concentration of soluble organic S decreased in the control plots after 100 days of plant growth, indicating that the organic S pool contributed significantly to the S nutrition of the forage crops. Significant relationships among the SO4–S in the soil determined in different extracts and crop yield, sulfur content in the forage, and total sulfur uptake were only found for the Ca(H2PO4)2 extract. In general, the correlation coefficients proved to be unsatisfactory for field experimentation.  相似文献   


The amount of sulphur (S), nitrogen (N), and organic carbon (C) in different layers of soils from some Alfisols varied considerably with location. The amount of S extracted by different extractants as a percentage of the total S was in the order of organic (3.5%)>0.05 (N) NH4OAc+0.25 (N) HOAc (1.9%)>0.1 (N) H3PO4 (1.8%)>0.025 (N) CaCl2 (1.8%)>0.03 (N) NaH2PO4 (1.7%)>0.001 (N) HCl (0.6%). In all the soil series SO4 2?‐S mineralization decreased up to the second week after incubation, followed by a slight increase up to the fourth week, a subsequent decline up to the sixth week, and a slight increase up to the eighth week. The C:N, C:S, N:S, and C:N:S ratios averaged 9.4:1, 63.7:1, 6.9:1, and 94:10:2.08, respectively.  相似文献   

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