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Firmness measurements made on tomato fruit at various degrees of ripeness by means of a machine recently described have been compared with those produced by an established instrument. Highly significant correlations were obtained between results from the two types of apparatus. Because of its greater ease of operation the newer instrument was used to compare the firmness of six varieties of tomato fruit, all judged to be in a uniform condition known as the “ commercial picking stage ”. The polygalacturonase activity in the same tomato samples was also measured, and a highly significant positive correlation established between the activities of the enzyme and the compression of the different varieties of fruit under a standard load. These results strongly suggest that pectolytic enzyme activity is one of the predominant factors governing the firmness of different varieties of tomato fruit.  相似文献   


Four N application rates generated a range of tree N status as indicated by leaf N concentrations in six year old trees of `Mission' almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb). Leaf N concentrations were related positively with concentrations of amino acids - especially asparagine and glutamine - in phloem and xylem saps. A pulse of 1.25 kg N per tree was applied to trees previously receiving 0, 78, 157 or 313 g N per tree, annually. Apparent uptake of soil N into above-ground tree parts was determined over a 39 d period. N uptake was determined as the difference in the products of tree biomass and tissue N concentrations before and after the N pulse. Tissue N concentrations increased signi®cantly in trees previously receiving the two lowest N application rates, whereas trees previously receiving the high N treatments were unresponsive. Tree N contents (0 g N per year, and also 78 g N per year treatments) increased slightly in response to the N pulse, although statistical differences were not observed due possibly to high variability in biomass among trees. At the same time, the amino acid concentrations in phloem exudate and xylem sap were highest in trees grown under the highest N fertilization regime. We suggest that the high amino acid concentrations in the phloem and xylem saps are indicative of a larger pool of amino N cycling throughout the vasculature of high N-status trees. Our data indicate an inverse relationship between tree N status, amino acid concentrations in xylem and phloem saps and capacity for soil N uptake in ®eld-grown trees. These results represent the ®rst ®eld data to correlate the concentration of amino acids circulating in the plant vasculature with soil N uptake. A functional relationship between the amino acid concentrations cycling within the tree and the regulation of soil N uptake has, however, not yet been established.  相似文献   

Seedlings of the hawthorn Crataegus azarolus L. were budded with ‘Williams’ pear and ‘Golden Delicious’ apple and followed for compatibility, growth control, precocity and suckering. Four years of observations indicated that the hawthorn is compatible with ‘Williams’ and ‘Golden Delicious’, conferring growth control and precocity; and producing suckers profusely. On the other hand, bud break in ‘Williams’ started 10 d earlier and gave longer shoots than ‘Golden Delicious’. Delayed symptoms of incompatibility and long-term reciprocal influences require further study.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity studies were conducted to evaluate intra-specific relationships in Tunisian fig (Ficus: Moraceae) using sequences of the ITS regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the chloroplast non-coding region trnL–trnF (trnL intron, and trnL [UAA]–exon–trnF [GAA] intergenic spacer). All data sets suggest that the sequences obtained showed variations either on their lengths or on their nucleotide compositions. The mean size of these nuclear and cytoplasmic non-coding regions is 697.5 and 1035 base pairs for ITS and trnL–trnF chloroplast DNA, respectively. Our results suggest that the substitution rate estimated for the ITS sequences of nuclear DNA is greater than the one unregistered for the non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA. Therefore, chloroplast DNA shows more homoplasy than the nuclear ribosomal DNA. In fact, the consistency (CI) and retention (RI) indexes calculated for nuclear and cytoplasmic DNAs show values of 0.420 and 0.490 for chloroplast DNA and 0.573 and 0.387 for ribosomal DNA, respectively. The nuclear DNA has more resolution of genetic relationships between cultivars. In addition, the result suggests that the cultivars studied are clustered independently from their geographical origin and the male trees did not thoroughly diverge from the common figs. The discordance between chloroplast and the nuclear topology is revealed. The lack of congruence between the two data sets may be a result of hybridization or introgression. Our result showed that the nuclear and cytoplasmic sequences are useful for germplasm discrimination as well as for investigation of patterns of variation in fig.  相似文献   

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