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We analyzed 14C, 13C and 18O isotope variations over a 50-year period in tree rings of Quercus ilex L. trees growing at a natural CO2 spring in a Mediterranean ecosystem. We compared trees from two sites, one with high and one with low exposure to CO2 from the spring. The spring CO2 is free of 14C. Thus, this carbon can be traced in the wood, and the amount originating from the spring calculated. The amount decreased over time, from about 40% in 1950 to 15% at present for the site near the spring, indicating a potential difficulty in the use of natural CO2 springs for elevated CO2 research. The reason for the decrease may be decreasing emission from the spring or changes in stand structure, e.g., growth of the canopy into regions with lower concentrations. We used the 14C-calculated CO2 concentration in the canopy to determine the 13C discrimination of the plants growing under elevated CO2 by calculating the effective canopy air 13C/12C isotopic composition. The trees near the spring showed a 2.5 per thousand larger 13C discrimination than the more distant trees at the beginning of the investigated period, i.e., for the young trees, but this difference gradually disappeared. Higher discrimination under elevated CO2 indicated reduced photosynthetic capacity or increased stomatal conductance. The latter assumption is unlikely as inferred from the 18O data, which were insensitive to CO2 concentration. In conclusion, we found evidence for a downward adjustment of photosynthesis under elevated CO2 in Q. ilex in this dry, nutrient-poor environment.  相似文献   

For analysis of carbon isotope discrimination in wood, cellulose or holocellulose is often preferred to whole tissue because of the variability in isotopic composition of different wood components and the relative immobility of cellulose. Most currently used methods for the preparation of wood components for stable isotope analysis (e.g., the Jayme-Wise method) produce a residue of holocellulose. The Jayme-Wise method was initially developed to extract holocellulose from small (~1 g) samples of wood, and, despite subsequent modifications, the method requires specialized glassware, considerable time and entails the risk of sample loss. For carbon isotope analysis, we adapted an acid-catalyzed solvolytic method for preparing crude cellulose by treating wood meal with acidified di-glycol methyl ether (diglyme). The one-step process requires no special glassware, is complete within 24 hours and enables over 100 samples to be processed in a day. This method gives similar delta(13)C values to the Jayme-Wise method for wood of Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Pinus radiata D. Don and Pinus pinaster Ait. The relationship between delta(13)C of wood and crude cellulose is as strong as that observed between wood and alpha-cellulose and stronger than that observed between wood and holocellulose in other species. These relationships suggest that variation in delta(13)C of wood may result from hemicellulose and that analysis of stable carbon isotopes in crude cellulose is preferable. If the consistent -0.3 bias in the value of delta(13)C of cellulose resulting from residual lignin is corrected for, then the relationship between delta(13)C of wood and crude cellulose may be used to predict delta(13)C of cellulose from a small sub-sample. The method is well suited to species with low concentrations of extractives, but further testing is needed to assess its general applicability.  相似文献   

From June to December, we determined the effects of variations in biochemical composition on delta(13)C of tree rings of 2-year-old oaks (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) growing under semi-natural conditions, and the dependence of these effects of water stress during the growth season. Percent abundance, carbon concentration and delta(13)C were measured in holocellulose, lignin, extractive-free wood, starch and a water-soluble fraction. Relative concentrations of lignin and holocellulose in the extractive-free wood varied little during the season or in response to water stress, indicating that these compounds could not quantitatively explain the variations in whole-wood delta(13)C. Among all sampled tree rings, the relative concentration of each structural compound (holocellulose and lignin) accounted for less than 5% of the delta(13)C variability in whole wood. Variations in holocellulose and extractive-free wood delta(13)C between tree rings were almost identical (r > 0.95), whereas variations in lignin delta(13)C were less well correlated to these compounds. Whole-wood delta(13)C had a slightly altered isotopic signal compared with that of the structural compounds because of the presence of the extractive component. These results showed that variations in lignin delta(13)C and lignin concentration have little influence on extractive-free wood delta(13)C and whole-wood delta(13)C. Rather, holocellulose influences delta(13)C the most. Thus, we confirmed that, for climatic reconstruction from tree rings, removal of extractives by soxhlet is generally sufficient and sometimes unnecessary. Our findings also indicate that, in the case of rapid and severe water stress, the structural component did not accurately record the associated increase in delta(13)C because of dilution with previously formed organic matter and cessation of trunk growth. The effect of drought on carbon isotope ratios was more pronounced in the extractive compounds, making them good water stress indicators but only on a scale of days to months.  相似文献   

Analyses of stable isotopes(C, O, H) in tree rings are increasingly important cross-disciplinary programs. The rapid development in this field documented in an increasing number of publications requires a comprehensive review. This study includes a bibliometric analysis-based review to better understand research trends in tree ring stable isotope research. Overall, 1475 publications were selected from the Web of Science Core Collection for 1974–2023.The findings are that:(1) numbers of annual pu...  相似文献   

Carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) is a useful surrogate for integrated, plant water-use efficiency (WUE) when measured on plants grown in a common environment. In a variety of species, genetic variation in delta(13)C has been linked to the distribution of genotypes across gradients in atmospheric and soil water. We examined genetic variation for delta(13)C in seedlings of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.), an invasive grassland shrub that thrives in the southwestern USA. Fifteen maternal families, representing progeny of 15 adult trees, were studied in three common garden experiments in a greenhouse. The 990-km east-west transect along which the adult trees were located encompasses a wide precipitation gradient, and includes mesic grassland, semiarid grassland, and Chihuahuan desert ecosystems. Genetic variation for delta(13)C in mesquite was substantial, with the rank order of half-sib families based on delta(13)C relatively stable across experiments, which were conducted under different environmental conditions. Conversely, rankings of families by mean seedling height (an index of growth rate) varied markedly among experiments. Seedlings derived from Chihuahuan desert adults emerged more quickly and had more negative delta(13)C (indicative of lower WUE) than seedlings derived from the other regions. Although delta(13)C and seedling height were not correlated, these results suggest that mesquite genotypes at the drier, western extreme of the species' range are adapted for quicker emergence and possibly faster growth than genotypes from mesic areas. Together, these traits may facilitate exploitation of infrequent precipitation events.  相似文献   

We present a new, rapid method for high-resolution online determination of delta13C in tree rings, combining laser ablation (LA), combustion (C), gas chromatography (GC) and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) (LA-C-GC-IRMS). Sample material was extracted every 6 min with a UV-laser from a tree core, leaving 40-microm-wide holes. Ablated wood dust was combusted to CO2 at 700 degrees C, separated from other gases on a GC column and injected into an isotope ratio mass spectrometer after removal of water vapor. The measurements were calibrated against an internal and an external standard. The tree core remained intact and could be used for subsequent dendrochronological and dendrochemical analyses. Cores from two Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris spp. sibirica Lebed.) from central Siberia were sampled. Inter- and intra-annual patterns of delta13C in whole-wood and lignin-extracted cores were indistinguishable apart from a constant offset, suggesting that lignin extraction is unnecessary for our method. Comparison with the conventional method (microtome slicing, elemental analysis and IRMS) indicated high accuracy of the LA-C-GC-IRMS measurements. Patterns of delta13C along three parallel ablation lines on the same core showed high congruence. A conservative estimate of the precision was +/- 0.24 per thousand. Isotopic patterns of the two Scots pine trees were broadly similar, indicating a signal related to the forest stand's climate history. The maximum variation in delta13C over 22 years was about 5 per thousand, ranging from -27 to -22.3 per thousand. The most obvious pattern was a sharp decline in delta13C during latewood formation and a rapid increase with spring early growth. We conclude that the LA-C-GC-IRMS method will be useful in elucidating short-term climate effects on the delta13C signal in tree rings.  相似文献   

Illegal logging is a major cause of worldwide deforestation, and demands for scientific methods to identify the geographic origin of timber are increasing. “Dendroprovenancing” is one such method, in which the origin of unknown wood is estimated by calculating correlations of the ring-width series of the unknown wood with reference trees of known geographic origins. We applied the dendroprovenancing method to carbon isotope network data of pinyon pines (Pinus edulis and Pinus monophylla) from the southwestern United States to test the efficacy of using a carbon isotope time series for provenancing wood. First, we calculated correlations (t values) between test trees temporarily assumed to be of unknown origin and reference trees from 13 surrounding sites. Then, we plotted the t values on a map. When provenancing was successful, the tested trees showed the strongest correlation with reference trees from sites close to the actual origins of the test trees, and the correlations decreased with the distance between the original sites of test and reference trees. This conical distribution of t values enabled provenancing of wood with precision of 114–304 km. Although isotope measurement is more expensive and laborious than ring-width measurement, our tests of provenancing pinyon pines in the southwestern United States showed a higher success rate with carbon isotopes.  相似文献   

Prasolova NV  Xu ZH 《Tree physiology》2003,23(10):675-684
Genetic variation in branchlet nutrient (N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn and Fe) concentrations and mineral concentration (sum of branchlet P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn and Fe concentrations) of 8-9-year-old hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. ex D. Don) half-sib families was assessed for four canopy positions at a wet site (23 families) and two canopy positions at an N- and water-limiting dry site (22 families) in relation to tree growth and associated branchlet carbon (delta13C) and oxygen (delta18O) isotope composition in southeast Queensland, Australia. Branchlet nutrient and mineral concentrations varied significantly among families and with canopy position and site. Depending on the canopy position sampled, the hoop pine family effect accounted for 0 to 13.8% of the total variation in branchlet N concentration, and for 0 to 30.3% of the total variation in branchlet mineral concentration at the wet site. The corresponding values for the family effect at the dry site were 0-13.3% for branchlet N concentration and 0-25.7% for branchlet mineral concentration. There were significant variations in branchlet P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations at both sites, and these variations differed with canopy position. Relationships between family means of branchlet N concentration and tree growth or delta13C or delta18O varied with canopy position at both sites. At the wet site, there were significant positive correlations between branchlet mineral concentration in the upper-outer or upper-inner canopy and tree height (r = 0.26 and 0.37, P < 0.01) and between branchlet mineral concentration and delta13C (r = 0.24, P < 0.01) in the upper-inner canopy, and a significant negative correlation between branchlet mineral concentration and delta13C (r = -0.21, P < 0.05) in the upper-outer canopy. At the dry site, branchlet mineral concentrations in the upper-inner and upper-outer canopy were significantly correlated with branchlet delta13C (r = -0.28 and -0.51, P < 0.01), and branchlet N concentration in the upper-inner canopy was significantly correlated with tree growth (r = 0.29, P < 0.01). A significant correlation between branchlet delta18O (an index of stomatal conductance) and branchlet mineral concentration at the dry site (r = 0.39, P = 0.020) indicated that stomatal conductance might be a factor regulating the variation in branchlet mineral concentration of the hoop pine families. Both branchlet N concentration and mineral concentration at particular canopy positions assist in selecting hoop pine families with improved tree growth and N- and water-use efficiency in environments where both N deficiency and a limited water supply are major factors affecting plantation productivity.  相似文献   

The carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of tree-ring cellulose was examined in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl.) trees in the western USA to study seasonal patterns of precipitation inputs. Two sites (California and Oregon) had minimal summer rainfall inputs, whereas a third site (Arizona) received as much as 70% of its annual precipitation during the summer months (North American monsoon). For the Arizona site, both the delta(18)O and delta(13)C values of latewood cellulose increased as the fraction of annual precipitation occurring in the summer (July through September) increased. There were no trends in latewood cellulose delta(18)O with the absolute amount of summer rain at any site. The delta(13)C composition of latewood cellulose declined with increasing total water year precipitation for all sites. Years with below-average total precipitation tended to have a higher proportion of their annual water inputs during the summer months. Relative humidity was negatively correlated with latewood cellulose delta(13)C at all sites. Trees at the Arizona site produced latewood cellulose that was significantly more enriched in (18)O compared with trees at the Oregon or California site, implying a greater reliance on an (18)O-enriched water source. Thus, tree-ring records of cellulose delta(18)O and delta(13)C may provide useful proxy information about seasonal precipitation inputs and the variability and intensity of the North American monsoon.  相似文献   

To understand how different plant functional types respond to light intensities, foliar carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) and related traits, i.e., specific leaf area (SLA), mass- and area-based nitrogen concentrations (Nmass and Narea), leaf dry mass content (LDMC) of two evergreen coniferous and three deciduous broad-leaved species, were measured under four light intensities. Foliar Δ13C and SLA increased significantly from full- to low-light conditions for all species. These indicate that species studied could increase their light capture capacity under low-light conditions, leading to lower water-use efficiency (higher 13C discrimination). There were significant differences in the responses of foliar Nmass or Narea to light variations in the two functional types, indicating that different functional-type tree species may have different N-use strategies to adapt to the light variations. It was found that there were large functional-type-dependent differences with regard to the relationships between foliar Δ13C and other leaf traits. Our findings suggest that all tree species could change foliar morphology to increase their light-harvesting ability under low-light conditions at the expense of decreasing their water-use efficiency. However, large differences in N-use strategy may exist between deciduous and evergreen species, which may be vital for the survival of these two functional-type tree species in a shaded understory. More important, our findings reveal that changes in Δ13C are not directly related to foliar N if N investment does not proportionally increase the photosynthetic capacity; this should be considered when exploring the relationships of nitrogen concentrations with Δ13C.  相似文献   

Competition is a major determinant of plant growth and is often used in studies of tree growth and species coexistence. However, these approaches are usually temporally static, i.e., assessed at a single point or period in time. While constantly changing forest conditions due to natural and human-induced disturbances potentially alter competition among individuals, static approaches cannot qualify the temporal variability of competitive interactions. Here we present a longitudinal analysis of competitive interactions among trees and discuss the implication of our results for ecological interpretation.Spatially-explicit tree growth data were obtained from 18 study plots (0.4 ha each) in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) stands in Quebec, Canada. During the studied period (1980-2003), these stands had been disturbed by insect outbreaks (forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria Hubner) and by commercial partial harvest. We analyzed radial growth rates (outcome of competition) on an annual basis and as a function of tree biology (bole diameter, crown position), competition (above- and belowground competition from neighbours) and environmental conditions (light availability, harvest disturbance).Competitive interactions changed throughout the studied period. Canopy disturbance from partial harvest interacted with defoliators and influenced competition symmetry by favoring smaller trees.Competitive interactions seemed to have switched from below- to above-ground following canopy recovery after harvest. Release from competition due to partial harvest increase neighbourhood size (radius of effective competition) and enhanced the competitive pressure from larger individuals.The temporal variability in parameter estimates may be used for setting confidence intervals on competitive success (growth rates), thereby yielding a more robust basis for ecological interpretation. Our results also show that temporal variability in competitive interactions could contribute to the maintenance of high tree species diversity and structural complexity in some ecosystems by temporally altering species-specific responses to environmental change and disturbance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the genetic variation in foliar nutrient concentration in relation to foliar carbon isotope composition (δ13C) and tree growth of 122 clones of ca. 4-year-old F1 hybrids between slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii) and Caribbean pine (P. caribaea var. hondurensis Barr. et Golf.) grown at two experimental sites with different water and nutrient availability in southeast Queensland, Australia and (2) to examine the potential of using foliar nutrient concentration of the 4-year-old tree canopies for selecting elite F1 hybrid pine clones with improved nutrient-use efficiency (NUE) and water-use efficiency (WUE), and ultimately enhanced tree growth under ambient growing conditions. There were significant differences in foliar nutrient concentrations between two canopy positions (upper outer and lower outer canopy) sampled, between summer and winter, and between the two sites. This highlights that foliar nutrient concentrations are influenced by sampling and environment. Significant genetic variations in foliar nutrient concentrations were detected between the clones, between the female parents, and between the male parents of the clones in both sampling seasons at both sites. Depending on the nutrient concerned, canopy position, season, and site sampled, the clones accounted for 4.7–33.9% of the total variation in foliar nutrient concentrations, the clone female parents for 0–25.1% and the clone male parents for 0–28.6%. The site-by-clone interactions were statistically significant for foliar N, P, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and mineral concentrations at the upper outer canopy in summer, and for foliar N concentration in winter. There were significant, positive correlations between clone means of foliar δ13C and N concentration at the upper outer canopy in summer for the wet site, while clone foliar δ13C was also positively related to clone foliar N concentration at both canopy positions in summer for the dry site. This suggests that clone WUE as reflected in foliar δ13C may be improved by selecting elite clones with higher foliar N concentration and increased photosynthesis, leading to enhanced tree growth when both water and N are the major growth-limiting factors. This is supported by the positive correlation detected between clone tree height and foliar N concentration at the upper outer canopy for both sites. Thus, foliar nutrient (particularly N) concentration, together with foliar δ13C, may be useful for assisting in selection of exotic pine clones with improved NUE and WUE, and enhanced tree growth under the nutrient- and water-limiting environments.  相似文献   

Forest decline: modeling the effect of climate in tree rings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tree rings provide an historical record of forest growth that reflects changes with time in site factors including, competition, tree and stand age, fire and other disturbances, and climate. Statistical methods can be used to factor out climatic influences on radial growth to yield a climate response model that can indicate whether declines in forest productivity are related to the modeled climatic variables or to other influences such as atmospheric pollutants. A general method, based on ordinary least squares, is presented for creating climatic response models for forest decline studies. The crux of the method is model verification, whereby the time-stability of the model is tested before it is used to forecast tree-ring variations during a period of decline. Three studies are described that employ monthly mean temperatures to predict tree-ring indices in declining red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) stands in the Appalachian Mountains of North America. The results indicate that, since 1960, red spruce trees at most of the sites sampled have undergone a period of growth decline that is unrelated to changes in mean monthly temperature. However, an association between annual ring width and unusual departures from the mean summer and winter temperatures during both present and past periods of decline suggests that climatic effects are implicated to some degree in the current decline.  相似文献   

Characterization of soil respiration rates and delta(13)C values of soil-respired CO(2) are often based on measurements at a particular time of day. A study by Gower et al. (2001) in a boreal forest demonstrated diurnal patterns of soil CO(2) flux using transparent measurement chambers that included the understory vegetation. It is unclear whether these diurnal patterns were solely the result of photosynthetic CO(2) uptake during the day by the understory or whether there were underlying trends in soil respiration, perhaps driven by plant root allocation, as recently demonstrated in Mediterranean oak savannah. We undertook intensive sampling campaigns in a boreal Picea abies L. Karst. forest to investigate whether diurnal variations in soil respiration rate and stable carbon isotope ratio (delta(13)C) exist in this ecosystem when no understory vegetation is present in the measurement chamber. Soil respiration rates and delta(13)C were measured on plots in which trees were either girdled (to terminate the fraction of soil respiration directly dependent on recent photosynthate from the trees), or not girdled, every 4 h over two 48-hour cycles during the growth season of 2004. Shoot photosynthesis and environmental parameters were measured concurrently. No diurnal patterns in soil respiration rates and delta(13)C were observed in either treatment, despite substantial variations in climatic conditions and shoot photosynthetic rates in non-girdled trees. Consequently, assessment of daily soil respiration rates and delta(13)C in boreal forest systems by single, instantaneous daily measurements does not appear to be confounded by substantial diurnal variation.  相似文献   

The study involved the measurement of stable-carbon isotope discrimination and specific leaf area on foliage of mature trees of 11 conifer species grown in a common-garden in eastern Nebraska, USA. Each species was represented by three to six trees from at least three populations. Carbon isotope discrimination differed significantly among species (F = 31.41, P < 0.0001) and among populations within species (F = 1.65, P < 0.035). Of the all species, members of the Pinaceae family (Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga) had much higher discrimination (Δ = 18.87, SE = 0.08, n = 141) than species in the Cupressaceae family (Juniperus) (Δ = 16.26, SE = 0.12, n = 18). A deciduous conifer, Larix (Δ = 19.09, SE = 0.20, n = 16), did not differ significantly from evergreen members of the Pinaceae family. Although specific leaf area differed among species (F = 152.62, P < 0.0001), it was not correlated with discrimination (r = 0.24, P > 0.14). Annual height growth, specific leaf area, and annual precipitation of seed sources were intercorrelated (0.60 ≤ r ≤ 0.67, P < 0.01). No correlation was significant between Δ and the precipitation or evapotranspiration of the seed sources. The results indicate that these species have different genetic structures and acclimation processes. Selecting for better adapted genotypes based on carbon isotope discrimination must be species specific.  相似文献   

  • ? Among the traits of breeding interest for the common walnut tree Juglans regia L., characteristics such as timing of budbreak and leaf fall, water-use efficiency and growth performance are regarded as being of utmost relevance in Mediterranean conditions.
  • ? The authors evaluated intraspecific variation in δ13C (carbon isotope composition, surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency, WUEi) for 22 J. regia families grown in a progeny test under supplementary irrigation, and investigated whether such variation correlated with climatic indicators of native habitats. The genetic relationships between δ13C, growth and phenology were also assessed during two consecutive years.
  • ? Overall, the most water-use-efficient families (i.e. with higher δ13C), which originated mainly from drought-prone provenance regions which have a high vapour pressure deficit and low rainfall, exhibited less height growth and smaller DBH. Using a stepwise regression procedure, δ13C was included as the main explanatory variable of genotypic variation in growth traits, together with growing season duration (for DBH in both years) and flushing (for height in 2007).
  • ? It was concluded that WUEi is largely unconnected to phenology effects in the explanation of growth performance for J. regia, therefore suggesting the opportunity of simultaneously selecting for low WUEi and extended growing period to maximise productivity in non-water-limited environments.
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    We modeled tree responses to pruning on the basis of growth rules established on unpruned trees and a simple principle governing root-shoot interactions. The model, which integrates architectural and ecophysiological approaches, distinguishes four types of anatomical organs in a tree: rootstock, main axis, secondary axes and new roots. Tree structure is described by the position of secondary axes on the main axis. The main processes considered are plastochronal activity, branching, assimilate production, respiration and assimilate partitioning. Growth and development rules were based on measurements of two unpruned trees. The model was used to simulate growth of peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in their first growing season. Assuming that the equilibrium between roots and shoots tends to be restored after pruning, the response to removal of the main axis above the twentieth internode in mid-July was simulated and compared to the response measured in three pruned trees. The model fit the unpruned tree data reasonably well and predicted the main traits of tree behavior after pruning. Dry matter growth of the secondary axes of pruned trees was increased so that shoot seasonal carbon balance was hardly modified by pruning. Rhythmicity of growth was enhanced by pruning, and might result from variations induced in the root:shoot ratio. Variation in pruning severity had greater effects than variation in pruning date. A sensitivity analysis indicated that: (1) root-shoot partitioning was a critical process of the model; (2) tree growth was mainly dependent on assimilate availability; and (3) tree shape was highly dependent on the branching process.  相似文献   

  • ? We examined the relationships between productivity, leaf traits and carbon isotope discrimination in bulk leaf matter (Δ1) and in phloem sap (Δs) from more than 5-year-old trees belonging to Populus deltoides × P. nigra and Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides; trees were grown in alluvial and non alluvial sites in a commercial poplar plantation.
  • ? On both sites, a large genetic variability was evidenced for all variables. The genotypic ranking remained stable between years for all variables, while it differed between sites. Δ1 scaled positively with Δs and neither Δ1 nor Δs were correlated with productivity. A significant genotype by site interaction was evident for all variables. The non alluvial site resulted in lower productivity, and in thicker/denser leaves with lower nitrogen and carbon contents. Noteworthy, the genotypic ranking for Δ1 measured at the alluvial site was similar to that previously established in a glasshouse.
  • ? As observed in previous studies from younger trees, there is a potential to select genotypes, combining high productivity and high water-use efficiency, for growth in moderately drought-prone areas.
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    The accuracy of two distant‐independent diameter growth functions for individual trees of Picea abies L. (Karst.) are tested on plots older than 55 years b.h., and with relatively few trees per hectare. Both functions (I1 and I2) have site index, stand basal area, and individual tree basal area as explanatory variables; in addition age at breast height is used in Function I1. Relative to mean measured increment, Functions I1 and I2 underestimate the growth of the test plots by 4.4% and 10.9% respectively; Function I1 shows a root mean squared deviation of 29.2% for single plot predictions, and 5.4% for mean of all plots. Function II predicts the growth as well as some stand functions frequently in use in Norway. Function I2 is unacceptable because age is not an independent variable.  相似文献   

    We measured oxygen isotope ratios (delta18O) of xylem sap, phloem sap, leaves, wood and bark of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. growing in southwestern Australia. Carbon isotope ratios (delta13C) were measured in the dry matter of phloem sap, leaves and wood. Results were used to test several aspects of a mechanistic model of 18O enrichment and provided insights into post-photosynthetic variations in dry matter delta13C. Xylem water delta18O varied little within the tree crown, whereas variation at the landscape-level was more pronounced, with plantations near the coast being enriched by up to 3 per thousand compared with plantations less than 100 km inland. Phloem water was significantly enriched in 18O compared with xylem water in two of three sampling campaigns; mean enrichments were 0.5 and 0.8 per thousand. Phloem sap sugars exported from E. globulus leaves closely reflected observed leaf water enrichment when diurnal variation in photosynthesis was taken into account. Photosynthetic rates were higher in the morning than in the afternoon, whereas leaf water 18O enrichment increased to maximum values in the afternoon. A non-steady-state model of leaf water 18O enrichment accurately predicted observed values through a full diel cycle. Mean estimates of the proportion of organic oxygen effectively exchanging with xylem water during cellulose synthesis were close to 0.40 for both leaves and wood. Carbon isotope ratios of nascent xylem tissues did not differ from those of phloem sap sugars collected concurrently, whereas nascent leaf tissues were depleted in 13C by 2 per thousand compared with phloem sap sugars, suggesting that, in E. globulus, 13C enrichment of sink tissues compared with source leaves does not result from an enriching process within the sink tissue.  相似文献   

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