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The use of drainage systems for supplementary irrigation is widespread in The Netherlands. One of the operating policies is to raise the surface water level during the growing season in order to reduce drainage (water conservation) or to create subsurface irrigation. This type of operation is based on practical experience, which can be far from optimal.To obtain better founded operational water management rules a total soil water/surface water model was built. In a case study the effects of using the drainage system in a dual-purpose manner on the arable crop production were simulated with the model. Also, the operational rules for managing this type of dual-purpose drainage systems were derived.The average annual simulated increase in crop transpiration due to water conservation and water supply for subsurface irrigation are 6.0 and 5.4 mm.y–1, respectively. This is equivalent with 520 × 103 and 460 × 103 Dfl.y–1 for the pilot region (2 Dfl 1 US $). The corresponding investments and operational costs are 600 × 103 Dfl and 9 × 103 Dfl.y–1 for water conservation and 3200 × 103 Dfl and 128 × 103 Dfl.y–1 for subsurface irrigation. Hence, water conservation is economically very profitable, whereas subsurface irrigation is less attractive.Comparing the management according to the model with current practice in a water-board during 1983 and 1986 learned that benefits can increase with some 50 and 500 Dfl per ha per year, respectively.  相似文献   

刘扬均 《湖南农机》2012,39(3):10-11
农机维修行业随着我国农机化事业的飞速发展迎来了新的机遇,但农机维修质量问题日渐突出,给农机化管理工作、农机安全运营、农机化经济效益及社会效益的发挥和农机维修当事人合法权益的保护等带来了影响。  相似文献   

Use of low quality water for irrigation of food crops is an important option to secure crop productivity in dry regions, alleviate water scarcity and recycle nutrients, but it requires assessment of adverse effects on health and environment. In the EU-project “SAFIR1” a model system was developed that combines irrigation management with risk evaluation, building on research findings from the different research groups in the SAFIR project. The system applies to field scale irrigation management and aims at assisting users in identifying safe modes of irrigation when applying low quality water. The cornerstone in the model system is the deterministic “Plant-Soil-Atmosphere” model DAISY, which simulates crop growth, water and nitrogen dynamics and if required heavy metals and pathogen fate in the soil. The irrigation and fertigation module calculates irrigation and fertigation requirements based on DAISY's water and nitrogen demands. A Water Source Administration module keeps track of water sources available and their water quality, as well as water treatments, storage, and criteria for selection between different sources. At harvest, the soil concentrations of heavy metals and pathogens are evaluated and the risk to consumers and farmers assessed. Crop profits are calculated, considering fixed and variable costs of input and output. The user can run multiple “what-if” scenarios that include access to different water sources (including wastewater), water treatments, irrigation methods and irrigation and fertilization strategies and evaluate model results in terms of crop yield, water use, fertilizer use, heavy metal accumulation, pathogen exposure and expected profit. The management model system can be used for analysis prior to investments or when preparing a strategy for the season.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture is threatened by soil salinity in numerous arid and semiarid areas of the Mediterranean basin. The objective of this work was to quantify soil salinity through electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques and relate it to the physical characteristics and irrigation management of four Mediterranean irrigation districts located in Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. The volume and salinity of the main water inputs (irrigation and precipitation) and outputs (crop evapotranspiration and drainage) were measured or estimated in each district. Soil salinity (ECe) maps were obtained through electromagnetic induction surveys (ECa readings) and district-specific ECa-ECe calibrations. Gravimetric soil water content (WC) and soil saturation percentage (SP) were also measured in the soil calibration samples. The ECa-ECe calibration equations were highly significant (P < 0.001) in all districts. ECa was not significantly correlated (P > 0.1) with WC, and was only significantly correlated (P < 0.1) with soil texture (estimated by SP) in Spain. Hence, ECa mainly depended upon ECe, so that the maps developed could be used effectively to assess soil salinity and its spatial variability. The surface-weighted average ECe values were low to moderate, and ranked the districts in the order: Tunisia (3.4 dS m−1) > Morocco (2.2 dS m−1) > Spain (1.4 dS m−1) > Turkey (0.45 dS m−1). Soil salinity was mainly affected by irrigation water salinity and irrigation efficiency. Drainage water salinity at the exit of each district was mostly affected by soil salinity and irrigation efficiency, with values very high in Tunisia (9.0 dS m−1), high in Spain (4.6 dS m−1), moderate in Morocco (estimated at 2.6 dS m−1), and low in Turkey (1.4 dS m−1). Salt loads in drainage waters, calculated from their salinity (ECdw) and volume (Q), were highest in Tunisia (very high Q and very high ECdw), intermediate in Turkey (extremely high Q and low ECdw) and lowest in Spain (very low Q and high ECdw) (there were no Q data for Morocco). Reduction of these high drainage volumes through sound irrigation management would be the most efficient way to control the off-site salt-pollution caused by these Mediterranean irrigation districts.  相似文献   

The principal finding of the study is that social power positions held by Egyptian farmers sharings a common watercourse do not have significant influence in the farmer's ability to control irrigation water distribution. Other variables used to describe irrigation management; location on the water course and farmers' use of more than one source of water to irrigate; also do not yield any explanations as to why particular farmers have more control over their irrigation than others. Farmers who have more control are less likely to be affected by other farmers' actions, physical problems on delivery canals, breakdown in pumps, and government officials actions. While differences in irrigation control among farmers exist, no single cause is identified. Two explanations for the findings are (1) water control is sufficient for a large percentage of Egyptian farmers, and (2) adequately explaining irrigation behavior cannot be done with separate variables.Deceased  相似文献   

为了科学合理、简便有效地评价灌溉水质,提出了一个灌溉水质评价的指数公式,并采用粒子群算法优化公式中的参数,得出优化后适用于多指标的灌溉水质评价公式.以新疆阿拉尔垦区、尉犁县和宁夏平罗县的水质资料为例进行验证.结果表明,该公式与综合危害系数法、模糊综合评价、突变理论的评价结果基本一致.新疆阿拉尔垦区和宁夏平罗的地下水适合农业灌溉,而尉犁县平原灌区浅层地下水不宜长期直接灌溉.灌溉水质评价公式具有简单便捷的优点,可以快速地得出灌溉水质评价结果,为灌溉水质评价提供了新的有效途径.  相似文献   

不同喷灌水氮组合对马铃薯耗水、产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨黑龙江省克山县圆形喷灌机条件下不同水氮组合对马铃薯的耗水规律、产量和品质的影响,同时确定节水、节肥、高产目标下适宜的水氮组合方式,试验设置了2个灌水水平:灌水总量W1(80 mm)和W2(100 mm);4个追氮量水平:F1(45 kg/hm2),F2(56.6 kg/hm2),F3(70 kg/hm2)和F4(86.6 kg/hm2);2个施氮频次:C1为块茎膨大期1次施入,C2为块茎膨大期分2次施入,并选择雨养区作为对照.结果表明:马铃薯全生育期耗水量为313~332 mm,块茎膨大期耗水量最大,占全生育期耗水总量63.4%~66.0%,幼苗期和块茎形成期是需水关键期,应结合马铃薯生长状况和当地雨水情况,适当进行补充灌溉;相比于其余处理,W2F4C2处理产量最高,达到46 525 kg/hm2;不同水氮组合间马铃薯的淀粉、维生素C、粗蛋白含量及商品薯率无显著差异,粗蛋白含量随着施氮量的增加呈现先降低后升高的趋势.综合比较,建议在黑龙江半湿润地区,可采用高水(100 mm)高肥(86.6 kg/hm2)高频次(块茎膨大期分2次施入)的方案.  相似文献   

CPSP模型在华北井灌区农业水管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同农业水管理措施对区域水平衡的影响,选择北京市大兴区为华北井灌区代表性研究区,以CPsP模型为技术支持,研究了提高灌溉水利用率、采用亏缺灌溉、改善农业种植结构及利用区外水源等不同水管理措施影响下区域水平衡、区域耗水、区域取水及用水指标的变化规律.结果表明,在资源型缺水区域,提高灌溉水利用率、采用非充分灌溉及改善农业种植结构在一定程度上能缓解区域水资源紧缺的压力,特别是采用非充分灌溉及改善作物种植结构能显著减少区域取水及耗水总量,并能减少地表水及地下水的补给量中回归水所占比例,在缓解区域水资源紧缺压力的同时也降低了区域水质遭受回归水污染风险.另外,在未来情景中,因经济快速发展及人口持续增长,工业及居民生活用水量增加,区域水资源供需矛盾将会加剧,为确保区域水资源良性循环,势必采取积极有效的水资源管理模式.  相似文献   

灌溉水质和灌水方式对红壤斥水性及其理化性质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以蒸馏水为对照,选取再生水和稀释2,4,6倍再生水等4种低质水,采用连续灌溉和再生水-蒸馏水交替灌溉等2种灌溉方式对红壤进行1年的处理,以此探明灌溉水质和灌水方式对酸性土壤斥水性、pH、盐分及有机质质量比的影响.结果表明:2种灌溉方式下红壤均产生亚临界斥水性,连续灌溉下红壤接触角比交替灌溉平均增加了23.1°;2种灌溉方式均使红壤酸性增强,盐分和有机质质量比增加,其中连续灌溉下的增长率大于交替灌溉下增长率;连续灌溉下红壤斥水性、pH、盐分和有机质质量比随灌溉水质的变化均可用二次函数来描述,决定系数均在0.9以上;交替灌溉下,红壤斥水性和盐分与灌溉水质的关系可用二次函数来表示,决定系数均在0.9以上,而土壤pH和有机质质量比与灌溉水质相关性不明显;2种灌溉方式下,红壤斥水性与pH呈负相关,与盐分质量比呈正相关,与土壤有机质质量比在连续灌溉下表现为正相关,而交替灌溉下则相反.采用再生水-蒸馏水交替灌溉方式能抑制土壤斥水性的产生.  相似文献   

进行暗管排水条件下微咸水灌溉田间试验,设置3种暗管埋深,分别为80 cm(D1)、120 cm(D2)以及无暗管排水(D0),3种微咸水浓度,其电导率分别为0.78 dS/m(S1),3.75 dS/m(S2)和6.25 dS/m(S3),共9个处理,每个处理3组重复.试验结果表明:暗管排水措施可以有效排除微咸水灌溉过程中土壤中累积的盐分;在玉米全生育期内,暗管埋深D1条件下,3种浓度微咸水S1,S2和S3灌溉时根系土壤电导率分别下降了39.00%,31.56%和29.43%,暗管埋深D2条件下,根系土壤电导率则分别下降了31.91%,18.08%和7.44%;夏玉米干物质累积量、穗棒累积量和穗棒质量分配率及最终产量均随着微咸水浓度的升高而降低;在相同微咸水浓度下,不同暗管埋设条件下的夏玉米最终产量从大到小依次为D1,D2,D0;3种暗管埋设条件下的作物需水量从大到小依次为D0,D2,D1的规律;暗管埋深80 cm的处理(D1)下夏玉米水分利用效率最高,而未埋设暗管的处理(D0)水分利用效率最低;当暗管埋设条件一定时,夏玉米水分利用效率随微咸水浓度的升高呈逐渐降低的趋势.  相似文献   

Economic incentives reduce irrigation deliveries and drain water volume   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the application of an economic incentive program to achieve water quality objectives by motivating improvements in farm-level water management practices. The program includes farm-specific water allotments, tiered water pricing, and low-interest loans for purchasing irrigation equipment. The implementation of this program in a California water district has resulted in significant reductions in irrigation deliveries and drain water volume. Since the program was implemented, average irrigation depths have declined by 25% on cotton fields, 9% on tomatoes, 10% on cantaloupes, 30% on seed alfalfa, and 29% on grain fields. The average volume of drain water collected each year in subsurface drainage systems has declined from 4.8 million m3 during 1986 through 1989 to 2.6 million m3 during 1990 through 1993. These results confirm that economic incentives can be effective in generating improvements in water quality.  相似文献   

The design and management of drainage systems should consider impacts on drainage water quality and receiving streams, as well as on agricultural productivity. Two simulation models that are being developed to predict these impacts are briefly described. DRAINMOD-N uses hydrologic predictions by DRAINMOD, including daily soil water fluxes, in numerical solutions to the advective-dispersive-reactive (ADR) equation to describe movement and fate of NO3-N in shallow water table soils. DRAINMOD- CREAMS links DRAINMOD hydrology with submodels in CREAMS to predict effects of drainage treatment and controlled drainage losses of sediment and agricultural chemicals via surface runoff. The models were applied to analyze effects of drainage intensity on a Portsmouth sandy loam in eastern North Carolina. Depending on surface depressional storage, agricultural production objectives could be satisfied with drain spacings of 40 m or less. Predicted effects of drainage design and management on NO3-N losses were substantial. Increasing drain spacing from 20 m to 40 m reduced predicted NO3-N losses by over 45% for both good and poor surface drainage. Controlled drainage further decreases NO3-N losses. For example, predicted average annual NO3-N losses for a 30 m spacing were reduced 50% by controlled drainage. Splitting the application of nitrogen fertilizer, so that 100 kg/ha is applied at planting and 50 kg/ha is applied 37 days later, reduced average predicted NO3-N losses but by only 5 to 6%. This practice was more effective in years when heavy rainfall occurred directly after planting. In contrast to effects on NO3-N losses, reducing drainage intensity by increasing drain spacing or use of controlled drainage increased predicted losses of sediment and phosphorus (P). These losses were small for relatively flat conditions (0.2% slope), but may be large for even moderate slopes. For example, predicted sediment losses for a 2% slope exceeded 8000 kg/ha for a poorly drained condition (drain spacing of 100 m), but were reduced to 2100 kg/ha for a 20 m spacing. Agricultural production and water quality goals are sometimes in conflict. Our results indicate that simulation modeling can be used to examine the benefits of alternative designs and management strategies, from both production and environmental points-of-view. The utility of this methodology places additional emphasis on the need for field experiments to test the validity of the models over a range of soil, site and climatological conditions.  相似文献   

系统阐述了集流节灌对抑制水害(利于山区的水土保持和平原的雨季排水)、缓解水资源矛盾(水电的时空调节)、提高农作物品质方面的意义。进而提出大力推广集流节灌技术,开发利用农业用水资源,挖掘发展潜力,保证农业可持续发展  相似文献   

为推动再生水灌溉作物的适宜性分类,该文研究了再生水灌溉对果菜类蔬菜产量与品质的影响。结果表明,再生水处理与对照处理相比可显著增加果菜类蔬菜产量,其中,西红柿、黄瓜平均增产15.1%、23.6%。茄子、豆角增产60.7%、7.4%。再生水灌溉对果实含水率、粗蛋白、氨基酸含量、可溶性总糖、维生素C、粗灰分、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐等品质或营养指标无显著影响,再生水灌溉处理硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐含量低于标准限值。研究为再生水适宜灌溉的作物筛选提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

Reuse of drainage water from irrigated areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing competition for water of good quality and the expectation that at least half of the required increase in food production in the near-future decades must come from the world's irrigated land requires to produce more food by converting more of the diverted water into food. Reuse of the non-consumed fraction ('drainage water') of the irrigation water already diverted is a proven but risky option for better fresh water management. This paper presents an overview of different options for reuse of drainage water and guidelines for its safe use. Criteria for maximum irrigation water salinity to prevent soil deterioration and crop yield reduction, for the maximum concentration of toxic substances and limits for bacteriological water quality are given. Examples of sustainable reuse of drainage water in Egypt, India and the USA are presented. The usefullness of simulation models for the analysis of regional water and salt balances is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of conveyance efficiencies of Canal de Salvaterra, in the Sorraia Irrigation Project, Portugal. The Canal and the Project are briefly described and the water measurement techniques and structures utilized are analysed. Results comprise the main aspects of the inflow-outflow balance with identification of water losses and conveyance efficiencies. Analysing the results showed that irrigation efficiencies are higher during work days and labour hours and lower during weekends and at night. This identified the need to improve operation and management of the irrigation system, adapting inflow to demand according travel time and response time of the conveyance (and distribution) system, of the different main sections of the system.  相似文献   

The quality of service provided by the provincial Irrigation Department (DGI) to the Water Users Associations (UA), and subsequently by the UA's to the related water users, is based on the provincial water law. The intended volume of water being delivered per considered period further depends on the water availability and on the (crop irrigation) water requirements. The Service Level (SL) compares the intended water supply with the water supply that would be required to supply the entire irrigable area with sufficient water. As soon as the intended water delivery pattern is set, the measured actual delivery can be assessed against the intention. Several performance indicators are used in this context. Based on the assessment of the Water Delivery Performance Ratio and the Overall Consumed Ratio recommendations are made on changes which can be made to improve water use and reduce problems of waterlogging.  相似文献   

为了探讨淡水资源不足地区微咸水与再生水的合理利用方式,通过盆栽试验,以当地地下水灌溉为对照(CK),研究了3种不同比例微咸水与再生水混合灌溉(再生水灌溉T1,5 g/L微咸水与再生水等量混合灌溉T2,5 g/L微咸水灌溉T3)对土壤水盐、水溶性离子离子以及土壤酶活性的影响,并利用第2代生物综合响应(IBRv2)指数法评估土壤酶活性对微咸水与再生水混合灌溉效应的响应.结果表明,(1)随着微咸水与再生水混合液中微咸水占比提升,土壤含水率和含盐量越高.(2)微咸水-再生水混合灌溉处理对土壤酶活性的影响不同,土壤碱性磷酸酶和脲酶活性较微咸水和再生水灌溉处理均有所提升,土壤蔗糖酶活性较再生水灌溉略低,但却高于微咸水灌溉.(3)基于IBRv2指数法,与CK相比较,处理T1引起的酶活性偏差最低,IBRv2值为2.12;处理T2次之,值为2.42;处理T3最高,值为2.92.处理T3中S-AKP/ALP,S-SC,S-UE活性均受到抑制;处理T2对S-AKP/ALP,S-UE活性具有诱导作用,但对S-SC略有抑制;处理T1对S-AKP/ALP,S-SC活性具有诱导作用,但对S-UE活性具有一定的抑制.因此,基于IBRv2,并综合考虑土壤酶活性指标以及再生水资源量量大、日排放量小等自身局限性,在干旱缺水地区,可以考虑用再生水与微咸水配合使用.  相似文献   

发展节水灌溉是调整治水思路的重要实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水资源分配不均,工程供水不足,输配水及管理中的浪费造成了农业灌溉水源的供需矛盾。推广节水灌溉技术是湖南农业可持续发展的必由之路。近几年来节水灌溉工程的建设,充分显示了质量效益性农业的巨大威力。加强领导,调整思路,深化改革是节水灌溉事业发展的有力措施。  相似文献   

A model for optimal operation of water supply/irrigation systems of various water quality sources, with treatment plants, multiple water quality conservative factors, and dilution junctions is presented. The objective function includes water cost at the sources, water conveyance costs which account for the hydraulics of the network indirectly, water treatment cost, and yield reduction costs of irrigated crops due to irrigation with poor quality water. The model can be used for systems with supply by canals as well as pipes, which serve both drinking water demands of urban/rural consumers and field irrigation requirements. The general nonlinear optimization problem has been simplified by decomposing it to a problem with linear constraints and nonlinear objective function. This problem is solved using the projected gradient method. The method is demonstrated for a regional water supply system in southern Israel that contains 39 pipes, 37 nodes, 11 sources, 10 agricultural consumers, and 4 domestic consumers. The optimal operation solution is described by discharge and salinity values for all pipes of the network. Sensitivity of the optimal solution to changes in the parameters is examined. The solution was found to be sensitive to the upper limit on drinking water quality, with total cost being reduced by 5% as the upper limit increases from 260 to 600 mg Cl l–1. The effect of income from unit crop yield is more pronounced. An increase of income by a factor of 20 results in an increase of the total cost by a factor of 3, thus encouraging more use of fresh water as long as the marginal cost of water supply is smaller than the marginal decrease in yield loss. The effect of conveyance cost becomes more pronounced as its cost increases. An increase by a factor of 100 results in an increase of the total cost by about 14%. The network studied has a long pipe that connects two distinct parts of the network and permits the supply of fresh water from one part to the other. Increasing the maximum permitted discharge in this pipe from 0 to 200 m3 h–1 reduces the total cost by 11%. Increasing the maximum discharge at one of the sources from 90 to 300 m3 h–1 reduces the total cost by about 8%.  相似文献   

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