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Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization and AM fungal spores were studied in the roots and rhizosphere soils of Acacia catechu (L.f). Wild., A. mangium Willd, Anthocephala cadamba Miq., Artocarpus chaplasha Roxb., Chickrassia tabularis A. Juss., Swietenia macrophylla King., Tectona grandis L. from plantations; Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth., A. falcataria L., Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br., Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) Parker., Hydnocarpus kurzii (King.) Warb., Heynea trijuga Roxb., Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers., Messua ferrea Linn., Podocarpus nerifolia Don., Swintonia floribunda Griff., Syzygium fruticosum (Roxb.) DC., S. grandis (Wt.) Wal. from forest and nursery seedlings of A. polystachya, A. chaplasha, Gmelina arborea Roxb. and S. cuminii (L.) Skeels from Hazarikhil forest, Chittagong of Bangladesh. Roots were stained in aniline blue and rhizosphere soils were assessed by wet sieving and decanting methods. The range of AM colonization varied significantly from 10%-73% in the plantations samples. Maximum colonization was observed in A. mangium (73%) and minimum colonization was observed in C. tabularis (10%). Vesicular colonization was recorded 15%-67% in five plantation tree species. The highest was in A. cadamba (67%) and the lowest was in T. grandis; A. chaplasha and C. tabularis showed no vesicular colonization. Arbuscular colonization was recorded 12%-60% in four plantation tree species. The highest was in A. mangium (60%) and the lowest was in A. cadamba. Roots of Artocarpus chaplasha, C. tabularis and T. grandis showed no arbuscular colonization. Among 12 forest tree species, nine tree species showed AM colonization. The highest was in A. falcataria (62%) and the lowest was in S. fruticosum (10%). Significant variation in vesicular colonization was recorded in seven forest tree species. The highest was in H. trijuga (52%) and the lowest was in L. speciosa (18%). Hydnocarpus kurzii, M. ferrea, P. nerifolia S. fruticosum and S. grandis showed no vesicular colonization. Arbuscular colonization was recorded in seven forest tree species. The highest was in A. falcataria (60%) and the lowest was in A. procera (10%). All the nursery seedlings showed AM colonization and the range was 10%-73%. Vesicules were recorded in G. arborea (40%) and S. cumini (40%). Arbuscular colonization was recorded in G. arborea (100%) and S. cumini (100%). Spore population was recorded 77-432/100 g dry soils, 80-276/100 g dry soils, and 75-153/100g dry soils in plantation, forest and nursery, respectively. Glomus and Acaulospora were dominant genera among the six AM fungi recorded. Significantly positive correlation was observed between AM colonization and AM fungal spore population in Hazarikhil plantation tree species, forest tree species and nursery tree seedlings. The present study showed the biodiversity of root colonization and AM fungi are active in nutrient cycling, survivals and seedling establishment of the plants in the Hazarikhil forest, plantation and nursery.  相似文献   

Analyzing spatial patterns in plant communities may provide insights in the importance of different processes for community assembly and dynamics. We applied techniques of spatial point pattern analysis to data from a fully mapped plot of a temperate forest community (Corylus avellana, Crataegus monogyna, Fagus sylvatica, Ilex aquifolium and Taxus baccata) in North-western Spain to conduct a community wide assessment of the type and frequency of intra and interspecific spatial association patterns. We first explored the overall intra and interspecific patterning, and then classified the types of association patterns at various neighbourhoods. By conditioning on the larger scale pattern we then explored small-scale (0–15 m) intraspecific and interspecific patterns. Association patterns varied from strong positive association at small scales to, as a by-product, repulsion at intermediate scales. Surprisingly, there were no negative associations at small scales, but trees were arranged in multi-species clumps, up to 2.5 m in diameter and comprising a few individuals. Ilex and Corylus, the understorey species, were frequently involved in the clumps, showing positive small-scale association with the other tree species. Our analyses highlighted that animal mediated seed dispersal, interspecific facilitation and perturbation processes may operate successively to shape tree distributional patterns, although their relative importance vary among species. Given the complexity of the patterns described and the current threats to some of the species studied, directed experiments in the field are needed to further elucidate some of the hypotheses derived.  相似文献   

Although it is known that forestry mitigates carbon emissions to some degree, there is still a need to investigate the extent to which changes in forest management regimes affect the carbon cycle. In a climate-change scenario, forest management schemes must be optimized to maximize product supply and minimize environmental impacts. It is difficult to predict the mitigating effects of different silvicultural regimes because of differences in the growth characteristics of each species, destination of products, and industrial efficiencies. The objective of the present study was to use a modeling approach to evaluate the effects of different management regimes for fast growing species in southern temperate Europe in relation to mitigating climate change. A comprehensive study was carried out considering the C sink effect in biomass, soil and wood products, the substitutive effect of bioenergy, and particular conditions of the forest industry in southern Europe. The mechanistic CO2Fix model was parameterized for three species used in fast growing plantations in southern Europe: Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus nitens, and Pinus radiata. Data from 120 plots covering the complete age range observed for each species were used to calculate changes in C stocks in aboveground biomass and organic and mineral soil and to validate the parameterized model for these conditions. Additional information about the efficiency of forest industry processes in the region was also considered. A strong bias in soil organic carbon estimation was observed and attributed to overestimations in the decomposition rates of soil compartments. Slight bias was also observed in the carbon biomass estimation when forest-specific yield models were used to simulate afforestation over former pastureland. As regards the model sensitivity, the Yasso model was strongly robust to turnover of leaves, roots, and branches. The chip wood production alternative yielded higher carbon stock in biomass and products, as well as in bioenergy substitution effect, than the sawn wood production alternative. Nevertheless, the sawn wood alternative was the most effective as regards the C stock in the soil. Site index had an important effect for all species, alternatives, and compartments, and mitigating effects increased with site index. Harvesting of clearcutting and thinning slash for bioenergy use led to a slight decrease in the soil carbon equilibrium but significantly increased the mitigation effect through bioenergy use.  相似文献   

Gower ST  Reich PB  Son Y 《Tree physiology》1993,12(4):327-345
Canopy dynamics and aboveground net primary production (ANPP) were studied in replicated monospecific and dual-species plantations comprised of species with different leaf longevities. In the monospecific plantations, leaf longevity averaged 5, 6, 36, 46 and 66 months for Quercus rubra L., Larix decidua Miller, Pinus strobus L., Pinus resinosa Ait. and Picea abies (L.) Karst., respectively. Specific leaf area, maximum net photosynthesis per unit mass (A/mass), leaf N per unit mass (N(leaf)/mass) and maximum net photosynthesis on a leaf N basis (A/N(leaf)) were inversely correlated to leaf longevity (r(2) = 0.92-0.97, 0.91, 0.88 and 0.80, respectively). Maximum net photosynthesis per unit area (A/area) was not correlated to leaf longevity, whereas leaf N per unit area (N(leaf)/area) was positively correlated to leaf longevity (r(2) = 0.95). For a similar-diameter conifer, species with long-lived foliage supported a greater foliage mass than species with short-lived foliage; however, Quercus rubra did not follow this pattern. At the stand level, total foliage mass ranged from 3.3 to 30.5 Mg ha(-1) and was positively correlated (r(2) = 0.97) to leaf longevity. Leaf area index (LAI) was also positively correlated (r(2) = 0.82) to leaf longevity. Production efficiency (ANPP/LAI) was inversely related to leaf longevity and positively related to A/mass. Aboveground biomass and net primary production differed significantly (P < 0.05) among the five species but were not correlated to leaf longevity, total foliage mass or leaf area. In monospecific plantations, stem NPP for Larix decidua was 17% greater than for Pinus strobus and 14% less than for Picea abies, but in mixed-species plantations stem NPP for Larix decidua was 62 and 85% greater than for Pinus strobus and Picea abies, respectively. Similar aboveground net primary production rates can be attained by tree species with different leaf longevities because of trade-offs resulting from different structural and physiological leaf and canopy characteristics that are correlated to each other and to leaf longevity.  相似文献   

在相同立地条件下,选择不同的造林树种,所获的经济效益不同,只有选择适宜树种,才会获得最佳的经济效益。  相似文献   

Influences on mineral topsoils of common European tree species (oak-Quercus robur L., lime-Tilia cordata Mill., ash-Fraxinus excelsior L., birch-Betula pendula Roth., beech-Fagus sylvatica L. and spruce-Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were studied in 30 to 40-year-old stands planted in adjacent plots on former arable land. Mineral soil samples from two depth layers (0–10 and 20–30 cm) under the different species were compared in terms of pH, base saturation, pools and concentrations of exchangeable macro- and micronutrients, total nitrogen and carbon. With the exception of pH (H2O) and extractable Al and Fe, no significant differences between species were detected in the lower layer. The upper (0–10 cm) layer was, however, affected differently depending on tree species: significant differences in pH, base saturation, exchangeable base cations and other nutrients were observed. The most prominent differences were between lime and spruce. Lime had considerably higher pH, base saturation, base cation and boron pools compared to spruce, which had the most acidifying effect on the mineral topsoils. Among the deciduous species, beech had the most similar effect to spruce on the upper layer of mineral topsoils. Soil C, N and C/N ratios did not differ significantly among species.  相似文献   

在河南洛阳周山森林公园,2009年不同时期对紫叶李(Prunus cerasifera Ehrhart)和塔柏(Sabina chinensis)不同立地林地土壤全氮含量进行了测定,结果表明:紫叶李林地土壤中全氮的含量高于塔柏林地含量,无论平地坡地皆是如此。在不同月份或季节,前者全氮的含量高于后者,且波动幅度较后者大。同时土壤中全氮含量也受地形的影响,平地的全氮含量高于坡地。不同深度,0~10cm土层,平地和坡地的差距最大,随着土层深度的增加,差距逐渐缩小,20~30cm土层,已无明显差异。总体来看,紫叶李平地和坡地土壤氮元素的含量变化要比塔柏平地和坡地土壤氮元素含量变化显著。  相似文献   

We compare three or four years effects of crown release on stem growth rates among four deciduous broad-leaved tree species,Fagus crenata, Quercus crispula, Magnolia obovata andAcer mono, in an even-aged coppice forest, central Japan. The crown release significantly improved relative growth rates for basal-area (RGRBA) of the four species. However the effects of neighboring gap area (GAPA) on the RGRBA differed among the species. The effects were significant forQ. crispula andM. obovata, indicating that growth rates of these two species increase with intensity of the crown release. In contrast, the RGRBA ofF. crenata andA. mono were not correlated with the GAPA, suggesting that their growth rates are unrelated to the intensity. We considered that such differences among species were closely related to their photosynthetic characteristics of light use; less-tolerant species (Q. crispula andM. obovata) exhibit greater growth rates relative to the intensity of crown release than tolerant species (F. crenata andA. mono). Based on these results, we proposed implications for thinning practices in mixed forests of species with different shade-tolerance.  相似文献   

对木荷Schima superba、灰木莲Manglietia glauca、乐昌含笑Michelia chapensis、山杜英Elaeocarpus sylvestris在不同坡位的叶片养分含量和叶片化学计量进行了研究,以期揭示这些树种在不同坡位上的适应特征。结果表明:1)4个树种在上坡、中坡和下坡的叶片碳含量范围分别为483.58~527.36、501.99~507.58和473.85~527.18 g·kg-1,叶片氮含量范围分别为10.31~14.86、12.34~16.94和11.37~18.38 g·kg-1,叶片磷含量范围分别为0.65~1.05、0.82~1.14和0.93~1.44 g·kg-1;2)通常上坡的叶片氮、磷含量较低,同一树种不同坡位之间的叶片氮、磷含量大多差异显著;3)4种树种叶片C∶N高于全球平均水平,在上坡、中坡、下坡的分布范围分别为32.5~48.1、29.6~41.0、25.8~45.3;C∶P较低,在上坡、中坡、下坡的分布范围分别为500.1~766.0、439.9~614.0、329.6~557.0;N∶P在上坡、中坡、下坡的分布范围分别为14.0~16.4、12.9~15.1、12.3~16.8。  相似文献   

通过调查不同树种新造林树高生长量、保存率及其土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌数量等,研究其生长、适应性及对土壤微生物数量的影响。结果表明:光皮桦、桤木、楸树、栾树、湿地松5年生树高分别为7.4、6.5、6.3、4.8、4.2m,保存率分别为92%、65%、82%、78%、90%;不同树种造林后对土壤微生物数量的提高有明显差异,5个树种造林后林分土壤微生物数量提高的效果排序为桤木〉光皮桦〉栾木〉楸树〉湿地松;新造林均表现为造林当年土壤微生物数量明显下降,一般下降35%~40%,第2年底回升并超过造林前水平,第3-5年逐年增加。  相似文献   

为了解不同施肥处理对普陀樟(Cinnamomum japonicum var.Chenii)、全缘冬青(Ilex integra Thunb.)、红楠(Machilus thunbergii Sieb.et Zucc)3种海岛树种苗木生长及造林效果的影响,设置了7个不同的施肥处理,即(1)N(对照),(2)N+P,(3)N+2P、(4)N+K、(5)N+2K、(6)N+1P+1K、(7)N+2P+2K,于2011年5月至2012年1月观测苗高和地径,并测定植物各部分的生物量。结果表明:3种苗木不同施肥处理下,通过测算苗木质量指数QI可知,在N+1K施肥组合下,全缘冬青的苗木质量最好,而红楠在N+2P+2K的施肥组合下苗木质量最高,普陀樟在N+1P+1K的施肥组合下,苗木质量要好于其他处理。  相似文献   

Litterfall and decomposition are the two main processes accounting for soil enrichment in agroforestry. The extent of enrichment in soil properties depends on the tree species, management practices and the quantity and quality of litter. A field investigation was carried out to study litterfall production, decay rates, release of nutrients and consequent changes in soil physicochemical properties under crowns of four multipurpose tree species (MPTs) in irrigated conditions in farm fields. The species were Prosopis cineraria (L.), Dalbergia sissoo (Roxb.) ex DC, Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. and Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Annual accretion of litter ranged from 36 to 54 kg tree−1 year−1 and was highest under D. sissoo and lowest under A. nilotica. Total litterfall production was in the order: P. cineraria > A. leucophloea > A. nilotica > D. sissoo. P. cineraria showed the highest NPK concentration in litter. For all MPTs, a large pulse of litterfall coincided with the winter season (November to February). Litter of P. cineraria decomposed fastest while that of A. nilotica was slowest. More than 95% of the leaf litter of P. cineraria decomposed in 6 months, of D. sissoo in 7 months and A. leucophloea and A. nilotica in 9 months. Decomposition rate of litter was highly correlated with neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (r = −0.94) and P (r = −0.91) concentration. N, P and K release were best correlated with NDF, acid detergent fibre (ADF), P, lignin, lignin/N and C/P ratios and NDF alone explained 88% to 94% of the variability in litter decomposition and nutrient release rates. There was significant build up of soil organic carbon and available NPK in the agrisilvicultural systems but also a decrease in soil pH. Build up in soil fertility was significantly correlated with litterfall and soil improvement was greatest under P. cineraria.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of adjacent tree species on the susceptibility of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii) to pine wilt disease, an inoculation experiment was conducted usingP. thunbergii seedlings potted with seedlings of six tree species,i. e. Alnus sieboldiana, Eurya japonica, Lespedeza bicolor formacutifolia, Pinus thumbergii, Robinia pseudo-acacia andSarothamus scoparius. About ten months after planting, they were inoculated with the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) in early July 1992. After that, the proportion of pine seedlings with completely discolored foliage increased more quickly when the seedlings were potted withR. pseudo-acacia, S. scoparius orA. sieboldiana than when potted withP. thunbergii, L. bicolor orE. japonica. At the end of the study period, 17 weeks after inoculation, it reached 90.6%, 90.0%, 87.5%, 72.7%, 63.3%, and 59.4% when the pine seedlings were potted withR. pseudo-acacia, S. scoparius, A. sieboldiana, P. thunbergii, L. bicolor andE. japonica, respectively. This indicated that the susceptibility ofP. thunbergii seedlings to pine wilt disease was influence by the species of adjacent trees.  相似文献   

为研究不同树种模式模式碳汇造林对土壤碳的影响,该试验将立地条件基本一致的6个区组作为研究区,设计5个模式模式(各树种数量分数,模式1:台湾相思40%、木荷40%、马占相思10%、樟树10%;模式2:华润楠25%、红锥25%、樟树20%、米老排10%、木麻黄10%、水翁10%;模式3:马占相思30%、华润楠25%、山杜英...  相似文献   

不同造林密度和混交树种对光皮桦幼林生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对光皮桦不同造林密度、不同混交树种的试验研究,结果表明:光皮桦不同造林密度林分的生长有较大差异,其胸径、冠幅由大到小依次为:1 100株.hm-2、800株.hm-2、1 600株.hm-2、2 500株.hm-2,树高以1 100株.hm-2的林分最大,其余比较相近。光皮桦与不同树种混交生长有较大差异,各生长指标以杉木×光皮桦混交林最好,其余依次为:福建柏×光皮桦、木荷×光皮桦、马尾松×光皮桦;光皮桦纯林生长指标与福建柏光皮桦混交林比较接近。杉木×光皮桦和福建柏×光皮桦是较好的混交组合。  相似文献   

Seasonal ecophysiology, leaf structure and nitrogen were measured in saplings of early (Populus grandidentata Michx. and Prunus serotina J.F. Ehrh.), middle (Fraxinus americana L. and Carya tomentosa Nutt.) and late (Acer rubrum L. and Cornus florida L.) successional tree species during severe drought on adjacent open and understory sites in central Pennsylvania, USA. Area-based net photosynthesis (A) and leaf conductance to water vapor diffusion (g(wv)) varied by site and species and were highest in open growing plants and early successional species at both the open and understory sites. In response to the period of maximum drought, both sunfleck and sun leaves of the early successional species exhibited smaller decreases in A than leaves of the other species. Shaded understory leaves of all species were more susceptible to drought than sun leaves and had negative midday A values during the middle and later growing season. Shaded understory leaves also displayed a reduced photosynthetic light response during the peak drought period. Sun leaves were thicker and had a greater mass per area (LMA) and nitrogen (N) content than shaded leaves, and early and middle successional species had higher N contents and concentrations than late successional species. In both sunfleck and sun leaves, seasonal A was positively related to predawn leaf Psi, g(wv), LMA and N, and was negatively related to vapor pressure deficit, midday leaf Psi and internal CO(2). Although a significant amount of plasticity occurred in all species for most gas exchange and leaf structural parameters, middle successional species exhibited the largest degree of phenotypic plasticity between open and understory plants.  相似文献   

城市的园林绿化、美化、彩化是现代化城市文明程度的重要标志。由于受东北寒冷气候条件的限制,适宜在该地区生长的优良美化、彩化树种较少,影响了园林效果。本文介绍了引进耐寒彩色树种的地理分布、形态特征、生态习性、繁殖方法、观赏价值和引种驯化结果,并对耐寒型彩色树种在我国东北寒冷地区的推广应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Mistletoes are parasite plants growing on various tree species,taking nutrients from the host.Beneficial compounds of mistletoe were used in medicine and these mistletoes were commonly collected from oak species that were not well identified.We analyzed the nutritional value by measuring proximate and mineral components of Korean mistletoe(Viscum album var.coloratum)from various host trees.Carbohydrate was the most proximate component in both leaves and twigs followed crude protein,crude fiber,crude ash and crude fat.While the contents of the proximate components and minerals varied among hosts and between plant parts,leaves contained higher crude protein and ash,and more minerals except for magnesium than twigs,although no significant difference was found inmistletoe grown on Prunus mandshurica.There were significant differences of proximate and mineral contents depending on the host species.Mistletoe grown on Chaenomeles sinensis contained higher levels of carbohydrates,crude fat,crude ash,magnesium,calcium,sodium,iron,and zinc than mistletoe grown on other species.Mistletoe grown on P.mandshurica contained high mineral levels of potassium,copper and phosphorous.The nutritional value of mistletoes were greatly influenced by the host species but among the hosts,specific nutrients accumulated in leaves more than in twigs,and vice versa.Based on the analysis,Korean mistletoe contains relatively good quality of nutrients and has high potential for dietary supplements as well as for medicinal compounds.  相似文献   



Tree species differ largely in their capability to produce characteristic shade leaves with effective morphological and physiological acclimation to low light.


By examining the sun/shade leaf differentiation in leaf morphology, foliar nitrogen and photosynthetic capacity in five temperate tree species of different successional status, we aimed at identifying those leaf traits that determine the development of a typical shade crown with low light-acclimated leaves.


Leaf morphology, foliar N content, photosynthetic capacity (V cmax, J max and A max) and leaf dark respiration (R d) were measured in the canopies of 26 adult trees of Fraxinus, Acer, Carpinus, Tilia and Fagus species.


Six traits (the sun/shade leaf differentiation in specific leaf area, leaf size, A max per leaf area or per mass, photosynthetic N use efficiency and R d) were found to characterise best the degree of low light acclimation in shade leaves. All five species exhibited certain modifications in leaf morphology and/or physiology in response to low light; Fagus sylvatica showed the highest and Fraxinus excelsior the lowest shade leaf acclimation.


Our results indicate that the five early/mid- to late-successional species have developed species-specific low light acclimation strategies in their shade crowns which differ in terms of the relative importance of leaf morphological and physiological acclimation.  相似文献   

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