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本研究以马铃薯品种‘丽薯6号’为试材,对叶面喷施不同浓度磷酸二氢钾4 d后的植株接种晚疫病菌,测定晚疫病发生的严重度,并测定磷酸二氢钾和晚疫病菌处理后14 d内马铃薯植株的PAL、SOD、POD、PPO、Chi、GLU活性及SP含量。结果表明,在一定浓度范围内,磷酸二氢钾可减轻马铃薯晚疫病的发生,随着施用浓度的增加,晚疫病发病逐渐减轻。其中磷酸二氢钾质量浓度为0.6%时,晚疫病发病最轻,接种晚疫病菌后8 d防效达35.64%,12 d时仍超过30%,但浓度超过0.6%,晚疫病发生加重。同时,喷施磷酸二氢钾可不同程度地提升健康和接种晚疫病菌的马铃薯植株体内6种防御酶活性及可溶性蛋白含量。因此,磷酸二氢钾在一定时间段内可诱导马铃薯对晚疫病的抗性,减轻晚疫病的发生。 相似文献
由致病疫霉引起的马铃薯晚疫病是马铃薯生产中最具危害性的病害,明确现有马铃薯品种(品系)中抗病基因组成情况对于指导抗病品种合理布局及抗病育种具有重要意义。本研究利用农杆菌介导的无毒基因瞬时表达技术分析了致病疫霉8个无毒基因在29个马铃薯品种(品系)中的分布情况。结果表明,品种间抗病基因组成各异,平均每个品种含有4个抗病基因。同时,不同抗病基因在品种中的分布频率也不同,抗病基因R1(76%)、Rpi-blb1(66%)和Rpi-blb2(66%)在品种中分布较普遍;而含抗病基因R3b(45%)、R4(38%)和Rpi-vnt1(34%)的品种较少。此外,品种中所含抗性基因的数量和品种室内抗性程度呈显著正相关(r=0.915 6,P=0.029 1)。 相似文献
为了筛选防治马铃薯晚疫病的新型高效药剂 ,于1999年在武隆县巷口镇青坪村用金薯保A可湿性粉剂、20%瘟曲克星可湿性粉剂、45 %大力水悬浮剂、45%薯瘟消可湿性粉剂和25%甲霜灵可湿性粉剂进行田间药效试验。上述5种药剂中除金薯保A设500倍、600倍、700倍3种浓度处理外 ,其余4种均设600倍、700倍和800倍浓度处理。各处理3次重复 ,以清水为对照 ,按随机区组排列 ,各小区4×2m2 ,并设保护行。于5月13日马铃薯现蕾开花、晚疫病出现中心病株后15d喷药。施药后10d ,20d ,30d各调查1次 ,记… 相似文献
摘要为了掌握我国番茄晚疫病菌对甲霜灵抗性的发生和分布状况,1999~2001年,陆续从全国16个省市的主要番茄产区采集晚疫病样本400余个,分离、纯化出番茄晚疫病菌株183个;采取离体和活体生测法对所有菌株进行了抗甲霜灵的测定。结果表明:我国番茄晚疫病菌对甲霜灵的抗性由北向南逐渐增强,北方地区以中等抗性菌株和敏感性菌株为主,南方地区则以抗性菌株和中等抗性菌株为主。其中东北、西北地区无抗性菌株,中抗和敏感菌株分别为33.3%、66.7%和36.1%、63.9%;华北、华东地区抗性、中抗和敏感菌株分别为5.6%、44.4%、50.0%和38.6%、36.8%、4.6%;华中和西南地区抗性菌株分别占55.6%和44.2%,中抗和敏感菌株则各占33.3%、历.8%和11.1%、18.8%;华南地区无敏感菌株,抗性菌株达66.7%,中抗菌株为33.3%。 相似文献
湖南水稻主栽品种对水稻细菌性条斑病的抗性鉴定 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
2008年和2009年选用水稻细菌性条斑病菌3个致病力不同的菌株、采用针刺接种法对湖南省54个水稻主栽品种进行抗性鉴定,结果表明,供试品种对上述3个菌株的抗性存在明显差异。其中,对3个菌株均表现中抗以上水平的品种仅8个,占鉴定总数的14.8%,比例较低。对接种致病力最强菌株RSGD10后各水稻品种产生的病斑长度进行差异显著性分析,表明供试的水稻主栽品种间抗性存在显著差异。选用RSGD10喷雾接种上述品种,结果表明供试品种对条斑病的抗性差异也明显,其中,病级表现1级的品种9个,比例为16.7%。比较针刺和喷雾两种方法的抗性鉴定结果,两种方法对水稻品种抗性的鉴定结果基本一致,揭示水稻品种对条斑病的抗侵入和抗扩展呈显著相关。 相似文献
几种药剂防治马铃薯晚疫病田间药效试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过试验,检验了几种不同药剂对马铃薯晚疫病的防治效果,筛选出本地区防治马铃薯晚疫病最佳药剂或配方:以68.75%银发利悬浮剂+70%安泰生可湿性粉剂配合施用防治效果最好,以68.75%银发利悬浮剂施用效益最佳。 相似文献
Dimethomorph is an effective Oomycete fungicide useful for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans, deB) on potatoes (Solanum tuberosum, L.) by preventative (prophylactic) sprays. The results of glasshouse trials using S. tuberosum plants inoculated one day prior to treatment showed that the weak to moderate curative (therapeutic) action of a wettable powder formulation of dimethomorph (WP1) could be substantially enhanced by spray tank adjuvants. A limited survey of surfactant adjuvants indicated that enhancements of performance of WP1 varied with the ethylene oxide content in two series of surfactants, C12/C14 alcohol ethoxylates (‘Genapol’ C series) and nonylphenol ethoxylates (‘Arkopal’ N series). Optimum enhancements were obtained with intermediate degrees of ethoxylation and ‘Genapol’ C080 was adjudged to be marginally superior to its analogues and superior to all of the ‘Arkopal’ series, as well as to a silicone ethoxylate/propoxylate (‘Silwet’ L-77), an alkylamine ethoxylate/propoxylate (‘Armoblen’ 557), and sodium sulfosuccinate (‘Aerosol’ OTB). It was also superior to an emulsifiable paraffinic/naphthenic oil (HVI 60E). Further trials established that relatively high application rates (1000–1500 g ha−1) of ‘Genapol’ C080 were required for maximum enhancement and that the presence of mancozeb, as a co-fungicide, did not substantially affect the enhancement of the therapeutic performance of dimethomorph by ‘Genapol’ C080. 相似文献
氨基寡糖素对番茄晚疫病的防治效果研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2年的田间药效试验结果表明,氨基寡糖素0.5%水剂防治番茄晚疫病效果显著,能有效地增强番茄的抗病能力,使用剂量在14~18.8g a.i./hm2时,防效均在80%以上,优于生产上大面积推广的嘧菌酯250g/L悬浮剂。由于氨基寡糖是从海洋生物外壳提取而来的安全、无毒、无残留的多糖类天然产物,在化学农药对环境的污染和人类健康的威胁、抗药性等问题凸显的今天,氨基寡糖素是一个很有应用价值和发展前景的绿色环保型农药,可以作为无公害蔬菜生产的配套药剂进行大力推广应用。 相似文献
几种微生物提取物诱导马铃薯抗晚疫病及机理的初步研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
筛选能显著诱导马铃薯块茎抗晚疫病的微生物源激发子,并探讨其诱导抗病性机理。分别将31种微生物的发酵液(F-0)以及其中真菌和放线菌的胞内提取物(F-1)、胞壁提取物(F-2)单独或复配后诱导处理马铃薯块茎切片,对其中诱导抗病效果显著的激发子进一步分析其中的有效诱抗物质及诱导处理后的生理变化。获得了9种较好的激发子,诱抗效果均达50%以上,其中放线菌A5295发酵液型激发子诱抗效果最高,达63.97%,且单一激发子复配后诱抗活性更高,其中MK与A5295的复配型激发子诱抗效果最好,达66.67%。MK和A32910b发酵液中有效诱抗物质均为饱和硫酸铵沉淀(A组分)、以及硫酸铵沉淀后再用乙醇沉淀(B组分)所得的物质。诱导处理后块茎中POD、PAL、PPO活性均明显高于对照,且在抗性表现出之前迅速增加达到峰值。此外,块茎中可溶性蛋白含量比对照增加41.53%,并有一些新蛋白产生。结果表明复配激发子比单一激发子诱抗活性更高,激发子中有效诱抗物质均为A和B组分,诱导的抗病性可能与块茎中POD、PAL、PPO活性增高,可溶性蛋白含量增加以及新蛋白质的产生有关。 相似文献
The differential genotypes R1 , R10 and R11 , as originally defined by Black, were crossed with R-gene-free cultivars and the progenies divided into two subpopulations comprising those which had inherited the R-gene and those which had not. The underlying level of field resistance of the two groups was compared in a field trial in which they were inoculated with an isolate that could overcome the relevant R-genes. The R-gene-bearing group was significantly ( P < 0·001) more resistant than the R-gene-free group, with mean scores over four dates in 2000 of 4·86 and 4·09, respectively, on a 1–9 scale of increasing resistance, and of 4·10 and 2·35 on one date in 2001. However, the magnitude of the effect depended on the R-gene and the year of the trial. Data from a progeny of cv. Stirling (with an R-gene and a high level of field resistance) were examined and the same effect of an R-gene found. Fewer of the R-gene-bearing group of clones were highly susceptible, and more were resistant. The most resistant clones always bore the R-gene. It is concluded that increased resistance is conferred by the defeated R-gene or linked genes for field resistance. 相似文献
不同玉米品种抗蚜性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过田间试验,研究安徽淮北玉米产区33个常用玉米品种对玉米蚜的抗虫性。结果表明:不同玉米品种的抗蚜性差异很大。33个供试玉米品种的相对抗蚜性排序依次为:苏玉10﹥浚单20﹥郑单23﹥蠡玉13﹥秦龙14﹥先玉335﹥郑单958﹥鲁单6018﹥苏玉20﹥金赛6850﹥中农大311﹥迪卡1号﹥中科11、申源213﹥皖玉17、东单80﹥鲁单661、弘大8号、滑玉13﹥安农8号﹥浚单18、农乐988﹥齐单1号、济单8号﹥益丰29﹥中农大236﹥中迪985﹥蠡玉35、蠡玉16﹥中科4号﹥农大108﹥登海3号﹥隆平206。其中抗性最强的苏玉10与抗性最弱的隆平206,相对抗蚜指数相差达20.2倍。 相似文献
G. K. Young L. R. Cooke W. W. Kirk P. Tumbalam F. M. Perez K. L. Deahl 《Plant pathology》2009,58(4):703-714
Competition between genotypes of Phytophthora infestans was studied by inoculating potato cultivars with differing susceptibility to late blight in field experiments over three years in Northern Ireland, UK, and Michigan, USA. Multiple isolates of six genotype groups of P. infestans were chosen from the local populations in both N. Ireland and Michigan for inoculation of separate field trials planted in 2003, 2004 and 2005. Four cultivars were used in each trial; two (susceptible cv. Atlantic and the partially resistant cv. Stirling) were common to both locations, whereas the two additional cultivars (with partial resistance to late blight) were cvs Santé and Milagro in N. Ireland and cvs Pike and Jacqueline Lee in Michigan. Single-lesion isolates of P. infestans were obtained from leaves at 1% level of infection, characterized using pre-assigned markers and re-assigned to their respective genotype groups. Extreme selection occurred within the population of genotypes of P. infestans in N. Ireland in each year, with different genotype groups dominating the infection of different cultivars. Selection was observed on all cultivars tested, but was greatest on the more resistant cultivars. Over the 3 years, all of the 114 isolates obtained from cv. Milagro belonged to a single group, whereas among the 118 isolates from cv. Atlantic all six groups were represented. By contrast, in Michigan, the US-8 genotype dominated infection in all cultivars in each year; only 12 of 374 isolates characterized belonged to other genotypes (11 US-14 and a single US-10 isolate). 相似文献