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Reports of irregularities in research done by Karl Illmensee at the University of Geneva prompted an invesigation by Bar Harbor's Jackson Laboratory into collaborative work on embryo manipulation performed by Illmensee and its own researcher, Peter Hoppe. The committee appointed by Jackson Laboratory found no evidence of fraud, but recommended that Hoppe and Illmensee repeat two experiments, since neither had been replicated by other investigators or by Hoppe working alone.  相似文献   

Based on the findings of an international commission of inquiry, the Swiss national science foundation has withdrawn its financial support of Karl Illmensee, a University of Geneva embryologist who was accused last year of manipulating experimental protocols. The National Institutes of Health is still considering whether to resume funding Illmensee's work. Loss of financial support could make it difficult for Illmensee to carry out the international commission's recommendation that he repeat the challenged experiments.  相似文献   

Pennisi E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,290(5494):1065-1066
On page 1151, researchers describe new insights into how genes arise and fuel evolution. By trolling through sequence data for nine very distinct organisms, they have uncovered evidence that genes are copied far more frequently--and the duplicates are lost from the genome far faster--than researchers had thought. What's more, the work suggests that some duplicate genes play a key role in the evolution of new traits and in speciation.  相似文献   

科研需求是科研条件建设工作的重要前提,也是使科研条件建设项目的建设工作顺利实施的重要基础。因此,坚持科学、理性、先进、符合科研工作实际与要求的科研条件建设工作的指导思想对提高条件建设工作的质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对我校90级新生284人(男237,女47人)作了心电图普查,属正常或大致正常范围心电图(包括窦律过缓及不齐)216人,占检查总人数的76%;对心电图不正常或可疑的学生在校内的3年中作了随访现察。这是一项利在学生、功在今后的基础保健工作。  相似文献   

高校大学生分为不同的群体。大学生的群体心理对于个体心理具有很大影响,因此在高校思想政治教育工作中运用群体心理十分重要。可以更有利于大学生产生认同感、有利于工作的开展及营造良好的校园环境。运用群体心理做好思想政治教育应当注意:从思想上重视、加强对高校正式群体的建设,充分发挥非正式群体的作用,引导网络群体的发展。  相似文献   

Roy R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,178(4064):955-960
The nation is entering a period when the R & D output must be increased, probably without major increases in resource allocation. Obviously, in this situation, either efficiency or productivity must be increased. Perhaps one of the most wasteful aspects of the national R & D system (and one that received little attention during the golden era of the 15 percent per year expansion) has been the very weak coupling between the university, on the one hand, and industry (or government), on the other. It is a serious error to allege about such coupling that "it has never worked," that the objectives and reward structures of the institutions are such that it cannot work, and so on. The fact is that coupling has never been tried seriously. History shows that the total dollar effort in research that required coupling or that had coupling as its main objective was on the order of $10 million per year (that is, much less than 0.1 percent of the research money spent on U.S. campuses). At the same time, there is little doubt that the experiments which must and will be tried in the immediate future call for innovations in management and changes in the attitude and structure of many universities. In conversations with administrators who have had experience with such programs, I have found strong suggestions of very mixed responses from the universities. In light of these responses, and if effectiveness is a goal, it would be better for those universities that are more wedded to disciplinary research, to single principal-investigator work, not to participate in these new efforts. We need much greater diversity in the styles of university life, and it would be healthy for the academic enterprise if some universities retained a greater degree of detachment from society, while others consciously decided to interact more with it, through the private sector, and made the changes necessary to do so. If initial funding is restricted to those universities that consider university-industry or university-government research a worthy objective and that have a proven track record and a favorable administrative and reward structure, the new programs may well establish a major new pattern of national R & D.  相似文献   

社会工作在中国发展的前景问题,每一个负责任的社会工作者都必须予以认真的思考。 就社会建构论”的视角来说,社会工作与公民社会、社会工作与整个转型期的中国社会都是一个互相建构的过程。改革以来,一个数府国家)—市场—社会”功能分化的新的社会结构形态正在呈现,用公民社会理论的分析架构鲤想类型)剖析转型期的中国社会,己经具备了有利于公民社会发育的主要环境因素,由此逐渐构筑了中国社会工作发展的平台。  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,180(4086):574-577
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the American Physical Society (APS) both met in Washington in the week after Easter. Beyond the coincidence of time and place it is fair to say that the meetings shared a common mood. The truce in Vietnam is generally regarded as the principal cause of a muting of the voices of protest that have been heard at so many scientific meetings in recent years and finally had disturbed the even tenor of the academy's ways. Particularly at APS there seems to be new interest and energy directed to exploring ways to work within the system.  相似文献   

统计工作作为高校系统工作中的一部分, 在学校事业发展中发挥着重要的作用。当前高校统计工作存在认识不到位、人员不到位、工作不到位、运用不到位等问题。加强高校统计工作必须加大宣传, 增强统计意识; 健全机构, 提高人员素质; 规范程序, 完善统计制度; 依托网络, 发挥统计职能; 依法统计, 加大执法力度。  相似文献   

近些年随着社会发展,农业的配套设施和相关技术得到了高速的发展,配套的各种农 业产值技术,机械也有了新的发展契机。本文结合实际工作经验,对魔芋套种玉米栽培技术的 相关内容进行介绍和分析,希望能够帮助更多的读者掌握并提高相关技术的推广水平。  相似文献   

姜瘟病是中国生姜生产上发生较为普遍的病害,是由青枯劳尔氏菌(Ralstoniasolanacearum)引起的。此病原菌寄主范围广,可侵染44个科300多种植物。菌体短杆状,在TZC选择性培养基上培养出现白边较宽和白边较窄的两种菌落。菌系划分为5个生理小种和5个生化型,中国的姜瘟菌主要属生理小种1号,生物型属II、III、IV。此病害是一种较难防治的土传病害,在高温、高湿、雨水多、氮肥过量的情况下发生较为严重。中国植病工作者对此病害作了大量的研究工作,对中国姜瘟病的病原菌、发病规律、及防治等研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

李赛 《河北农业科学》2008,12(6):142-144
“民工潮”背景下的农村家庭发生了一系列变化,养老问题、家庭稳定以及子女教育问题凸显。解决这些问题需要各级政府和基层组织发挥主动性,城乡结合,多管齐下,保证新农村建设又好又快进行。  相似文献   

古籍注释已有数千年历史,前人在这方面作了大量工作,为祖国传统文化的延续与发展作出了极大贡献。古籍注释的起源是春秋战国时期用口语对前代典籍作注解。注释是古籍整理研究中最重要的工作之一。今天的古籍整理和注释,在借鉴前人成果的基础上更当有所发展。  相似文献   

稻飞虱迁飞气象条件等级预报研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用广西桂林地区近5年水稻稻飞虱发生资料与气象资料进行对比分析,选择影响桂林地区稻飞虱迁入的气象因子(温度、降水、风向、风速、湿度),考虑前期气象条件和虫源数,采用回归分析方法,建立水稻稻飞虱迁飞与影响的气象条件等级预报业务系统。系统将各因子和预报对象都划分为5级,用当地气象台发布的未来一周天气预报结论,综合分析前期气象条件和虫源数是否有利,对未来1~7天逐日影响稻飞虱迁飞的气象条件等级进行预报。预报业务系统实用性强,逐日预报准确率达70%以上,在生产实践中发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

大功率拖拉机播种作业效率与经济性的测试分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了充分发挥进口大功率拖拉机的潜力和提高播种作业效率,文章在实地调查测试大功率拖拉机播种作业过程的基础上,对其作业过程进行了时间分析、作业效率分析和经济性分析,找出了影响播种作业效率和经济性的原因。目前大功率拖拉机播种作业中存在大马拉小车、拖拉机与播种机性能匹配不当、机组作业管理水平低、辅助作业时间过长、拖拉机能力没有得到充分发挥等问题。文章对如何发挥进口大功率拖拉机潜力、提高作业效率提出了建议。  相似文献   

对高校教学秘书工作的认识与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校教学秘书工作是高校教学管理工作中非常重要的环节,教学秘书具有服务、协调、监督和管理等工作职能。工作繁杂琐碎,需要及时的上传下达、负责日常的教学运行以及教学活动的全面管理。需要具备良好的政治素质和良好的心理素质、扎实的业务素质和勇于创新的能力。充分认清高校教学秘书工作的重要性及其存在的问题,努力提高高校教学秘书的整体素质,结合高校和个人从多方面进行改进,对于做好高校教学管理工作具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

威信蕴含着影响力。一个领导者的威信越高则其发挥的影响力越大。威信具有亲近人、熏陶人、感召人、凝聚人、激励人等的影响力,使人心悦诚服。一个领导者要有效地实现领导目标,仅有权力是不够的,更需要有威信。高校图书馆馆长的领导威信对调动馆员的工作积极性、稳定人才队伍以及培养良好的馆风都有巨大影响力。馆长有无威信,关系到一个图书馆工作的顺利开展、服务质量的优化、管理水平的提高以及未来的发展。  相似文献   

Five crop straws(wheat, rice, maize, oil-rape, and cotton) were first steam-exploded for 2 min at 210°C, 2.5 MPa and then pyrolyzed at 500°C for 2 h. Steam explosion(SE) induced 47–95% and 5–16% reduction of hemicellulose and cellulose, respectively, in the crop straws. The biochars derived from SE-treated feedstocks had a lower specific surface area(SSA) and pore volume, compared to those from pristine feedstocks, with one exception that SE enhanced SSA of oil-rape straw biochar by approximately 16 times. After SE, biochars had significant higher anion exchange capacity(AEC)(6.88–11.44 cmol kg~(–1)) and point of zero net charges(PZNC)(pH 3.61–5.32) values. It can thus be speculated that these biochars may have higher potential for anions adsorption. In addition, oil-rape straw might be suitable to SE pretreatment for preparing biochar as a soil amendment and sorbent as well. Further work is required for testing its application in soil.  相似文献   

Our work has shown that the apparently simple chlorination of unsaturated materials in nonpolar media is actually rather complex because of the occurrence of competitive reaction pathways, one polar and one radical. Means of recognizing, predicting, and separating the pathways have been developed, and general characteristics of each with respect to relative rates and product distributions have been elucidated. A most intriguing discovery is that of the spontaneous generation of radicals by interaction of certain unsaturates and chlorine; much more work is needed for clarifying the nature of this unexpected reaction.  相似文献   

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