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Summary Four selection experiments were sown: single-row plots with single row-spacing (20 cm), single-row plots with double row spacing (40 cm), three-row plots and six-row plots both with single row-spacing (20 cm). Selection entries were mimiced by 16 different varieties or advanced breeding lines, which were also sown in a yield trial. Each experiment was laid out as a 4-times replicated randomized block design. Row length was 2 m. Alley borders and border-rows of multiple-row plots were harvested separately to evaluate the effects of different harvesting procedures on the selection efficiency. Removal of alley borders was found to be disadvantageous, since the gain in precision was more than offset by the loss in sampled area. Wide spacing of single-row plots improved the selection efficiency in comparison with normal spaced single-row plots. In multiple-row plots the selection efficiency was not improved by harvesting only the central rows.For gross plot yield (= yield of net plot + yield of alley borders) the differences in selection efficiency between the various selection plot-types were explained on the basis of the genetic variance, the environmental variance and the coefficient of genetic correlation with farm yield as determined in the yield trial.  相似文献   

Selection for biomass yield in wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R. C. Sharma 《Euphytica》1993,70(1-2):35-42
Summary Biomass (above ground plant parts) yield may be a useful selection trait for yield improvement in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This study was conducted to estimate realized heritability of biomass yield and to determine the response to selection for high and low biomass yield in 8 genetically diverse populations of spring wheat under two production systems. Selections were made among the F3 lines. Progenies of the selected lines were evaluated in replicated field tests in the F4 generation under high fertility and low fertility production systems at Rampur, Nepal, in 1991. Fertility level had a significant effect on biomass yield, grain yield, effective tiller number, number of kernels per spike, thousand kernel weight, and harvest index. Selection in the F3 for high and low biomass yield was effective in identifying F4 lines with high and low biomass yield, respectively. Biomass yield differences between high and low selection groups in the F4 generation, expressed as percent of the mean of the low selection group and averaged over the eight populations, were 53.9 and 36.5% higher than the mean of the low selection group under the high and the low fertility production systems, respectively. The corresponding figures for grain yield were 48.8 and 34.9% under the high and the low production systems, respectively. Also, selection for high biomass yield resulted in higher effective tiller number, and number of kernels per spike, but lower harvest index. Realized heritability estimates for biomass yield were greater at high fertility (range 0.49 to 0.85) than at low fertility (range 0.22 to 0.44). Biomass yield showed positive genotypic correlations with grain yield, effective tiller number, and number of kernels per spike but a negative correlation with harvest index. The results indicated that selection for high biomass yield should bring about positive improvements in biomass yield, grain yield, effective tiller number, and number of kernels per spike. The correlation between F3 and F4 generations suggested that biomass yield in the F3 generation was a good predictor of biomass yield and grain yield in the F4 generation. Selection for biomass yield in wheat should be made under the standard production system to obtain a realistic response.  相似文献   

Summary The utility of spike- and seed-based mass selection techniques for improving preharvest sprouting resistance in heterogeneous wheat (Triticum spp.) populations was evaluated. Sorting seed by size improved selection efficiency in some cases, putatively by physiological synchronization. Progeny testing, as well as changes in frequency of red-kernelled types, indicate effectiveness of both spike- and seed-based mass selection for reduced preharvest sprouting. Differential effectiveness of mass selection, in populations segregating for dormancy from different sources, is consistent with previous work on mechanisms of dormancy from these sources. These results are of value to improvement of preharvest sprouting resistance in large, heterogeneous wheat populations.  相似文献   

D. R. Knott 《Euphytica》1979,28(1):37-40
Summary If selection based on F3 yield tests is to be effective, the yield tests must be successful in discriminating among yield genotypes. The available literature indicates that simple tests with limited or no replication are not very effective, although more extensive, replicated tests may be.Data from an experiment comparing F3 yield tests with a single seed descent procedure showed that F3 selection based on a two-replicate test with single seed descent procedure did not justify the extra work involved.  相似文献   

H. G. Nass 《Euphytica》1979,28(1):161-167
Summary Three methods were evaluated as potential aids in identifying superior crosses early in the breeding program: (1) F1 yield, (2) F2 yield, and (3) midparental yield. Two sets of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) crosses and parents were evaluated in replicated single row plots in F1 and in replicated multi-row plots in F2 over a period of five years. On the basis of F1 yields, two of the highest yielding and two of the lowest yielding crosses in each set were chosen for a more detailed selection study in subsequent generations.In Set 1, random F2 head selections for each of the selected four crosses were evaluated in 3-row yield plots in F4. In Set 2, F2 plant selections were made on the basis of head weight and the highest yielding 10% evaluated for yield in F4.Lines of crosses identified as high yielding in F1 had significantly greater mean yields in F4 than those of crosses that were low yielding in F1. The high yielding crosses had three to four times as many lines yielding in the top 10% in F4 than did the low yielding crosses.Correlations for yield were obtained between F1 and F2 in different years, F2 and midparents in the same year, lower or no correlations between F1 and midparents in the same year, and no correlations between F1 and midparent and F2 and midparent in different years. It is suggested that larger plot sizes rather than single rows be used to evaluate parents.Midparental yield, F1 yield and F2 yield tests are recommended as a progressive set of screening tests for a given set of crosses to effectively maintain the superior crosses in the breeding program.  相似文献   

M. R. Simón 《Euphytica》1994,76(3):235-238
Summary Gene action and heritability for photosynthetic activity were estimated from generation means in two wheat crosses during two stages (5 th leaf and flag leaf between 2 and 5 days after anthesis). Six generations were available for each cross: parents (P1 and P2), F1, F2 and backcrosses (BC1 and BC2).Correlations between some morphophysiological characters and photosynthetic activity of the flag leaf was also determined. The joint scaling test described by Mather & Jinks was used to determine the gene action. It showed that them; [d]; [h]; [i], [l] (mean, additivity, dominance, additive x additive interallelic interaction effects, dominance x dominance interallelic interaction effects) model fits the two crosses at both measurement times. All the model genetic components were significant for the flag leaf, however for the 5 th leaf only [h]; [i] and [l] were significant. The presence of additive and additive x additive effects suggested the possibility of selecting for this character using the flag leaf so as to obtain pure inbred lines. Dominance effects [h] were negative and dominance x dominance effects [l] were positive. Broad sense heritability values were medium to low. There were no correlations between the studied morphophysiological characters and the photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of individual parts of Triticum aestivum L. and T. turgidum var. durum kernels showed two classes of alcohol dehydrogenase patterns: 1) A three banded pattern (ADH-1, ADH-2 and ADH-3) for endosperm (Ed) and 2) a seven banded pattern (ADH-F1, ADH-F2, ADH-1, ADH-2, ADH-3, ADH-S1 and ADH-S2) for embryo (E), scutellum (S) and embryo plus scutellum (E+S). The use of nullitetrasomic and ditelosomic series of Chinese Spring wheat allows alcohol dehydrogenase to be associated with arms 4A, 4BL and 4DS.A five subunit forming dimer hypothesis is postulated to explain the newly reported seven isozyme pattern. Subunits , and are coded by chromosome arms 4A, 4BL and 4DS respectively, and the newly postulated and are coded also by chromosome arm 4BL.  相似文献   

Summary Hard white winter wheat (HWWW) occupies a very limited area of the USA, but its purported advantages suggest that its production in the major hard red winter wheat (HRWW) region may be feasible. Objectives of our investigations were to develop experimental HWWW lines that combined desirable attributes-grain yield, functional grain quality, and resistance to preharvest sprouting-in single genotypes for comparison with popular cultivars in the major US RHWW region. Forty-four lines from seven parental combinations were tested in randomized complete block designs at three Kansas locations during the 1981–82 and 1982–83 seasons. Agronomic traits, grain yield, grain quality, and preharvest sprouting were measured. Plant characteristics and grain yield were similar in the HWWW experimental lines and the HRWW check cultivar, Newton. Mean grain SDS-sedimentation value and grain protein content of most experimental lines equaled or exceeded that of the check. Dough mixing times frequently were shorter for the experimental lines than for the check cultivar, whereas loaf volumes were greater. Falling number usually was similar in all geneotypes, but -amylase was higher in field-harvested grain of white lines than the check; both measures were more favorable than grain trade standards. We concluded that production of high yielding, high quality hard white winter wheat genotypes is feasible in the US breakbasket.Contribution no. 84-349-J, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 USA.  相似文献   

F. H. Mcneal  M. A. Berg 《Euphytica》1977,26(3):739-744
Summary Five spring wheat crosses were evaluated over a 6-year period using comparisons between F2 and F3 data and between near-isogenic F4 populations selected for flag leaf area. Nonsignificant r values for F2 vs. F3 flag leaf measurements may be due to the effect of environment on flag leaf area, but are probably also an indication of low heritability for this plant character. Near-isogenic populations selected on the basis of flag leaf area showed little difference in grain yield, an indication that other plant parts must be more influential in determining grain yield. Flag leaf area, by itself, appears not to be a good index to plant performance.Joint contribution of ARS/USDA and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Published with approval of the Director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station as Paper No. 725. Journal Series. Use of data from Research Centers at Moccasin. Havre. Huntley, and Kalispell is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in pigment content of the flour of bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied in the progenies of F1 and F2 of three crosses and their reciprocals. Reciprocal differences in pigment content were observed in the F1 and F2 means. Low pigment content was found to be partially dominant or over dominant in the crosses studied. There was evidence of substantial mid-parent F1 heterosis in all crosses and betterparent F1 heterosis in three crosses. In the F2, heritability estimates were moderate to high. The F2 frequency distributions were not normal. Estimation of effective factor pairs indicated the presence of one or two major gene pairs involved in the expression of pigment content in the flour. Action of modifiers was also assumed in one cross and its reciprocal. A factorial approach to metrical character suggested that the F2 segregation ratios of low pigment content to high pigment content were 3:1, 15:1, 13:3 and 9:7 for the different crosses. Utilization of the findings in a wheat breeding program is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Effective utilization of uniculm wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm in breeding programs requires an understanding of the inheritance of the uniculm character. The parents, F1, F2, and first generation backcrosses (B1 and B2) of two crosses, each utilizing a uniculm spring wheat line and a locally adapted winter wheat cultivar, were space planted in an experiment to acquire information regarding the genetic control of culm number. Significant F1 deviations from midparent values revealed the presence of substantial non-additive gene effects. The scaling tests of Mather and the joint scaling test detected the presence of epistasis. Hayman's six-parameter model revealed that a negative dominance effect provided the major contribution to variation in culm number, while additive x additive and dominance x dominance gene effects were of considerable importance.  相似文献   

Summary Stem solidness in the wheat plant provides resistance to the wheat stem sawfly, a pest of wheat in Montana and North Dakota, but some agronomists have been concerned that stem solidness might be related to low grain yields. We evaluated 17 spring wheat crosses for stem solidness, grain yield, and other agronomic traits in F2 through F4 generations from 1972 to 1975.Highly significant correlation (0.735) and regression (0.731) coefficients between F2 and F3 generations verify previous studies showing that stem solidness is highly heritable and that selection in F2 should be successful. Solid-stemmed F4 composites yielded more than hollow stemmed composites at Bozeman and equal yields were obtained at Huntley, indicating that stem solidness is not a deterrent to high grain yield.Joint contribution of Federal Research, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman, MT 59717. Published with approval of the Director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station as Paper No. 815, Journal Series.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is the basis for successful crop improvement and can be estimated by different methods. The objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic diversity of 30 ancestral to modern hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars adapted to the Northern Great Plains using pedigree information, morphological traits (agronomic measurements from six environments), end-use quality traits (micro-quality assays on 50 g grain or milled flour samples for the six environments), and molecular markers (seed storage proteins separated using SDS-PAGE, 51 SSRs, and 23 SRAP DNA markers), and to determine the relationships of genetic distance estimates obtained from these methods. Relationships among diversity estimates were determined using simple (Pearson) and rank (Spearman) correlation coefficients between distance estimates and by clustering cultivars using genetic-distances for different traits. All methods found a wide range in genetic diversity. The genetic distance estimates based on pedigree had the highest values due to possible over-estimation arising from model assumptions. The genetic diversity estimates based on seed storage protein were lowest because they were the major determinants of end-use quality, which is a highly selected trait. In general, the diversity estimates from each of the methods were positively correlated at a low level with the exceptions of SRAP diversity estimates being independent of morphologic traits (simple correlation), SDS-PAGE, and SSR diversity estimates (rank correlation). However, SSR markers, thought to be among the most efficient markers for estimating genetic diversity, were most highly correlated with seed storage proteins. The procedures used to accurately estimate genetic diversity will depend largely upon the tools available to the researcher and their application to the breeding scheme.  相似文献   

Summary Post-anthesis chemical desiccation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants in the field eliminates transtent photosynthesis by killing all green tissues, thus revealing the plant's capacity for grain filling from stored stem reserves, as the case is for post-anthesis stress such as drought or leaf diseases. This study was conducted to investigate whether mass selection for large kernels under chemical desiccation would lead to the improve ment of grain filling in the absence of transient photosynthesis.Six crosses of common spring wheat were subjected to three cycles of mass selection from F2 through F1 when selection was performed for large kernels by sieving grains from plants that were erther chemically desiccated after anthesis, or not (controls). The resulting 36 bulks (six crosses by three selection cycles by two selection environments) were compared with their respective F2 base populations, when tested with and without chemical desiccation.Selection for large kernels under potential conditions (without chemical desiccation) did not improve kernel weight under potnetial conditions, evidently because these materials were lacking in genetic variation for kernel weight under potential conditions. In four of the crosses, 3rd cycle selection for large kernels under potential conditions decreased kernel weight under chemical desiccation. On the other hand, selection for large kernels under chemical desiccation was effective in improving kernel weight and test weight under chemical desiccation, depending on the cross and the selection cycle, with no genetic shift in mean days to heading or mean plant height. Selection for large kernels under chemical desiccation was also effective in some cases in increasing kernel weight under potential conditions. The results are interpreted to show that selection under potential conditions and under chemical desiccation operate on two different sources for grain filling, namely transient photosynthesis and stem reserve utilization, respectively. In order to expose genetic variability for stem reserve utilization to selection pressure, transient photosynthesis must be eliminated, as done by chemical desiccation in this study.  相似文献   

Summary Wheat doubled haploid (DH) lines were produced from the F1 hybrid, Fukudo-komugi x Oligo Culm, through intergeneric crosses between wheat and maize. F2 plants and 203 DH lines were analyzed for the segregation of the eight genetic markers, namely, grain proteins, grain esterases, GA-insensitivity and glume traits. The segregation in the F2 plants fitted to the expected ratios. No deviation was observed among the DH lines, either, except for the glume pubescence. The result indicates the absence of correlation between the markers investigated and the efficiency of embryo formation in the DH lines.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of the honeycomb selection method for yield in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was evaluated using progenies from two wheat crosses, Glenlea x NB131 and Glenlea x Era. Honeycomb selection was carried out in the F2 and F3 generations, grown at the University of Manitoba in the summers of 1980 and 1981, respectively. In both generations, divergent selection was made for both high and low yield. Plants selected in the F3 generation were entered in an F4 yield test in the summer of 1982. Results of the experiment showed that honeycomb selection for yield in the F2 and F3 generations was effective in identifying parents of high- and low-yielding lines. F3 plants from highyielding F2 selections gave higher yields than those from low-yielding F2 selections by 11.5% and 13.0% for Glenlea x NB131 and Glenlea x Era crosses, respectively. The F4 yield test showed that high yielding selections from both crosses significantly outyielded by 8.9% low yielding selections and by 14.4% the unselected composite lines. It is concluded that the honeycomb selection method can be used for early generation selection in spring wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Aspects of selection for yield and harvest index were investigated by simulating selection using data from random pedigreed F2, F3, F4 and F5 derived lines from two crosses grown in plots at two sites over two years.Improvement in yield through selection was obtained when the response was measured at the same site and in the same year as the selection. Selecting the best 10 per cent of F2 to F4 derived lines gave F5 derived lines that outyielded random selections by 19 to 53 per cent for one cross and 5 to 23 per cent for the second cross. These lines were 41 to 50 per cent better than the mid-parent in one cross, but were less than the mid-parent in the other cross.However, the response to selection when measured in a different year was little better than random selection. The effect of different sites also reduced the effectiveness of selection.Selection of harvest index in early generations for improvement of yield was ineffective when response was measured at the same site in the same year, or in different years.Contrary to some theoretical proposals, the same improvement in yield was obtained by selecting in early or late generations. While high yielding genotypes may be lost by delaying selection, this is counteracted by the better predictive value of late generations due to their greater homozygosity and homogeneity.  相似文献   

Variation of harvest index in several wheat crosses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G. M. Bhatt 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):41-50
Summary Harvest index was studied in F1 and F2 generations of eight wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crosses and their reciprocals. The parental varieties involved in the crosses represented a fairly wide range of character expression for plant height, tillering potential, grain yield per plant and harvest index. Differences between reciprocal crosses were not evident for the expression of harvest index of the crosses under study. Means and degrees of dominance of F1 and F2 populations suggested partial dominance of high harvest index over low harvest index. The pattern of variation among F2 segregates was quantitative and the distribution was normal. The gene action governing the expression of harvest index was largely additive. Evidence was obtained for non-additive gene action in some crosses. There was complete absence of high parent heterosis for harvest index in the F1's but midparent heterosis was found to be present in all crosses. Estimates of heritability and genetic advance were moderate to high. Usefulness of selecting for harvest index as a measure of yield efficiency particularly in early generations is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were conducted to determine the inheritance and allelic relationships of genes controlling resistance to the Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), in seven wheat germplasm lines previously identified as resistant to RWA. The seven resistant lines were crossed to a susceptible wheat cultivar Carson, and three resistant wheats, CORWA1, PI294994 and PI243781, lines carrying the resistance genes Dn4, Dn5 and Dn6, respectively. Seedlings of the parents, F1 and F2 were screened for RWA resistance in the greenhouse by artificial infestation. Seedling reactions were evaluated 21 to 28 days after the infestation using a 1 to 9 scale. All the F1 hybrids had equal or near equal levels of resistance to the resistant parent indicating dominant gene control. Only two distinctive classes were present and no intermediate types were observed in the F2 segregation suggesting major gene actions. The resistance in PI225262 was controlled by two dominant genes. Resistance in all other lines was controlled by a single dominant gene. KS92WGRC24 appeared to have the same resistance gene as PI243781 and STARS-9302W-sib had a common allele with PI294994. The other lines had genes different from the three known genes.  相似文献   

H. C. Sharma  H. W. Ohm 《Euphytica》1990,49(3):209-214
Summary Soft winter wheat lines were crossed with Agropyron intermedium, A. elongatum and A. trichophorum using pollen from single plants of Agropyron spp. to pollinate wheat spikes. Not only species but also individual plants within varieties of Agropyron species differed in percent seed set with a wheat genotype. In two arrays of crosses between two phenotypically different plants of A. elongatum and nine wheat lines, one Agropyron plant gave higher seed set (overall=27.1%) than the other (overall=3.7%). The differences were significant in seven of the nine cross combinations. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that these two plants differ in their crossability as pollen parents with wheat, and suggest the possibility of occurrence of crossability genes in wheatgrasses. The success rate of hybrid embryo rescue was higher (87.5%) with cold treatment (4°C) than without cold treatment (75.0%) of excised embryos on culture media. Results underscore the significance of genotype of the alien species for crossing with low crossable wheats, and of the physical factors for improving embryo rescue in wide crosses.Contribution No. 11,825, Purdue Agric. Exp. Stn., West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA. The research was supported in part by Public Varieties of Indiana.  相似文献   

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