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The effect of early removal of cows excreting pathogenic Brucella abortus following Strain 19 vaccination of beef cattle herds was determined by comparing cumulative incidence (CI) of brucellosis reactors post-vaccination (p.v.). Adult female cattle in six herds were tested, reactors removed, and vaccinated with 3×109 colony-forming units of B. abortus Strain 19. Cattle were tested at 2 months p.v. and culture-positive cattle were removed from a principal cohort of three herds at approximately 3 months p.v., and removal from a control cohort of three herds delayed until approximately 7 months p.v. Neither CI nor time to eliminate brucellosis was significantly different between cohorts.A review of the parturition data revealed that more of the infected cows in the principal cohort herds terminated gestation before removal. These data suggest that stage of gestation plus diagnostic and management alternatives to prevent parturition of infected cattle in the herd are more important factors in herd plans than early removal of postparturient infected cows following whole-herd Strain 19 vaccination.  相似文献   

Non-reactor cows in a dairy herd and six beef herds quarantined because of brucellosis were vaccinated with Brucella abortus Strain 19 and tested by rivanol and complement-fixation (CF) tests. Cows with rivanol 100 and CF 80 test titers at 2 months post-vaccination (p.v.) were defined as test positives. In the dairy herd, 46 test positives were diagnosed as follows: 17 (37%) had field strain infection; 1 (2%) had a Strain 19 infection; an additional 18 (39%) were brucellosis reactors at 4 months p.v.; 10 (22%) had declining or negative serologic tests at 4 months p.v. In the beef herds, 58 test positives were diagnosed as follows: 19 (33%) had field strain infection; 5 (9%) had Strain 19 infection; an additional 21 (36%) were brucellosis reactors at 6 months p.v.; 13 (22%) had declining or negative serologic tests at 6 months p.v.

Since the majority of the test-positive cattle were diagnosed as either infected with B. abortus or brucellosis reactors, segregation of these cattle should reduce field strain exposure for the remaining cattle in the herd and therefore reduce the number of new cases of brucellosis.  相似文献   

Initial and cumulative reactor rates for strain 19 vaccinates and nonvaccinates were significantly (P less than 0.001) lower for beef herds containing variable proportions of vaccinates, compared with reactor rates in nonvaccinated herds. In addition, significant (P less than 0.005) reduction in cumulative incidence was observed in nonvaccinated and strain 19-vaccinated cattle as the proportion of vaccinates within the herd increased from 1 to 19%, 20 to 39%, 40 to 59%, and 60 to 100%. Duration of quarantine and number of herd tests were not reduced in herds with strain 19-vaccinated cattle. In herds released from quarantine, duration of quarantine and number of tests were positively correlated to proportion of the herd vaccinated. In nonvaccinated herds released from quarantine, effect of herd size was documented by strong positive (P = 0.042) correlation with duration of quarantine and slightly weaker correlation (P = 0.095) with number of tests.  相似文献   

It is probable that bovine brucellosis will be eradicated from New Zealand by 1990. However, continued surveillance for the disease will have to be maintained for a number of years. This paper examines alternative methods of surveillance in beef herds with a view to ensuring that the most cost effective method is used. The three surveillance methods examined are the present automated complement fixation test, abattoir surveillance, and a system based on a delayed hypersensitivity skin test using a purified Brucella protein antigen. It is concluded that despite the relatively low sensitivity of the skin test the probability of its identifying herds as infected is likely to be greater in practice than abattoir surveil- lance. The skin test is cheaper than the present complement fixation test.  相似文献   

It is probable that bovine brucellosis will be eradicated from New Zealand by 1990. However, continued surveillance for the disease will have to be maintained for a number of years. This paper examines alternative methods of surveillance in beef herds with a view to ensuring that the most cost effective method is used. The three surveillance methods examined are the present automated complement fixation test, abattoir surveillance, and a system based on a delayed hypersensitivity skin test using a purified Brucella protein antigen. It is concluded that despite the relatively low sensitivity of the skin test the probability of its identifying herds as infected is likely to be greater in practice than abattoir surveillance. The skin test is cheaper than the present complement fixation test.  相似文献   

Milk culture data and serologic test results were evaluated after adult vaccination with Brucella abortus strain 19 in cattle of 3 large California dairy herds infected with brucellosis. Strain-19 organisms were isolated by culture of milk from 1.9% of the vaccinated cows. Isolation of field strain of B abortus varied directly with magnitude of complement-fixation (CF) and rivanol titers. At time of milk culture, 74% of cows from which field strain was isolated had CF titer greater than or equal to 160, compared with 58% of cows from which strain 19 was isolated. Cows with CF titer greater than or equal to 160 at 2 months or greater than or equal to 80 to 4 months after adult vaccination were more likely to be correctly classified as reactors (on the basis of subsequent milk culture results and/or persistently high serologic titer) than were cows with lower CF titer at these times. Cows from which B abortus strain 19 was isolated from milk were more likely to maintain persistent serologic titer than were cows from which neither strain of B abortus was isolated.  相似文献   

Heifers injected with 10(8) (n = 40), 10(9) (n = 39), or 10(10) (n = 39) colony-forming units of Brucella abortus strain 19 were conjunctivally exposed to 10(7) colony-forming units of strain 2308 during gestation. At parturition, milk from each quarter of the udder, a piece of placenta, and 2 swab specimens of the uterus from the dam plus a swab specimen of the rectum from each calf were cultured for Brucella. If the calf was dead or died, additional specimens of lung, stomach contents, and a mediastinal lymph node also were cultured. Days in gestation was determined for each heifer, using data from rectal palpation after breeding and crown-rump length and weight of calf at parturition, with the median value used for data analysis. In each vaccine dosage group, the proportion (%) of heifers developing brucellosis increased as days in gestation at exposure increased. Strain 2308 was isolated from 3 (11%) of 26, 16 (25%) of 64, and 18 (64%) of 28 heifers that were grouped as less than 121, 121 to 150, and greater than 150 days in gestation at time of exposure, respectively. Thirty-two (86%) of the 37 infected heifers were less than 260 days in gestation at parturition, and calves were premature. Heifers with premature calves were more likely to be infected, and tissues were more likely to yield multiple isolations of strain 2308, regardless of days in gestation at exposure or of days after exposure to parturition. Days after exposure to premature parturition of infected heifers ranged from 35 to 110.  相似文献   

Yearling heifers were given SC injections of 10(8) (n = 40), 10(9) (n = 44), or 10(10) (n = 44) colony-forming units of Brucella abortus strain 19 (S19). The proportion of heifers with positive serologic test results at 1 month following vaccination increased as the dose of S19 increased. These proportions decreased with time, and all heifers had negative card, rivanol, and complement fixation test results within 4 months. Positive ELISA results persisted beyond 4 months in all three S19 dose groups; however, all heifers were ELISA-negative within 9 months after vaccination. Comparable lymphocyte transformation activity was stimulated by S19 dose of 10(9) or 10(10) and approximately half of the heifers in both groups had a positive stimulation index at 9 months. Immunity of the pregnant heifers was challenged 9 months after vaccination with 10(7) B abortus strain 2308 as follows: diluent controls (n = 69); 10(8) B abortus S19 (n = 40); 10(9) B abortus S19 (n = 39); and 10(10) B abortus S19 (n = 39). Tissue specimens from heifers were obtained at parturition and necropsy for culturing of B abortus. The proportion of heifers that developed brucellosis, ie, had positive culture results, increased as gestation days at challenge exposure increased. The effect of gestational age was controlled in the analysis using logistic regression. The relative risk of brucellosis was reduced to 0.38, 0.15, and 0.06 for B abortus S19 doses of 10(8), 10(9), and 10(10), respectively, compared with diluent controls at 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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