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《Applied soil ecology》2007,35(1):213-225
Rhizosphere soils from 12 different plant species grown as monocultures at a field site of biodiversity and ecological processes in terrestrial herbaceous ecosystems (BIODEPTH) in northern Sweden were used as inoculum on potato to investigate mycorrhizal traits. Potato roots showed significantly higher mycorrhizal colonization when inoculated with soil samples from Festuca ovina and Leucanthemum vulgare compared to soil samples from other plants. The soil samples of F. ovina, L. vulgare, Phalaris arundinacea and Trifolium pratense rhizospheres were chosen for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi identification based on spore morphology and large subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA sequences amplified from single spores and roots. Spore morphological identification showed that Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices were found in F. ovina and L. vulgare soils at the site as well as in our potato trap experiment. Also, Glomus geosporum spores were present in all four plants’ soils in the potato trap experiment. LSU rDNA sequences were obtained from AM fungal spores from the collection site or potato trap experiment and colonized potato roots inoculated with L. vulgare soil. Sequences showed highest similarity to G. mosseae. Our results suggest that the host F. ovina and L. vulgare could be considered in crop rotation to enhance AM fungal inocula for potatoes.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are integral functioning parts of plant root systems and are widely recognized for enhancing plant growth on severely disturbed sites, including those contaminated with heavy metals. However, the generality of detailed patterns observed for their influence on various metals and oxidative‐stress parameters in multiple plant species is not clarified. The goal of this study was to investigate the patterns of metal‐stress alleviation by AMF in four plant species. For this purpose, clover, sunflower, mustard, and phacelia were inoculated with Glomus intraradices and compared to noninoculated plants grown under heavy metal–stressed conditions. The study focused on the effect of AMF inoculation on plant biomass, assimilating pigments, total protein, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activity, lipid peroxidation and As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, P, Pb, U, and Zn contents. As a result of inoculation very different patterns of variation were obtained for concentrations of elements and for biochemical parameters in plants. The particular effect of AMF inoculation on plants was species‐ and metal‐specific, although there was a general enhancement of plant growth.  相似文献   

Landspreading of biosolids (treated sewage sludge) in agroecosystems is a common waste management practice worldwide. Evidence suggests biosolids may be detrimental to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF); however, previous studies focused on arable systems and often unrealistically high biosolids application levels. We investigated the effects of biosolids on AMF communities in grassland and arable agroecosystems, in the context of the natural seasonal dynamics of AMF community composition and diversity. A pasture and arable system under commercial farming management were amended annually with two different types of biosolids, applied at levels meeting current European Union regulations, in a factorial, replicated field-scale plot experiment. AMF root colonisation and community composition were measured in Lolium perenne roots from the pasture and Trifolium repens roots growing in arable soil across the seasons of two years. AMF community compositions were assessed by terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses. Biosolids had no significant effect on AMF root colonisation or community composition in either agroecosystem. Soil chemical analyses indicated several changes in the top 0–5 cm layer of the pasture soil, including small increases in heavy metal concentrations in biosolids relative to control plots. Temporal AMF dynamics were detected in soils from both agroecosystem indicating that the effect of seasonality outweighed that of biosolids application.  相似文献   

It has widely been acknowledged that the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is greatly affected by climate, land use intensity, and soil parameters. The objective of this study was to investigate AMF diversity in multiple agricultural soils (154 sites; 92 grasslands and 62 croplands) distributed over all agricultural regions in Switzerland and differing in a number of soil parameters (e.g., land use type and intensity, and altitude). We highlighted the main factors responsible for major AMF community shifts and documented specific distribution patterns for each AMF species. AMF spores were morphologically identified and counted for each species. In total, 17,924 spores were classified and 106 AMF species were identified. In general, AMF species richness (SR) was higher in grasslands than in croplands. In croplands, SR increased with altitude but this trend was not observed in grasslands. Some species occurred at virtually all sites, while others were rarely detected, and for others, species-specific distribution patterns were revealed. Some species were affected by land use type or intensity, or related factors like soil organic matter, soil microbial biomass and respiration or nutrient availability. Other species were more affected by soil pH and related parameters like base saturation and carbonate contents, by soil texture, or by altitude, or by a combination of two to several of all these parameters. We conclude that a high number of AMF species may serve as indicator species for specific habitats and land use. These species might deliver certain ecosystem services at their habitats and deserve further investigation about their functional diversity.  相似文献   

Two complementary studies were performed to examine (1) the effect of 18 years of nitrogen (N) fertilization, and (2) the effects of N fertilization during one growing season on soil microbial community composition and soil resource availability in a grassland ecosystem. N was added at three different rates: 0, 5.44, and 27.2 g N m−2 y−1. In both studies, Schizachyrium scoparium was the dominant plant species before N treatments were applied. Soil microbial communities from each experiment were characterized using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Discriminant analysis of the FAMEs separated the three N fertilizer treatments in both experiments, indicating shifts in the composition of the microbial communities. In general, plots that received N fertilizer at low or high application rates for 18 years showed increased proportions of bacterial FAMEs and decreased fungal FAMEs. In particular, control plots contained a significantly higher proportion of fungal FAMEs C18:1(cis9) and C18:2(cis9,12) and of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) FAME, C16:1(cis11), than both of the N addition treatment plots. A significant negative effect of N fertilization on the AMF FAME, C16:1(cis11), was measured in the short-term experiment. Our results indicate that high rates of anthropogenic N deposition can lead to significant changes in the composition of soil microbial communities over short periods and can even disrupt the relationship between AMF and plants.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate native plant species associated with exogenous AMF for their suitability in the revegetation of iron mine tailings of Inner Mongolia grassland. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. and Elymus dahuricus Turcz. associated with AMF, Glomus mosseae, or Glomus versiforme, were grown on iron mine tailings to assess the mycorrhizal effects on plant growth, mineral nutrition uptake, C:N:P stoichiometry, and heavy metals uptake. The symbiotic associations were successfully established between exogenous AMF and two native plants, and root colonization rates of G. versiforme were significantly (P?<?0.05) higher than those of G. mosseae. G. versiforme was more effective than G. mosseae in promoting plant growth by significantly (P?<?0.05) increasing the concentrations of N, P, and K and decreasing the ratios of C:N:P. The shoot and root dry weights of A. cristatum and E. dahuricus were increased by 51–103 %. The N, P, and K concentrations of shoots and roots of two plants were increased by 18–236 %. Inoculation with AMF also significantly (P?<?0.05) decreased concentrations of heavy metals in the shoots and increased those in the roots, indicating that AMF could confer some degree of heavy metal tolerance to plants. The results indicated that plant inoculation with G. versiforme was more suitable than inoculation with G. mosseae for the revegetation of iron mine tailings. The experiment provided evidence for the potential use of local plant species in combination with exogenous AMF for ecological restoration of metalliferous tailings in arid and semi-arid grassland.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2010,46(3):138-143
We tested the potential for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to mediate plant adaptation to mine soil conditions utilizing a full factorial experiment involving two fungal communities, two ecotypes of plants and two soil types. We found that plants grew larger with fungal communities derived from mine soil regardless of the soil type in which they were grown. There was no evidence that the plants suffered from aluminum toxicity; however, plants grown in coal tailings produced far less biomass than those grown in low-nutrient clay soil. Andropogon virginicus L. grown from seeds collected from a coal mine had increased allocation to roots in sterile soil. Plantago lanceolata L. grown from seeds collected from a coal mine also showed an increased allocation to roots. We concluded that harsh edaphic conditions may help reinforce the symbiotic relationship between plants and AM fungi, resulting in more beneficial symbionts.  相似文献   

The interactive impact of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Rhizophagus intraradices, AM fungi) on the degradation of oxytetracycline (OTC) in soils was studied under greenhouse conditions. Treatments included maize plants inoculated vs. not inoculated with AM fungi and treated with or without earthworms at low (1 mg kg−1 soil DM) or high (100 mg kg−1 soil DM) OTC rates. The root colonization rate, the hyphal density of mycorrhizae, the residual OTC concentration in soils, catalase, dehydrogenase, urease, soil microbial biomass C, Shannon–Wiener index (H) for microbial communities from T-RFLP profiles were measured at harvest. The results indicated that earthworms and AM fungi would individually or interactively enhance OTC decomposition and significantly decreased the residual OTC concentration at both high and low OTC rates. Both earthworms and AM fungi could promote the degradation of OTC by increasing soil microbial biomass C at both high and low OTC rates. The effect of soil enzyme activity and soil microbial diversity on OTC decomposition was different between high and low OTC rates. Hyphomicrobium and Bacillus cereus were dominant bacteria, and Thielavia and Chaetomium were dominant phyla of fungi at all occasions. Earthworm activity stimulated the growth of Hyphomicrobium and Thielavia, while AM fungi may stimulate Bcereus, Thielavia and Chaetomium, resulting in greater OTC decomposition. The interaction between earthworms and AM fungi in affecting the degradation of OTC may be attributed to different mechanisms, depending on soil microbial biomass, function (enzyme activity) and communities (the abundance of Hyphomicrobium, B. cereus, Thielavia and Chaetomium) in the soil.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2003,22(2):103-111
The re-establishment of native shrub species in the Mediterranean basin serves to restore the characteristic biodiversity and to prevent the processes of erosion and desertification in semiarid areas. A field experiment was carried out in an abandoned semiarid agricultural Mediterranean area to assess the effectiveness of mycorrhizal inoculation, with a mixture of native arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi or an allochthonous AM fungus (Glomus claroideum), on the establishment of Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris L., Pistacia lentiscus L., Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boissier and Rhamnus lycioides L. seedlings in this area. One year after planting, shoot biomass of inoculated O. europaea and P. lentiscus seedlings was greater, by about 630% and 300%, respectively, than that of non-inoculated plants. Shoot biomass of G. claroideum-colonised R. sphaerocarpa plants was significantly greater than that of seedlings inoculated with the mixed native AM fungi after 12 months. The increase of R. lycioides growth due to inoculation with native AM fungi was significantly greater than that of G. claroideum-colonised seedlings during the same growth period. Inoculation with a mix of native AM fungi was the most effective treatment for increasing shoot biomass and N, P and K contents in shoot tissues of R. lycioides seedlings. The mixture of native AM fungi was the most effective with respect to colonisation of the roots of O. europaea and R. lycioides, but the native AM fungi and G. claroideum achieved similar levels of colonisation in P. lentiscus and R. sphaerocarpa. The use of native mycorrhizal potential as a source of AM inoculum may be considered a preferential inoculation strategy to guarantee the successful re-establishment of native shrub species in a semiarid degraded soil.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are recognized for their positive effects on plant growth, playing an important role in plant P nutrition. We used C16:1cis11 and C18:1cis11 fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) biomarkers to monitor the dynamics of AM fungi during the reproductive stages of maize (Zea mays L.) grown at high yield in Nebraska, USA. Two fields with four different levels of P availability were sampled throughout the reproductive stages. Chambers, made of PVC enclosed mesh fabric to allow passage of roots and hyphae (+R) or hyphae alone (-R) and amended with either KH2PO4(+P) or distilled water (-P), were installed in the field at tasselling and removed after three, six and nine weeks. Our objectives were (i) to provide evidence for C allocation to AM fungi during the reproductive stages of high productivity maize and (ii) to link AM fungal growth dynamics with changes in soil P availability. We observed that initial AM FAME concentration was lower at sites with a high availability of P. During the reproductive growth of maize, AM biomarkers increased inside the chambers and were consistent with the biomarker increase observed in adjacent field soil. This confirms that there is C allocation from the plant to the symbiont during the reproductive stages of maize. We also observed a reduction in available P in +R and -R chambers. This observation implies that hyphae were as efficient as roots and hyphae in reducing the P concentration in chambers. These results demonstrate that AM fungi are active during the reproductive growth stages of maize and may benefit high productivity maize crops by facilitating P uptake.  相似文献   

In sustainable agriculture, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal inoculation in agronomical management might be very important, especially when the efficiency of native inocula is poor. Here, we assessed the effect of native and exotic selected AM fungal inocula on plant growth and nutrient uptake in a low input Trifolium alexandrinum-Zea mays crop rotation. We evaluated the effects of four exotic AM fungal isolates on T. alexandrinum physiological traits in greenhouse. Then, the field performances of T. alexandrinum inoculated with the exotic AMF, both single and mixed, were compared to those obtained with a native inoculum, using a multivariate analysis approach. Finally, we tested the residual effect of AM fungal field inoculation on maize as following crop. Multivariate analysis showed that the field AM fungal inoculation increased T. alexandrinum and Z. mays productivity and quality and that the native inoculum was as effective as, or more effective than, exotic AM fungal isolates. Moreover, the beneficial effects of AMF were persistent until the second year after inoculation. The use of native AMF, produced on farm with mycotrophic plants species, may represent a convenient alternative to commercial AM fungal inocula, and may offer economically and ecologically important advantages in sustainable or organic cropping systems.  相似文献   

The effect of pre-inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on post-transplant growth of peach seedlings in replant and non-replant soils was studied for two successive seasons. Seedlings raised in sterile media and pre-inoculated with soil-based Gigaspora margarita inoculum were transplanted in replant and non-replant field soils alongside non-inoculated controls. Pre-inoculated seedlings transplanted in non-replant soils showed greater initial growth in the first year. Plant height, and lateral shoot length and number was highest in non-replant soils irrespective of mycorrhizal pre-inoculation. Similarly, biomass yield was significantly higher in seedlings in non-replant soils, though there were no significant differences in shoot/root ratios, and in tissue mineral content between and within treatments. Seedling infection by indigenous AMF was high in both replant and non-replant soils, and even non-inoculated seedlings recorded high infection levels after the first season. Generally, mycorrhizal activity was lower, and spore populations higher in replant soils, while the opposite was true in non-replant soils. It seems that soil sickness has a negative impact on plant metabolism and limits the capacity of the plant host to support the mycorrhizal symbiosis.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known to play an important role in plant tolerance to heavy metals (HMs) stress. This study aimed to understand the diversity of AMF communities associated with five selected plant species (Phytolacca americana, Rehmannia glutinosa, Perilla frutescens, Litsea cubeba and Dysphania ambrosioides) from severely HMs polluted soils in Dabaoshan Mine region, China, using molecular methods. Plant roots and rhizospheric soils were sampled from four sites, respectively. Targeting the fungal small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis indicated that varied AMF communities colonized different plant species, and the AMF communities in rhizospheric soils were different from those in plant roots. Total six SSU rRNA gene clone libraries including four root samples and two rhizospheric soil samples were constructed. Screening clone libraries by DGGE and sequence analysis revealed that Glomus dominated all of the samples except for the roots of D. ambrosioides, while Kuklospora and Ambispora dominated the roots of D. ambrosioides and the rhizosphere of P. americana. This study indicates that diverse AMF are associated with these selected plants, and they are potentially useful to promote the phytoremediation of this HMs polluted area.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) development in different soil types, and the influence of AM fungal hyphae on their original soil were investigated. Plantago lanceolata, which can grow in soils of a very wide pH range, was grown in two closely related limestone soils and an acid soil from rock habitats. Plants were colonised by the indigenous AM fungal community. The use of compartmented systems allowed us to compare soil with and without mycorrhizal hyphae. Root colonisation of P. lanceolata was markedly higher in the limestone soils (30-60%) than in the acid soil (5-20%), both in the original habitat and in the experimental study. Growth of extraradical AM fungal hyphae was detected in the limestone soils, but not in the acid soil, using the signature fatty acid 16:1ω5 as biomass indicator. Analysis of signature fatty acids demonstrated an increased microbial biomass in the presence of AM fungal hyphae as judged for example from an increased amount of NLFA 16:0 with 30 nmol g−1 in one of the limestone soils. Bacterial activity, but not soil phosphatase activity, was increased by around 25% in the presence of mycorrhizal hyphae in the first harvest of limestone soils. AM fungal hyphae can thus stimulate microorganisms. However, no effect of AM hyphae was observed on the soil pH or organic matter content in the limestone soils and the available P was not depleted.  相似文献   

通过不同浓度的镉污染土壤接种丛枝菌根真菌的黑麦草盆栽试验,研究了丛枝菌根真菌对镉污染条件下黑麦草幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:重度镉污染(Cd2+:180 mg/kg)条件下,Glomus mosseae对黑麦草根系的侵染率仍达到30.23%,对黑麦草的生长有较好的促进作用;丛枝菌根在一定程度上缓解了镉污染对黑麦草株高、根长和生物量积累的抑制;镉污染显著降低黑麦草叶片的叶绿素含量,叶绿素a在重度镉污染时下降幅度最大,不接种丛枝菌根真菌的黑麦草较对照下降37.9%,而接种的黑麦草下降26.7%,接种菌根真菌在中重度镉污染条件下显著提高了黑麦草叶片的叶绿素含量;重度镉污染下接种和不接种的黑麦草根系活力都开始显著下降,但接种植株根系活力下降的幅度小于不接种植株。  相似文献   


The need for salinity resistance in turfgrass is increasing because of the enhanced use of effluent and other low-quality water for turfgrass irrigation. Although most turfgrasses form an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) symbiosis, there is little information on the mycorrhization of turfgrass species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of three AMF species, Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith, Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerdemann, and Glomus deserticola Trappe & John, and a mixture thereof on the growth, productivity, and nutrient uptake of two species of cool-season turfgrasses, Challenger Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and Arid tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and to relate the effects to colonization of the roots by mycorrhiza to assess the dependency of the plants (mycorrhizal dependency [MD]). Following the experimental period (4 months) and measurements, the mycorrhizal inoculated plants had significantly greater biomass production compared to that of non-inoculated plants. MD and shoot mineral contents (particularly P) differed among turfgrass hosting AMF, and the highest value (13%) occurred for P. pratensis and F. arundinacea seedlings colonized with G. intraradices and G. deserticola, respectively. The P content was highest for the F. arundinacea/mixed AMF combination compared to other treatments. We confirmed that mycorrhizal inoculation (P. pratensis/G. intraradices and F. arundinacea/mixed AMF combinations) enhanced plant productivity and nutrient uptake (especially P) even under non-optimum conditions.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌是陆生植物根系广泛存在的一类真菌类群,并与宿主植物形成互惠共生体,在土壤生态环境中发挥着重要的生态作用和功能。从丛枝菌根提高宿主植物非生物胁迫(水、温度、盐碱和重金属等)抗性、生物胁迫(植物病害等)抗性以及改变宿主根际微生态等方面,对丛枝菌根真菌的生态作用、互作机理和研究热点进行了综述。  相似文献   

Twenty strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), native to West Africa, and three commercial AMF, were evaluated for their protective effect against root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., in pots and field experiments in Benin. In pots, these strains were assessed in sterilized soil following inoculation of nematodes and in non-sterilized soil naturally infested with nematodes using tomato. The four strains showing greatest potential in suppressing nematode development were further assessed in the field with a relatively high natural infestation level of nematodes (155 per 100 cm3 soil) over a tomato–carrot double cropping. In the pot experiments, most native strains provided significant suppression of nematode multiplication and root galling, but in most cases the level of nematode control depends on either sterilized or non-sterilized soils. In the field experiments, application of AMF mostly resulted in significant suppression of nematode multiplication and root galling damage on both crops indicating that the AMF persists and remains protective against root-knot nematodes over two crop cycles. Field application of AMF increased tomato yields by 26% and carrot yields by over 300% compared with the non-AMF control treatments. This study demonstrates for the first time, the protective effect of indigenous West African AMF against root-knot nematodes on vegetables. The potential benefits of developing non-pesticide AMF-based pest management options for the intensive urban vegetable systems are evident.  相似文献   

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