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The effect of different breadmaking processes (conventional, frozen dough, frozen partially baked bread) and the effect of the storage period on the technological quality of fresh wholemeal wheat breads are investigated. In addition, the impact of the exogenous fungal phytase on the phytate content was also determined. Results showed that breadmaking technology significantly affected the quality parameters of wholemeal breads (specific volume, moisture content, crumb and crust colour, crumb texture profile analysis and crust flaking) and frozen storage affected to a different extent the quality of the loaves obtained from partially baked breads and those obtained from frozen dough, particularly crust flaking. Freezing and frozen storage of wholemeal bread in the presence of fungal phytase decreased significantly the phytate content in whole wheat breads. The combination of fungal phytase addition, breadmaking process and frozen storage could be advisable for overcoming the detrimental effect of bran on the mineral bioavailability.  相似文献   

The aim of this experimental work was to evaluate the effect of inulin addition on the rheological properties of common wheat doughs and bread quality. Three commercial fructan products of different number average degree of polymerisation (DPn) were used (DPn = 10 for inulin ST; DPn = 23 for inulin HP and HP-gel). Inulin contents from 2.5 to 7.5% on dry matter (wheat flour plus inulin) were used. Dough rheological properties were investigated using farinograph and dynamic rheological measurements. Upon addition of dietary fibre (DF), significant increase in mixing time and stability, and decrease in water absorption were recorded. Inulin ST exerted greater effect on water absorption than HP products.  相似文献   

The use of fast X-ray computed microtomography (CMT) shows that the development of gas cell structures during fermentation first depends on a critical time, t1, determined by overall expansion and before which bubbles grow freely according to a simple exponential law. Afterwards, coalescence rapidly prevails and then leads to a heterogeneous structure, for tt2, characterized by a continuous void phase likely to be stabilized by liquid film walls. This result confirms the involvement of minor components in addition to gluten protein for obtaining a desirable bread texture and suggests that their interfacial properties need to be investigated. The use of fast in situ CMT with careful 3D image analysis also provides data for the validation of numerical models of bubble growth. These small scale experiments could be extended to follow the rheological properties of expanding doughs and the temperature-state changes of wheat flour biopolymers which govern bread baking.  相似文献   

Whole wheat bread represents an important source of dietary fibre and micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins (B1, B2, B6). Thus it is important to control losses of vitamins during milling and breadmaking. The classical (yeast) breadmaking process is a relatively severe, leading to a 48% loss of thiamine in white bread. Longer fermentation times (white bread) led to higher thiamine concentrations (2.5 μg/g) than shorter fermentations (1.4 μg/g). In whole wheat bread, separate yeast or sourdough fermentations maintained vitamin B1 levels close to that of the original flour (5.5 μg/g). Whole wheat breadmaking with yeast (from kneading to final bread), in long fermentations, resulted in a 30% enrichment in riboflavin. The pyridoxine concentration of whole wheat flour is 5-fold higher than white flour, but classical fermentations resulted in a severe depletion in pyridoxine (−47%). The use of mixed fermentation conditions (yeast plus sourdough) had no synergistic impact on B vitamin levels. The classical breadmaking protocol is time-saving but does not result in maximal vitamin retention. Highest levels of B vitamins were achieved by long yeast fermentations.  相似文献   

Eleven laboratory‐scale trials were undertaken in different years where ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) or lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) were ensiled with different concentrations of tannin extracts (quebracho, Schinopsis balansae Engl., mimosa, Acacia mearnsii DE WILD.), and the effects on protein degradation were assessed. The dry‐matter (DM) content in grass silages ranged between 186 and 469 g/kg and in lucerne silages between 187 and 503 g/kg. Tannin extract, either quebracho or mimosa, was applied at 0–30 g/kg forage DM. Commercial additives such as Lactobacillus plantarum, formic acid or hexamine + NaNO2 were applied in two of the grass trials and in six of the lucerne trials. Eight of the trials incorporated a maximum ensiling duration of 90 or 180 days in addition to replicates which were opened and evaluated at earlier stages. All trials included silages which were assessed after at least 49 days of anaerobic storage. The crude protein (CP) fraction A (non‐protein nitrogen, NPN) as proportion of total CP, served as the main indicator for proteolysis. In ryegrass, in general, the level of proteolysis was lower than in lucerne. A correlation of DM content in silages and degree of proteolysis was only evident for ryegrass. In both forages, the degradation of true protein slowed considerably after 24 days of ensiling. True protein was conserved most with the highest level of tannin extract addition. However, in lucerne, the combination of formate with lactobacilli was equally effective up to 330 g DM/kg, and deamination was further inhibited by formic acid compared to tannin extracts.  相似文献   

Sodium chloride (NaCl) is an essential ingredient to control the functional properties of wheat dough and bread quality. This study investigated the effect of NaCl at 0, 1 and 2%, (w/w, flour base) on the gluten network formation during dough development, the dough rheology, and the baking characteristics of two commercial flours containing different levels of protein (9.0 and 13.5%) and with different glutenin-to-gliadin ratios. Examination of the dough structure by confocal microscopy at different stages of mixing show that the gluten network formation was delayed and the formation of elongated fibril protein structure at the end of dough development when NaCl was used. The fibril structure of protein influenced the dough strength, as determined by strain hardening coefficient and hardening index obtained from the large deformation extension measurements. NaCl had a greater effect on enhancing the strength of dough prepared from the low protein flour compared to those from the high protein flour. The effect of NaCl on loaf volume and crumb structure of bread followed a similar trend. These results indicate that the effect of NaCl on dough strength and bread quality may be partially compensated by choosing flour with an appropriate amount and quality of gluten protein.  相似文献   

The use of pseudocereals and ancient grains for breadmaking applications is receiving particular attention since they involve nutrient dense grains with proven health-promoting attributes. Dilution up to 20% of the basic rye/wheat flour blend by accumulative addition of amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa and teff flours (5% single flour) did positively impact either some dough visco-metric and visco-elastic features, or some techno-functional and nutritional characteristics of mixed bread matrices, and induced concomitant dynamics in lipid binding over mixing and baking steps. A preferential lipid binding to the gluten/non gluten proteins and to the outside part of the starch granules takes place during mixing, in such a way that the higher the accumulation of bound lipids during mixing, the higher the bioaccessible polyphenol content in blended breads. During baking, lipids bind to the gluten/non gluten proteins at the expenses of both a free lipid displacement and a lipid migration from the inside part of the starch granules to the protein active sites. It was observed that the higher the decrease of free lipid content during baking, the higher the pasting temperature and the lower the total setback on cooling and the dynamic moduli, but the higher the specific volume in blended breads.  相似文献   

Individual phospholipid classes in high purity were isolated by thin layer chromatography on a semi-preparative scale (1–2 g) from crude lecithins of different origins (soybean, rapeseed, sunflower) and their baking activity was studied by micro-scale baking tests using 10 g of flour. Baking tests with individual phospholipid classes showed for the first time, that phosphatidylinositol, which was supposed to play a secondary role in breadmaking, is the only type of phospholipid which is active at very low concentrations, 0.02–0.1% based on flour weight. No other type of phospholipid was active in this concentration range, when added individually. The effects of individual phospholipid types were compared to those of mixtures. A mixture of phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidic acid/phosphatidylserine in the proportion 2/2/1/0.5 (by weight) was found to be the most effective in breadmaking (increasing the loaf volume by up to 31%), indicating synergistic effects between the components. The results were confirmed by baking tests on a larger scale (300 g of flour). High proportions of phosphatidylinositol and lysophosphatidylethanolamine decreased the loaf volume, and phosphatidylcholine, which is the major constituent of crude lecithins, had only a minor impact on baking activity.  相似文献   

The effects of grain texture on pastamaking and breadmaking quality were studied in three F8 soft-textured durum wheat lines (SDLs) containing wild-type alleles Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a as compared with their hard durum sister lines (HDLs). SDLs homozygous for a small 5DS segment, less than 14.4 cM in size, accumulated puroindolines A (Pin-A) and B (Pin-B) and showed SKCS values (19.9-23.6) significantly lower than those (72.6-76.8) of their hard-textured counterparts lacking Pin-A and Pin-B. In addition, SDLs exhibited approximately 24% higher flour extraction rates compared with HDLs. Reducing the kernel hardness decreased farinograph water absorption, dough tenacity (P) and, accordingly, alveograph P/L ratio, but increased farinograph stability, mixing tolerance and dough extensibility (L). Spaghetti cooking quality, as determined by the sensory judgment of firmness, stickiness and bulkiness, was unaffected by the kernel hardness, whereas the loaf volume exhibited a 10% increase associated with kernel softening. Flour and semolina, but not spaghetti, from SDLs showed a substantial reduction in yellowness (b*) and brownness (100 − L*) likely due to their finer particle size compared with HDLs. Alleles Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a may offer new perspectives for breeding dual purpose (pasta and bread) durum wheat varieties.  相似文献   

No difference in wheat phytase activity was observed when different types of acid were used to adjust the pH of wholemeal wheat flour suspensions to pH 5·0, the optimum for wheat phytase. When whole wheat bread was made without additives or after adjustment of the dough pH with acetic acid or lingonberry (traditional ingredients in bread making in Sweden), 64%, 96% and 83%, respectively, of the initial phytate was hydrolysed. A small but significant difference between breads with and without yeast or with deactivated yeast was found, indicating that yeast contributed some phytase activity under the conditions of bread making (pH 5·3–5·8 and 30–37°C). The optimum pH of yeast phytase was found to be 3·5. The isomers of IP5formed with purified wheat phytase or yeast phytase were studied using sodium phytate as substrate. Wheat phytase formed 1,2,3,4,5-IP5whereas yeast phytase formed 1,2,4,5,6-IP5. Determination of the isomers of inositol pentaphosphate demonstrated that the reduction in phytate levels in bread compared with wholemeal flour resulted from both wheat and yeast phytase activities.  相似文献   

The grain-filling characteristics of six rice varieties (combinations) and the relationships between their relative biochemistry composition during phytate synthesizing and grain plumpness were studied. Regarding results for ISHR1,ISHR2, R198 and JW21, with good grain plumpness, the two-step-filling in superior spikelets and inferior spikelets was not clear, while for ISHR3 and 559, with poor grain plumpness, it was very clear. From booting stage to flowering stage, the contents of phytate and inositol in varieties with good grain plumpness was obviously higher than those in varieties with poor grain plumpness. While at grain filling stage, the content of inorganic phosphorus in varieties with poor grain plumpness was obviously higher than that in varieties with good grain plumpness. The contents of phytate and inositol from booting stage to flowering stage was highly significantly correlated with the initial filling power (RO), the mean filling rate (RM) and grain filling percentage (PGF), and the content of inorganic phosphorus at grain filling stage was negatively significantly correlated with R0, FM and PGF. Furthermore, effective approach to improving grain filling was put forward.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium selenite addition and fermentation times on production of selenomethionine (SeM) during sponge bread production was evaluated. Doughs were supplemented with sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) and fermented with yeast, avoiding addition of sulfur salts. The effect of Na2SeO3 on yeast activity was evaluated using a pressurometer. Results showed that there were not statistical differences (p < 0.05) in CO2 production and dough pH at all the sodium selenite concentrations tested. HPLC-fluorescence data showed that SeM production was higher with the increase of fermentation times, while less significant effects were observed due to changes in Na2SeO3 concentration. Two slices of Se-enriched bread can provide about 200 μg SeM, the dose recommended to prevent cancer and oxidative stress. The physical features (water absorption, bread weight, bread volume, color, density, oven spring, etc.) and organoleptic evaluations for the enriched loaves were evaluated. In all these parameters, the experimental enriched breads had practically identical attributes compared to the control. The breads rich in SeM have potential to be used as functional foods because this amino acid is synthesized into higher quantities of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme considered as one of the most protective mechanisms against oxidative stress and preventive of cancer and chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Association of Phytate Formation with Grain Filling in Rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The grain-filling characteristics of six rice varieties (combinations) and the relationships between their relative biochemistry composition during phytate synthesizing and grain plumpness were studied. Regarding results for ISHR1,ISHR2, R198 and JW21, with good grain plumpness, the two-step-filling in superior spikelets and inferior spikelets was not clear, while for ISHR3 and 559, with poor grain plumpness, it was very clear. From booting stage to flowering stage, the contents of phytate and inositol in varieties with good grain plumpness was obviously higher than those in varieties with poor grain plumpness. While at grain filling stage, the content of inorganic phosphorus in varieties with poor grain plumpness was obviously higher than that in varieties with good grain plumpness. The contents of phytate and inositol from booting stage to flowering stage was highly significantly correlated with the initial filling power (R0), the mean filling rate (RM) and grainfilling percentage (PGF), and the content of inorganic phosphorus at grain filling stage was negatively significantly correlated with R0, FM and PGF. Furthermore, effective approach to improving grain filling was put forward.  相似文献   

植酸形成与水稻籽粒充实的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了6个水稻品种(组合)的籽粒灌浆特征及植酸合成过程中相关生化成分变化与籽粒充实的关系。籽粒充实度好的亚杂1号(ISHR1)、亚杂2号(ISHR2)、R198和JW21,强、弱势粒灌浆不表现两段灌浆现象,而籽粒充实度差的亚杂3号(ISHR3)和559两段灌浆现象则十分明显。孕穗期至开花期,籽粒充实度好的品种其植酸、肌醇含量显著高于籽粒充实度差的品种;灌浆期,籽粒充实度差的品种无机磷含量明显高于籽粒充实度好的品种。相关分析表明,在孕穗期至开花期籽粒中植酸、肌醇含量与起始灌浆势(P0)、平均灌浆速率(RA)和籽粒充实率(GFP)均呈极显著正相关;灌浆期,无机磷含量与P0、RA和GFP呈极显著负相关,肌醇含量与P0、RA和GFP无明显相关性。提出了提高水稻籽粒充实度的有效途径。  相似文献   

During breadmaking, a continuous protein network is formed which confers visco-elasticity to dough. The properties of this protein network are highly dependent on the characteristics of the gluten proteins of the wheat flour. A good quality (highly elastic) gluten network retains the carbon dioxide that is produced by the yeast, giving dough and bread with optimal properties. However, the properties of the gluten proteins can differ substantially between wheat flours and are highly dependent on genetic, environmental and post-harvest conditions. Deficiencies in wheat quality for breadmaking can be overcome by incorporating exogenous components which alter the functionality of the gluten proteins during breadmaking. These include additives (e.g. potassium bromate, iodate, chlorine dioxide and chlorine, azodicarbonamide, ascorbic acid and peroxides) and enzymes affecting protein crosslinking. Transglutaminase, glucose oxidase, hexose oxidase and laccase all promote the formation of covalent bonds between gluten proteins and, hence, can serve as alternatives to chemical bread improvers.  相似文献   

The concerns for a healthy diet in terms of the consumption of baked products as fibre-enriched ones have been highlighted by increased consumers demand, food legislation and targeting manufacturers offer to healthy food. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of some inulin-type products added in bread-making aimed at producing functional bakery goods. In this purpose some physico-chemical characteristics and technological properties of the Romanian wheat flour half-white with addition of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% inulin commercial products (% basis flour) were evaluated. Rheological behaviour was investigated using mixolab Chopin and baking tests for fibre-enriched products were performed. Changes of the rheological behaviour were noticed, in terms of a general decreasing trend of dough machinability due to enzymatic reactions probably influenced by changing the ratio of the main compounds and their interactions. Overall the bread loaves characteristics mainly affected by inulin addition were the volume and crust colour.Results indicated that inulin potential as fibre enrichment in wheat bread is limited, 15% Fibruline DS being a maximum percent to be used in bread-making of half-white flour, a dosage above being critically for dough rheological behaviour and the quality of high-fibre bread.  相似文献   

High fibre breads were produced adding durum wheat bran fractions of different composition and particle size. Fresh products were characterized for texture, crumb grain, volume, colour, water status (water activity, moisture content, frozen water content, 1H molecular mobility).  相似文献   

Wheat gluten is an economically important co-product from wheat flour and its applications are predominantly in baked goods, breakfast cereals, pet foods, and processed meat products. For application in bakery products, gluten must retain its natural viscoelastic properties as much as far as possible. Freeze-drying retains the biological value of raw materials, their structure, flavor, aroma, and color. In this study the effects of freeze-dried gluten addition on the firmness of hamburger buns was evaluated using a texture analyzer and compared with buns produced using wet gluten from the same flour. Hamburger buns produced with wet gluten had the better texture, but freeze-dried gluten addition is a good option because of its longer shelf life and better functional properties.  相似文献   

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