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1无公害茶园病虫害综合防治原理 无公害茶园病虫害综合防治就是在了解茶园这种特殊生态环境的基础上,按照生态学的基本原理,发挥以茶树为主体,茶园环境为基础的自然生态调控作用,研究各种生物与非生物之间的联系,掌握有益、有害生物种群的发生、消长规律及其相互关系,充分发挥茶园有益天敌的自然调控,全面协调各种防治措施,实现对茶园害虫的持续控制,从而保证茶树的正常生长. 相似文献
从介绍植物病虫害综合防治的概念出发,阐述了植物病虫害综合防治的方法,包括植物检疫、农业防治法、物理机械防治法、生物防治法及化学防治法等,为无公害农产品生产提供了参考依据. 相似文献
陇南山区马铃薯病虫害无公害综合防治技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马铃薯是陇南武都、礼县、西和、宕昌四县主栽作物之一。主栽区年降水低于 5 5 0mm ,属旱作农业 ,绝大部分为春季一季作。全区现马铃薯种植面积 4 7万hm2 ,年产鲜薯 5 0万t。据不完全调查 ,马铃薯病虫害近 70种 ,因病虫害而减产在12 %~ 30 %,严重年份减产在 5 0 %以上 ,是造成生产中产量不稳定、产品商品率低的重要因素。常见病虫害有 14种 ,与发达地区相比我区防治水平低 ,存在较大差距 ,在多年的田间管理实践中 ,以预防为主 ,综合防治为出发点 ,总结了一套生产无公害绿色产品的病虫害综合防治技术。1 种子防治1 1 选种选种包括两层… 相似文献
针对陇南核桃栽培中病虫害发生问题进行分析论述,提出无公害综合防治策略,对陇南生态环境保护及绿色无公害核桃生产有一定指导意义. 相似文献
浅谈茶叶病虫害综合防治 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
茶叶病虫害自人类发现茶叶有解毒饮用功效并栽培以来.就一直困扰着人们。古代人们多采用人工、物理措施防治病虫。19世纪有机合成农药诞生,才为人类防治植物病虫害发挥了巨大的作用。但随着时间的推移,人们发现单一的有机合成农药防治技术,不仅使病虫产生抗药性,杀伤天敌,而且污染环境,对人类健康造成巨大威胁。上个世纪60年代以后,人类反思有机合成农药的优劣,开始引入生物防治与微生物防治。同时开拓传统的农业、物理防治技术,形成茶叶综合防治的概念。 相似文献
无公害茶叶病虫害防治的技术分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
结合当前人们对环保及食品安全的重视程度不断提升,如今在茶叶生产与加工过程中,应用茶叶病虫害防治技术也有了明显变化,其要求在做好环保工作的基础上,要实现对茶叶的病虫害防治工作。结合矿物源农业的适量应用,从而尽可能避免化学合成农药,从而确保茶叶品质。本文拟从无公害茶叶病虫害防治的基本原则分析入手,结合无公害茶叶病虫害防治的具体技术应用,从而探究无公害茶叶病虫害防治技术应用的相关价值。 相似文献
《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):271-305
SUMMARY Cropping systems have been central to managing associated pests for centuries. This treatment focuses on the history, concepts, and the integration of available Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools/strategies into cropping systems. Pest assessments/diagnoses, IPM-decision-making aids, and examples of pest management in selected crops/cropping systems (wheat, soybean, corn, cotton, potato, and strawberry) as well as emerging opportunities and challenges are discussed. The evolving philosophy of IPM and the recently renewed emphasis on ecologically based pest management address the fact that significant levels of predation and/or parasitism are desirable insofar as they promote diversity and sustainability of agroecosystems. Thus, cropping systems are beginning to focus on soil and crop health as well as specific IPM and production goals. Although extensive efforts have been directed toward modeling the many interactions between crops, associated pests and the environment, the general implementation of a systems approach to integrated crop and pest management remains to be accomplished. 相似文献
Józefa S. Kapsa 《Potato Research》2008,51(3-4):385-401
Since the 1970s climate in Europe warmed rapidly. Over the next years climate is expected to become gradually milder and more humid in northern Europe and hotter and drier in southern Europe. These changes are forecasted to be responsible for major changes in the distribution of plant and animal species, pathogen/pest prevalence and their biodiversity. On the other hand, some changes in variability and epidemiology of pathogens are affected by biological factors. In the first part of this paper an overview is given of pathogens and pests that are potentially affected by climate change and are or will become a significant threat in potato production. The second part of the paper deals with integrated crop protection of potato against various pathogens and pests, considered the best solution for these disease and pest problems. Management of persistent and recurrent diseases and pests of potato requires the integration of many control measures to achieve an efficient crop protection. The protection of potato has to start very early before planting. 相似文献
本文介绍了冬春茶园虫、病、草防治的关键是有人经常查,抓住越冬停害期和春季发生少、小有利时机,主动防治,降低繁殖基数,坚持连续治理. 相似文献
稻飞虱是水稻常发性害虫,由于多年依靠化学防治害虫,使农药残留、物种丰富度降低、稻田环境脆弱性增加等问题更加突出。通过提出以提高稻田生态系统稳定性为主旨,强调了以生物防治为主,结合栽培控害手段和其他调控方法,探讨了稻飞虱的综合防治策略。 相似文献
杂交水稻超高产栽培条件下病虫害综合治理技术体系研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
杂交水稻病虫随着栽培水平和生态环境的改变,其发生危害出现了一些新的变化。在杂交稻高产栽培条件下,研究了品种抗性与丰产性的协调应用,健身栽培与高产栽培技术的融合,化学防治与生物防治的协调应用,并初步组建了杂交水稻超高产栽培条件下的IPM技术体系。 相似文献