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我国现代农业科技园区发展的现状、问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大力发展现代农业科技园区,是我国农业生产方式逐步由传统粗放型向集约型过渡,推动我国农业科技进步和农民增产增收的重要举措。本文分析了目前我国农业科技园建设的现状、存在问题,并提出今后发展对策。  相似文献   

水稻节水栽培技术体系的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要从水稻节水栽培的技术原理、核心技术及重要技术创新、主要关键技术及其技术体系的形成与发展等方面,进行了较全面的论述。通过多年来采取不同学科、跨地区、多层次、联合攻关和潜心研究,在水稻栽培领域取得了突破性进展。研究结果与实践表明,水稻节水栽培是一项系统工程。1981年~2005年,农业科研院所和农业院校及农业技术推广部门通力合作,开展了全方位的水稻节水栽培技术试验研究,不断创新和吸取群众经验,在长达25年间,进行各项技术集成、组装与配套,建立了水稻高产节水栽培技术体系,彻底改变了传统的淹水栽培方式。经过不断深入开发和大面积应用推广,取得了巨大经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,是我国水稻栽培史上的一个里程碑。  相似文献   

国家863计划现代农业研究以提高肥料利用效率、促进农业废弃资源生物转化和实现生物肥料的多功能性为目标,建立了新型缓控释肥和生物肥料研发技术体系.  相似文献   

分析了我国从20世纪50年代至今燕麦育种经历的几个阶段,及每个阶段的育种水平和代表品种,同时还对我国目前燕麦育种的目标从3个方面分9个切入点进行了分析。  相似文献   

总结了我国基于信息通信技术的信息传播模式以及不同的农业信息服务发展和运行机制,以期发展为农业生产传播农业信息的新兴信息通信技术,提高劳动生产力,使经济、社会和环境能够可持续发展。  相似文献   

水果型甘蔗分为果蔗和糖果兼用蔗两类。在果蔗育种方面,已搜集了数十个品种,并查明其农艺、产量和商品性状;探明了果蔗组培的培养基和激素对腋芽快繁的影响及果蔗组培苗假植技术;研究出了果蔗脱毒技术,明确了脱毒可以提高果蔗产量和品质,但却不能增强其抗病性;果蔗开花诱导技术已使Badila等开花结实,但此技术还不成熟,不能在果蔗育种中应用;进行了果蔗辐射育种和系统育种研究,从Badila中选出了义红果蔗品种。在糖果兼用蔗育种方面,已从糖蔗品种中筛选出了一些糖果兼用蔗品种;我国第一个由政府资助研究的糖果兼用蔗育种项目已培育出一个品种。今后,要完善果蔗开花诱导技术,广泛搜集水果型甘蔗品种资源,测定其抗逆性,开展系统育种、辐射育种、细胞工程和基因工程及分子标记等研究。  相似文献   

历史悠久的福建省农科院水稻所,是福建省省级水稻科研专业所,不仅是福建省水稻科学的奠基者,而且已自成科研体系、开创独具特色的水稻科学相关的研究学科,科技资源雄厚,内设机构合理,科研与开发水平先进,具备承担国家、省部级重大科研项目和引领未来水稻科技发展的水平,为福建省粮食安全、持续发展和海峡西岸农业现代化建设提供有力的科技支撑,取得了丰硕的研究成果,创造了巨大的社会效益,为三农服务做出了突出贡献,在福建省水稻科学发展史上占居举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

<正>(2009年10月19日)今天我们来到秀丽的巴山蜀水——达州与涪陵,召开苎麻水土保持与麻菜套种现场观摩会,也是体系成立以来第一次全体会议,主要目的是:一要使大家认清当前的形势,低迷30多年的麻类生产盼来了生机盎然的春天。二要使大家明确各自的责任,紧密团结,精诚合作,抓住天然纤维复苏契机,共商十二五发展大计,联手再造麻业辉煌。  相似文献   

棉花生产数字化设计与管理技术的示范应用项目旨在将信息农业技术应用于棉花生产管理的优化设计和决策,以网络化农情信息管理系统,具有广泛时空适应性的棉花生产方案及管理指标设计的动态知识模型,基于知识模型的棉花生产数字化设计与管理系统,以及基于知识模型的便携式数字化管理仪等为示范推广的重点技术支撑,以大丰市为试验示范基地,通过逐级培训以及系统的示范应用,提高棉花生产系统的科学管理水平和综合生产力,促进全省数字棉作和数字农业的发展,以农业的信息化带动农业的现代化.  相似文献   

日本现代农业对福建省农业发展的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本农业生产的自然社会条件与福建省具有十分相似之处,日本作为发达资本主义国家中农业小规模经营的成功代表。在现代农业建设中有很多值得借鉴的经验。本文对日本农业生产过程中政府的功能、制度建设和农民中介组织的特点和作用进行了探讨,以期对福建省农业发展提供良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

湘西山区建设现代烟草农业的思考   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
发展现代烟草农业是烟叶工作当前及今后很长一段时间的主旋律,也是行业持续稳定供应优质原料的重要保障,更是湘西烟叶生产提升核心竞争力的重要基础。从湘西烟草农业的现状入手,分析了湘西发展现代烟草农业的优势和劣势,并就如何在湘西山区建设现代烟草农业进行了一些探索和思考,提出了发展具有山区特色的现代烟草农业模式。  相似文献   

农民自发、无监管、随意性的农村土地经营权流转机制已极不适应现代社会经济和现代农业的发展,土地、劳力、共用设施及资本等资源浪费现象严重,很有必要创建一种新型的农村土地经营权流转机制,与现代农业的规模化、产业化、机械化、集约化、长期稳定经营相适应,使国家、集体和个人三者的利益都能得到有效保障。新型农村土地经营权流转机制主要包括设立监管(托管)组织,规范土地经营权流转程序、形式、期限、规模,合理定价及政策法规等内容。  相似文献   

我国应对入世的农业政策调整与油料作物科技发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对庆对入世我国农业方面所作的政策调整进行了叙述,对我国油料生产及油料产品现状及供需状况进行了分析,提出了为迎接WTO挑战,我国油料作物科技今后的发展重点。  相似文献   

Nano-enabled agriculture is an emerging hot topic.To facilitate the development of nano-enabled agriculture,reviews addressing or discussing the applications,knowledge gap,future research needs,and possible new research field of plant nanobiotechnology in agricultural production are encouraged.Here we review the following topics in plant nanobiotechnology for agriculture:1)improving stress tolerance,2)stress sensing and early detection,3)targeted delivery and controlled release of agrochemicals,4)transgenic events in non-model crop species,and 5)seed nanopriming.We discuss the knowledge gaps in these topics.Besides the use of nanomaterials for harvesting more electrons to improve photosynthetic performance,they could be used to convert n IR and UV to visible light to expand the light spectrum for photosynthesis.We discuss this approach to maintaining plant photosynthesis under light-insufficient conditions.Our aim in this review is to aid researchers to learn quickly how to use plant nanobiotechnology for improving agricultural production.  相似文献   

This article describes the pilot study on the water reuse for agricultural irrigation in Korea. The project is a part of the application of wastewater reuse system for Agriculture project, a 21st Century Frontier R&D Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology and associated with the Sustainable Water Resources Research Program. The goal of the project was to develop infra-technologies necessary to reclaim wastewater for irrigation in agriculture. The project involved two phases: laboratory and field research. Reclamation techniques for irrigation and feasible reuse were developed as a first step in proposing appropriate water quality standards. Reclaimed wastewater of various qualities was used to irrigate cereal crops and vegetables, and possible adverse effects on crops, humans, and the environment were investigated. The optimal reclamation methods required to satisfy water quality standards were explored and the operational characteristics investigated. Moreover, an inventory of farmlands that could reuse reclaimed wastewater was established. Feasible delivery systems for irrigation were developed, and pilot project sites were identified. Finally, operational field data from pilot units were collected and analyzed. This research and development may help solve water shortage problems in Korea, which left unaddressed will have an adverse effect on future generations.  相似文献   

Sustainable crop production is necessary to ensure global food security and environmental safety. Conservation agriculture (CA) is gaining popularity around the globe due to its sustainable approaches such as permanent soil cover, minimal soil disturbance, planned crop rotations and integrated weed management. Weed control is the biggest challenge to CA adoption. Weed ecology and management is different in CA than in conventional agriculture. In CA, weeds expression, seed bank status, distribution, dispersal mechanisms, diversification, growing patterns and competition trends are complex and differ from conventional systems. It is due to reduced tillage of the soil and the flora that thrives in CA. Reduced tillage systems affect the efficacy of herbicides and mechanical weed control measures. So, it is an important task to find out the differences and to fabricate new management options. In this review, changing weed dynamics have been framed. A novel aspect of this review is the comprehensive account of sustainable weed management strategies in relation to CA. Modified tillage operations, improved cultural practices, bioherbicides, chemical herbicides, allelopathy, and crop nutrition have been identified as suitable weed management tools. None of these offers complete control but the integration of these tools in suitable combinations works efficiently. Weeds dominating CA and their responses to CA components are highlighted. For example, small seeded and perennial weeds are more abundant in CA. The role of herbicide resistance in weeds and herbicide tolerant (HT) crops in CA is also highlighted. Allelopathy and crop nutrition are discussed as modern weed management tools for CA. A detailed account of weed responses to fertilizer management options is also given. Integrated weed management compatible to cropping patterns and climatic conditions offers the best results in CA. Future efforts must be directed towards the optimization and integration of these weed management practices.  相似文献   

A precision seeding device for true potato seed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A prototype apparatus was developed which can select and deliver single true potato seed to a specific location. The principle features of the unit include a system of vacuum and pressure nozzles connected to a rotating head to select and hold the individual seeds then eject them for planting. An airbrush was incorporated in the design to remove multiple seed from the nozzles. A small orifice and the radially oriented airbrush were fixed as a result of preliminary tests. Results of performance studies of the unit indicated that 84% single seed selection was possible. Parameters which influenced the performance of the unit were airflow rate from the airbrush and the level of vacuum in the manifold.  相似文献   

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