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对玉山县危害竹子的害虫进行了调查研究,列举了8种竹子害虫的危害特点及生物学特性,提出了加强检疫、搞好预测预报工作和应用白僵菌防治技术等控制竹子害虫的办法.  相似文献   

湖北省林校教育革命小分队的师生,遵照毛主席“教育要革命”的伟大指示,1975年5月到钟祥县盘石岭林场和大口林场进行开门办学。在校党委和地、县各级领导的大力支持下,同两个林场白僵菌厂的工人、技术员一起对白僵菌生产和存在的几个主要问题进行了研究,改革了白僵菌的生产工艺,将白僵菌室内接种培养改革为露天接种、露天发酵和土床发酵,为白僵菌土法生产开辟了新途径,目前已在全省推广开来。这项三结合成果的产生,有力地回击了教育界右倾翻案风鼓吹者把开  相似文献   

本文报导从马尾松毛虫(Dendrolimus punotatus walker)虫体上分离出来的白僵菌所进行的三个试验:一、马尾松毛虫白僵菌(简称白僵菌)对家蚕的感染;二、白僵菌晶体的效能;三、白僵菌在液态培养基中生长发育情况.一、白僵菌对家蚕的感染在以前利用白僵菌防治马尾松毛虫的绝大多数报告中,几乎都要注明"严禁在养蚕区使用白僵菌".广东省德庆县的部分公社是养蚕区,但该县利用白僵菌防治马尾松毛虫极为普遍,菌粉撒到了离蚕房只有几十米的地方,并未影响养蚕.我们在这一现实情况下,于1973年5月23日到  相似文献   

白僵菌与溴氰菊酯混用防治刚竹毒蛾增效作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
通过应用白僵菌、溴氰菊酯粉及其白僵菌与0 05%和0 075%溴氰菊酯混合粉,对刚竹毒蛾进行了室内外防治试验,研究结果表明:白僵菌和溴氰菊酯的混合使用存在着增效作用,以白僵菌加0 05%溴氰菊酯粉(4∶1)防治效果较好,大面积防治平均效果达96%以上,较单用菌粉和药粉效果分别提高14 4%和23 9%,能及时有效地控制住高虫口林分害虫的严重危害。单独使用白僵菌或溴氰菊酯粉防治刚竹毒蛾药效比不上混合使用的效果,证明溴氰菊酯粉可作为白僵菌粉剂的增效剂。  相似文献   

指出了福建省白僵菌产业存在技术人员缺乏、生产规模小、效益低、设备陈旧、生产成本高及菌剂单一、防治效果不稳定等问题,从加强人才培养,以菌厂为基地,研发其他生物制剂、灭火灵、食用菌等多种经营,树立商标和品牌意识,应用现代营销手段把产品推向国内外市场等方面探讨了福建白僵菌产业化发展的对策。  相似文献   

在毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大战略方针指引下,我站为了贯彻南方八省、区应用白僵菌防治松毛虫现场会议精神,从1970年起,成立了“三结合”的科学试验小组,进行土法生产白僵菌和大田防治试验。试验初期,由于采用瓶瓶罐罐培养白僵菌,产量较少,不能满足防治的需要。为了闯出一条多快好省地生产白僵菌的新途径,试验小组的同志决心冲破瓶瓶罐罐的束缚,大胆地进行了大床培养白僵菌试验。在毛主席革命路线的指引下,经过多次  相似文献   

本刊于1981年第一期发表了我所沈文生同志一九六四年对“苏云金杆菌和白僵菌感染木薯蚕的毒效试验研究”一文,证明白僵菌只能侵染马尾松毛虫,不感染木薯蚕,由于近年来应用白僵菌防治森林害虫面积逐步扩大,效果较好,对控制害虫的大发生起了一定的作用,但蚕业部门则担心白僵菌对蚕业生产造成危害,提出不要在林间使用白僵菌防治害虫,因此,我所孙明雅、施仲美同志又对此进行了研究,结果证明白僵菌对木茹蚕可以感病,但致病率很低,现发表此文。  相似文献   

以9株白僵菌菌株为材料,对其进行分离鉴定并探讨菌株的生物学特性。结果表明:有1株为布氏白僵菌(Beauveria brongniartii),8株为球孢白僵菌(B.bassiana)。结合白僵菌菌落特征、营养生长情况和产孢量来看,2号和3号菌株比较适合应用于生产。  相似文献   

<正> 白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)是一种分布极广的虫生真菌.一般认为虫生真菌对脊椎动物是无害的.Schaerffenberg用白僵菌和录僵菌对鼠进行皮下、静脉注射未发现异常;吸入试验也未见到致病及过敏反应,仅在饲养试验中看到动物食欲减退、体重下降等营养不良现象,认为这是动物抵抗力降低的缘故(1).但是工人在生产和使用白僵菌的过程中,有发冷、发烧、咳痰、乏力、体弱等反应.目前国内外有关白僵菌的毒性资料较少,为了解其危害,我们进行了白僵菌的毒性试验,发现大量吸入有一定危  相似文献   

湖北省林校教育革命小分队的师生,遵照毛主席"教育要革命"的伟大指示,1975年5月到钟祥县盘石岭林场和大口林场进行开门办学.在校党委和地、县各级领导的大力支持下,我们同两个林场白僵菌厂的工人、技术员一起研究,改革了白僵菌的生产工艺,将白僵菌室内接种培养改革为露天接种、露天发酵和土床发酵,为白僵菌土法生产开辟了新途径.目前,这一新工艺已在全省推广开来.  相似文献   

中国主要木材交易市场发展时空变化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文中从区域均衡性、市场繁荣度以及区域相关性3个方面对中国成交额上亿元的木材交易市场时空变化情况进行分析,结果表明:1)中国主要木材交易市场区域发展不均衡状况日益突显;2)处于繁荣地区和较繁荣区的木材交易市场较少,木材交易市场处于发展阶段,未来仍有较大潜力;3)各地区木材交易市场在空间发展上呈正相关,但其程度正在逐渐减弱,“HH”型木材交易市场集中在东部沿海地区,而“LL”型木材交易市场向西南方向缓慢延伸。  相似文献   

森林环境服务市场研究现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在分析国内外森林环境服务市场产生的原因及意义的基础上,概述了森林环境服务市场的研究进展,并对4种森林环境服务市场的实践情况进行了回顾;通过分析目前在森林环境服务市场创建过程中面临的主要问题,对森林环境服务市场研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

The perception of Rwandan government officials, NGOs, and extension specialists about smallholder agroforestry adoption as a strategy for smallholder farmers in Rwanda was investigated using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis framework combined with the analytical hierarchy process. Results indicate that smallholder agroforestry is viewed positively as a suitable strategy for Rwandan smallholder farmers. The most important positive features were the potential for increased agricultural output from agroforestry and a favorable policy environment in Rwanda supporting sustainable agriculture. Results also indicate that there needs to be better coordination of various efforts to promote agroforestry and stronger extension services for smallholder farmers. Carbon offset markets and other environmental service markets were seen as a potential opportunity for smallholder agroforestry. However, the results also indicate that there is substantial uncertainty and skepticism concerning how such markets would benefit smallholder farmers who adopted agroforestry.  相似文献   


China is the largest importer of waste paper in the world and is highly dependent on the international market. Thus, the relationship between Chinese and international waste paper markets affects the supply of fiber materials in China’s paper industry. This study examined the dynamic relationship between the two markets and the impact of newly implemented policies on both markets. We used unit root tests, cointegration test, vector error correction model (VECM) and frequency-domain Granger causality test to investigate the integration between Chinese and international waste paper markets and identify which of the two markets is the price leader. The results revealed that the two markets were integrated after controlling for structural breaks, and the Chinese market acted as the price leader. Since the supply of waste paper and wood pulp is insufficient in China to meet the fiber demand of the paper industry, waste paper import restrictions have significantly affected the supply of fiber materials in China’s paper industry. Therefore, the Chinese government should fully consider the benefit of market integration and make full use of international waste paper resources to satisfy the large domestic demand for paper products.  相似文献   


Markets for ecosystem services are receiving ever-increasing attention from the global environmental community as a mechanism to conserve and protect environmental resources. Formal markets for the selling and buying of ecosystem services emerge as institutions and regulatory frameworks are developed and legitimized. For a small country with relatively abundant natural resources, such as Panama, ecosystem service markets have significant potential to provide landowners with a sustainable stream of income while facilitating national environmental protection goals. This paper takes one ecosystem service in Panama-water supply-and assesses a host of policy alternatives to improve markets for water in Panama. The analysis suggests that secured long-term financing mechanisms and strengthened institutional roles are important elements in shaping stakeholder behavior and advancing water markets in Panama.  相似文献   

基于中国8个试点碳市场自正式交易至2019年3月1日的碳配额交易数据,通过运用倾向得分匹配法,分析了碳市场的匹配深度,并在此基础上研究碳市场兼容性及原因分析。研究结果表明:目前我国所有碳市场中,两两碳市场衔接有46%的碳市场不能实现匹配,另有超过53%的碳市场能实现匹配,其中超过93%的碳市场匹配深度介于49%~53%;深圳和福建碳市场具有较强的兼容性,其中深圳碳市场的不同交易类型兼容性差异较大,造成不同兼容性的原因可能与配额分配方案和抵消机制等制度、管理机构、法律法规的区域性有关。  相似文献   


Reforestation of degraded lands is occurring on a limited basis in portions of the Panama Canal Watershed (PCW). In theory, markets for ecosystem services could encourage more extensive reforestation and ensure that reforestation efforts provide more than just timber. The most relevant ecosystem markets for the PCW are carbon sequestration, watershed services, and four biodiversity markets-bioprospecting, certification of biodiversity friendly products, ecotourism, and existence value. This paper examines the possibility for a land owner or land manager to participate in two or more of these markets. Two land use scenarios-native forest plantation and small-holder agroforestry-emerge as likely candidates for participation in multiple ecosystem service markets. These scenarios are examined to determine whether the strength of incentives to provide a bundle of timber and ecosystem services is sufficient to encourage expansion of these land uses with the Panama Canal Watershed.  相似文献   


Four main areas of learning were pursued during this exploration of die emerging markets for ecosystem services. First, die markets in Panama are dominated by the Panama Canal Authority and by timber revenues. Any strategy for expanding ecosystem services markets will have to reflect diese realities. Second, while the scientific and business components of die framework we used to analyze diese markets covered all the key points, more work needs to be done on die policy component. Articulating a simple, yet effective approach for developing policy recommendations to improve ecosystem services markets in context remains a key need. Third, valuable lessons were learned about ensuring tiiat the students capture die maximum benefits from an international, clinically-based field trip. Finally, interdisciplinary teaching/ research benefits dramatically from botii a focus on a single problem and recognition that the key challenge is turning complex scientific knowledge into accessible, good advice.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, while the size of China's economy more than doubled, China has simultaneously become a major producer and exporter of forest products. Although China's domestic supply of wood is significantly constrained both by a limited natural supply and by conservation-oriented policies, the country is increasingly regarded as the world's “wood workshop.” Furthermore, China is the largest driver of demand for the trade in tropical logs and is becoming a significant driver of demand for trade in coniferous logs. In this paper, we describe a spatial equilibrium model adapted to study forest sector markets and policies that affect them. We present the model and the result of two alternative future scenarios. The first scenario analyzes the impact on global forest products markets of a US recovery in wood markets. The second scenario examines the effect on global forest products markets of decelerating growth in Chinese demand for wood products. Through these two scenarios, the modeling output sheds light on the role China's wood products markets have on resource supply and trade around the world. The trade model shows substantial potential changes in global prices, production, and trade activity associated with the recovery in domestic demand in the USA.  相似文献   

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