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A cooperative research study involving 1,080 litters was conducted at eight stations to determine the effects of additional feed during the last 23 d of gestation on reproductive performance of sows and on preweaning performance of their pigs. Primiparous and multiparous sows were fed fortified corn- or sorghum-soybean meal diets (14% crude protein). Control sows received 1.82 kg/d from March through November and 2.27 kg/d from December through February. Treated sows were fed an additional 1.36 kg of feed/d from d 90 of gestation to farrowing. Sows were allowed to consume the same diet ad libitum during a 21-d lactation. Additional feed in late gestation resulted in greater (P less than .001) sow weight gain from d 90 to d 110 of gestation (16.8 vs 9.0 kg) and greater (P less than .001) parturition-lactation weight loss (21.3 vs 16.4 kg). Total weight gain from breeding to 21 d of lactation favored sows that received extra feed (27.5 vs 22.7 kg; P less than .001). Sows receiving extra feed had more live pigs at farrowing (10.05 vs 9.71, P = .06) and at 21 d postpartum (8.35 vs 8.06, P = .09), and the pigs were heavier at birth (1.48 vs 1.44 kg, P = .003) and at 21 d (5.37 vs 5.20 kg, P = .006). Lactation feed intake and number of days from weaning to estrus were not affected by treatment. The results indicate that additional feed in late gestation improves reproductive performance in sows. In this study, the cost of an additional 31 kg of feed/sow was more than offset by the value of the additional sow weight gain (approximately 5 kg), the additional .3 of a pig/litter at weaning and the additional 2.6 kg of total litter weaning weight.  相似文献   

A cooperative experiment to evaluate biotin addition to sow diets was conducted at three research stations using 303 litters. Primiparous and multiparous sows (overall average parity 2.8) were fed a 14% CP corn-soybean meal diet (140 micrograms/kg biotin), with or without supplemental biotin (330 micrograms added biotin per kg feed), throughout gestation and lactation. As many sows as possible were fed their respective diets through three successive parities. During gestation, sows were given from 1.82 to 2.27 kg of feed per day, depending on environmental conditions; during lactation sows had ad libitum access to feed. Supplemental biotin had no effect (P greater than .35) on sow weights at breeding, at d 109 of gestation, at farrowing or at weaning. No differences were found in litter size at birth (P greater than .18), but at d 21 of lactation, sows fed the diet containing supplemental biotin had larger litters than sows fed the unsupplemented diet (9.4 vs 8.7 pigs, respectively; P = .01). Pig weights at birth and d 21 of lactation were not affected (P greater than .20) by dietary treatment. Biotin supplementation did not affect (P greater than .28) the length of the interval from weaning to estrus. No evidence was found that feet cracks or bruises were reduced by biotin supplementation. The results indicate that biotin supplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet during gestation and lactation increased the number of pigs at d 21 of lactation, but it did not decrease the incidence of foot lesions.  相似文献   

Two experiments involving 1,020 litters were conducted at eight research stations to determine the effects of dietary NaCl (salt) concentration during gestation and lactation on reproductive performance of sows. Primiparous and multiparous sows were fed fortified corn- or grain sorghum-soybean meal diets at 1.82 kg/d during gestation. During the winter months (December, January, February) the feeding level was increased to 2.27 kg/d. Sows had ad libitum access to diets during lactation. Dietary concentrations of added salt were .50 and .25% in Exp. 1 and .25 and .125% in Exp. 2. When more feed was fed during gestation, the salt concentrations were reduced to .40, .20, .20 and .10%, respectively, in order to maintain a constant daily intake of Na and Cl during gestation. Gestation weight gain and lactation (21-d) weight loss of the sows were not affected by dietary salt level in either experiment. In Exp. 1, lowering the salt concentration did not influence the number of pigs farrowed, but it resulted in a .05 kg/pig reduction (P less than .01) in average birth weight. Average 21-d pig weights also tended (P less than .19) to be lower in the low-salt group. There was a decrease in litter size from the first to the second farrowing for sows fed low salt, but not for sows fed the higher salt concentration. In Exp. 2, reducing the salt content from .25 to .125% did not alter reproductive performance. The overall ratio of males to females at birth in the population of greater than 10(4) pigs was 52.3:47.7. Lower salt intakes tended to reduce the percentage of males born in both experiments, although the differences were not significant (P greater than .3). The results indicate that reducing the salt concentration in sows diets from .50 to .25 or .125% reduces birth weight in newborn pigs. When continued for more than one reproductive cycle, feeding less than .5% salt appears to reduce litter size at birth and weaning.  相似文献   

In three experiments, the influence of insulin administered after weaning was examined in primiparous sows given extra feed or in primiparous compared to multiparous sows. In Exp. 1, 171 primiparous and 231 multiparous crossbred sows on a commercial farm were injected with 0.4 IU/kg BW insulin (Eli Lilly Lente Iletin II) or saline for 4 d beginning the day after weaning (d 0) and were fed 2.3 kg/d until mating. In Exp. 2, 153 primiparous sows from the same farm as those in Exp. 1 were injected with insulin or saline as in Exp. 1 and were fed 2.7 or 3.6 kg/d until mating. In Exp. 3, 63 primiparous crossbred sows were injected with insulin or saline as described above and fed either 2.3 or 4.5 kg/d for 5 d after weaning and were remated. On the commercial farm (Exp. 1 and 2), insulin administration increased percentage in estrus for primiparous sows compared to multiparous sows (treatment x parity interaction, P < 0.02) but tended to lower litter size in primiparous sows (treatment x parity interaction, P < 0.06). In Exp. 2, insulin combined with extra feed increased (P < 0.05) litter size by two pigs but tended (P < 0.07) to decrease farrowing rate in that group (treatment x feed interaction). Weaning-to-estrus interval, pregnancy rate, ovulation rate, and embryo survival were not influenced by treatment or feeding level (Exp. 3); however, postweaning intake and embryo survival were negatively related for saline-treated sows only (r = -0.55; P < 0.01), and backfat depth at weaning and embryo survival were positively related for insulin-treated sows only (r = 0.44; P < 0.05). Overall, insulin administration differentially influenced reproduction in primiparous sows and may have interacted with metabolic or nutritional state of the animal.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The purpose of this study was to investigate the ovarian condition at weaning and subsequent reproductive performance of Berkshire sows following an outbreak...  相似文献   

Low protein intake during lactation has been demonstrated to increase the loss of body protein and to reduce the reproductive performance of female pigs. The objectives of the current experiment were 1) to determine whether protein (lysine) restriction alters levels of somatotropic hormones, insulin, follicle-stimulating hormone, and leptin around weaning, and 2) to evaluate the relationships between these eventual alterations and postweaning reproductive performance. One day after farrowing, crossbred primiparous sows were randomly allocated to one of two diets containing 20% crude protein and 1.08% lysine (C, n = 12) or 10% crude protein and 0.50% lysine (L, n = 14) during a 28-d lactation. Diets provided similar amounts of metabolizable energy (3.1 Mcal/kg). Feed allowance was restricted to 4.2 kg/d throughout lactation, and litter size was standardized to 10 per sow within 5 d after farrowing. Catheters were fitted in the jugular vein of 21 sows around d 22 of lactation. Serial blood samples were collected 1 d before (day W - 1) and 1 d after (day W + 1) weaning, and single blood samples were collected daily from weaning until d 6 postweaning (day W + 6). Sows were monitored for estrus and inseminated. They were slaughtered at d 30 of gestation. During lactation, litter weight gain was similar among treatment groups. Reduced protein intake increased (P < 0.001) sow weight loss (-30 vs -19 kg) and estimated protein mobilization throughout lactation (-4.1 vs -2.0 kg). On day W - 1, L sows had higher (P < 0.02) plasma glutamine and alanine concentrations, but lower (P < 0.05) plasma tryptophan and urea than C sows. Mean and basal plasma GH were higher (P < 0.001), whereas plasma IGF-I and mean insulin were lower in L than in C sows on day W - 1. Preprandial leptin did not differ between treatments on day W - 1, but was higher (P < 0.01) in L sows than in C sows on day W + 1. Mean FSH concentrations were similar in both treatments on day W - 1 (1.3 ng/mL), but L sows had greater (P < 0.001) mean FSH on day W + 1 than C sows (1.6 vs 1.2 ng/mL). The weaning-to-estrus interval (5 +/- 1 d) was similar in both groups. Ovulation rate was lower in L than in C sows (20.0 +/- 1 vs 23.4 +/- 1, P < 0.05). No obvious relationships between reproductive traits and metabolic hormone data were observed. In conclusion, these results provide evidence that protein (lysine) restriction throughout lactation alters circulating concentrations of somatotropic hormones and insulin at the end of lactation and has a negative impact on postweaning ovulation rate.  相似文献   

镁对母猪繁殖性能的影响及其可能机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镁是生物体内重要的阳离子,有重要的生理学功能,镁影响母猪繁殖性能已有报道.有关镁影响母猪繁殖性能的机理目前还缺乏深入研究报道.文章简述镁对母猪繁殖性能的影响,根据镁的生理功能从其抗应激、抗氧化、影响骨骼发育和免疫状态等角度阐述其可能机理.  相似文献   

Corn gluten feed (CGF) was evaluated as the primary energy and protein source for gestating sows. Eighty gravid multiparous Yorkshire x Landrace sows were assigned randomly to three treatment groups for the entire three-parity trial. The gestation treatment diets were 1) corn-soybean meal fed at 1.8 kg/d (control), 2) CGF plus soybean meal fed at 2.3 kg/d (CGF-low) and 3) CGF plus soybean meal fed at 2.6 kg/d (CGF-high). The CGF diets contained 92.2% and 93.7% CGF, respectively. Feeding levels of Diets 2 and 3 were based on the assumption that CGF had 80% and 70% of the net energy value of corn, respectively. All sows had ad libitum access to a conventional corn-soybean meal diet during lactation and were fed 3.2 kg/d during breeding. Intakes of gestation treatment diets were increased 25% during winter months. Based on litter size and weight, the performance of sows fed CGF did not differ from that of the sows fed the control diet. Mean number of pigs at birth and 21 d (weaning) for the three parities were: (control) 10.16, 7.65; (CGF-low) 11.30, 8.44; (CGF-high) 10.73, 8.13, respectively. Pigs from CGF-fed sows were smaller at birth (P less than .05), but subsequent pig weights did not differ. Mean pig birth and 21-d weights for the three parities were: (control) 1.44, 5.18; (CGF-low) 1.30, 4.84; (CGF-high) 1.31, 5.01 kg, respectively. CGF-low sows weighed less (P less than .01) at d 109 of gestation than did the control and CGF-high sows, which did not differ in weight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of intramuscularly administered beta-carotene on reproductive parameters in female pigs. A total of 216 multiparous sows were observed from weaning of their litters until the next farrowing. On the day of weaning, the animals were allocated to two groups. Sows of the treatment group were injected with 70 mg beta-carotene both at the day of weaning and after the last insemination, sows of the control group were left untreated. For all sows, intramuscular injection of beta-carotene resulted in a significant increase of the total number of piglets born per litter by 1.2 (p < 0.05). When sows were divided by parity, beta-carotene treatment in second parity sows increased the total number of piglets per litter (beta-carotene 13.7 +/- 1.2, control 11.2 +/- 3.7, p < 0.01) and the number of piglets born alive (beta-carotene 12.0 +/- 2.7, control 10.0 +/- 3.4, p < 0.05). No such effect was seen in sows of third or higher parity. No other reproductive parameters were affected by beta-carotene supplementation. Tolerability and safety of the administered preparation were good. No side effects related to the medication were observed. The effect of beta-carotene on reproduction is thus affected by parity of the sows. This effect seems to be exerted mainly during early pregnancy and is most likely beta-carotene-specific and independent from its role as a vitamin A precursor.  相似文献   

The effect of weaning the 4-5 heaviest piglets in the litter on day 33 of lactation and the remainder 2 days later (fractionated weaning) on plasma levels of prolactin, cortisol, oestradiol-17 beta (E2), progesterone (P4) and LH, as well as on the weaning to oestrus interval in primiparous sows was studied. Twelve crossbred sows were grouped into 6 pairs according to farrowing date and litter size. The litter of 1 sow in each pair (F) was weaned in 2 stages, and the other conventionally weaned at 35 days (C). Blood samples were collected via a permanent jugular vein catheter every 3 h from 9 a m to 9 p m daily throughout the experimental period, and intensively at 15 min intervals for 12 h on the day of first and final weaning and for 6 h on the day after each weaning. All sows were slaughtered following their first post-weaning oestrus and the reproductive organs were macroscopically examined. Lactational oestrus was not observed in any of the sows. Sows from 5 out of 6 pairs showed oestrus within 8 days of weaning and post-mortem examination showed normal ovulation. There was a tendency for the F sows to have a shorter weaning to oestrus interval, as compared with the C sows (5 of 6 pairs, 4.8 days v 5.6 days). The plasma levels of prolactin around weaning were not significantly different between the 2 groups. Within 6 h after final weaning, the prolactin concentrations decreased gradually from 7.6 and 8.7 to 1.6 and 1.7 microgram/l in the control and treatment groups, respectively. The plasma levels of cortisol, showing a diurnal rhythm (with the lowest level at 6 and/or 9 p m), did on no occasion differ between the 2 groups. On the day of final weaning, no diurnal rhythm was observed, with cortisol remaining high at 6 and 9 p m. The plasma levels of E2 and P4 were low until final weaning in both groups. After final weaning the E2 levels rose faster in the F sows than in the C sows, to 44.3 and 34.8 pmol/l, respectively, on day 2 (p less than 0.01). No significant differences in levels of plasma LH and the number of LH pulses were observed between the groups. After final weaning the average and base levels of LH and the number of LH pulse(s) increased significantly.  相似文献   

The effects of the daily frequency of feed distribution (once, One; twice, Two; and four times, Four,) on the rate of feed consumption (RFC) and reproductive performance were investigated in Large White sows farrowing in the hot season from June to September (H sows) and in the rest of the year (R sows). The RFC was greater in feeding treatment Four than Two (P < 0.01) in H sows; however, bodyweight loss during lactation was not affected by the feeding treatment. No difference in effects of frequency of feed distribution for sows was observed on piglet growth. The survival rate of the piglets was not different between feeding treatments. The number of sows that came into estrus within 7 days post‐weaning was smaller in the feeding treatment Four than One (P < 0.05) in H sows and those of Four than One (P < 0.01) and Two (P < 0.05) in R sows. These results suggest that in sows during lactation increasing the daily frequency of feed distribution may have a negative effect on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of development diet on first-parity reproductive performance across different genetic types of females. Gilts (n = 708) 8 to 15 d of age from five genetic lines were assembled using a segregated early weaning protocol. Genetic types represented industry variation for reproductive capacity and lean growth potential. Sampling procedures were not designed to evaluate performance differences among the genetic lines. When the gilts weighed approximately 20 kg, they were moved from the nursery facilities to a slotted-floor, environmentally controlled facility, and seven to eight animals within a genetic type were penned together. When the gilts weighed approximately 40 kg, they were moved to a modified open-front facility. Nineteen gilts were allotted to each pen (.92 m2 per pig). Gilts were assigned to one of three development diets at 120 d of age. Diet 1 (high energy, 18% CP) and Diet 2 (high energy, 13% CP) were provided for ad libitum consumption to the assigned gilts until they weighed approximately 113 kg. Gilts receiving Diet 3 (23% CP) were fed 1.8 kg/d from 82 kg until they reached 180 d of age (approximately 100 kg). Gilts were fed 2 kg daily of a gestation diet from 180 d to 200 d of age and 2.7 kg daily from 200 d until mating. To stimulate the estrus cycle, gilts were commingled and exposed to vasectomized boars beginning at 180 d of age. Gilts that were in estrus and 210 d of age or older were artificially inseminated with commercial semen. Gilts not detected in estrus within the first 50 d of observation were injected with PG600 and estrus detection continued for 30 additional days. Of the 657 gilts entering breeding pens, 422 farrowed. Bred gilts were distributed to 10 cooperator facilities before farrowing. Mixed model procedures were used to analyze the data. Significant (P < .05) genetic type x gilt development diet interactions were found for number of pigs born, number of pigs born alive, total litter birth weight, and litter birth weight of pigs born alive. Significant interactions consistently involved one genetic line and gilt development Diets 1 and 2. Gilts from this genetic line-diet subclass had poorer farrowing performance (P < .05) than gilts from the same line fed development Diet 3. Only two other significant genetic line x gilt development diet interactions were found. Gilt development diet had little influence on first-parity reproductive performance.  相似文献   

试验基于研究微生态制剂在断奶仔猪上的应用效果设计。试验选取3种市售微生态制剂进行效果求证和比较,结果显示,仔猪日粮中添加派富和其它两种市售微生态制剂均有助于提高断奶仔猪的生产性能,但结果有较显著差异。综合比较,添加派富优于对照组和其它两种市售微生态制剂。  相似文献   

当前非洲猪瘟给我国养猪业造成很大的损失,繁殖母猪的存栏量急剧减少,造成猪肉供需平衡失调。那么,如何提高母猪的繁殖性能,提供更多的商品猪,成为养殖场管理者关注的焦点。文章就提高母猪繁殖性能的关键环节和维生素及类维生素对母猪繁殖性能影响进行综述。  相似文献   

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