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2003年在青海省东部农业区和环湖牧区开展了以特克赛尔、萨福克和无角陶赛特为主要品种的肉羊胚胎移植试验。对农区55只小尾寒羊受体和牧区76只半细毛羊受体进行了同期发情处理,小尾寒羊同期发情率为81.28%,半细毛羊为63.16%。半细毛羊移植胚胎44枚,产羔13只,流产1只(双羔),移植受胎率为31.82%;每只小尾寒羊移植2枚胚胎,共移植20只受体40枚胚胎,产羔5只,其中1只母羊产双羔,受胎率为12.50%。所产18只羔羊全部成活。  相似文献   

2003年在青海省东部农业区和环湖牧区开展了以特克赛尔、萨福克和无角陶赛特为主要品种的肉羊胚胎移植试验。对农区55只小尾寒羊受体和牧区76只半细毛羊受体进行了同期处理,小尾寒羊同期发情率81·82%,半细毛羊发情率63·16%。半细毛羊移植胚胎44枚,产羔13只,流产1只(双羔),移植受胎率31·82%;每只小尾寒羊移植2枚胚胎,共移植20只受体40枚胚胎,产羔5只,其中1只母羊产双羔,受胎率12·50%。所产18只羔羊全部成活。  相似文献   

旨在探讨以小尾寒羊和蒙古羊作为受体时,二者的胚胎移植效果及所产羔羊的早期生长性能之间的差异。选用南非肉用美利奴羊(n=11)和澳洲白绵羊(n=110)作为供体,以小尾寒羊(n=196)和蒙古羊(n=504)作为受体;对供体母羊进行超数排卵以及人工授精处理,记录供体母羊的收集胚胎总数和可用胚胎数,计算平均每只羊收集的可用胚胎数以及胚胎合格率;对小尾寒羊和蒙古羊进行同期发情及胚胎移植处理,记录受体母羊的产羔数,计算繁殖率;计算并比较不同受体母羊所产羔羊的平均初生重、成活率以及70日龄断奶羔羊数、70日龄断奶重、平均日增重、平均每只母羊提供的断奶羔羊数。结果表明,从供体母羊中共获得可用胚胎549枚,平均每只羊收集可用胚胎4.54枚,胚胎合格率为82.56%;利用胚胎移植技术,移植受体母羊529只,所产羔羊240只,平均繁殖率为45.37%;小尾寒羊的发情率和繁殖率明显高于蒙古羊;共获得70日龄断奶羔羊211只,羔羊成活率为87.92%,平均日增重为280.00g;小尾寒羊和蒙古羊所产的羔羊初生重没有显著差异(P>0.05),小尾寒羊所产羔羊的70日龄断奶重和平均日增重分别极显著(P<0.01)和显著(P<0.05)高于蒙古羊,而蒙古羊所产羔羊的成活率显著高于小尾寒羊(P<0.05);平均每只小尾寒羊母羊可提供的断奶羔羊数(0.42只)略高于蒙古羊(0.39只),小尾寒羊作为胚胎移植受体略具有优势。综合分析表明,在内蒙古兴安盟地区小尾寒羊和蒙古羊均可以作为胚胎移植的受体来使用。  相似文献   

采用同期发情+超排对12只特克塞尔羊、无角陶赛特羊进行处理;同时采用自然发情+超排对12只德国肉用美利奴母羊进行处理。结果表明:采用同期发情+超排处理,每只特克塞尔母羊平均获卵胚8.7枚,获受精卵数7.1枚;陶赛特母羊平均获卵胚数1.8枚,获受精卵数1.8枚(P<0.01)。德国肉用美利奴供体母羊的平均获胚数13.5枚,可用胚8.7枚,可用胚率67.0%(P<0.01)。对85只受体绵羊进行同期发情处理,结果表明,处理后同期发情率达88.2%。将12枚可用胚胎移入11只受体,其中10只受体移入单胚,1只受体移入双胚,移植成功率达83.3%(P<0.01)。对62只自然发情的受体母羊进行胚胎移植,结果表明,移植2枚胚胎受体母羊的受胎率比移植1枚的要高34.0%(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

杜泊绵羊超数排卵与胚胎移植试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选纯种杜泊绵羊经产母羊(22只)为供体,通过实施同期发情、超数排卵、重复配种处理,其中20只可利用供体,每只平均采得可用胚胎5.20枚.选小尾寒羊经产母羊(90只)为受体,经同期发情处理,对有黄体发育的母羊(72只)实施胚胎移植手术.结果表明,移植单胚(40只)受体的受胎率为47.50%,移植双胚(32只)受体的受胎率为62.50%;平均受胎率为54.17%,平均每产1只羔羊所需胚胎数为2.60枚,每只供体羊冲胚1次提供的羔羊数为2只.  相似文献   

2006年在青海省海西州德令哈市洋嘉生态农业开发有限公司进行了绵羊胚胎移植试验,试验中同期发情和超数排卵处理青海高原毛肉兼用半细毛羊共86只,同期发情率达88.37%,其中将超排效果好的11只羊做为胚胎移植受体羊,同时处理供体羊特克赛尔羊7只。试验结果:11只受体羊平均超数排卵点2.8个/只,7只供体羊平均超数排卵11.9枚,取卵9.7枚,卵子受精率17.65%,移植12枚胚胎,其中1只受体羊移植双胚,最后观察到移植的11只受体羊中妊娠5只,产羔5只(移双胚的羊产1只羊羔),移植受胎率达45.45%,羔羊成活率达100%。  相似文献   

选取24只内蒙古细毛羊作为供体,300只小尾寒羊作为受体,用FSH CIDR法对供体进行超排,采用人工授精对供体进行配种;采用两次PGF2α注射法对受体进行同期发情;采用手术法子宫角回收供体的胚胎,经过鉴定后移植给受体。结果表明:24只供体获得胚胎共275枚,可用胚胎236枚,每只供体羊获得9.83枚可用胚胎,胚胎合格率为85.82%。287只受体表现发情,发情率为95.70%,其中同期发情的羊219只,同期发情率73.00%。236枚胚胎移入214只受体,其中22只移植双胚,143只受体被确认为妊娠,产下羔羊121只,产羔率为56.54%。  相似文献   

本试验采用从内蒙古引进的无角多塞特绵羊冷冻胚胎,以西藏当地绵羊作为受体进行移植试验研究,对从林周引进的彭波半细毛羊鲜胚移植以西藏当地绵羊作为受体进行移植试验研究。同期发情处理了64只受体羊,发情母羊为34只,同期发情率为62.96%;对34只羊进行了胚胎移植,受胎率为77.86%,3个情期内移植妊娠率达74.5%;出生68只,产羔率达66.7%,获得了较好的胚胎移植效果,对西藏绵羊的进一步研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

选取12只纯种特克塞尔羊作为供体,并采用递减法注射FSH进行超数排卵,发情后采用人工授精方式进行配种,手术法回收胚胎,鉴定后移植.164只右玉绵羊作为受体,采用两次PG注射法进行同期发情.结果表明12只供体获得胚胎共129枚,可用胚胎109枚,每只供体羊获得9.1枚可用胚胎,胚胎合格率为84.50%.134只受体表现发情,发情率为81.70%,其中同期发情的羊108只,同期发情率65.85%.109枚胚胎移入97只受体,其中12只移植双胚.61只受体被确认为妊娠,产下52只羔羊,产羔率为53.60%.12只供体手术后产下17羔羊.  相似文献   

澳洲美利奴超细毛羊超数排卵与胚胎移植试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用从澳大利亚进口的澳洲美利奴超细毛羊69只(其中经产母羊48只,初产母羊21只)做供体,小尾寒羊320只做受体,进行胚胎移植试验,结果表明:经产母羊的发情率、采胚数、有效胚胎数和可用率(有效胚胎数/采胚数)均高于初产羊.69只处理供体羊有66只发情,收集到441枚有效利用胚胎,320只处理受体羊,有265只可用做胚胎移植,178只小尾寒羊产羔,产羔265只,受胎率和有效胚胎利用率分别为67.2%和60.1%,平均每1.7枚胚胎产1只羔羊,平均每只供体羊可获羔羊4只.  相似文献   

选取兰州信合牧业34只陶赛特绵羊为供体,采用递减法注射FSH进行超排,采用人工授精配种,30只长途运输到青海省海北州西海镇手术法回收胚胎,鉴定后移植。155只藏系绵羊作为受体,采用两次PG注射进行同期发情,119只受体在西海镇移植,32只长途运输到甘肃兰州信合牧业进行移植。结果表明:34只供体获得胚胎共168枚,、每只供体平均获得4.94枚,合格率89.88%,151只受体表现发情,发情率为97.42%。其中,在西海镇移植的119只产羔73只,产羔率为61.34%,在兰州移植的32只产羔21只,产羔率为65.6%。  相似文献   

以骨形态发生蛋白受体IB(BMPR-IB)基因和促卵泡素β(FSHβ)亚基基因为小尾寒羊、陶滩寒二代、滩羊和无角陶赛特多胎性能候选基因,采用PCR-SSCP技术检测该基因在4个绵羊群体中的单核苷酸多态性,同时研究该基因对小尾寒羊高繁殖力的影响。结果表明:小尾寒羊及其杂种陶滩寒二代在BMPR-IB基因编码序列第746位碱基处发生了Q249R突变,而滩羊和无角陶赛特则没有发生这种突变;FSHβ基因CDS区外显子2在4个绵羊群体中都存在遗传多态性,CC基因型和DD基因型相比在外显子2第147处有1个T→C的单碱基突变,但未引起氨基酸改变。BMPR-IB的基因型和FSHβ的基因型分别在小尾寒羊及其杂种后代与滩羊和无角陶赛特之间分布差异极显著(P0.01)或显著(P0.05)。因此,BMPR-IB基因是影响小尾寒羊及其杂种陶滩寒二代高繁性能的一个主效基因,而FSHβ基因可能是控制小尾寒羊及其杂种陶滩寒二代高繁性能的一个主效基因或与之存在紧密连锁的一个遗传标记,均可用于对绵羊产羔数的辅助选择。  相似文献   

该研究旨在初步了解无角陶赛特羊和特克塞尔羊对甘肃榆中地区的适应性,以便为该地区引进推广良种肉羊提供依据。以兰州奉特动物科技有限公司榆中肉羊繁育中心的无角陶赛特羊和特克塞尔羊为研究对象,对其2016—2018年的繁殖性能进行了分析,同时对2018年无角陶赛特羔羊和特克塞尔羔羊从出生到2月龄(断奶)的生长发育性能进行了测定。结果表明:从2016年到2018年无角陶赛特羊、特克塞尔羊的繁殖率、产羔率、双羔率均在逐年提高;特克塞尔羔羊初生重、1月龄重以及2月龄重均高于无角陶赛特羔羊,但差异均不显著(P>0.05);特克塞尔羔羊1月龄胸宽、2月龄胸宽和体长均显著高于无角陶赛特羔羊(P<0.05),其他体尺指标差异均不显著(P>0.05)。说明两个肉羊品种在甘肃榆中地区均有良好的繁殖性能以及较高的生长性能,均可在榆中及其周边地区推广养殖。  相似文献   

Transfer of pig embryos to different uterine sites.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Embryo transfer in pigs normally involves surgery. In connection with the development of nonsurgical or endoscopic transfer techniques, it is important to know whether the uterine site to which embryos are transferred has an effect on the success rate. In the present investigation, prepubertal donor gilts were treated with 1,500 IU of PMSG and, 72 h later, with 500 IU of hCG. Gilts were artificially inseminated 24 and 36 h after hCG injection. Embryos at the expanded blastocyst stage were collected from donor gilts. Recipient gilts were treated synchronous with the donors, using 1,000 IU of PMSG followed, 72 h later, with 500 IU of hCG. After a maximum of 3 h in vitro, embryos (n = 15 to 20, mean = 17.3) were transferred surgically to the middle of the uterine horn, to the caudal quarter of the uterine horn, or to the uterine body. Recipients were slaughtered between 28 and 34 d after transfer. The pregnancy rate of the recipients was low when the embryos were deposited in the uterine body (12%), compared with the middle (88%) or the caudal quarter of the uterine horn (81%) (P < .01). The corresponding average number of viable fetuses per pregnant recipient was 8.2 in the uterine body, 5.6 in the middle, and 4.5 in the caudal quarter. Average survival rate of embryos after transfer to the middle of the uterine horn was 41% vs 29 and 3% after transfer to the caudal quarter or the uterine body, respectively (P < .01). Hence, the uterine body seems to be an unsuitable site for embryo transfer in pigs. These results may explain the unsatisfactory results achieved with nonsurgical embryo transfer in the past.  相似文献   

选取兰州信合牧业34只陶赛特绵羊为供体,采用递减法注射FSH进行超排,采用人工授精配种,30只长途运输到青海省海北州西海镇手术法回收胚胎,鉴定后移值。155只藏系绵羊作为受体,采用两次PG注射进行同期发情,119只受体在西海镇移植,32只长途运输到甘肃兰州信合牧业进行移植。结果表明:34只供体获得胚胎共168枚,每只供体平均获得4.94枚,合格率89.88%,151只受体表现发情,发情率为97.42%。其中.在西海镇移植的119只产羔73只,产羔率为61.34%,在兰州移植的32只产羔21只,产羔率为65.6%。  相似文献   

Synchronization of development between the embryo and uterus is required for successful pregnancy establishment.Transfer of early embryos requires synchrony with the recipient uterus of 2 days or less in sheep,because asynchrony of 3 days or more results in failure of pregnancy recognition signaling for maintenance of corpus luteum (CL) and progesterone (P4) production and/or uterine support of the embryo.The objective was to determine if P4 treatment of recipient ewes would obviate the need for pregnancy recognition signaling and maintain a uterine environment conducive to embryo survival after asynchronous transfer,thereby establishing a universal recipient.Embryos (morulae/blastocysts) were recovered on day 6 from super-ovulated donor ewes.Recipient ewes received 25 mg P4 daily from day 6 post-estrus until 60 days after embryo transfer.Embryos were transferred into recipients on day 6,9,12,18,or 30 post-estrus.The pregnancy rate on day 22 post-transfer was 60% for synchronous transfers to day 6 ewes,44% and 22% for asynchronous transfers to day 9 and 12 ewes,and 0% for asynchronous transfers to day 18 and 30 ewes.On day 39 post-transfer,pregnancy rates remained 60% for day 6 ewes,33% for day 9 ewes,and 0% for day 12,18,and 30 ewes.The P4 treatment did extend the window of uterine receptivity to early embryos in ewes by one day,but did not create a universal recipient.Available results support the idea that a window of uterine receptivity to the conceptus exists in sheep that is independent of pregnancy recognition signaling.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to transfer embryos non-surgically to heifers have been rather discouraging. The present experiment describes a simple non-surgical technique where the 6½–7½ -day old embryo is placed in a 0.25 ml ministraw, fitted into a common insemination gun and transferred cervically to synchronized lactating dairy cows. Thirty-two viable embryos were transferred to the middle part of the uterine horn ipsilateral to the ovary containing the corpus luteum. It was easy to pass the cervix, and most embryos could be deposited in the horn within 1 or 2 min. Eighteen animals were diagnosed pregnant (56% ). It is conceivable that the easy atraumatic transfers and good management (feeding, oestrus control) of the recipients contributed to the high pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

To expand the breeding flock of Poll Dorset sheep in China, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer breeding program was applied to the limited number of imported Australian Poll Dorset sheep. This study investigated the effects of FSH from three different manufacturers, parity (nulliparous vs multiparous), repeated superovulation, oestrus induction, corpus luteum regression and oestrus delay on Poll Dorset superovulation. The results showed that gonadotropin FSH from Canada Folltropin‐V (Ca‐FSH) was successfully used for superovulatory treatment with 160 mg–200 mg dosage per ewe and recovered 12.91 ± 7.80 embryos. Multiparous ewes for superovulation treatment were significantly better nulliparous ewes (p < 0.05). The successive superovalution treatment reduced significantly embryo collection but did not affect transferable embryo number. Ewes with natural oestrus resulted in significantly higher number of embryos (13.83 ± 4.64) and of transferable embryos (12.00 ± 5.76) than ewes with induced oestrus (7.00 ± 4.92; 4.22 ± 3.42) and unknown oestrus cycle (5.94 ± 3.38; 3.19 ± 2.56, p < 0.05). The delayed oestrus ewes at 24 h after superovulatory treatment produced significantly fewer embryos and transferable embryos (0.92 ± 1.51 vs 0.42 ± 0.90) than those with normal oestrus (p < 0.01). Furthermore, the more transferable embryos were recovered from ewes with normal corpus luteum than those with corpus luteum regression (5.88 ± 5.09 vs 3.59 ± 4.30 and 8.83 ± 5.75 vs. 6.66 ± 5.41, p < 0.01). These results suggest that in our farm practice, a comprehensive treatment method by using the Canadian FSH (Folltropin‐V), plus choosing multiparous and natural oestrus ewes with normal corpus luteum might obtain an optimum embryo collection and embryos transfer in sheep.  相似文献   

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