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为了开发适宜牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)苗种放流的标志技术,利用编码金属标签(CWT)对不同规格牙鲆苗种进行了标记实验,并从标记死亡率、脱标率、适宜标记鱼规格等方面评价了CWT的标记效果.结果显示,CWT标记3种规格的牙鲆苗种后,脱标均发生在标记后的4d内,其后未再发生脱标现象.小规格苗种[全长为(5.92±0.41)cm]死亡率较高(13%),中规格苗种[全长(8.92±0.36) cm]死亡率为2%,大规格苗种[全长为(12.06士0.62) cm]死亡率为1%.小规格、中规格和大规格苗种脱标率分别为3.3%、2.4%和0.7%.建立了标记死亡率(M)与苗种全长(TL)、体厚度(BT)的关系模型:M=0.7254 TL2-15.3220TL+79.4260 (R2=0.9601);M=1.3627 BT2-15.5610 BT+ 44.4330 (R2=0.9645),为适宜苗种规格选择与标记效果评价提供了依据.今后利用CWT标签进行牙鲆苗种标志放流时,建议选择全长6 cm以上的苗种进行背部肌肉标记,标记对苗种游泳行为和生长无影响,表明CWT是一种适宜在牙鲆大规模标志放流中应用的理想标志方式.  相似文献   

An important requirement of many breeding programmes for aquaculture species is the ability to identify organisms individually or at least by family. While a variety of external and internal tagging methods have been developed that can provide efficient identifications systems, most have specific drawbacks. The present study assessed the efficiency of an internal tagging method that can be applied to family selection programmes in crustacean species. Experiments were conducted to test the efficacy of applying visible implant elastomer (VIE) tags to juvenile giant freshwater prawn (GFP). The first experiment assessed performance of VIE tags in juvenile GFP of different size classes and stability of tags placed in different positions in the abdomen with different numbers of tags implanted. The second experiment applied VIE tags in a long term, large scale, field‐based farming experiment. The third experiment tested the reliability of the system. Results showed that juvenile GFP at 2 g were of suitable size for VIE tags with no negative effects evidence on growth and survival. Tag retention rates were above 97.8% in all experiments and tag readability rates were 100% with a correct assignment rate of 95% through to mature animal size of up to 170 g.  相似文献   

The effect of two physical tagging systems, Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) and Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT), was evaluated in red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) fingerlings, at different sizes. For VIE tagging, the weight classes were <1 and 1?C5?g and no tag effect was detected on fish growth. There was a significant difference in mortality between tagged and untagged <1?g fish, but not for the 1?C5?g fish. The tag loss rate was null for all sizes, however, tags showed fragmentation. This partial tag loss was evaluated and quantified. Seven VIE colours were compared and arranged from best to worst visibility: green, red, pink, orange, yellow, white and blue. For PIT tagging, 2?C6?g, 5?C10?g and 10?C20?g weight classes were analysed. There was no significant tag effect on fish growth, for any size, nor on mortality from 10?g. Tag loss rate ranged from 2.9 to 5.9%. These results demonstrate that, in red porgy, VIE is a successful tagging system from 2?g onwards whereas PIT system is successful from 10?g onwards. The combination of both systems allows traceability of fish from a very small size on, which is necessary for the implementation of genetic breeding programmes.  相似文献   

为了探明适宜大渡河安谷水电站流域增殖放流鱼类标志的方法,在安谷水电站鱼类增殖放流站使用T-tag锚标法(T-tag)、金属线码标法(CWT)和荧光胶体标记法(VIE)分别对四种放流鱼苗(胭脂鱼Myxocyprinus asiaticus、长薄鳅Leptobotia elongate、唇■Hemibarbus labeo和黄颡鱼Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)进行标记。每种鱼苗选择大、小两种规格进行试验。在标记后40 d分别统计了鱼苗的存活率、标记保持率和生长等数据。结果表明:(1)40 d短期标记条件下,CWT和VIE对四种鱼苗的存活率负面影响较小,T-tag对存活率负面影响较大。其中,CWT和VIE对体长50~110 mm小规格放流鱼苗的存活无显著影响,而T-tag导致小规格放流鱼苗存活率显著下降;(2)四种放流鱼苗CWT和VIE标记保持率均显著高于T-tag,其中,除50~80 mm的小规格长薄鳅VIE组标记保持率略低于CWT外,其它各实验组均表现出VIE组大于CWT组;(3)CWT和T-tag标记保持率与标记鱼类生活习性相关性较大,胭脂鱼、长薄鳅标记保持率相对高于唇■、黄颡鱼;(4)三种标记对鱼苗都具有一定的损伤,但与对照组相比标记组存活的鱼苗生长状况均不受影响,其中,四种鱼苗相比唇■的生长速度最快。(5)考虑到T-tag标记具备操作简单、标记快、易辨认等特点,建议使用T-tag标记时鱼苗的全长应大于170 mm。  相似文献   

Two different colours (red and green) of visible implant elastomer (VIE) were used in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The visibility, location and retention of the VIE tags was investigated and any adverse effects on fish survival and growth determined. The use of VIE tags for monitoring individual fish during a bacterial challenge with either Streptococcus agalactiae or S. iniae was also studied. The results showed that VIE treated fish were lighter but not shorter than the non‐tagged control fish and that tagging caused no mortality. The retention of tags was better at the base of pectoral fin followed by the nasal area, lower abdomen, upper abdomen and branchiostegal rays inside the operculum. During the bacterial challenge experiment individual animals could be easily identified using the VIE tags. In this preliminary study, VIE tagging appears suitable for Nile tilapia research, as with other fish species, and could be a novel method to identify individual animals during microbial pathogenesis studies.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The round goby ( Neogobius melanostomus Pallas) is an invasive species in North America and Europe. We evaluated the efficacy of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags for marking round gobies and tracking their movements with a portable underwater antenna in shallow areas (≤1 m) of a lake. Tagging did not markedly decrease growth of fish <105 mm; however, growth decreased unexpectedly for tagged fish ≥105 mm during the final sampling period. Nevertheless, tagging did not increase mortality regardless of size class, and tag retention was 100% for caged fish. Tagged round gobies in a 20 × 20-m2 block net avoided detection by the portable underwater antenna, and a high proportion of fish probably escaped from the net, suggesting that round gobies may be more mobile than previously reported. In conclusion, PIT tags are a viable method for individually marking round gobies, but detecting tagged round gobies with a portable underwater antenna, given current technology, does not appear promising in shallow areas with low habitat complexity.  相似文献   

This study tested different tags for each size of farm-reared gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L. juveniles, used in enhancement programmes. The following tags were tested: dye mark, fingerling tag, opercular tag, anchor tag A (filament diameter of 1.20 mm) and anchor tag B (0.85 mm). Tag/mark retention, wounds produced by the tag, ease of application, ease of detection and cost were examined. Epidermal dye marks had poor retention and detection rates. Of the tags tested, retention was greater for the anchor tag A (80–100%) after 7 months; anchor tag B showed a retention rate of only 20% after 3 months. The fingerling tag had a retention rate of 27.5% after 12 months. The opercular tag had a retention rate of 44% after 20 days but fractured the opercular bone in many cases. Tag incisions and wounds persisted in some fish for the duration of the experiment.  相似文献   

Octopus vulgaris is a species of demand in the market with the potential to diversify European aquaculture. However, this species develops complex social interactions under culture conditions, which may have negative effects on its growth, survival and profitability. In order to understand its behaviour under such conditions, individual tagging systems allow a careful evaluation of biological parameters, such as growth and longevity. The present work describes a combined protocol (anaesthetic and tagging) for implanting subcutaneous passive integrated transponder tags (PIT). The effect of two anaesthetic agents in facilitating octopus handling is assessed: clove oil at 20–40–100 mg L?1 and ethanol (96%) at 1–1.5–2%. The most suitable body location of PIT tags, its effect on growth and mortality, the addition of a stitch and the PIT retention rate after 2 months in floating cages were evaluated. It was concluded that immersion in seawater with 1.5% of ethanol at 22.3±0.5 °C is a suitable anaesthetic for this species. The results showed that the best‐selected PIT body location was the upper left arm III. No effect of the PIT tagging system was found on growth and survival when tagged and untagged octopuses were compared. It was observed after 2 months that the stitch did not induce an increase in the retention rate and 81–100% tag retention regardless of the dietary treatment.  相似文献   

This paper describes the successful use of two tagging systems, both produced by Northwest Marine Technology Inc., on larval and postlarval giant freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Visible implant (VI) elastomer tags (a coloured liquid that solidifies under the epidermis) were used on stage XI larval prawns (mean weight 0.01 g) and postlarval prawns (mean weight 0.07 g). VI alphanumeric tags (small biocompatible plastic labels also inserted under the epidermis) were tested on postlarval prawns (from a weight of 0.5 g). Tags were inserted using clove oil as anaesthetic, and survival, mortality and growth rates of tagged animals were compared with those of controls that were handled but not anaesthetized or marked. Twenty per cent of the larval prawns (the smallest of the group) died just after tagging, but thereafter the remaining prawns survived well, as did all the tagged postlarval prawns. Visibility of the VI elastomer tags in larval prawns deteriorated with time, though 79% of marks were still visible to the naked eye 70 days after tagging. VI elastomer tags in the postlarval group remained clearly visible for up to 100 days. Visibility of the VI alphanumeric tags fell shortly after tagging, but remained adequate thereafter. Moult rates in control and tagged animals were the same in larvae with VI elastomer tags and postlarvae with VI alphanumeric tags, but the moult rate in the postlarval prawns given elastomer tags was slower than in controls. Rates of growth were similar in tagged (elastomer and alphanumeric) and control postlarval prawns, once the size‐dependent mortality of tagged larval prawns was taken into account. We conclude that VI elastomer tags could be used to mark small numbers of individual larval and immediately postlarval prawns for periods of several months, and that VI alphanumeric tags could be used to mark an unlimited number of individuals from a size of approximately 0.5 g.  相似文献   

Fish can sustain injury or mortality when they pass through hydroelectric facilities. To develop a method to monitor the passage and survival of juvenile salmonids without bias through turbines within the Federal Columbia River Power System, we developed and fabricated two designs of neutrally buoyant transmitters: Type A (sutured to the dorsal musculature of the fish anterior to the dorsal fin) and Type B (two-part design attached with wire pushed through the dorsal musculature, ventral to the dorsal fin). To determine the efficacy of the two designs under non-turbine passage-related conditions, fish had one of the tags attached and were held for 14 days to determine any potential effects of the tags on growth, survival and tissue damage. We also evaluated the attachment method by monitoring tag retention. These two neutrally buoyant tag designs were compared to nontagged individuals and those surgically implanted with current Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) transmitters and passive integrated responder (PIT) tags. In addition, two suture materials (Monocryl and Vicryl Rapide) were tested for attachment of Type A tags. When compared with non-tagged individuals, fish tagged with Type A tags did not differ significantly with respect to growth or mortality over a 14-d holding period. However, fish tagged with Type B transmitters had lower growth rates than the nontagged controls or other tag treatments. The efficacy of two designs was also compared to nontagged individuals under shear exposure. Fish were exposed to a submerged, 6.35-cm-diameter water jet at velocities ranging from 3.0 to 12.2 m/s in a water flume to simulate turbine conditions within the Columbia River basin. Throughout the shear exposure study, no mortalities or tag loss were observed. There was also no significant difference in the rates of shear injury between untagged fish and fish tagged with Type A or Type B tags. When tissue damage was assessed for tagged individuals exposed to shear forces, those tagged with Type A tags showed lower rates and severity of injury when compared to Type B-tagged fish. Overall, Type A tags may be a viable tag design for juvenile Chinook salmon passing through hydropower facilities.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To address the dearth of information on tagging effects and long-term survivorship of tagged fish in native and introduced species, laboratory and field investigations were undertaken on three non-native fish species (pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus ; topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva ; pikeperch Sander lucioperca ) tagged with coded-wire (CW), passive integrated transponder (PIT), radio (RT) telemetry and/or acoustic tags (AT), with survivorship of native brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) examined in the field. Laboratory results revealed high survivorship following tag attachment/insertion and resumption of feeding within 24–48 h of tagging (all mortalities could be attributed to an unrelated outbreak of fungal infection), with retention rates being high in both pumpkinseed and pikeperch but low in topmouth gudgeon (excluded from field studies). In the field, short-term post-operation survival was high in pikeperch, pumpkinseed and brown trout. In pumpkinseed and trout, 100% of RT fish survived a 24–30 day tracking study, with 60% and 80%, respectively, recaptured alive at least 3 months post-tagging. Of PIT tagged pumpkinseed, 44% were recaptured (after 6–18 months), with small-sized, CW-tagged fish (0.38 g weight) captured up to 1 year after tagging. In pikeperch, all AT fish except one (the smallest specimen) survived their full expected tracking period (i.e. tag life) – the single lost specimen survived at least half of its expected tracking period (i.e. 6 month battery life). Overall, the tagging methods used were highly effective in pumpkinseed and pikeperch, showing good retention and survival, but PIT tagging of topmouth gudgeon was plagued by low survivorship and tag rejection.  相似文献   

本研究采用注射可视嵌入性荧光、剪附肢两种手段对不同期别的三疣梭子蟹进行标记,以研究标记的适用性及对个体生长的影响。对不同发育阶段三疣梭子蟹进行两个部位荧光注射,统计蜕壳后可识别率。结果显示,Ⅱ、Ⅲ期幼蟹适合腹面区域注射,Ⅳ期以后幼蟹适合游泳足基节和头胸甲背面的薄膜关节注射;标记后,经过两次蜕壳,识别率在80%以上,但经3次蜕壳后,识别率较低;根据标记组、未标记组生长数据,通过单因素方差分析发现,标记对三疣梭子蟹个体生长无显著性影响。Ⅶ期以后的幼蟹,更适合剪附肢法,该法操作简单、识别率高,对个体生长、存活无显著性影响(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

Populations of sea cucumbers, including the Japanese common sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus, have been seriously depleted worldwide due to overfishing. Mark–recapture study is an efficient means of collecting ecological data. However, the use of such a method in sea cucumbers is difficult because they lack hard tissues in the body wall. Here we tested the viability of various tagging methods on A. japonicus. First, we applied conventional tags using four different methods [single spaghetti (T-bar) tagging, double spaghetti tagging, ribbon tagging, and Atkins tagging] to ten individuals per method in aquaria for 14 days. Of the methods used, single spaghetti tagging had the highest retention rate. Then we examined the retention rate of single spaghetti tags on ten individual sea cucumbers for up to approximately 6 months in rearing conditions. The single spaghetti tagging method showed a retention rate of 100% over at least 7 days, and 50% of the tags remained embedded after 56 days. The longest duration of tag retention was 174 days, at which time the experiment was terminated. These results indicate that single spaghetti tagging is reliable for both short- and longer-term studies, making it a useful tool for ecological and conservation studies in sea cucumbers.  相似文献   

Microtagging is an adequate method of ensuring correct recapture estimates in enhancement of natural lobster, Homarus gammarus (L.), stocks through releases of cultured juveniles. This paper compares three lobster size categories (8-10, 12-14 and 16-18 mm), two tag lengths (0.5 and 1.0 mm), and two methods of holding the animal during marking with respect to tag retention and survival. A total of 1721 individuals were used in the experiment. The results did not reveal any obvious trends in tag retention related to either different tag lengths or different lobster sizes. Lobster held laterally during tagging showed higher tag retention (94-99%) than lobsters held with the ventral side uppermost (74-97%). Examination, using X-ray, of 81 juveniles which had tested negative for the presence of tag by the magnetic sensing device, showed that four of these in fact had tags. This suggests that the true tag retention figure could be higher than shown in the results. The cumulative mortality ranged from 0 to 4.7% after 3 days, but only for the smallest animals marked with 1 -mm tags laterally: this was significantly higher than in the control group. After 20 days, the cumulative mortality ranged from 0 to 5.7%. but there were no significant differences between experimental and control groups.  相似文献   

T型标志牌标记牙鲆苗种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
摘要以牙鲆为实验对象,研究了4种不同规格的T型标志牌(T-A、T-B、T-C和T-D)对全长5、7、9和11cm苗种的标记效果,确立了适宜标志的牙鲆苗种规格,筛选了适宜于不同规格牙鲆苗种标记用的T型标志牌。全长5cm的苗种不宜使用这4种规格的标志牌标记;T-A和T-B标志牌适宜于全长7~11cm的牙鲆苗种,标记后脱牌率为2%~8%,存活率为90%~100%;T-C标志牌适宜于标记全长11cm的苗种,成活率为94%,脱牌率为5%,对全长7~9cm苗种的标志效果不佳,成活率为85%~87%,脱牌率为9%~11%;T-D标志牌不适宜于全长11cm以下牙鲆苗种的标记,脱牌率为11%~26%,成活率为51%~89%。2011~2012年,利用T-B标志牌在北戴河开展了牙鲆大规模标志放流试验,取得了良好的标记效果。  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,87(2-3):280-284
A laboratory study was conducted to assess the effect of PIT tagging on survival and growth of young-of-the-year brown trout (Salmo trutta) and evaluate PIT tag loss as a function of body size at tagging. Transponders (11.5 mm long and 2.1 mm in diameter) were injected into the peritoneal cavity of fish ranging from 41 to 70 mm fork length (FL) using hypodermic needles. A total of 145 tagged fish and 136 control fish of similar size were reared over 4 weeks. Logistic regressions show that survival rate reached 95% for fish ≥52 mm FL at tagging (with a tag retention rate >70%), and 99% for fish ≥57 mm FL (tag retention rate >80%). No significant effect of tagging on growth (fork length and weight) was detected at the end of the experiment. The specific growth rate varied markedly among PIT-tagged fish regardless of fork length, weight or tag-to-body-weight ratio at tagging. Results suggest that juvenile brown trout larger than 57 mm FL (tag-to-body weight ratio in water <3.4%) can be marked by injection of 11.5 mm PIT into the peritoneal cavity with negligible effects on survival and growth, but this leads to a relatively high tag rejection rate (up to 20%).  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study examined potential adverse effects of surgically implanted passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags (12 × 2.1 mm) on bullhead ( Cottus gobio L.) of three different length-classes (I: 50–64 mm, II: 65–79 mm, III: 80–94 mm). During a 7-week laboratory experiment, the rate of PIT tag loss, incision closure time, survival, growth and swimming capacity were tested. The PIT tag weight to fish body weight ratio varied between 1.04% and 4.85%. The mean incision closure time differed significantly among length-classes and varied between 2.8 (I) and 4.3 (III) weeks. Nevertheless, PIT tag retention did not differ among length-classes and was ≥90%. The survival of untagged, sham-tagged and PIT-tagged bullheads was ≥90% and did not differ within or among length-classes. Finally, within each length-class, there was no difference in growth and swimming capacity among treatments. Hence, these results suggest the applicability of PIT tags for individually tagging bullheads ≥50 mm.  相似文献   

To determine the efficacy of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags for marking rohu Labeo rohita (Ham.) in the selective breeding programme, a series of experiments has been carried out at the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) under the Indo–Norwegian project of ‘Selective breeding of rohu’. Six groups of rohu fingerlings with weight ranging from 2 g to 20 g were tagged with PIT tags to determine a suitable size range for tagging. Fingerlings weighing 8–15 g were found to be quite suitable for tagging with a PIT tag. Recovery of the PIT tag depends upon the survival of tagged fish under field conditions. Rejection of the PIT tag by rohu was observed to be only 0.05%. Through effective management practice, the survival of tagged fish increased up to 95%, and thus tag loss was minimized.  相似文献   

The use of the fluorescent visible implant elastomer (VIE) tagging system in juvenile gilthead seabream, Sparus auratus L., between 7 and 18 g was examined. Four different colours (red, green, orange and yellow), three body positions (dorsal, lateral and caudal) and two orientations (horizontal and vertical) were tested. The mean tag application time for each fish was 15.7±0.32 s. There was no mortality associated with the method of tagging. The most visible tag colour was red. Injection orientation had a significant effect on length, width, fragmentation and fluorescent intensity of the tag. Horizontal tagging is recommended because of high fluorescent intensity, low fragmentation and for double tagging. There were no differences in growth between untagged controls and the VIE‐tagged fish.  相似文献   

鱼类育种实践中的个体标记技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对鱼类育种实践中所采用的鱼类个体标记方法及其优、缺点进行了综述。鱼类个体标记主要有外标和内标两种方式,每种标记方式中又有不同的具体方法。外标法主要包括鼻签、剪鳍、挂牌、烙印等,具有简便易行、成本较低等优点,但标记的保留率相对较低;内标法有染料标记、放射性同位素标记、荧光色素可见标记和被动整合雷达标记等,内标法的标记保留率较高,但成本也较高。内标法在标记效率和个体存活率上比外标法要好。  相似文献   

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