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随着我国茶产品经济的发展,茶产业面临着产业升级的问题,如何在竞争激烈的茶产品行业赢得市场份额,占有一席之地,需要茶产品文化营销。本文阐述了文化营销的定义及开展茶产品文化营销的重要性,在综合考虑我国现有茶产品市场现状的基础上,对如何开展茶产品文化营销及手段进行了分析,提出了针对性产品营销、品牌塑造及开展多样化促销等三种营销手段,并剖析了各种手段的必要性及具体开展方式。  相似文献   

论我国茶叶营销市场及产品结构的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

一个不重视市场营销的种企不会是一个十分成功的种企,至少不会走的很远。现代营销无疑是现代种业发展过程中的重头戏,不单单追求利润的最大化。现代企业产品的销售应该经过四个阶段:产品导入期→成长期→成熟期→衰退期。处于不同时期的产品对于销售策略制定的要求是不同的。  相似文献   

品种的市场定位是根据品种的特征特性.分析消费者的需求,合理定位.并不断地满足它的过程。品种的营销策略是由品种的生命周期决定的.品种的生命周期是指品种的市场寿命。一个品种进入市场后.它的销售量和利润都会随时间推移而改变.呈现一个由少到多由多到少的过程,  相似文献   

徐平均  洪永贵 《茶叶》2001,27(2):37-38
1 茶叶专业市场的作用 开化地处钱江源头,位于三省七县绿茶“金三角”地区,境内的气候、地形、土壤等条件适宜茶树生长,茶叶生产得天独厚,栽培历史悠久。茶叶历来是开化的传统优势,是农民的主要经济来源之一,而且茶叶作为传统的出口产品原料闻名于世,是绿茶出口基地县之一。 过去由于受计划经济的影响,开化茶业形成重生产、轻市场的观念。自改革开放后,我国开始建立社会主义市场经济体制,茶叶国内外市场全面放开,开化茶叶虽然品质优异,但没有自己的产品品牌,更谈不上有市场知名度。市场一有风吹草动,就受其冲击,造成茶叶卖不出去,茶农经济收入受到损失,严重挫伤了他们的生产积极性。开化茶业路在何方,这不能不令县委、县政府以及茶叶界人士的思考。 创自己的名茶品牌,建自己稳固的市场销售体系,才能促其开化茶业第二次创业。  相似文献   

试析茶叶的市场特性与营销策略   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
丁勇 《中国茶叶》2005,27(2):10-12
茶叶是世界性的天然饮料,市场成长潜力巨大.长期以来,茶叶产品游离于农产品与食品之间,生产加工属于农产品范畴,流通销售则具有食品属性,种植、加工、销售的产业链,或长或短,使得难以形成稳定、规范的茶叶市场.我国茶叶企业普遍规模较小,品牌意识淡薄,营销理念落伍,营销方式滞后.入世之后的中国茶叶面临着产业升级的紧迫性,茶叶市场拓展同样需要实现传统销售向现代营销的深刻转变.因此,目前亟需研究分析茶叶的市场特性,导入现代市场营销理念,探索茶业营销策略与创新手段,全面提升中国茶叶尤其是国际市场主流产品的竞争力和市场占有率.  相似文献   

阐述了山东省鱼台县特产、国家农产品地理标志产品鱼台大米的地理标志特征,包括特定的生产地域、独特的产地环境、丰富的人文历史及特有的产品品质,并从产地选择、品种选择、生产管理、收获与加工等方面总结了鱼台大米独特的生产方式,同时提出了相应的品牌建设策略,旨在最大程度地维护鱼台大米的品牌,进一步提高鱼台大米的品牌知名度和市场竞...  相似文献   

目前我国农业全面以提高农产品质量安全水平为核心.由农业部组织实施的"无公害食品行动计划"已在2001年正式启动.并在2002年10月明确规范了安全食品的认证,分为无公害食品、绿色食品、有机食品三大类.我省是茶叶产销大省之一,但在茶叶安全生产技术体系建立与研究、绿色食品和有机茶生产规模建设等方面起步较江浙茶区的省份慢.近年我省加大力度开展有机茶生产、加工和开发技术研究.已取得了良好的阶段性成果,为了加快扩大我省绿色食品有机茶生产基地规模,更有力地开辟国内外市场,按农业持续发展的思路,生产健康、环保、生态、优质的茶叶.因此,本文就发展我省绿色食品有机茶的优势及营销策略论述如下:  相似文献   

This study proposes to evaluate rapid methodologies to estimate oxidative stability and biodegradability for mineral, vegetable and synthetic oil samples, using quick and simple experiments. The synthetic oil sample was obtained from castor oil, so the vegetable oil chosen for this evaluation was a sample of the crude castor oil source. The oxidative stability tests described enabled the comparison of synthetic lubricant samples and showed that their stability was lower than that of petroleum-based oil. However, the physico-chemical properties, such pour points and viscosity index, were improved and potentially interesting for lubricant applications. The biodegradability experiments were carried out using a model of bio-kinetics. These studies proved that synthetic lubricant samples were easily degradable (similar to crude castor oil) and showed half-life significantly lower than those of the mineral oil samples.  相似文献   

运用灰色关联度分析各农艺性状对脂肪、蛋白质含量作用的次序。结果表明 :各性状对脂肪的关联序为 :鼓粒~成熟日数 >单株节数 >hm2 产量 >生育日数 >出苗~开花日数 >结荚~鼓粒日数 >百粒重 >株高 >开花~结荚日数 >单株荚数 >单株粒数 ,对蛋白质的关联序为 :生育日数 >百粒重 >单株节数 >鼓粒~成熟日数 >出苗~开花日数 >单株荚数 >结荚~鼓粒日数 >单株粒数 >开花~结荚日数 >hm2 产量 >株高  相似文献   

Vegetable oil and derivative,as well as waste cooking oil,are important resources for microbial fermentation to produce high-value-added metabolites.Diversity of their compositions not only provides more choices for the fermentation by different microorganisms,but also is a challenge for their systematic utilization.According to the previous literature,4 main functions of vegetable oil and derivative can be summarized,such as carbon source,precursor,inducer and cell protectant during fermentation process.Currently,there is still insufficient knowledge about application of vegetable oil and derivative for high-value-added metabolite production.Therefore,this article firstly presented a comprehensive summary of compositions of vegetable oils and their derivatives,variety of corresponding microbial metabolites,limiting factors and optimization of fermentation process.  相似文献   

The oxidative stability indices (OSI) of several vegetable oils were determined at 110°C. Meadowfoam oil, Limnanthes alba, was found to be the most stable oil with an OSI time of 67.3 h for refined oil and 246.9 h for crude oil. Other oils with good oxidative stabilities were refined high oleic sunflower and crude jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis) with OSI times of 49.8 and 34.5 h respectively. The unusually high OSI time of crude meadowfoam oil could not be attributed to its tocopherol content since refining did not significantly alter the tocopherol content, but significantly reduced the stability. A relationship of iodine value to antioxidant was developed for vegetable oils; however, this linear relationship did not account for the unusually high oxidative stability of meadowfoam oil. Binary mixtures of vegetable oils were also examined for enhanced oxidative stability. Small amounts of crude meadowfoam oil gave enhanced oxidative stability in mixtures with jojoba, triolein and castor oils. Triolein/crude meadowfoam oil mixtures showed the most dramatic improvements in OSI time with a 5% (w/w) addition of crude meadowfoam causing a 21-fold increase in the OSI time. Meadowfoam mixtures with jojoba improved the OSI time of jojoba from 31.1 to 52.7 h, when 10% crude meadowfoam oil was added. A study of oxidative stability with respect to olefin position showed that the Δ5 double bond was the most stable by more than an order of magnitude. The oxidative stability of meadowfoam FAMEs at 90°C gave an OSI time of 4.9 h which was the same as methyl erucate and methyl petroselenate, but less than methyl oleate which had an OSI time of 14.8 h. However, when methyl 5-eicosenoate was isolated in high purity (monoene >96%) and tested, it gave an OSI time of 69.4 h.  相似文献   

通过对基质固相分散吸附剂、淋洗剂、样品填料比等处理条件的优化研究,建立了植物油中22种农药残留分析方法——基质固相分散—气相色谱法,实现对植物油中8种拟除虫菊酯类和14种有机磷类农药残留的同时测定。加标实验结果表明,22种农药回收率均在80.6%~110.3%之间,相对标准偏差均小于4.9%;8种拟除虫菊酯类农药检出限为0.0005 ㎎/㎏~0.015 ㎎/㎏,14种有机磷类农药检出限达到0.01㎎/㎏~0.05㎎/㎏。本方法操作简便,成本低,回收率高,精密度好。  相似文献   

鞘脂及其代谢产物具有较强的生物活性,参与了细胞增殖、分化、免疫、凋亡及衰老等重要的生理活动,对人体的健康具有十分重要的影响.本研究采用超高效液相色谱串联高分辨质谱法并结合LipidSearch数据库软件测定和分析了菜籽油、大豆油和花生油三种常见植物油和对应的油料作物的鞘脂组成特性,采用一级质谱母离子相对分子质量以及二级...  相似文献   

The oil content and quality characteristics of Canarium schweinfurthii Engl. oil are described. The oils were extracted from the mesocarp and endocarp using hexane to remove the free flowing lipid (FFL) and successive extraction with CHCl3-MeOH followed by water saturated butanol to remove bound lipid (BL). On a dry matter basis, the mesocarp contained 68.3% FFL and 13.7% BL while the endocarp contained 67.0% FFL and 13.0% BL. The quality characteristics of the mesocarp oil extracts were 151.9–195.3 mg KOH/g fat saponification value (SV), 20–40 mEq peroxide/kg fat peroxide value (PV), 71.1–94.9 g iodine/100 g fat iodine value (IV) and 1.33–8.30 mg KOH acid value (AV). Characteristics for the endocarp oil extracts were 95.4–184.3 mg KOH/g fat SV, 4.0–8.0 mEq peroxide/kg fat PV, 100.1–118.3 g iodine/100 g fat IV, and AV of 0.48–8.70 mg KOH. The fatty acid composition of the first hexane extracts indicated that the oils were primarily C16 and C18s. The mesocarp contained 31.7% hexadecanoic acid, 30.0% 9-octadecenoic acid, 30.1% 6,9-octadecadienoic acid and 8.2% 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, while the endocarp, contained 31.2% hexadecanoic acid, 28.9% 9-octadecenoic acid and 31.3% 6,9-octadecadienoic acid.  相似文献   

“沧豆五号”集高油、高产、抗病、抗倒伏、适应性强于一身。一般产量在3 000~3 750.0kg/hm2。高产栽培可达4 350.0kg/hm2以上,脂肪含量22.19%,蛋白质含量39.35%,属于高油品种。2001-2003年在河北、天津、北京、山东、山西、新疆、云南等7省市累计推广5.5万hm2。2003年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会的审定,推广应用面积正在迅速扩大,具有广泛的发展前景。  相似文献   

黑龙江省实施国家“高油大豆振兴计划”取得显著成效:一是产量增加,二是效益提高;三是品质改善;四是斤粮成本降低;五是良种推广速度加快,重点抓了以下五方面工作:一是抓面积落实,实行了连片种植。二是抓良种落实,提高了统供率,三是抓技术培训,提高了科技含量,四是抓产销对接,实现了订单销售,五是抓组织领导,实施了强力推进。  相似文献   

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