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小白牛肉的生产最早在荷兰,目前德、美、加、澳、日等国家发展很快。"小白牛"生产即犊牛肥育,又称小肥牛肥育,是指犊牛出生完全用全乳、脱脂乳或代用乳进行饲喂,出栏体重达到180kg左右时,经特殊的屠宰、分割、排酸、包装而生产出来的高档犊牛肉。小白牛肉肉质嫩滑、风味独特、味道鲜美,肉  相似文献   

1鲍布小牛肉(Bob veal) 犊牛的屠宰年龄少于4星期,有的甚至公犊牛出生2~3天就被屠宰,活重少于57千克(胴体重为31千克),其瘦肉颜色呈淡粉红色,肉质极嫩. 2小白牛肉(Milk-fed veal或者White veal) 我国把用全乳、脱脂乳或人工代用乳培养的犊牛所产的肉定义为"小白牛肉".小白牛肉的肉质软嫩,味道鲜美,呈白色或稍带浅粉色,营养价值很高,蛋白质含量比一般牛肉高,脂肪却低于普通牛肉,人体所需的氨基酸和维生素齐全,又容易消化吸收,属于高档牛肉.我国小白牛肉饲养期为100天左右,体重在100千克左右时宰杀.  相似文献   

<正>国际上通常把牛肉分为三种,即牛肉(牛肉的统称或指成年牛的肉)、小牛肉(生后1岁半的牛肉)和小白牛肉(4~5月龄或7~8月龄犊牛所产的肉)。小白牛肉属优质高档肉,是利用奶牛或肉牛所产公犊牛生产出来的营养价值丰富的肉。小白牛肉的生产是伴随着奶牛业和乳品加工业的发展而蓬勃发展起来的[1]。随着国家奶牛、肉牛良种项目的实施及青海省大力推进牧区生态畜牧业和农区规模养殖建设,奶牛业发展成为青海省畜牧业发展的亮点,2011年末  相似文献   

小白牛肉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“小白牛肉”是高级宴席上的一道名菜。随着人民生活水平的不断提高和优质高效畜牧业生产的发展,“小白牛肉”这道菜也会很快端上普通百姓的餐桌。所谓“小白牛肉”是指犊牛出生后,在人为控管下,完全用全乳、脱脂乳或代用乳进行饲喂,饲喂100天左右,当其体重达到100kg左右时屠宰,所得之肉肉质细致软嫩、味道鲜美,呈全白色或稍带浅粉色的牛肉。其营养价值在人们所食的肉类中最高,蛋白质含量比一般牛肉高63.8%,脂肪却低95.9%。目前,“小白牛肉”的价格高出一般牛肉10倍以上。 怎样才能使犊牛长出“小白牛肉”呢?生产“小白牛肉…  相似文献   

犊牛育肥技术不仅影响到犊牛的生长发育,也影响到小白牛肉的品质,因此,在犊牛育肥中,应掌握以下几项育肥技术。  相似文献   

中国牛肉消费占整个肉类消费总量的比重仅为11%左右,与国外发达国家30%以上的比例相比仍然有很大的差距.但随着人民生活水平的不断提高,牛肉消费需求增长迅速,特别是高档牛肉的消费需求.国内奶业经过迅猛的发展,每年都有大量奶公犊牛产生,但仅作为血清的生产材料,没有充分发挥经济效益.文章就被誉为高档牛肉中精品的小白牛肉国内外的生产研究现状进行综述,以期能够为国内的小白牛肉尤其是今后的有机小白牛肉的生产提供理论支持.  相似文献   

小白牛肉生产技术要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“小白牛”生产即犊牛肥育,又称小肥牛肥育,是指犊牛出生后100d内,在特殊饲养条件下,完全用全乳、脱脂乳或代用乳进行饲喂,育肥至90~150kg时屠宰,生产出风味独特,肉质鲜嫩、多汁的高档犊牛肉。犊牛肥育在不喂青、粗饲料的缺铁条件下饲养,所以肉色很淡,颜色呈全白色或稍带浅粉色,近似鸡肉,带有乳香气味,故称“小白牛”生产,日本称为“肉用乳犊育成新法”。小白牛肉营养价值在人们所食的肉类中最高,蛋白质含量比一般的牛肉要高63.8%,脂肪却低95.9%,人体所需的必需氨基酸和维生素齐全,而且容易消化吸收,是所有人特别是老、弱、病、残人的理想肉食。目前,“小白牛肉”的价格高出一般牛肉10倍以上。  相似文献   

奶公犊牛育肥肉用是绝大多数奶公犊牛的出路。特别是在奶业发达的国家,牛肉生产的总量中,很大一部分是来源于乳用牛群。如荷兰几乎是全部,德国约占50%,英国约占40%。用乳牛来生产肉牛,饲料利用效率和经济效益都较高。乳用母牛除生产犊牛外,还生产大量的商品奶,母牛的饲料消耗主要计算在商品奶成本中,犊牛相当于白得。利用奶公犊牛生产牛肉有三个途径:一是生产肥牛肉,二是生产小白牛肉,三是生产小肥牛肉。1育肥期奶公牛的饲养管理奶公牛育肥,指1岁黑白花奶公牛经5~6个月的育肥饲养,体重达500千克出栏。1.1奶公牛育肥的饲养。奶公牛育肥分生…  相似文献   

荷斯坦公犊牛育肥可增加肉牛供给数量,一定程度上缓解当前牛肉需求旺盛而产能不足导致的供需失衡问题。本文概述了国内外荷斯坦公犊牛育肥研究进展以及肉牛生产中的动物福利问题,以期为我国肉牛生产和肉牛的福利研究提供参考。  相似文献   

利用乳用公犊牛生产犊牛白肉、犊牛红肉、嫩牛肉、肥牛肉是绝大多数乳用公犊牛的出路。在国外奶业发达的国家,牛肉生产的总量中,很大一部分是来源于乳用牛群。而我国乳用公牛生产犊牛肉的技术还处在研究阶段,生产上还没普及应用。犊牛肉主要分为犊牛白肉和犊牛红肉。犊牛白  相似文献   



Recently, a Risk Assessment methodology was applied to animal welfare issues in a report of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on intensively housed calves.


Because this is a new and potentially influential approach to derive conclusions on animal welfare issues, a so-called semantic-modelling type ''validation'' study was conducted by asking expert scientists, who had been involved or quoted in the report, to give welfare scores for housing systems and for welfare hazards.


Kendall''s coefficient of concordance among experts (n = 24) was highly significant (P < 0.001), but low (0.29 and 0.18 for housing systems and hazards respectively). Overall correlations with EFSA scores were significant only for experts with a veterinary or mixed (veterinary and applied ethological) background. Significant differences in welfare scores were found between housing systems, between hazards, and between experts with different backgrounds. For example, veterinarians gave higher overall welfare scores for housing systems than ethologists did, probably reflecting a difference in their perception of animal welfare.Systems with the lowest scores were veal calves kept individually in so-called "baby boxes" (veal crates) or in small groups, and feedlots. A suckler herd on pasture was rated as the best for calf welfare. The main hazards were related to underfeeding, inadequate colostrum intake, poor stockperson education, insufficient space, inadequate roughage, iron deficiency, inadequate ventilation, poor floor conditions and no bedding. Points for improvement of the Risk Assessment applied to animal welfare include linking information, reporting uncertainty and transparency about underlying values.


The study provides novel information on expert opinion in relation to calf welfare and shows that Risk Assessment applied to animal welfare can benefit from a semantic modelling approach.  相似文献   

We studied the importance of the stockperson's behavior on veal calf behavior using 22 veal calves housed in individual crates. Eleven calves received minimal contact from the stockperson, and the other 11 calves were stroked and allowed to suck the stockperson's fingers after each meal during the entire fattening period (21 wk). The effects of this additional contact with the stockperson on the calves' responses to people was studied, when in their home environment (crate) or outside their home environment (singly in a novel arena). When tested in their home environment, the calves receiving additional contact withdrew less from the approach of humans (familiar or unfamiliar) (P < .05) compared with control calves. When tested outside the home environment with a human (familiar or unfamiliar) standing motionless, calves that had received additional contact interacted more frequently and for a longer time with the humans and defecated less often compared with control calves (P < .05). In conclusion, being stroked and sucking the stockperson's fingers seemed to be experienced as positive by the calf, because they reduced withdrawal from and increased approaches to familiar and unfamiliar humans in familiar and unfamiliar environments. Such a lower reactivity to people could improve ease of handling, animal performance, and animal welfare.  相似文献   

Recent efforts by animal rights groups to limit livestock production practices have focused on veal production. Legislation has been introduced in California, Illinois, and New Jersey that would ban or limit certain aspects of veal production. The legislation in New Jersey would ban tethering, mandate the feeding of iron supplements shortly after birth, and mandate the feeding of “digestible fiber” beginning at 14 d of age. All of these requirements may be contraindicated for optimal veal calf health. In addition, they invite more extreme measures. For example, the tethering ban may be extended to all dairy and beef animals up to 340 kg (750 lb) and could extend to adult and junior cattle shows and exhibitions as well. This paper describes the effects of these practices (tethering, controlling iron intake, and limiting fiber intake) on calf health and management. Portions of this paper were written to provide the New Jersey legislature with a science-based perspective on veal-raising practices addressed in the legislation. Finally, this paper will seek to point out implications of this and other legislative approaches to limit livestock management practices.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years concern about farm animal welfare has increased and has become a public issue in the Netherlands. Public discussion has stimulated research in this field, financed by both government and industry. Dutch society in general and consumers of animal products in particular, want to see high standards of welfare for production animals. Good animal welfare has gradually gained more impact in the total quality concept of the product. This will encourage scientists to continue to analyse the welfare status of animals and to come up with innovative solutions for the remaining problems. At ID-Lelystad much effort is put into farm animal welfare research. This research includes for example, the development of behavioural tests for quantifying and interpreting fear in cattle, investigations into the effects of dietary iron supply and a lack of roughage on behaviour, immunology, stress physiology, and pathology in veal calves, studies of the ontogeny of tail biting in finishing pigs and feather pecking in laying hens as well as evaluation of the welfare effects of automatic milking in dairy cows. The results of these projects contribute to concrete improvements in animal husbandry and expertise and support policy making and legislation. The animal industry as well as retailers should aim at the further implementation of this knowledge and to specify welfare standards to guarantee consumer acceptance of animal production.  相似文献   

Male dairy calf welfare is a key issue in the Canadian cattle industry. The welfare of male dairy calves can be explored through the aspects of health and biological functioning, affective states, and natural living. Presently, the main welfare issues associated with the production of male dairy calves include morbidity and mortality, colostrum and feeding management, transportation, isolation, castration and disbudding, and euthanasia. Opportunities to improve male dairy calf welfare include improving accepted industry practices, enhancing education and compliance with industry codes of practice, and increasing veterinarian involvement in on-farm animal welfare. The benefits of improving male dairy calf welfare include maintenance of the cattle industry’s social license and improved producer mental health and occupational satisfaction. The main barriers to improving male dairy calf welfare are economics and cultural attitudes within the industry towards male dairy calves.  相似文献   

Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) is highly prevalent in pork and veal production chains. In this study, we used data from a cross-sectional survey on 2151 calves from 102 veal calf farms to identify potential risk factors, with the goal of reducing MRSA prevalence by developing intervention strategies. Overall, calves from rose veal farms had a lower risk of LA-MRSA carriage than calves from white veal farms. Data were analysed separately for white and rose veal calves, because management systems of the two production chains were largely different. Group treatment with antimicrobials appeared to be a risk factor for MRSA carriage in white veal calves in univariate analyses, but was not included in the final multiple regression model that included age of the calves and rodent control. Number of start treatment days was positively associated with LA-MRSA carriage in rose veal calves, and was the only risk factor selected for the final multiple regression model for this group. Interpretation of the results from this cross-sectional study is complicated by the strong correlation between antimicrobial use, LA-MRSA carriage and age of the calves. Other age-related factors may be more influential. However, taken together these findings emphasize the need for prudent use of antimicrobials, and point to improvement of farm hygiene as a control measure.  相似文献   

Consumers, industrial stakeholders, and the legislature demand a stronger focus on animal welfare of all livestock at the farm level by using suitable indicators in self-assessments. In order to deduce farms’ animal welfare status reliably, factors that influence indicators’ results need to be identified. Hence, this study aimed to apply possible animal welfare indicators for unweaned dairy calves on conventional dairy farms with early cow–calf separation and evaluate influencing factors such as age and sex of calves or climatic conditions on the applied indicators’ results. An animal welfare assessment using 7 resource-based and 14 animal-based indicators was conducted at 42 typical Western German dairy farms (844 calves) in 2018 and 2019 by two observers. The effect of influencing factors was calculated by binary and ordinal logistic regressions and expressed as odds ratios. Although every unweaned calf was assessed during the farm visits, most farms had relatively few unweaned calves (average number of calves ± standard deviation = 20.1 ± 6.7 calves), with six farms having not more than 10 calves. The small sample sizes question the usage of those indicators to compare between farms and to set thresholds at the farm level. Only one assessed indicator (cleanliness core body) was not statistically affected by the evaluated influencing factors. Calf age was identified as the most decisive factor, as it affected 16 of 21 evaluated indicators, and calf age distribution on-farm varied greatly. Climatic conditions (ambient temperature and rainfall) influenced resource-based indicators such as access to concentrate and water or the cleanliness of feeding implements and bedding as well as animal-based cleanliness indicators and the occurrence of health-related impairments such as coughing and diarrhea. The authors found differences between calves on farms assessed by the different observers not only in resource-based hygiene indicators but also in animal-based indicators such as hyperthermia or hypothermia, highlighting the need for further evaluation of quality criteria in dairy calf welfare assessments. Nevertheless, animal welfare assessments by farmers themselves could be useful tools to sensitize farmers to animal welfare and thereby improve calves’ welfare.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the reasons for pre-slaughter mortality and post-slaughter wastage in New Zealand bobby veal calves, and to assess compliance with the national animal welfare codes at a slaughter premises in New Zealand.

METHODS: The study was conducted at a single slaughter premises in Southland, New Zealand, during the 2011 bobby veal processing season. Calves that died during the pre-slaughter period underwent post-mortem examination to identify the reasons for death and notable secondary findings. Data from calves condemned at official post-mortem meat inspection were also analysed.

RESULTS: The mortality risk in the pre-slaughter period was 0.7% (288/42,494) and post-slaughter condemnation losses were 0.4% (180/42,206), resulting in a total loss to food production of 1.1%. Of the calves that were examined after dying in the pre-slaughter period (n=247), digestive tract disorders (41%) and omphalitis (23%) were the most common primary diagnoses. Secondary findings in these calves included absence of curd in the abomasum (25%), immaturity (21%) and emaciation (9%). Omphalitis (54%) and septicaemia (37%) were the most common causes of post-mortem wastage.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Digestive tract disorders, omphalitis and septicaemia were the most common reasons for pre-slaughter mortality and post-mortem wastage. Further investigation of pre-transportation husbandry and feeding practices is indicated to determine compliance with animal welfare codes by farmers that supplied calves that had no curd in the abomasum, or were immature or emaciated on arrival at the slaughter premises.  相似文献   

Non-perforating abomasal lesions are a considerable problem affecting more than half the population of veal calves. The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of pyloric and fundic abomasal lesions in Swiss veal calves at slaughter and to compare the occurrence of non-perforating abomasal lesions between two different production programs (‘Naturafarm’ and ‘conventional’). ‘Conventional’-production settings met the minimal standards as defined by the Swiss animal welfare legislation, whereas ‘Naturafarm’ production complied with increased animal welfare requirements. In order to identify risk factors for the development of abomasal lesions, information on management, housing, and feeding was obtained by a questionnaire. A total of 125 abomasa were randomly selected in one large abattoir. They were examined macroscopically, and the occurence of lesions in either the fundic or pyloric region of the abomasum was recorded separately. Animals raised in the ‘conventional-production setting revealed a significantly higher prevalence of lesions in the fundic part. Factors significantly affecting the prevalence of non-perforating lesions in the fundic part were the ‘conventional’-production environment, including missing access to an outside pen, missing access to water and straw as the only roughage, feeding by bucket and the liquid milk by-product Protofit in combination with the powder Sprayfit.  相似文献   

A group of 4863 white veal calves reared on six commercial white veal farms in Ontario were followed through production to describe calf characteristics and production levels. Patterns of morbidity, mortality, and culling were investigated at the farm, room and individual level. The majority of the calves were male Holsteins, with approximately half originating from Ontario. The mean average daily gain for shipped calves over the entire production period was 1.1 kg/day (SE = 0.002). The overall percentage of calves receiving at least one individual treatment was 59%, with an average number of treatment days per calf of 3.3. The majority of calves receiving one or more treatment days were first treated between the fourth and seventh week of production. The mortality rate was 3.7%, and 5.1% of the calves were culled. Pneumonia was the largest single cause of death. Peak death and cull losses occurred during the seventh and eighth week of production.  相似文献   

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