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苏格兰折耳猫骨软骨发育不良也称为苏格兰折耳猫骨营养不良,是影响骨骼生长和关节软骨形成、导致四肢远端和尾部畸形的一种遗传性疾病。一例疑似病例中患畜主要表现为双侧后肢跗关节处肿胀,有疼痛感,爪部、尾部变短、厚,弯曲不灵活。经血常规和影像学检查确诊为苏格兰折耳猫骨软骨发育不良。通过一段时间药物治疗,病情好转,后肢可以着地走路。  相似文献   

<正>折耳猫是一种相对较新的品种,因外观可爱,越来越受爱猫人士欢迎。折耳猫骨软骨发育不良,也称折耳猫骨营养不良,是影响骨骼生长和关节软骨形成,导致四肢远端和尾部畸形的一种遗传性疾病。骨软骨发育不良的问题,引起包括骨头变薄和软弱,以及连接骨头的软骨出现异常等表象,致使折耳猫身体健康异常,本文将重点讨论折耳猫骨软骨发育不良的表现和治疗方法。  相似文献   

苏格兰折耳猫骨软骨发育不良(Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasja),也称为苏格兰折耳猫骨营养不良(Scottish Fold Osteodystrophy),是影响骨骼生长和关节软骨形成、导致四肢远端和尾部畸形的一种遗传性疾病。虽然1961年首次培育出此品种猫,但直到1971年才认识到此品种猫存在进行性骨骼异常和跛行这种品种相关性疾病。基因分析表明:苏格兰折耳猫耳向前折叠是由常染色体上名为Fd的突变基因控制,呈显性遗传。发病部位为四肢远端及尾椎的骨与关节.  相似文献   

苏格兰折耳猫骨软骨发育不良(scottish fold osteochondrodysplasia)是一种与品种相关的特发性疾病,国内尚未见该病的报道.近年来我院接诊7例,现总结报道如下.  相似文献   

苏格兰折耳猫循环系统、呼吸系统、骨骼系统高发遗传性疾病,其寿命与其他品种猫相比要短很多。目前的宠物医疗技术对苏格兰折耳猫的遗传疾病没有治愈的方法,只能对症治疗、减缓其病痛。文章报告一例患有心脏肥大继发肺水肿的苏格兰折耳猫病例。该猫临床表现为精神稍有沉郁、食欲饮欲不佳、体温正常及略有咳嗽。经DR检查该猫心脏轮廓增大,呈经典“爱心型”,右侧心脏靠近右侧胸腔壁;肺部有一定程度炎症、积水。对该猫进行治疗,治疗7周后心脏轮廓有一定改变,肺部炎症积水得到改善,建议长期用药。  相似文献   

犬髋关节发育不良的X线检查技术与诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要论述了髋关节发育不良的X线检查与诊断技术。将犬全身麻醉,仰卧于X线诊断床上,各拍摄一张后肢伸直位(Position Ⅰ)和后肢曲位(Position Ⅱ)的骨盆部腹背部X线照片。犬髋关节发育不良时,髋臼与股骨头的关节不和谐;股骨头变平、变形,髋臼变浅;股骨头半脱位或全脱位;Norberg角小于105℃;在髋臼前缘出现软骨下硬化或并发外生骨疣,股骨颈关节囊附着处有骨膜增生反应;髋关节内翻或外翻。  相似文献   

应用茜素红—阿利新蓝双重染色技术制作骨与软骨透明标本,观察幼龄小鼠软骨发育的形态学变化。取1、3、5、7、9、15日龄完整幼鼠,水淹致死后去除皮肤、眼、脑、内脏和脂肪组织,乙醇固定,丙酮脱脂,自来水冲洗,茜素红—阿利新蓝混合染色,氢氧化钾透明,各梯度甘油脱水,纯甘油保存。结果小鼠骨骼双重染色硬骨显示为红色,软骨显示为蓝色。随着小鼠日龄的增长,小鼠肋软骨的骨化最为明显,后肢长骨末端的骺软骨板和髋部软骨骨化过程清晰可见。此试验可以清晰的显示不同日龄小鼠肋软骨、后肢关节软骨、髋部软骨的骨化过程。  相似文献   

正奶牛飞节内肿又称慢性变形性跗关节炎、骨质增生性跗关节炎,病牛跗关节软骨受损伤,边缘增生,骨密质增厚、粘连,骨膜骨化,关节变形及出现机能障碍。本病多发生于老龄牛和跗关节受损伤的牛,饲料中缺乏维生素、钙、磷,或钙磷比例不当,牛床坡度不合理,使牛后肢负重过度,牛舍地面湿滑及牛缺乏运动等也是导致发病的诱因。1临床症状患牛跛行,按压右后肢跗关节患牛疼痛,关节温热、肿胀,屈伸不利,关节边缘骨质增生,内  相似文献   

骨折是骨或软骨的完整性或连续性因外力机械性作用而遭受破坏.骨折常伴有周围软组织不同程度的损伤.在小动物外科疾病中,骨骼与关节疾病比较常见,其中以骨折,尤其后肢股骨骨折发病率为最高,约占全部骨折的32%[1-3].  相似文献   

2019年1月一雄性折耳猫发病,经检查初步诊断为疑似猫自发性膀胱炎,通过采取积极治疗后患猫康复。  相似文献   

Two Scottish Fold mixed cats are described in this report. Case 1 is a mixed Scottish Fold and Munchkin cat. Extremities of this cat resembled the Munchkin cat, while the ear pinna were folded forward like the Scottish Fold cat. Case 2 is a mixed Scottish Fold and American Curl cat. The ear pinna were curled caudally like the American Curl. Severe exostosis in the hind leg was observed in radiographs taken around one year of age in both cats. Both cats were dominant homozygous for c.1024G>T of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 gene, responsible for osteochondrodysplasia in the Scottish Fold cat. Cross breeding with Scottish Fold cats could produce unknown phenotypes, and should be avoided.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To better characterise the bone and joint problems which can develop in Scottish Fold cats. DESIGN: Retrospective study of cases seen in five veterinary clinics and radiographic survey of cats in a cattery. RESULTS: Six Scottish Fold cats (four castrated males, two spayed females) aged between 5 months and 6 years were presented for signs of skeletal disease including lameness, reluctance to jump, a stiff stilted gait, short misshapen distal limbs, swelling of plantar tarsometatarsal regions and short thick inflexible tails. A further four cases (one male, three females, 15 months to 11 years) were identified by radiographic screening of a cattery. A diagnosis of osteochondrodysplasia was based on characteristic radiological findings including irregularity in the size and shape of tarsal, carpal, metatarsal and metacarpal bones, phalanges and caudal vertebrae, narrowed joint spaces, and progressive new bone formation around joints of distal limbs with diffuse osteopenia of adjacent bone. A plantar exostosis caudal to the calcaneus was present in advanced cases. In all nine cases where pedigree information was available, affected cats allegedly originated from the mating of a Scottish Fold to a cat with normal ears. The severity and time of onset of physical signs, and rate of progression and extent of radiographic abnormalities, varied from case to case. Limited histological observations suggested the underlying problem may be an osteochondrodysplasia, related to inadequate cartilage maturation. Clinical signs were ameliorated by administration of pentosan subcutaneously in two of three cats in which it was trailed, and one of these also benefited from an oral glycosaminoglycan preparation. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical and radiological findings were ascribed to defective maturation and function of cartilage, particularly in the distal limbs, ears and tail. As all Scottish Fold cats suffered from osteochondrodysplasia of some degree, the best solution would be to avoid using fold-eared cats for breeding and instead use Scottish shorthairs.  相似文献   

This report describes palliative irradiation as treatment for Scottish Fold osteochondrodysplasia. A 3-year-old female spayed Scottish Fold cat suffering from osteochondrodysplasia was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Zurich. Based on the breed, history, clinical signs, radiographic findings, and the histologic diagnosis of a biopsy specimen, Scottish Fold osteochondrodysplasia was confirmed. To control the exostoses leading to inflammatory processes and pain, radiotherapy was initiated as palliative treatment. This was successful in relieving the clinical signs within a few weeks. The short- and long-term results after radiotherapy are presented and discussed with a comparable human disease, the plantar heel spur, which also responds well to radiotherapy.  相似文献   

This report describes an autosomal incomplete dominant pattern of inheritance for osteochondrodysplasia in the Scottish Fold cats. A three-generation pedigree was analysed. Cats with folded ears were mated with cats with normal ears. All cats with folded ears, which were presumably heterozygous for the mutated allele, developed osteochondrodysplasia in distal fore- and hindlimbs but not in other bones, including the tail in which bone deformity had been demonstrated in previous studies. The severity of the skeletal lesions of osteochondrodysplasia was different in each affected cat. Most of the cats with severe osteochondrodysplasia showed some clinical signs, but cats with mild disease were clinically unaffected. All Scottish Fold-related cats with folded-ear phenotype, even if heterozygotes, suffered from some degree of osteochondrodysplasia of the distal limbs.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 4-year-old, castrated 4.2-kg Scottish fold cat with recurrent epistaxis that was unresponsive to medical therapy. Diathermocoagulation of the nasal mucosa with a diode laser controlled the epistaxis and there was no significant recurrence of epistaxis during 1 year of follow-up.  相似文献   

CD71 is an immunohistochemical marker used in diagnosing acute myeloid leukemia (AML) M6-Er in humans; however, to our knowledge, it has not been reportedly used for immunohistochemistry in veterinary medicine. We evaluated the pathologic features of AML M6-Er in a retrovirus-negative cat and used CD71 to support the diagnosis. A 4-y-old spayed female Scottish Fold cat was presented with lethargy, anorexia, and fever. Whole-blood PCR assay results for pro feline leukemia virus/pro feline immunodeficiency virus and feline vector-borne diseases were negative. Early erythroid precursors were observed in the peripheral blood smear. Fine-needle aspiration of the enlarged spleen and splenic lymph node showed many early erythroid precursors. Bone marrow aspirate smears revealed erythroid hyperplasia with 68.4% erythroid lineage and 3.6% rubriblasts. Dysplastic cells infiltrated other organs. The patient was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, progressing to the early phase of AML M6-Er. The patient died on day 121 despite multidrug treatments. Postmortem examination revealed neoplastic erythroblasts infiltrating the bone marrow and other organs. Neoplastic cells were immunopositive for CD71 but immunonegative for CD3, CD20, granzyme B, von Willebrand factor, CD61, myeloperoxidase, and Iba-1. Although further studies are necessary for the application of CD71, our results supported the morphologic diagnosis of AML M6-Er.  相似文献   

Post-mortem examination of two cases of natural Haemobartonella felis infection in the cat is reported. In both cases haemobartonellosis was confirmed on blood smears from the diseased animals. The most noticeable macroscopic finding was a pronounced general anemia.The microscopic examination revealed hyperplasia of the bone marrow and a moderate extramedullary hematopoiesis in case 1 and in case 2 a reduction of the M/E index in the bone marrow.Keyword: haemobartonellosis, Haemobartonella felis, Eperythrozoon felis, feline infectious anemia, blood diseases, anemia  相似文献   

本文报道猫伴发腹腔种植性转移的卵巢恶性颗粒细胞瘤1例,较为罕见,国内外文献未见报道。1例15岁雌性家猫,因不食和腹围增大就诊。超声检查显示,左肾尾侧可见一大小约4.27 cm×2.63 cm的肿物。开腹探查,可见大网膜、肠壁及胃壁弥散性分布大量大小不等的球形肿物,左侧卵巢明显增大,表面形成坚实或柔软的结节。对肿物进行组织病理学检查,诊断为卵巢恶性颗粒细胞瘤。本文提供该病例临床和组织病理学资料,并回顾相关文献资料,希望对该肿瘤的诊疗和研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

The incidence, distribution, and macro‐ and microscopic structures of left ventricular false tendons (LVFTs) in the cat heart were studied using 25 normal and 57 diseased hearts. The fibrous bands were observed in the left ventricle of all 82 cat hearts examined and most commonly extended between the papillary muscles and the ventricular septum. Histologically, the LVFTs were composed of central Purkinje fibres and surrounding dense collagenous fibres covered by endothelium. There was no appreciable difference in the incidence, distribution or morphology of LVFTs between the normal and the diseased hearts, indicating that LVFTs are a common anatomic variant in the cat heart.  相似文献   

This case series reviews previous publications and reports four feline spinal epidural empyema cases that presented with non-ambulatory thoracolumbar myelopathy. Two cats underwent myelography and two MRI. Bacteria were obtained in three cases, in two from epidural abscesses and from a tail base wound in one; histopathological examination of epidural tissue showed pyogranulomatous changes in the remaining cat. Three cats were treated by surgical decompression plus antimicrobial therapy and one cat was treated medically. All cats showed satisfactory improvement following treatment over a follow-up period of 3 months. Spinal epidural empyema is a rare condition but all cats in this series had favourable outcomes.  相似文献   

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