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Wax esters (WE) in copepods constitute huge natural marine lipid resources, which can contribute as future lipid source in formulated diets in aquaculture, and thereby reduce the pressure on use of marine resources at higher trophic levels. The present study was undertaken to investigate factors affecting WE digestibility, including production of bile and lipases in Atlantic salmon fed diets containing high proportions of oil derived from copepods. Individually tagged postsmolt Atlantic salmon (initial weight 250 g) were distributed into three dietary groups in triplicate tanks and fed either a fish oil supplemented diet or diets where 50% or 100% of the fish oil was replaced with oil extracted from Calanus finmarchicus . WE accounted for 30.7% or 47.7% of the lipids in these latter diets, respectively. Over the 100 day feeding period, the salmon fed the fish oil diet displayed a significantly higher specific growth rate (SGR; 0.74) than fish fed the 100% Calanus oil diet (SGR; 0.67). The apparent digestibility coefficient of total lipid and total fatty acids was significantly higher in salmon fed the fish oil and the mixed diet compared to fish fed the pure Calanus oil diet. However, the fish appeared to enhance the lipid digestive capacity by increasing bile volume and the lipolytic activity. It is concluded that the digestion of WE in Atlantic salmon is poorer than for triacylglycerols. However, the digestive capacity is increased by elevating the bile content and lipase activity. At very high levels however, WE of lipid between 37.5% and 47.7%, are there no more compensation and WE utilisation decreases.  相似文献   

Copepod oil (CO) from the marine zooplankton, Calanus finmarchicus, is a potential alternative to fish oils (FOs) for inclusion in aquafeeds. The oil is composed mainly of wax esters (WE) containing high levels of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and monounsaturated fatty alcohols that are poorly digested by fish at low temperatures. Consequently, tissue lipid compositions may be adversely affected in salmon‐fed CO at low temperatures. This study examined the lipid and FA compositions of muscle and liver of Atlantic salmon reared at two temperatures (3 and 12 °C) and fed diets containing either FO or CO, supplying 50% of dietary lipid as WE, at two fat levels (~330 g kg?1, high; ~180 g kg?1, low). Fish were acclimatized to rearing temperature for 1 month and then fed one of four diets: high‐fat fish oil (HFFO), high‐fat Calanus oil (HFCO), low‐fat fish oil (LFFO) and low‐fat Calanus oil (LFCO). The fish were grown to produce an approximate doubling of initial weight at harvest (220 days at 3 °C and 67 days at 12 °C), and lipid content, lipid class composition and FA composition of liver and muscle were determined. The differences in tissue lipid composition between dietary groups were relatively small. The majority of FA in triacylglycerols (TAG) in both tissues were monounsaturated, and their levels were generally higher at 3 °C than 12 °C. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly (n‐3) PUFA, predominated in the polar lipids, and their level was not significantly affected by temperature. The PUFA content of TAG was highest (~26%) in the muscle of fish fed the HFCO diet at both temperatures. Tissue levels of SFAs were lower in fish‐fed diets containing HFCO than those fed HFFO, LFFO or LFCO, particularly at 3 °C. The results are consistent with Atlantic salmon being able to incorporate both the FA and fatty alcohol components of WE into tissue lipids but, overall, the effects of environmental temperature on tissue lipids were more pronounced in fish fed the CO diets than FO diets.  相似文献   

Bile salt‐dependent lipase (BSDL) is assumed to be the predominant lipid hydrolase in fish digestive tracts where it hydrolyses dietary triacylglycerols (TAG), sterol esters (SE) and wax esters (WE). BSDL is known to hydrolyse TAG at much faster rates than SE and WE in both fish and mammals. An assay for BSDL has previously been developed for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). However, this setup may not be valid in other fish species. Accordingly, the present study aimed at optimizing previous assays in rainbow trout for use on intestinal luminal contents of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Crude intestinal extracts from midgut were desalted before the assay and concentrated bile salts supplemented. In general, the rank order for the degree of hydrolysis in Atlantic salmon was TAG > WE > SE. The optimal assay conditions were determined as being 100 μg protein, 125 μm lipid substrate and 20 mM bile salt (taurocholate) during the 4 h of incubation. Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout of 1500 g showed similar lipolytic activity, while salmon smolts of 300 g showed a significantly lower activity. Furthermore, the inhibition of intestinal lipase activities, especially triacylglycerol hydrolase and sterol ester hydrolase, observed in trout intestinal extracts at bile salt concentrations around 10 mm , was not observed in salmon. This could indicate that the activities in these two salmonids may display different enzyme biochemistry.  相似文献   

Previous studies had shown that wax ester‐rich lipid extracted from calanoid copepods could be a useful alternative to fish oil as a provider of long‐chain n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in diets for use in salmon aquaculture. Effective utilization of wax ester requires digestion and metabolism in the intestine with the fatty alcohol component being oxidized to fatty acid in intestinal cells through the combined activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). We studied wax ester utilization in Atlantic salmon using a candidate gene approach, focusing on ADH and ALDH as sequence information was available for these genes, including fish sequences, facilitating isolation of the cDNAs. Here, we report on the isolation and cloning of full‐length cDNAs for ADH3 and ALDH3a2 genes from salmon intestinal tissue. Functional characterization by heterologous expression in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, showed the products of these cDNAs had long‐chain ADH and ALDH enzyme activities. Thus, ADH3 was capable of oxidizing long‐chain fatty alcohol, and ALDH3a2 was capable of oxidizing long‐chain fatty aldehyde to the corresponding fatty acid. The genes were highly expressed in intestinal tissue, particularly pyloric caeca, but their expression was not increased in salmon fed dietary copepod oil in comparison to fish fed fish oil.  相似文献   

Swimming performance was measured in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.) fed one of four isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets, in which the supplemental lipid (25% of diet) originated either solely from menhaden oil (rich in highly unsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 series; n-3 HUFA), or from different proportions of this oil and canola oil (rich in 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acids).The results indicate that dietary fatty acid composition influenced swimming performance in Atlantic salmon through changes in maximum swimming speed (Ucrit). Salmon fed a diet in which menhaden oil furnished all of the supplemental lipid had a significantly lower Ucrit than those fed a diet in which the supplemental lipid was an equal blend of menhaden and canola oil. Furthermore, there was a highly significant linear relationship between dietary and/or muscle levels of particular fatty acids or groups of fatty acids and Ucrit.There was a negative relationship between dietary n-3 HUFA content and Ucrit, but there was no relationship between Ucrit and muscle n-3 HUFA content nor between Ucrit and the levels of the eicosanoids thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin, or of their ratio, in the heart and gills of fatigued salmon. These results indicate that the differences in exercise performance were not a result of differences in n-3 HUFA metabolism amongst the dietary groups.Indeed, although there was a highly significant positive relationship between Ucrit and total n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio of muscle lipids, this was largely due to the associated positive relationship between Ucrit and content of the most common n-6 fatty acid in muscle lipids, linoleic acid. There was also a significant positive relationship between content in muscle lipids of the most prominent fatty acid in canola oil, oleic acid, and Ucrit. It is suggested that metabolism of these 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acids accounts for the effects of the diets on exercise performance.  相似文献   

Plasma and liver vitamin E concentrations in a population of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., fed commercial diets were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. In healthy fish fed diets containing 160-210 mg kg?1all-racα-tocopheryl acetate, vitamin E accumulated in the liver and plasma. Over a 20-month period, beginning 4 months prior to seawater transfer, mean vitamin E concentrations ranged from 51 to 754 μg g?1 wet tissue in liver and from 7 to 68 μg mL?1 in plasma. In liver, a sharp increase in vitamin E concentrations was recorded between 6 and 10 weeks after transfer. In plasma a similar increase occurred between 4 and 5 months post transfer. Total lipid and polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations were also measured in these tissues. Liver total lipid concentrations fell during the period of smoltification, but there was no relationship between vitamin E and either total lipid or total polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in liver or plasma.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the long‐term effects of ambient unionized ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) combined with different feeding regimes on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L parr growth, welfare and smoltification. Previous studies on the parr stage of Atlantic salmon have mostly focused on acute exposure, or at low temperatures. Atlantic salmon parr were exposed for 105 days (at 12°C, pH 6.8) to four sublethal ammonia concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 35 μg L?1 NH3‐N (0.1–25 mg L?1 TAN) at two feeding levels: full feed strength (+20% overfeeding) and 1/3 of full feed strength. After 21 days, it was observed that 32 μg L?1 NH3‐N reduced growth rate of parr fed full ration, but this effect was not evident at the end of the exposure. Feed utilization was not affected by ammonia exposure at any sampling point. Increasing ammonia levels were associated with a higher prevalence and severity of gill damage at 22 days but not at the end of the exposure. The examination of welfare indicators revealed only a few pathologies, not related to ammonia exposure. In addition, higher ammonia concentrations did not appear to influence the development of hypo‐osmoregulatory ability during parr‐smolt transformation.  相似文献   

Cells from a relatively stenohaline marine species, turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) (TF) and an anadromous species, Atlantic salmon (AS) were cultured in media supplemented with NaCl to produce OPs varying from 300 to 500 mOsm kg–1 and the direct effects of OP (salinity) on the fatty acid compositions of the main glycerophospholipid classes were determined. The most dramatic effects of salinity on total lipid fatty acids were observed in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in TF cells. There was a graded decrease in the percentage of 18:2n-9, and consequently total n-9 PUFA, and concomitantly increased percentages of both total n-3 and n-6 PUFA with increasing salinity. The increased n-3 and n-6 PUFA was due to significantly increased percentages of the major fatty acids in each of these groups, namely 22:6n-3 and 20:4n-6, respectively. The reciprocal changes in n-9 PUFA and n-3/n-6 PUFA in TF cell total lipid resulted in the percentage of total PUFA not being significantly affected by changes in salinity. The graded decrease in 18:2n-9 with increasing salinity in TF cells was observed in all the major glycerophospholipids but especially PE, PI and PS. Increasing salinity resulted in graded increases in the percentages of 22:6n-3 in PE and PS in TF cells. The quantitatively greatest increase in the percentage of n-6 PUFA in TF cells occurred with 20:4n-6 in PC, PE and PL. There were less significant changes in the fatty acid compositions of glycerophospholipids in AS cells. However, the proportion of total n-3 + n-6 PUFA in PE varied reciprocally with the proportion of dimethylacetals in response to salinity. Similar reciprocal changes between fatty acids in response to salinity were also evident in the quantitatively more minor glycerophospholipids PS and Pl. In PS, the percentage of 22:6n-3 was significantly lower at 400 mOsm kg–1 whereas the proportion of total monoenes was significantly higher at that salinity. A similar inverse relationship between total monoenes and 20:4n-6 (and, to a lesser extent total saturates) in response to salinity was noted in PI. The results show that environmental salinity, without whole-body physiological stimuli, has direct effects on the fatty acid composition of major glycerophospholipid classes in fish cells and that these effects differ in cells from different fish speciesAbbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - BSA bovine serum albumin - DMA dimethylacetals - EMEM Eagle's minimal essential medium - FCS fetal calf serum - GC gas chromatography - HBSS Hank's balanced salt solution (without Ca2+ and Mg2+) - OP osmotic pressure - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

Production of Atlantic salmon smolts in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) is growing, and novel production protocols using continuous light in RAS are being implemented in the industry. In the present study, Atlantic Salmon parr were exposed to either a traditional protocol (short-day winter signal [12:12 L:D] for 6 weeks) or to continuous light. Both photoperiods were applied in freshwater (FW) and brackish water RAS. Salmon from all treatments were transferred to seawater pens at 200 and 600 g and grown until slaughter size. A control group was smoltified with a 6-week short-day winter signal and kept in FW until sea transfer at 100 g. Continuous light gave a higher growth rate in RAS but reduced feed intake and growth and increased feed conversion ratio during the first 8 weeks in seawater. However, at slaughter, fish exposed to continuous light was bigger than fish given a winter signal because of the higher growth rate in RAS. Slaughter weight was lowest in fish transferred to sea at 600 g, despite having the highest day-degree sum during their life span. The best performing group was the control group transferred at 100 g. All treatments handled transfer to seawater and survival and maturation were not affected by the treatments in RAS. The immune status was examined with a multigene expression assay on BioMark HD platform from parr stage to 5–7 months after seawater transfer. Overall, there was no significant effect of photoperiod or salinity on the expression of the selected immune genes. In sum, the results from this study indicate that using continuous light in RAS may have negative effects on performance shortly after transfer in fish transferred to sea at 200 g, whereas at 600 g, all treatments had reduced growth after transfer irrespective of treatment in RAS.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate cataract development in diploid (2N) and triploid (3N) Atlantic salmon smolts and post‐smolts at two water temperatures (10 and 16 °C) given diets with different histidine supplementation (LH, 10.4 and HH, 13.1 g kg?1) before and after seawater transfer. In freshwater, a severe cataract outbreak was recorded in both ploidies reared at 16 °C. The cataract score was significantly higher in triploids compared to diploids, and the severity was lower in both ploidies fed the HH diet. The cataract development at 10 °C was minor. Low gill Na+, K+‐ATPase activity in fish reared at 16 °C before seawater transfer was followed by osmoregulatory stress with elevated plasma electrolyte concentrations and high mortality in sea water. Both diploids and triploids reared at 10 °C developed cataracts during the seawater period, with higher severities in triploids than diploids and a reduced severity in the fish fed the HH diet. The findings of this study demonstrate the importance of environmental conditions in the husbandry of Atlantic salmon, and particularly triploids, with regard to smoltification and adjusted diets to mitigate cataract development in fresh and sea water.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has a life cycle that involves inhabiting both fresh and salt water. The control and maintenance of ionic balance is under control of the endocrine system. Prolactin is reportedly an important hormone for the ionic balance of salts in the body fluids of fish, especially during the periods of time spent in fresh water. An Atlantic salmon pituitary cDNA library was constructed in gt 11, from which a full length Atlantic salmon prolactin cDNA was isolated using a chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) prolactin cDNA probe. The sequence of this clone (ATPRL-5) was determined. Comparison of this sequence and other published sequences showed all the prolactin genes isolated to date are highly conserved. The expression of the prolactin mRNA from adult and juvenile salmon was studied after transfer between salinities. Expression varied in the predicted manner. Adult salmon transferred to fresh water showed large increases in the prolactin mRNA level compared to control fish (>600% increase after 72 h). Only a small difference was observed when smolts (juvenile salmon) were transferred to salt water.  相似文献   

In high intensive fish production systems, hyperoxygenation and reduced flow are often used to save water and increase the holding capacity. This commonly used husbandry practice has been shown to be stressful to fish and increase mortality after infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) challenge, but the cause and effect relationship is not known. Salmonids are particularly sensitive to stress during smoltification and the first weeks after seawater (SW) transfer. This work aimed at investigating the impact of hyperoxygenation combined with reduced flow in fresh water (FW), on the intestinal barrier in FW as well as during later life stages in SW. It further aims at investigating the role of the intestinal barrier during IPNV challenge and possible secondary infections. Hyperoxygenation in FW acted as a stressor as shown by significantly elevated plasma cortisol levels. This stressful husbandry condition tended to increase paracellular permeability (Papp) as well as translocation of Aeromonas salmonicida in the posterior intestine of Atlantic salmon. After transfer to SW and subsequent IPNV challenge, intestinal permeability, as shown by Papp, and translocation rate of A. salmonicida increased in the anterior intestine, concomitant with further elevation in plasma cortisol levels. In the anterior intestine, four of five fish displayed alterations in intestinal appearance. In two of five fish, IPNV caused massive necrosis with significant loss of cell material and in a further two fish, IPNV caused increased infiltration of lymphocytes into the epithelium and granulocytes in the lamina propria. Hyperoxygenation and reduced flow in the FW stage may serve as stressors with impact mainly during later stages of development. Fish with an early history of hyperoxygenation showed a higher stress response concomitant with a disturbed intestinal barrier function, which may be a cause for the increased susceptibility to IPNV infection and increased susceptibility to secondary infections.  相似文献   

Variations in space (geographical location) and time (year) of phenotypic traits linked to life-history (size, growth, condition and sexual maturation) were analysed within the population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 1 + parr of Little Codroy River (southwest Newfoundland). The hydrographic system was divided into 10 zones: 4 for the mainstem and 6 for the tributaries. Despite the small size of the river studied, a highly significant spatial heterogeneity was observed. Within the mainstem, size, growth and rate of maturation of males tended to decrease when progressing upstream. When compared with the tributaries as a whole, the mainstem had smaller salmon juveniles, both at the end of the first winter (mainstem: 67.6 mm; tributaries: 73.3 mm) and at 1 + age (mainstem: 80.6 mm; tributaries: 88.3 mm), and the proportion of maturing fish among 1 + males was lower (mainstem: 48.6%; tributaries: 74.2%). According to the feature considered, from 20% to 70% of the spatial effect was due only to differences between the mainstem and the tributaries as a whole. A strong year effect was also revealed. Life-history traits seemed to fluctuate over time independently from one tributary to another, whereas patterns in their yearly variations were basically consistent among zones in the mainstem. The potential role of genetic and environmental factors in explaining changes in space and time of biological characteristics of parr is discussed. Within a small system such as Little Codroy River, spatio-temporal life-history variations of Atlantic salmon juveniles were most likely driven by environment.  相似文献   

The expression of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) in the gut of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolt was investigated at the cellular level using in situ hybridization. A hybridization protocol was adapted for use on formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues and was based on a digoxigenin-labelled oligoprobe that recognised a conserved region of IGF-I mRNA. The specificity of the anti-sense IGF-I probe and the performance of the hybridization protocol were evaluated using a sense IGF-I probe, an Ep stein-Barr virus probe and an insulin probe cocktail on serial sections of fish gut, mouse thyroid and human lymph node tissue. In the gut of Atlantic salmon smolt, IGF-I was found to be expressed in single epithelial cells or small clusters of epithelial cells in the pyloric ampulla and in the pyloric caeca. Expression was not detected in the lamina propria of the gut or in epithelial cells of the stomach, midgut or hindgut. The restriction of IGF-I expression to the pyloric ampulla and pyloric caeca is consistent with the role of these gut segments in osmoregulation and the scattered epithelial expression supports the putative autocrine/paracrine mechanism of action of IGF-I in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

The direct effects of osmotic pressure (salinity) on growth performance and lipid composition were investigated in fish cells in culture. Cell lines from a relatively stenohaline marine species, turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) (TF) and an anadromous species, Atlantic salmon (AS) were cultured in media supplemented with NaCl to produce osmotic pressures varying from 300 to 500 mOsm kg−1. The growth rates of the two cell lines were affected in a similar manner by the salinity of the media with the rank order for both peak cell numbers and growth rates up to the day of peak cell number being 300 > 350 > 400 > 450 > 500 mOsm kg−1. Cell death occurred in both cell lines in older cultures at all salinities with the greatest loss of viable cells in media of 300 and 350 kg−1. However, there were quantitative and qualitative differences between the cell lines in their lipid metabolism in response to the salinity of the media. The lipid content expressed per cell showed a positive correlation between lipid per cell and salinity in TF cells, but this was less apparent in AS cells. The percentage of total polar lipid classes increased with increasing salinity in TF cells due mainly to graded increases in the percentages of choline phospholipids. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the proportions of polar and neutral lipid classes with salinity in AS cells. The only significant effect of salinity in AS cells was a decreased proportion of dimethylacetals in total lipid at the highest salinity. The same significant effect of salinity on dimethylacetal content of total lipid was observed in TF cells. However, in addition there was a graded decrease in the percentage of 18:2n-9 in TF cell total lipid with increasing salinity. This was accompanied by increased percentages of total n-3 and n-6 PUFA with higher proportions of both groups of PUFA at 450 and 500 compared with 300 mOsm kg−1. The results show that environmental salinity, in the absence of hormonal or other physiological stimuli, has direct effects on the growth and lipid metabolism of fish cells and that these effects differ in cells from different fish species.  相似文献   

High temperature combined with low dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most challenging environmental conditions farmed fish experience; thus, understanding their impact on growth regulation is of relevance to cultured and wild populations. This study examines appetite‐ and growth‐regulating mechanisms in Atlantic salmon postsmolt exposed to either high (HO) or low oxygen (LO) at a suboptimally high temperature (17°C). Additionally, the effects of high (HE) and low (LE) dietary energy (DE) were examined. After a month of treatment, analyses of hormones, regulating appetite (ghrelin) and growth (growth hormone receptor ghr1 and insulin‐like growth factor IGF‐1), and free amino acids (FAA) were measured pre‐ and postprandially at ?4, ?2, 0, 2, 4 and 6 h. No preprandial ghrelin peaks were detected despite a significant reduction in feed intake and growth under hypoxia compared to normoxia. LO treatment also had an overall negative effect on survival compared to HO, while nutrient retention efficiency, FCR and plasma FAA concentrations were unaffected (> 0.05). Feeding HE diet resulted in increased growth (+17%) and improved FCR (?14%) and energy retention efficiency (+26%) independent of DO. Plasma FAA concentrations were unaffected by LO treatment and DE (> 0.05). Growth regulatory gene expressions possibly reflect an overall lower growth at a high temperature overriding the impacts of DO and DE. This study also indicates that optimal adaptation time to environmental conditions and feeding regime is crucial for establishing a regular hormonal appetite signalling that reflects real feeding anticipation in salmon.  相似文献   

The study investigated cataract preventive effects of dietary histidine (His) supplementation in triploid Atlantic salmon during seawater grow‐out. Groups of individually PIT tagged diploid (2N) and triploid (3N) postsmolts were fed one of two supplemented dietary histidine levels; low (L, 12.6 g kg?1 diet) or high (H, 17.4 g kg?1 diet) from March to September following their first sea winter. Low severity cataracts were detected in both ploidy prior to supplemented His diet application. Thereafter, 3N‐L showed progression of cataract development in the second spring‐summer period, while development was inhibited in 3N‐H. Severity of cataract showed a strong family effect. A positive correlation between initial triploid seawater growth (weight and TGC) under increasing water temperature and cataract severity was identified as a major risk factor. The relationship was reversed at harvest, where triploids were on average 7.5% smaller than their diploid siblings. Lens N‐acetyl‐histidine content reflected dietary His inclusion level and cataract severity, although no significant differences in lens His content were evident between ploidy or dietary groups. Results indicate that triploid Atlantic salmon appear to have a higher dietary histidine requirement than diploids and that preventative measures can be taken to mitigate further cataract development.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the absorption, excretion and requirement of dietary phosphorus (P) by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Triplicate groups of salmon parr, initial weight 15 ± 0.5±g , were fed, diets containing 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13 mg P and 20 KJ of digestible energy (DE) per±g of diet (dry matter basis, DMB) to satiation for 16 weeks. The basal diet containing 4 mg P g-1 (0.15 mg available P per KJ DE) was supplemented with graded levels of calcium phosphate, Ca(H2PO4)2H2O to formulate the eight experimental diets. The fish were reared in fresh water at a temperature of 15 °C on a 12 h photoperiod. Vertebrae ash increased from 316 to 516 mg g-1 fat-free dry matter with an increase in dietary P content. P requirement was estimated by using a four-parameter sigmoidal equation. The data suggests that a diet of 0.28 mg available P per KJ DE is needed for Atlantic salmon. Phosphate and calcium levels in plasma and bone increased, whereas levels of magnesium and liver cholecalciferol decreased, with an increase in dietary P.Phosphate excretion in urine and apparent availability of P were determined in deficient and replete fish. In deficient fish, the urine phosphate concentration was 0.10 mmol L-1 before feeding and 0.25 mmol l-1 after feeding, whereas in replete fish these concentrations were 1.09 and 5.11 mmol l-1, respectively. The increase in urine phosphate concentration was higher in replete fish than in deficient fish, however, the apparent absorption of P was found to be significantly lower in replete fish than in deficient fish. These results suggest that similarly to terrestrial vertebrates, P homeostasis in Atlantic salmon is controlled by absorption in the intestine, conservation in the kidney and storage in the bones.  相似文献   

A basic management objective is to identify the production capacity of Atlantic salmon in both freshwater and marine environments. Production in the biological sense is the total elaboration of fish biomass over time, and it is a function of fish abundance, growth and survival. In this article, we consider the factors that affect production at low and high stock levels. Using data from New Brunswick (Miramichi and Restigouche Rivers) and Newfoundland (Western Arm Brook), we consider freshwater and marine production of salmon at low and high stock levels. For all life stages, freshwater and marine production are related to initial biomass of the year-class: thus, it is important to maintain adequate egg deposition. Production at high stock levels is stock-dependent and mortality is extremely variable, particularly in the marine environment.  相似文献   

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