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正现代农业园区是发展现代农业的重要载体,是推进"四化同步"和城乡一体化的重要抓手。为了使高陵现代农业园区更好更快地发展,对全区现代农业园区发展情况进行了实地调研,并进行了较为细致的梳理分析,以期为促进高陵现代农业园区的发展提供决策参考。1发展现状1.1园区规模逐渐扩大,引领都市现代农业发展高陵区抓住"陕西省现代农业园区建设年和西安市现代农业园区推进年"的契机,实施设  相似文献   

我国现代农业园区的基本特征、功能、类型研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代农业园区是农业生产力发展到一定水平的必然产物,是我国由传统农业向现代农业转变的新的组织形式,是现代农业产业化各种组织模式和经营模式的创新载体,对加快地方现代农业发展具有十分重要的战略指导作用和深远意义。在大量前期调研的基础上,详细阐述我国现代农业园区的基本特征、主要功能、园区类型,对其相关研究现状进行较为细致的梳理,并指出我国现代农业园区未来的发展趋势,为促进我国现代农业园区的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

都市型现代农业园区在景观规划设计时,应将实用功能与观赏游憩功能结合起来,并围绕主导产业突出园区主题特色,彰显主题景观风格,满足民众日益提高的审美需求.以上海崇明番茄产业园为例,探讨了以主导产业"番茄"为景观主题元素在园区景观中的应用途径,以期为都市型现代农业园区的相关设计实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   

当前,我国的社区公园普遍存在风貌雷同、文脉延续不足以及特色展示不够等问题。地方依恋理论是研究人地关系的重要理论,旨在研究人与地之间的互动以及地方情感性认同。杭州市朝晖文化公园是杭州主城区具有代表性的社区公园之一,具有设施完备、交通便利、文化底蕴深厚等特点,以其为研究对象,对地方依恋的特征进行研究具有代表性,利用实地调研法与问卷访谈法,对朝晖文化公园内游憩者的行为活动以及游憩倾向进行分析,提炼出朝晖文化公园游憩者的地方依恋特征,弥补当前社区公园研究理论方面的不足,并为社区公园今后的发展与建设提供新的视角。  相似文献   

都市农业园区是具有三产融合、三生一体等多种功能的现代化农业园区。随着国民消费水平的不断提高,各地都市农业园区迅速发展起来,尤其是大城市周边郊区的都市农业园区如雨后春笋,发展形式灵活多样,以多样化的体验性活动,丰富了都市人们的生活。为了突出都市农业园区的主题,实现其个性化发展,越来越多的园区经营者选择以地域文化为主题,进行多角度、深层次的景观规划设计和活动开发,以确保园区具有明确的主题和清晰的主线。现以眉山农业嘉年华为例,研究了地域文化的收集整理、分析提炼、创新应用的方式,探索了都市农业园主体功能与地域文化深度融合的途径。  相似文献   

以北大荒现代农业园区内现有标识系统为研究基础,通过对园区内标识系统组成元素的调查及分析,结合场所精神理论,分析了北大荒现代农业园区标识系统现存在问题,并提出了相关的对策建议,为园区今后的规划发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

杨林  杨红光  周峰  孔祥彬  李霞 《蔬菜》2024,(3):19-23
摘要:农业园区作为现代农业发展的重要载体和平台,在促进现代农业发展中具有不可或缺的重要作用。为了促进现代农业产业园的可持续发展、县域经济发展及当地政府职能的转变,采用文献研究、调查研究等方法,对潍坊市现代农业产业园的发展运营、主导产业、辐射带动、绿色发展及三产融合等情况进行了分析,指出园区发展中存在的功能定位不准、科技创新能力不足、投融资渠道相对单调及现代化程度不高等问题,并以“诸城模式”“潍坊模式”和“寿光模式”拓展创新为引领,提出适合当下园区发展的相应对策和建议,包括强化龙头引领,加快园区发展;加大科技投入,提升产业园区发展活力;拓宽渠道,培育园区农产品电子商务新业态;加快发展品牌农业,促进农业提质增效。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城镇化的发展,六合区现代园区产业已成为南京市较大的园区基地。通过对六合区现代农业园区产业发展情况进行调查,分析现代农业园区建设现状和存在的问题,并从政策扶持、优化布局、企业带动、品牌效应、技术保障等方面提出今后六合区现代农业园区产业发展思路。  相似文献   

文章以鄂尔多斯市康巴什区内主要公共休闲空间为研究对象,通过对游憩者的基本情况、游憩内容的调查,总结分析出康巴什区公共休闲空间游憩行为以及空间中存在的问题,并提出建议。  相似文献   

<正>现代农业园区是以技术密集为主要特点,以科技开发、示范、辐射和推广为主要内容,以促进区域农业结构调整和产业升级为目标,在结构上具备核心区、示范区、辐射区3个层次,并分别具有源头创新、孵化示范、辐射推广三重功能的特定农业区域。从2012年起,无锡市各地各部门以创建国家现代示范区为契机,抢抓机遇,乘势而上,在基础设施建设、重点园区培育、重点项目建设、体制机制创新等方面做了大量务实创新的工作,取得了富有实效的成果。1无锡现代农业园区建设发展现状自2003年,无锡农业产业向现代园区集中不断加快,多种形式的园区经济成为无锡现代农业发展  相似文献   

刘熠 《长江蔬菜》2015,(20):35-38
从我国设施蔬菜的发展现状出发,针对生产型农业园区的规划理念、市场定位、近远期规划方向、功能分区、分项规划、规划保障等方面均进行了研究,对于生产型农业园区近期应具备的各项功能区进行了进一步的阐述与研究,同时针对设施蔬菜现代农业园区的远期建设模式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

福州榕商都市农业科技示范园区乘打造"福州大都市区"之东风,在深刻领会都市农业科技园区内涵的基础上,探讨园区规划建设的功能定位、基本原则和分区布局,规划建设综合管理服务区、设施农业观光区、农业科教文化区、森林养生保健区、立体农业种养区、观光果(竹)园,并建立"公司加农户,企业带新村"的经营机制和管理模式,发挥园区优势带动新农村建设。文章还就如何进一步完善与发展都市农业科技园区规划建设提出对策建议。  相似文献   

The equity of urban park access has received great attention from studies on public service provision. However, individuals’ growing demands for recreational activities have brought diversity and complexity to park usages, drawing doubts on traditional measurements of park accessibility. To fill the gap, this study explores park equity issues with a dataset containing 12.03 million mobile phone users who accessed one of the 332 parks in Shanghai. We measured community-level park accessibility with two traditional place-based indicators – park area proportion and Gaussian-based 2SFCA accessibility, and three innovative activity-based indicators – park activity frequency, park activity trip length, and park activity duration. We then explored the geographic and social inequity by calculating Gini index and conducting correlation analysis. The results show that place-based and activity-based indicators presented citywide differences, indicating a significant impact of human activities on urban park accessibility. The geographic inequality of park distribution was undermined by people’s actual park usages. However, residents in communities with higher quality of built-environment had higher park activity frequency while shorter trip length, and social inequity of park access among the total population was more obvious than the low-recreation-demand population. Therefore, policy-makers should rethink how to provide park resources to address the inequity issues brought by human activities. Our study contributes to the existing literature in the following ways: (1) compared place-based park accessibility and activity-based park accessibility in the same context, and (2) identified low-recreation-demand population as a comparison group to explore impacts of recreation demand on park equity.  相似文献   

城市湿地公园在我国的发展还不足10年历史,但发展迅速。城市湿地公园环境的独特性和生物多样性,在功能定位上与传统城市公园的差异,现代城市居民休闲游憩新需求,决定其在旅游功能的休闲游憩产品开发上需进行创新。本文通过在起源、资源环境禀赋、建筑设施、分布位置等方面对城市湿地公园和城市传统公园系统比较的基础上,依据现代休闲旅游理论,分析了城市湿地公园的休闲游憩价值,提出了城市湿地公园休闲游憩产品创新的5项基本原则,构架了游憩产品创新理论框架。以绍兴市镜湖湿地国家城市公园为例提出了休闲游憩产品创新的4种途径。  相似文献   

重庆黄桷门观光农业园景观规划设计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满栎  秦华 《中国园艺文摘》2013,(5):120-121,127
观光农业是一种新型的、区别于传统农业的农游交叉型产业。近年来,我国越来越多的地区都有建立观光农业园,但对于建设观光农业园的景观规划设计方面的研究尚处于摸索阶段。文章通过重庆市铜梁县现代农业示范区的景观规划设计方案,对观光农业园景观规划设计进行探索。  相似文献   

为了促进现代农业园区绿色发展,建立绿色防控体系,打造绿色农产品生产园区,对现代农业园区的现状进行调查,发现存在诸多问题,如前期设计缺少生产植保意识、种植规划忽略环境、重视"治"而忽略"防"、忽视产前和产中的质量管控等,在此情形下,建议从规划设计、种植计划、环境清洁等方面做好产前预防,从理化诱控、生物防治、生境防控等方面做好产中防治,形成1套较完整的绿色防控体系,加强了人们对于生态农业绿色可持续发展的认识,发挥了园区作为"绿色防控体系"辐射源的作用,促进了绿色生态持续发展的农业大环境的形成。  相似文献   

为了能够完善北京农产品品牌资产的建设、提升和维护,故选择“小汤山”蔬菜作为测试品牌进行实证研究。通过构建品牌资产模型来研究消费者视角下的北京农产品品牌资产的构成因素和影响,利用Pearson相关系数进行相关性分析,从而得到消费者视角下的北京农产品品牌资产由品牌认知度、区域联想、品牌感知和品牌忠诚4个维度构成,且存在一定相关关系,共同作用、影响着品牌资产。最终研究表明,北京农产品品牌资产的提升,需要其进一步提高品牌知名度,增加品牌的区域联想,加强消费者对农产品的品牌感知,从而让消费者形成品牌忠诚,最终使得农产品品牌资产得到提升,促使企业获得营收。  相似文献   

Public mental health issues have gained growing attention from academics and policymakers due to their increasing prevalence and multiple adverse and severe consequences. Although some studies have supported the benefits of parks on mental health, the causal relationship between park accessibility and mental health remains unclear. By converting a large cross-sectional sample of 22,060 undergraduates nationwide in China into a quasi-panel dataset, this study untangled the causal impact of park accessibility on mental health benefits. We employed a quasi-experimental research design and used a difference-in-difference (DID) model to estimate the causal effects of park accessibility on depression symptoms within varying buffer sizes (i.e., 0.5 km, 1 km, 1.5 km, and 2 km). Furthermore, propensity score matching (PSM) and the Heckman selection model were employed to mitigate the selection bias caused by the prior differences of the treatment group and the control group. The results revealed that park accessibility had a positive effect on mental health and that its influence decreased with increased buffer sizes. Regarding the gender and living-cost differences, park accessibility within the 0.5 km and 1 km buffers had a greater mental health impact on females than on males, and it had a greater impact on high-living cost undergraduates than on low-living cost undergraduates. To increase the mental health benefits of undergraduate students, this study suggests that the provision of parks within a 1 km radius buffer surrounding the campus should be a priority to improve the mental health of undergraduates.  相似文献   

陈同富 《蔬菜》2024,(2):15-21
摘要:政策性农业保险是党和国家支农、惠农、强农政策的具体表现,也是化解农业风险、提高农户生产积极性的重要举措。北京市政策性农业保险自2007年开办以来已覆盖全市13个涉农行政区以及首农集团等农业龙头企业,经办险种60余个,为农林牧渔业提供了全面的风险保障,开办品种数量、质量及保障水平在全国领先,但仍然面临着个性化保障程度不足、与新型农业经营主体风险需求错配等诸多发展困境。为有效推动北京市政策性农业保险高质量发展,需要加强农业保险的产品创新力度,提升现代化农业产业的保障水平、保障范围,优化财政补贴政策,增加对农业保险的科技应用,建立定损和监管的统一标准,更好地服务于都市型现代化农业发展和乡村振兴战略实施。  相似文献   

Compared with public parks, residential quarter green space (RQGS) is a type of enclosed private green space that is located in residential areas and has higher visit frequency. Generally, in China residential areas with high housing prices have higher quality and more quantity of RQGS. Therefore, the differences in RQGS between residents with different socio-economic status may influence the equity of urban green space accessibility. However, due to the lack of data sources, few existing studies have taken RQGS into account as a part of urban green space supply resources. Based on multi-source geographic big data, this paper takes Shenzhen as the research area to explore the impact of RQGS on the spatial pattern and fair distribution of green space accessibility. The total green space accessibility (TGSA), which includes the accessibility of RQGS, and the public park accessibility (PPA) were calculated using the Gaussian-based two-step floating catchment area method (2SFCA). Using housing prices to indicate the income level of dwellers, bivariate Moran’s I and multiple regression were adopted to explore equity of urban green space accessibility. The main conclusions were: (1) The accessibility of green space increased by 27.97% on average after considering RQGS and ignoring RQGS could underestimate the accessibility of green space, particularly in the residential quarter with high housing prices near the city center. (2) The regression coefficients of housing prices with PPA and TGSA were 0.042 (p < 0.01) and 0.160 (p < 0.001), respectively, indicating that the advantages of high-income groups in RQGS may further exacerbate the inequity of urban green space accessibility. The research conclusions may provide a scientific basis for optimizing the spatial structure of green space in urban areas and ensuring the equitable distribution of green space.  相似文献   

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