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Archival tags were used to study the seasonal movements, migration patterns and vertical distribution of juvenile North Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga). Between 2001 and 2006, archival tags were deployed in North Pacific albacore in two regions of the Northeast Pacific: (i) off Northern Baja California, Mexico and Southern California, and (ii) off Washington and Oregon. Twenty archival tagged fish were recovered with times at liberty ranging from 63 to 697 days. Tagged albacore exhibited five distinct, seasonal migratory patterns. Depth and temperature data also showed a broad range of vertical behaviors. In certain regions such as off Baja California, Mexico, juvenile albacore make frequent dives to depths exceeding 200 m during the day and remain in the surface mixed layer at night, whereas off Oregon and Washington they remain near the surface both day and night. Water temperatures encountered ranged from 3.3 to 22.7°C. Peritoneal temperatures were significantly higher by an average of approximately 4°C, as expected in these warm‐bodied fish. This study provides a comprehensive examination of horizontal and vertical movements of juvenile albacore in the Northeast Pacific. The results reveal diverse behavior that varies regionally and seasonally as albacore move among different habitats throughout the entire North Pacific.  相似文献   

根据2005年7—10月在北太平洋E 150°~158°56′、N 42°34′~46°25′进行秋刀鱼资源探捕所获得的15个站点浮游动物样本资料,测得甲壳纲的桡足类、端足类、糠虾类、磷虾类,毛颚类、腔肠动物以及被囊动物等的代表种。其中桡足类占绝对优势,隶属于1目4科5属8种。浮游动物生物量4~699 mg/m3,均值168.6 mg/m3。根据浮游动物的种类、分布状况及优势种类的强弱,判断和分析黑潮暖流的强弱趋势,对确定秋刀鱼渔场的南北位置具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

大窑湾水环境因子对筏养太平洋牡蛎的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据1995~1997年对大窑湾浮筏养殖区水环境主要因子及养殖状况调查,论述二者之间相互关系,初步探明该海区具有贫磷富氮的特性;3年中该湾富营养化程度逐年减弱。初级生产力水平1997年〈1996年〈1995年,面3年中养殖状况为:太平洋牡蛎死亡率1995年〉1996年〉1997年,牡蛎出内率1995年〉1996年〉1997年。  相似文献   

北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼卵巢的发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2013年10月–2014年2月在北太平洋海域(29°08′~41°08′N,163°50′~144°19′W)采集的364尾长鳍金枪鱼的卵巢样本,利用组织学分析,详细描述了长鳍金枪鱼卵巢、卵细胞的发育阶段。结果显示,北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼卵巢内同时存在不同时相的卵细胞,为分批产卵类型;组织学上,长鳍金枪鱼的卵细胞发育过程分为6个时相,卵巢发育过程分为6个时期;卵巢成熟指数在成熟期为Ⅰ~Ⅴ期时逐渐增大,在Ⅵ期时减小;北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼产卵高峰为12月中旬和1月初,其卵巢成熟指数随纬度的升高呈递减趋势,随经度变化规律不明显。研究表明,通过对北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼卵巢的发育特征的分析与探讨,可为北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源状况评估及渔业可持续发展提供生物学信息。  相似文献   

Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) has a short life span of 2 years and tends to exhibit marked population fluctuations. To examine the importance of sea surface temperature (SST) and mixed layer depth (MLD) as oceanographic factors for interannual variability of saury recruitment in early life history, we analyzed the relationship between abundance index (survey CPUE (catch per unit of effort)) of age‐1 fish and the oceanographic factors in the spawning and nursery grounds of the previous year when they were born, for the period of 1979–2006, in the central and western North Pacific. Applying the mixture of two linear regression models, the variability in the survey CPUE was positively correlated with previous year's winter SST in the Kuroshio Recirculation region (KR) throughout the survey period except 1994–2002. In contrast, the survey CPUE was positively correlated with the previous year's spring MLD (a proxy of spring chlorophyll a (Chl‐a) concentration) in the Kuroshio‐Oyashio Transition and Kuroshio Extension (TKE) during 1994–2002. This period is characterized by unusually deep spring MLD during 1994–1997 and anomalous climate conditions during 1998–2002. We suggest that saury recruitment variability was generally driven by the winter SST in the KR (winter spawning/nursery ground), or by the spring Chl‐a concentration (a proxy of prey for saury larvae) in the TKE (spring spawning/nursery ground). These oceanographic factors could be potentially useful to predict abundance trends of age‐1 saury in the future if the conditions leading to the switch between SST and MLD as the key input variable are elucidated further.  相似文献   

Pink salmon is found from 40° to 70°N; but successful reproduction occurs over a much more restricted area, from about 47° to 60°N. The time window of spawning opportunities is censored both at the southern and the northern boundaries, and reaches its widest expansion in south east Alaska extending from 54° to 58°N, more or less in the central part of the occupied area. Duration of peak spawning time for a single population seemingly does not vary with latitude, but the number of spawning populations increases from the northern and the southern limits toward the centre of distribution. Recent intensive studies of straying of pink salmon from enhanced stocks in Prince William Sound into wild stocks and vice versa have given estimates of high straying rates (J. Seeb personal communication). But movement of tagged fish into other streams than the one of origin does not automatically indicate successful spawning. The existence of more than 2000 pink salmon streams in south east Alaska, each with a characteristic time of spawning in spite of straying, indicate that there exists barriers, which prevent or reduce successful interpopulation spawning.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon in the North Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first catches of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in British Columbia (BC) waters occurred in 1987. The first reported escape of Atlantic salmon (2000 individuals) occurred in 1988. From 1988 to 1995, 97 799 Atlantic salmon were reported escaped from net pens in BC but the true number was higher as not all escapes are reported. Since 1987 a total of 9096 Atlantic salmon was caught in the coastal marine waters of BC, Washington and Alaska, and 188 were caught in fresh water. Most catches occurred in the Johnstone Strait area, where the abundance of salmon farms is highest. The most distant recovery occurred in 1994 when an Atlantic salmon was caught near the western end of the Alaska Peninsula. There have been no reports of successful reproduction of Atlantic salmon in the wild and no feral juveniles have been found. Atlantic salmon caught in the ocean in BC have substantial amounts of adipose tissue and they are heavier at length than fish caught in Alaska. The proportion of fish with prey items in their stomachs is generally low but higher in Alaska (13.1%) than in BC (5.8%). Most fish caught in fresh water are either maturing or mature.  相似文献   

Impact of climate change on marine biogeochemical parameters and ecosystem is one of the important issues of our environment. Direct evidence of marine pelagic ecosystem changes is found with warming of sea water and sea‐level rise in the main stream of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea and the western North Pacific during these three decades based on the analysis of long‐term comprehensive hydrographic observations. In terms of annual mean, the warming rate of surface air temperature and sea surface temperature ranged from 0.15 to 0.21°C per decade in and around the main stream of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea, which exceed the global mean warming rate of 0.128 ± 0.026°C per decade during the period from 1956 to 2005 reported in IPCC 2007. One of the features in this rapid warming region is an increase of number of Pterosagitta draco, a cosmopolitan warm‐water zooplankton. Biogeochemical parameters, such as wet weight of zooplankton, plant pigment and nutrients concentration in the upper 200 m have been decreasing while dissolved oxygen content and seawater temperature have been increasing in the upper 200 m in the main stream of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea. These observed linear trends of the biogeochemical parameters would be foresights for temperate oceans in the future.  相似文献   

Information on prey availability, diets, and trophic levels of fish predators and their prey provides a link between physical and biological changes in the ecosystem and subsequent productivity (growth and survival) of fish populations. In this study two long‐term data sets on summer diets of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in international waters of the central North Pacific Ocean (CNP; 1991–2009) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA; 1993–2002) were evaluated to identify potential drivers of steelhead productivity in the North Pacific. Stable isotopes of steelhead muscle tissue were assessed to corroborate the results of stomach content analysis. We found the composition of steelhead diets varied by ocean age group, region, and year. In both the GOA and CNP, gonatid squid (Berryteuthis anonychus) were the most influential component of steelhead diets, leading to higher prey energy densities and stomach fullness. Stomach contents during an exceptionally warm year in the GOA and CNP (1997) were characterized by high diversity of prey with low energy density, few squid, and a large amount of potentially toxic debris (e.g., plastic). Indicators of good diets (high proportions of squid and high prey energy density) were negatively correlated with abundance of wild populations of eastern Kamchatka pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the CNP. In conclusion, interannual variations in climate, abundance of squid, and density‐dependent interactions with highly‐abundant stocks of pink salmon were identified as potential key drivers of steelhead productivity in these ecosystems. Additional research in genetic stock identification is needed to link these potential drivers of productivity to individual populations.  相似文献   

Two closely related baleen whale species, sei and Bryde's whales, in the western North Pacific were studied to identify differences in habitat use. Data were obtained from May to August 2004 and 2005. This study examined the relationship between oceanographic features derived from satellite data and the distribution of sei and Bryde's whales using basic statistics. We investigated oceanographic features including sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface chlorophyll a (Chl‐a), sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs), and depth of the habitat. These two whale species used habitats with different SST, Chl‐a, and SSHA ranges. The 0.25 mg m?3 Chl‐a contour (similar to the definition of the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front) was a good indicator that separated the habitats of sei and Bryde's whales. Then generalized linear models were used to model the probabilities that the whale species would be present in a habitat and to estimate their habitat distribution throughout the study area as a function of environmental variables. The potential habitats of the two species were clearly divided, and the boundary moved north with seasonal progression. The habitat partitioning results indicated that SST contributed to the patterns of habitat‐use and might reflect differences in prey species between the two whales. This study showed that the habitats of the sei and Bryde's whales were clearly divided and their potential habitat‐use changed seasonally.  相似文献   

The importance of interspecific competition as a mechanism regulating population abundance in offshore marine communities is largely unknown. We evaluated offshore competition between Asian pink salmon and Bristol Bay (Alaska) sockeye salmon, which intermingle in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, using the unique biennial abundance cycle of Asian pink salmon from 1955 to 2000. Sockeye salmon growth during the second and third growing seasons at sea, as determined by scale measurements, declined significantly in odd‐numbered years, corresponding to years when Asian pink salmon are most abundant. Bristol Bay sockeye salmon do not interact with Asian pink salmon during their first summer and fall seasons and no difference in first year scale growth was detected. The interaction with odd‐year pink salmon led to significantly smaller size at age of adult sockeye salmon, especially among younger female salmon. Examination of sockeye salmon smolt to adult survival rates during 1977–97 indicated that smolts entering the ocean during even‐numbered years and interacting with abundant odd‐year pink salmon during the following year experienced 26% (age‐2 smolt) to 45% (age‐1 smolt) lower survival compared with smolts migrating during odd‐numbered years. Adult sockeye salmon returning to Bristol Bay from even‐year smolt migrations were 22% less abundant (reduced by 5.9 million fish per year) compared with returns from odd‐year migrations. The greatest reduction in adult returns occurred among adults spending 2 compared with 3 years at sea. Our new evidence for interspecific competition highlights the need for multispecies, international management of salmon production, including salmon released from hatcheries into the ocean.  相似文献   

During January–May, surface manifestation of multiple, individual basin‐scale fronts accentuate the central North Pacific Subtropical Frontal Zone (STFZ) system. The most prominent of these fronts are climatologically located at 32°?34°N and at 28°?30°N latitudes [herein nominally referred to as the ‘Subtropical Front’ (STF) and the ‘South Subtropical Front’ (SSTF), respectively], although considerable interannual variability in both position and intensity is observed. This seasonally dynamic system is also the region typically targeted by the Hawaii‐based swordfish (Xiphias gladius) longline fishing fleet, where the presence, position, and strength of the convergent fronts are believed to play a key role with regard to the catch and catch rates of swordfish. Information furnished by a recent series of meridional hydrographic surveys and concurrent satellite remote sensing data elucidate structural patterns and coupling of the physics and biology associated with these fronts. This enables a re‐characterization of the spring North Pacific STFZ and offers new insight into the seasonal variability of the phytoplankton dynamics in the subtropical North Pacific. On synoptic time scales, geographical positioning of the fronts may be systematically identified through surface outcropping of diagnostic thermohaline isopleths and therefore readily discerned from both shipboard surveys and by spaceborne sensors. The STF during spring can be characterized by the surface expression of the 34.8 isohaline and the 17°C isotherm within the frontal gradient. Biologically, the STF marks the transition from low chloropigment (chlorophyll + phaeopigments), nutrient‐depleted surface waters to the south to a more productive regime to the north. To the south, the 20°C and 35.0 surface isotherm and isohaline, respectively, are characteristically embedded in the thermohaline gradients associated with the SSTF. A sharp increase in depth‐integrated chloropigment is also observed at the SSTF and is ascribed to an increase in the concentration and thickness of the subsurface chloropigment maximum (SCM) prompted by the shoaling of the nutricline with the thermocline structure into the euphotic zone.  相似文献   

Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) migrate to the south‐western North Pacific spawning grounds (area off Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands) from mid‐April to early July. Reproductive traits of the species in this area have been studied for some time; however, temporal changes in spawning activity during this season are not well understood. In this study, the spawning fraction (proportion of females with post‐ovulatory follicles to total mature females) in relation to solar calendar date and lunar day was investigated using a generalized linear model. Sampling was conducted almost every day throughout the fishing season at Ishigaki Fishing Port (24°21′N, 124°09′E), southern Japan between 2012 and 2014, and a total of 212 ovaries were histologically observed. Spawning fraction continued to increase from the beginning to the end of the season. This indicates that the peak season of occurrence in the area and the peak of spawning activity did not co‐occur. Spawning fraction also changed with the lunar day and significantly increased around the new moon. Eggs and early larvae hatched around the new moon may have reduced the predation risk during night‐time. These findings improve the current knowledge of reproductive biology and resource evaluation of Pacific bluefin tuna and indicate that spawning activity is not constant, and has two or three peaks in each season.  相似文献   

The zonal velocity produced by a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)‐based Pacific Ocean circulation model was validated against in situ measurements along the 137°E longitude. The Pacific model successfully reproduced the position and the shape of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) as well as the latitude of maximum surface velocity in the NEC region (8–17°N). The flow field produced by the Pacific model was then used to conduct numerical Lagrangian experiments, in which passive particles were released along a transect (142.5°E, 12.5–17°N) that traverses the known Japanese eel spawning area, and the effects of NEC strength and bifurcation latitude on the particle advection in the northwest Pacific were studied. Our results suggest that, in the 20‐yr period (1993–2012), the variability of the currents alone can cause interannual variability of one order of magnitude in the Kuroshio Entrance (KE), the percentage of particles entering the Kuroshio, the range of which varies from 43% in 1997 to 6% in 2012. The yearly‐averaged KE is not sensitive to the NEC bifurcation latitude. Instead, it is controlled by the average zonal velocity of a fixed domain (125–143°E, 13.5–17°N) and related to a recently‐developed climate index, the Philippines–Taiwan Oscillation (PTO). During the positive phase of the PTO, the zonal velocity in the domain, hence the yearly‐averaged KE, increases, and the opposite is true in the negative phase of the PTO. Considering only the trajectories, diel vertical migrations (DVM) in the top 400 m do not significantly affect Japanese eel larval transport, as incorporating DVM schemes does not increase the KE.  相似文献   

Skipjack tuna habitat in the western North Pacific was studied from satellite remotely sensed environment and catch data, using generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Weekly resolved remotely sensed sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll, sea surface height anomalies and eddy kinetic energy data were used for the year 2004. Fifteen generalized additive models were constructed with skipjack catch per unit effort as a response variable, and sea surface temperature, sea surface height anomalies and eddy kinetic energy as model covariates to assess the effect of environment on catch per unit effort (skipjack tuna abundance). Model selection was based on significance of model terms, reduction in Akaike’s Information Criterion, and increase in cumulative deviance explained. The model selected was used to predict skipjack tuna catch per unit effort using monthly resolved environmental data for assessing model performance and to visualize the basin scale distribution of skipjack tuna habitat. Predicted values were validated using a linear model. Based on the four‐parameter model, skipjack tuna habitat selection was significantly (P < 0.01) influenced by sea surface temperatures ranging from 20.5 to 26°C, relatively oligotrophic waters (surface chlorophyll 0.08–0.18, 0.22–0.27 and 0.3–0.37 mg m?3), zero to positive anomalies (surface height anomalies 0–50 cm), and low to moderate eddy kinetic energy (0–200 and 700–2500 cm2 s–2). Predicted catch per unit effort showed a trend consistent with the north–south migration of skipjack tuna. Validation of predicted catch per unit effort with that observed, pooled monthly, was significant (P < 0.01, r2 = 0.64). Sea surface temperature explained the highest deviance in generalized additive models and was therefore considered the best habitat predictor.  相似文献   

The diel vertical migration patterns of adult myctophid fishes were determined in the transitional waters of the western North Pacific off Japan, using day–night sampling from 20 to 700 m depths with a commercial otter trawl in the summer of 1995. A total of 12 species belonging to 9 genera were collected. Four patterns were recognized in the diel vertical migration of 11 of the 12 species. (1) Migrants showing clear day–night habitat separation with peak abundance above 200 m at night: Symbolophorus californiensis, Tarletonbeania taylori, Notoscopelus japonicus, Diaphus theta, Ceratoscopelus warmingi, and Diaphus gigas. (2) Semi-migrants, in which part of the population often remains in the daytime habitat at night. The distribution depths of migratory and nonmigratory individuals do not overlap: Stenobrachius leucopsarus . (3) Passive-migrants, in which there is no separation of day–night habitats, but the upper limit of daytime distribution depth shifts to a shallower layer at night, probably as the fish follow migratory prey: Lampanyctus jordani . (4) Nonmigrants: Stenobrachius nannochir, Lampanyctus regalis (> 140 mm SL), and Protomyctophum thompsoni . The day–night habitat temperature ranges are also given for the 11 species. No remarkable east–west differences were seen in the vertical migration patterns compared with previous knowledge of eight of these species in the eastern Pacific. The diel migration patterns are newly described for three other species endemic to the western Pacific. The standing stock of myctophids in the study area was conservatively estimated at 18.5 ± 4.7 g m−2 (avg. ± SD).  相似文献   

Satellite telemetry from 26 loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and 10 olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtles captured and released from pelagic longline fishing gear provided information on the turtles’ position and movement in the central North Pacific. These data together with environmental data from satellite remote sensing are used to describe the oceanic habitat used by these turtles. The results indicate that loggerheads travel westward, move seasonally north and south primarily through the region 28–40°N, and occupy sea surface temperatures (SST) of 15–25°C. Their dive depth distribution indicated that they spend 40% of their time at the surface and 90% of their time at depths <40 m. Loggerheads are found in association with fronts, eddies, and geostrophic currents. Specifically, the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front (TZCF) and the southern edge of the Kuroshio Extension Current (KEC) appear to be important forage and migration habitats for loggerheads. In contrast, olive ridleys were found primarily south of loggerhead habitat in the region 8–31°N latitude, occupying warmer water with SSTs of 23–28°C. They have a deeper dive pattern than loggerheads, spending only 20% of their time at the surface and 60% shallower than 40 m. However, the three olive ridleys identified from genetics to be of western Pacific origin spent some time associated with major ocean currents, specifically the southern edge of the KEC, the North Equatorial Current (NEC), and the Equatorial Counter Current (ECC). These habitats were not used by any olive ridleys of eastern Pacific origin suggesting that olive ridleys from different populations may occupy different oceanic habitats.  相似文献   

A study of common minke and Bryde's whales was conducted in the western North Pacific in the 2000 and 2001 summer seasons to estimate prey selection of cetaceans as this is an important parameter in ecosystem models. Whale sighting and sampling surveys and prey surveys using quantitative echosounder and mid‐water trawl were carried out concurrently in the study. Biomasses of Japanese anchovy, walleye pollock and krill, which were major prey species of common minke and Bryde's whales, were estimated using an echosounder. The results suggested that common minke whale showed prey selection for Japanese anchovy while they seemed to avoid krill in both the offshore and coastal regions and walleye pollock in the continental shelf region. Selection for shoaling pelagic fish was similar to that in the eastern North Atlantic. Bryde's whale showed selection for Japanese anchovy in August 2000 and July 2001, while it showed prey selection for krill in May and June in 2001.  相似文献   

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