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7Be示踪坡耕地次降雨细沟与细沟间侵蚀   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对于坡面细沟与细沟间侵蚀过程的了解是建立侵蚀预报模型的基础,但传统方法难以对其进行深入研究。利用7Be示踪技术并结合人工模拟降雨,考虑坡脚沉积作用,研究了25°坡耕地径流小区次降雨过程中细沟与细沟间侵蚀动态。结果表明:根据流出径流小区泥沙7Be含量变化计算坡面明显细沟出现时间,由于坡脚沉积作用使得A、B两试验小区这一时间比实际细沟出现分别延迟了45 min和11 min;根据坡面-侵蚀泥沙中7Be总量守恒和泥沙质量平衡原理,坡面细沟间侵蚀及细沟侵蚀在坡面总侵蚀、坡脚沉积区泥沙及流出径流小区泥沙中的比例被定量区分开;总体上,细沟间侵蚀量在径流泥沙中的比例逐渐减少,而细沟侵蚀量逐渐增加。两试验小区中7Be示踪计算坡面细沟侵蚀量和坡脚沉积量与实测值相比相对误差均较小,因此7Be示踪技术可以对土壤侵蚀进行较为准确地定量研究。  相似文献   

于东升  史学正  王宁 《土壤学报》2001,38(2):160-166
用人工模拟降雨研究亚热带地区粘淀湿润富铁土和铝质湿润淋溶土的坡耕地土壤沟蚀和沟间侵蚀。研究结果表明,类似于当地花生、山芋垄作的沟垄,在无外来径流影响下土壤沟蚀与沟间侵蚀程度相当,土壤沟侵蚀率与土坡自身特性和外来径流量大小关系密切,相同的外来径流量对不同类型土壤的沟侵蚀率的影响程度也不同。同时利用WEPP中的土壤可蚀性关系式计算出上述两种土壤的沟间可蚀性气值分别为0.1646和0.1362(10-6kg sm-4)。  相似文献   

张风宝  李玄添  申楠  杨明义 《土壤学报》2023,60(5):1398-1408
细沟间和细沟侵蚀剥离和输移土壤的机制不同导致有机碳输移存在差异,然而因研究手段限制,这两种侵蚀方式对有机碳输移的贡献、影响等研究有待深入。本文利用模拟降雨与7Be示踪技术,在定量化分析细沟间和细沟侵蚀对黄土坡面侵蚀产沙贡献的基础上,进一步分析其对有机碳输移的贡献及影响。结果表明5°小区以细沟间侵蚀为主,其产沙贡献率为86%,大于5°的小区以细沟侵蚀为主,其产沙贡献率介于61%~71%之间,在降雨过程中甚至可达96%。降雨过程中坡面侵蚀泥沙有机碳平均富集比为1.16±0.15,细沟间侵蚀泥沙有机碳平均富集比为1.50±0.50,富集可导致有机碳流失率增加0.008~0.028 g·m-2·min-1。坡度大于5°的小区细沟侵蚀对有机碳流失贡献率介于55%~62%之间,低于对侵蚀产沙的贡献,但仍占主导地位。坡面侵蚀产沙量可解释有机碳流失量变化的97%,细沟间侵蚀产沙可解释细沟间有机碳流失量变化的89%。侵蚀过程中剧烈的细沟侵蚀可导致细沟间侵蚀泥沙有机碳的富集比增大。  相似文献   

本文测定了504mm×504mm土盒中扰动Hagerstown粉砂粘壤土的细沟间侵蚀和径流,试验持续降雨20min,雨强为92mm/h,坡度为5%~85%。稳定状态下的土壤流失量(径流中的土壤悬移质)随坡度的增加而增加,5%坡侵蚀率为3.34g/m~2·min,85%坡增到22.47g/m~2·min。随坡度的增加土壤溅蚀的变化为:坡面下部增加,坡面上部减小,侧面稍有增加。土壤溅蚀总量(坡顶+坡底)与净坡底溅蚀量(坡顶-坡底)也随坡度的增加而增加。85%坡净土壤溅蚀达3.5g/m~2·min,85%的坡面上99%的土壤溅蚀运动到坡底。15%~85%坡面的稳定径流率没有区别,其平均径流率为66.5mm/h。单位面积的冲蚀和溅蚀总量同坡度呈线性关系。比较了实测的冲蚀和溅蚀总量与WEPP模型的估算值,结果表明坡度大于30%时实测值要大于WEPP模型的预测值(85%时要大1倍)。  相似文献   

不同土壤坡面细沟侵蚀差异与其影响因素   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
采用室内纯净水人工模拟降雨试验,在坡度为10°、15°、20°、25°坡面,土槽为5 m、10 m两种规格,对两种土壤((土娄)土与黄绵土)分别进行雨强为1.5 mm min-1,的降雨实验,利用三维激光扫描仪对每一场降雨后的坡面进行监测,分析不同坡度对细沟侵蚀的影响,比较两种土壤坡面细沟侵蚀的差异,以及其差异的影响因子.结果表明:(土娄)土土壤颗粒以粉粒与黏粒为主,粉粒占总质量的64.12%,黏粒为28.42%.黄绵土的土壤颗粒以粉粒为主占总质量的67.95%,黏粒与沙粒含量较少,黏粒占14.52%,沙粒占17.53%.在相同条件下,(土娄)土降雨过程中人渗缓慢,产流时间、坡面流速均快于黄绵土,跌坎出现时间也较早,使其更容易产生细沟.(土娄)土的径流量高于黄绵土,在降雨过程中,径流稳定时间较早.(土娄)土侵蚀量高于黄绵土,(土娄)土产沙率呈增加趋势,黄绵土含沙量变化不明显.从坡面细沟发育来看,(土娄)土坡面细沟成平行状分布,黄绵土细沟为较宽树枝状.  相似文献   

玉米秸秆缓冲带防治黄土坡面细沟侵蚀的效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内人工模拟降雨试验,设计降雨强度100 mm/h,坡度20°,在2个玉米秸秆缓冲带布设坡位(斜坡长4.5~5.5 m和6.5~7.5 m)与2个降雨历时(单次降雨30 min和2次连续降雨30 min+30 min)的试验处理组合,研究在黄土坡面不同坡位布设玉米缓冲带对防治细沟侵蚀的影响。结果表明:1)玉米秸秆缓冲带可减少坡面侵蚀量和细沟侵蚀量,其中,坡面侵蚀量减少7.3%~14.2%,细沟侵蚀量减少11.0%~30.6%,细沟侵蚀量对坡面侵蚀的贡献率减少3.4%~15.0%,径流含沙量降低5.5%~12.8%;2)单次降雨情况下在斜坡长4.5~5.5 m处布设玉米秸秆缓冲带防治侵蚀的效果最佳,坡面侵蚀量、细沟侵蚀量和径流含沙量分别减少14.2%、30.6%和11.6%,细沟平面密度和细沟平均深度分别减少12.9%和21.9%;3)2次连续降雨情况下在斜坡长6.5~7.5 m处布设玉米秸秆缓冲带防治侵蚀的效果较好,坡面侵蚀量、细沟侵蚀量和径流含沙量分别减少13.5%、25.0%和5.5%,细沟平面密度和细沟平均深度分别减少15.5%和16.3%。  相似文献   

不同坡长与雨强条件下坡度对细沟侵蚀的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用室内纯净水人工模拟降雨试验,以坡度为10°,15°,20°和25°,土槽为5,10m2两种规格,进行了降雨强度分别为1.5和2.0mm/min的降雨试验。利用三维激光扫描仪对每一场降雨前后的坡面进行监测,分析了不同坡长,降雨强度条件下坡度对细沟侵蚀的影响。结果表明,产流时间随坡度的变化并没有显著的规律性,跌坎出现时间随坡度的增加而缩短,产流时间与跌坎出现时间主要由降雨强度控制,坡长增长对产流时间的提前有促进作用。径流量随着坡面由缓变陡呈现先增加后减少变化,在降雨总量相同,不同雨强条件下,坡面径流量差异不大。坡面侵蚀量随坡度的增加而增大,降雨强度在一定程度上增强坡度对侵蚀量的影响,而坡长在一定程度上会减弱坡度的影响。侵蚀速率随降雨历时的变化速度随坡度的增加表现为先增加后减缓,并存在临界坡度。降雨强度和坡长会增强坡度对侵蚀速率的影响。  相似文献   

崩积体是崩岗的重要组成部分,具有土质疏松、粗颗粒含量高、坡度大、易侵蚀的特征。该研究利用人工模拟降雨试验,对不同雨强(1.00,1.33,1.67,2.00,2.33 mm/min)和坡度(20°,25°,30°,35°,40°)下的崩积体细沟发生、发育及形态特征进行分析。研究结果表明:发生细沟的时间随着坡度和雨强的增大而缩短;随着雨强的增大,沟头离坡顶的距离越短,沟宽和沟深增大,但细沟密度差异不明显;随着坡度的增大,垂向作用增加,但横向扩张能力相应地降低,造成坡面侵蚀深度增大,宽深比减小;随着雨强和坡度的增大,侵蚀方式从片蚀为主逐渐转变至细沟侵蚀为主;雨强对细沟侵蚀的影响大于坡度。  相似文献   

黄土区坡耕地细沟间侵蚀和细沟侵蚀的研究   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
郑粉莉 《土壤学报》1998,35(1):95-103
利用人工模拟降雨试验,通过在径流小区上覆盖纱网消除雨滴动能和增加雨滴除落高度来增加雨滴功能,并采用翻耕裸露作对照的试验处理,对黄土区坡耕地细沟间侵蚀和细沟侵蚀过程及其机理进行了研究。结果表明,坡面侵蚀产沙过程可明显的分为四个阶段,即溅蚀,细沟间侵蚀、细沟侵蚀和雨后径流侵蚀阶段。  相似文献   

张晨阳  杨伟  汪零  彭珏  王军光  蔡崇法 《土壤学报》2024,61(6):1492-1505
土壤团聚体是土壤结构的基本单元,土壤表层团聚体的粒径分布变化对土壤结构和侵蚀过程发育具有重要意义。为探究细沟间侵蚀过程中土壤团聚体周转和泥沙迁移路径过程,本研究基于微型土槽,设置90 mm·h-1雨强,10°坡度的条件,进行室内模拟降雨试验。利用稀土元素示踪技术标记土壤团聚体,通过ICP-MS测定稀土元素浓度,对不同粒径土壤团聚体(5~2 mm、2~0.2 5 mm、0.25~0.053 mm、<0.053 mm)的破碎和形成过程进行定量分析,同时量化侵蚀泥沙的来源特征。结果表明,细沟间侵蚀过程中,侵蚀泥沙颗粒主要由同等粒径大小的团聚体受径流搬运形成,且该粒径泥沙含量随降雨时间增加而减少;残留团聚体呈明显的周转过程,<0.25 mm的团聚体更易粘结或吸附至大粒径团聚体上,而>0.25 mm团聚体倾向于发生破碎(破碎率分别为45.8%和43.3%),且破碎程度不断增加;<0.053 mm和2~0.25 mm 大小的泥沙含量及相应粒径的团聚体在泥沙中的贡献率对径流系数和泥沙粒径分形维数具有重要作用。所以,细沟间侵蚀过程中土壤表土结构变化、泥沙迁移与团聚体粒径密切相关,该成果进一步为土壤侵蚀过程模型和水土保持措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Interrill erosion, which is less visible in the landscape than rill and gully erosion, may cause major sediment deposits in the lower part of cultivated fields. It is often associated with runoff resulting from sealing and crusting, and soil properties such as soil detachability or soil aggregate stability have been used to express soil resistance to interrill erosion processes, i.e., interrill erodibility. From a literature review including more than fifteen erosion models, we have identified three main methods used to measure these properties: aggregate stability and splash cup detachability, methods performed in the laboratory using only a few grams of soil, and standard plot methods that are based on field plot measurements. This difference makes the parameters involved in assessing interrill erodibility dependent upon the scale and the hydrological processes involved and difficult to compare. According to the literature, the sensitivity of actual erosion models to interrill erodibility is lower than the sensitivity to hydrological properties and rill erodibility parameters. This numerical study shows that erodibility measurements from the three major assessment methods give different results regarding the contribution of interrill erosion and show that the sensitivity of erosion modeling to interrill erodibility may in fact be greater than shown in the literature on global sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Rolled erosion control systems (RECS) reduce detachment and transport of sediment by mitigating the basic processes of run-off and erosion (e.g., splash detachment, interrill transport, run-off velocity, surface crusting). Despite the variety of products available in the market today, only limited research has been conducted on their influence on erosion subprocesses. This study addresses some of the limitations of previous research by using laboratory rainfall simulation to study rainsplash sediment redistribution, run-off, total interrill sediment transport, and aggregate size transport from an erodible Vertisol. Three 3-h rainfall simulations were conducted on a 20° slope at a rainfall intensity of ≈100 mm h−1 on (1) a bare soil control, (2) four predominately natural RECS, and (3) four synthetic RECS. Data indicate that all products significantly reduced run-off (enhanced infiltration), and decreased interrill sediment transport compared to the bare soil control. However, it was observed that several products (C125, Curlex I, Geojute, SC150BN, TB1000, and P300) were statistically more effective than PECMAT and TerraJute. Finally, preferential transport of selected aggregate fractions was examined. Cover percentage, three-dimensionality, and drapability were identified as favorable physical attributes for mitigating erosion processes.  相似文献   

During rainstorms, physical properties of the soil surface change significantly. As a result of surface sealing, variations in infiltration rate, water content, water suction, bulk density and surface roughness can be observed and quantified. Dynamic processes taking place on the soil surface were investigated in laboratory and field experiments on a typical loess-derived soil in Germany. This study focused on the effects of continuous and subsequent rainfall treatments. Furthermore, all laboratory experiments were carried out in two different initial moisture regimes. In the laboratory experiments, a capillary rainfall simulator was used. Water suction was measured with microtensiometers 2 cm below the sealed surface in a 30 s time interval. The water content was determined with TDR probes in a variable time step, depending on the movement of the infiltration front. Compared to the continuous rainfall treatment, the decline of infiltration rate was much steeper in the subsequent rainfall events. After 2 h of continuous rainfall, a ‘drying effect' could be observed underneath the surface sealing at a depth of 2 cm. This was not the case in the intermittent treatment. Saturated conditions 10 cm below the surface sealing were reached in none of the treatments. The variation of bulk density within the first centimeter of the soil was determined via computed tomography and also with two simple methods using micro soil cores [Fohrer, N., 1995. Auswirkungen von Bodenfeuchte, Bodenart und Oberflächenbeschaffenheit auf Prozesse der Flächenerosion durch Wasser. PhD Thesis, Technical University Berlin, Bodenökologie und Bodengenese, No. 19, 183 pp.] and immersion as described by Roth [Roth, C.H., 1997. Bulk density of surface crusts: depth functions and relationships to texture. Catena 29 (3–4) 223–237.]. Under continuous rainfall conditions, the initially dry plots showed a higher compaction than the initially moist treatments. In the case of subsequent rainstorms, it was shown that the bulk density–depth function is not constant with time. The alteration of surface roughness was measured using a laser relief meter. The levelling effect of the intermittent rainfall regime proved to be much stronger in comparison to the continuous event.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a surface cover material (e.g. geotextiles, rock fragments, mulches, vegetation) in reducing runoff and soil erosion rates is often only assessed by the fraction of the soil surface covered. However, there are indications that soil structure has important effects on the runoff and erosion-reducing effectiveness of the cover materials. This study investigates the impact of soil pre-treatment (i.e. fine tilth versus sealed soil surface) on the effectiveness of biological geotextiles in increasing infiltration rates and in reducing runoff and interrill erosion rates on a medium and steep slope gradient. Rainfall was simulated during 60 min with an intensity of 67 mm h−1 on an interrill erosion plot having two slope gradients (i.e. 15 and 45%) and filled with an erodible sandy loam. Five biological and three simulated geotextiles with different cover percentage were tested on two simulated initial soil conditions (i.e. fine tilth and sealed soil surface). Final infiltration rates on a sealed soil surface (7.5–18.5 mm h−1) are observed after ca. 10 min of rainfall compared to ca. 50 min of rainfall on an initial seedbed (16.4–56.7 mm h−1). On the two tested slope gradients, significantly (α = 0.05) smaller runoff coefficients (RC) are observed on an initial seedbed (8.2% < RC < 59.8%) compared to a sealed soil surface (75.7% < RC < 87.0%). On an initial seedbed, decreasing RC are observed with an increasing simulated geotextile cover. However, on an initial sealed soil surface no significant effect of simulated geotextile cover on RC is observed. On a 15% slope gradient, calculated b-values from the mulch factor equation equalled 0.054 for an initial fine tilth and 0.022 for a sealed soil surface, indicating a higher effectiveness of geotextiles in reducing interrill erosion on a fine tilth compared to a sealed soil surface. Therefore, this study demonstrates the importance of applying geotextiles on the soil surface before the surface tilth is sealed due to rainfall. The effect of soil structure on the effectiveness of a surface cover in reducing runoff and interrill erosion rates, as indicated by the results of this study, needs to be incorporated in soil erosion prediction models.  相似文献   

Vegetation cover plays a major role in the restoration and stabilization of disturbed systems. The analysis of relationships between restored vegetation and soil hydrology has special relevance for the evaluation and operation of mining reclamation, particularly in Mediterranean-Continental environments, where climatic conditions restrict the development of continuous vegetation cover. The effect of herbaceous vegetation cover on soil hydrology was analysed by means of rainfall simulation (63 mm h− 1; 0.24 m2) in reclaimed soils derived from opencast coal mining (a non-saline and clay-loam textured spoil) in central-eastern Spain. A total of 75 simulation experiments were conducted at three different times throughout the year (late winter, summer and autumn) to control the influence of seasonal climatic fluctuations. Sediment concentrations in runoff and the runoff coefficient decreased exponentially with vegetation cover, while increases in steady infiltration rates were obtained with vegetation cover. Additional delays in runoff responses (longer time to runoff start and stabilization) and increases in the wetting front depth were observed with vegetation cover. Seasonal variations in soil surface state and moisture strongly influenced hydrological responses; although the influence of season on the analysed hydrological responses was attenuated by vegetation cover, especially in the case of infiltration rates. We also determined a practical ground cover threshold for site restoration and evaluation of over 50% vegetation cover, which could help achieve an optimum biological control of hydrological soil responses in the studied environment.  相似文献   

土质道路经长期碾压产生了大量浮土,加剧了道路侵蚀.本文通过人工模拟降雨试验,研究不同雨强及坡度条件下薄层1.0 cm和厚层4.0 cm浮土土质道路的产流产沙特征.根据侵蚀物质的差异,将浮土道路侵蚀过程分为单独浮土侵蚀阶段和浮土、道路混合侵蚀阶段.结果表明:(1)浮土侵蚀阶段、混合侵蚀阶段薄层浮土平均径流率为厚层浮土的1...  相似文献   

黄土区薄厚层浮土土质道路降雨侵蚀过程差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国黄土高原地区普遍存在用于农业和矿业生产运输的土质道路,土质道路因长期遭受人畜踩踏、车胎碾压产生了大量浮土,加剧了道路侵蚀。基于野外调查与室内人工模拟降雨试验,研究了不同雨强及坡度条件下不同浮土厚度(薄层1.0 cm、厚层4.0 cm)的土质道路降雨侵蚀产流产沙过程及水沙关系。根据侵蚀物质的差异,将浮土道路侵蚀过程分为单独浮土侵蚀阶段和浮土、道路混合侵蚀阶段。结果表明:(1)浮土侵蚀阶段、混合侵蚀阶段薄层浮土平均径流率变化范围为0.84~2.26、0.96~2.72 L·min-1,分别是厚层浮土的1.01倍~1.52倍、1.26倍~2.44倍。2.5 mm·min-1雨强时3个坡度下的平均次降雨产流量为43.44 L,较1.0、1.5和2.0 mm·min-1雨强分别增大82.05%、68.69%和37.36%。平均径流率和产流量与坡度之间的相关性均不显著;(2)混合侵蚀阶段16°坡面平均含沙量均值为227.30 g·L-1,是4°和8°的2.14倍和1.37倍。小雨强(1.0、1.5 mm·min-1)时厚层浮土次降雨产沙量较高,是薄层浮土的1.39倍~2.14倍;大雨强(2.0、2.5 mm·min-1)时薄层浮土次降雨产沙量较高,是厚层浮土的1.14倍~1.67倍。1.0 mm·min-1雨强时3个坡度下的平均次降雨产沙量为2.08 kg,分别占1.5、2.0和2.5 mm·min-1雨强的68.59%、27.50%、23.57%;(3)混合侵蚀阶段和次降雨过程薄层浮土含沙量与径流率相关性较厚层浮土均增强。浮土侵蚀阶段和混合侵蚀阶段薄厚层浮土道路产沙率和产流率相关性均达到显著水平,次降雨薄厚层浮土道路产沙量与产流量相关性均达到极显著水平。结果可为我国黄土区浮土道路侵蚀防治工作的开展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

坡面降雨侵蚀和径流侵蚀研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
降雨侵蚀过程包括径流侵蚀作用和雨滴打击作用两个方面,传统的单径流小区降雨试验难以区分二者对坡面侵蚀的贡献。通过双土槽人工降雨试验,研究了降雨侵蚀和径流侵蚀的关系及二者对坡面侵蚀产沙的贡献。结果表明;在坡度和降雨强度一定时,坡上方来水量引起坡下方侵蚀产沙量随着上方来水量的增大而增大;在坡度一致和坡面径流量基本相同时,降雨侵蚀产沙量大于供水径流的侵蚀产沙量,降雨强度增大1倍时,坡面侵蚀产沙量增大约50  相似文献   

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