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The effects of feeding regimes on the growth, survival and feed conversion of hatchery-reared juvenile spotted babylon Babylonia areolata (Link) were assessed. Six continuous and discontinuous feeding regimes were fed at satiation to triplicate groups of snails in 200-L flowthrough (3.0 L h–1) indoor rectangular tanks for 180 days. Shell length growth rates of juvenile B. areolata did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) between the various feeding treatments. Body weight gain and feed conversion of snails were not significantly different between various feeding treatments, nor were there significant differences in mean survival between any of the feeding treatments.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared juvenile spotted babylon Babylonia areolata (mean initial shell length 12.8 mm) were cultured intensively to marketable size in three 3.0 × 2.5 × 0.7 m indoor canvas rectangular tanks. The duplicate treatments of flowthrough and semi‐closed recirculating sea‐water systems were compared at an initial stocking density of 300 individuals m?2 (2250 juveniles per tank). The animals were fed ad libitum with fresh carangid fish Selaroides leptolepis once daily. During 240 culture days, average growth rates in shell length and body weight were 3.86 mm month?1 and 1.47 g month?1 for the flowthrough system and 3.21 mm month?1 and 1.10 g month?1 for those in the semi‐closed recirculating system. Survival in the flowthrough system (95.77%) was significantly higher than that in the semi‐closed recirculating system (79.28%). Feed conversion ratios were 1.68 and 1.96 for flowthrough and semi‐closed recirculating systems respectively.  相似文献   

Growth, survival and shell normality of hatchery reared juvenile Babylonia areolata were examined at four water exchange regimes of 0, 15, 30 and 60 day intervals in a recirculating seawater system over a 120 day experimental period. Higher body weight gains and shell length increments were observed in snails held at water exchange of 15 day intervals, especially when compared with those held at water exchange of 60 and 0 day intervals (P < 0.05). Water exchange affected the final survival of B. areolata. At the end of the experiment, final survival rates were 65.47 ± 0.66%, 87.48 ± 0.67%, 86.34 ± 0.92% and 78.50 ± 3.26% for snails held in the water exchange treatments of 0, 15, 30, and 60 day intervals, respectively, and those of shell abnormality were 97.65 ± 1.04%, 93.09 ± 2.34%, 97.08 ± 1.18% and 96.71 ± 1.84%, respectively. The present study concluded that water exchange regimes of the recirculating system influenced growth, survival, shell normality and water quality of the recirculating culture system for this species.  相似文献   

To determine a suitable culture environment to maximize growth and survival, the hatchery‐reared juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, were held in plastic rearing tanks at four calcium carbonate additions of 0, 100 and 300 g tonne?1, and four water exchange regimes of 0‐, 15‐, 30‐ and 60‐day intervals in a recirculating grow‐out system for 120 days. The results clearly showed that growth was greatest between water exchange regimes of 15‐ and 30‐day intervals and all calcium carbonate additions, with water exchange regimes of 0‐ and 60‐day intervals resulting in poor growth. Final survival was highest between water exchange regimes of 15‐ and 30‐day intervals, and all calcium carbonate additions, with water exchange regimes of 0‐day intervals and all calcium carbonate additions resulting in high mortalities. This study showed that water exchange regimes had a stronger influence on the growth of juvenile B. areolata than calcium carbonate additions. It is recommended that B. areolata juveniles be maintained within the water exchange regimes range of 15–30‐day intervals and at calcium carbonate additions between 0 and 500 g tonne?1, providing optimum conditions for production of this species in a recirculating grow‐out system.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of growing out hatchery‐reared spotted babylon juvenile (Babylonia areolata) in earthen ponds. The growth, survival and water quality for monoculture of spotted babylon were compared with the two polyculture trials with sea bass (Lates calcarifer) or milkfish (Chanos chanos). This study provided good results for growth and survival of spotted babylon in earthen ponds. The mean body weight gain of snails held in the monoculture was 5.39±0.08 g, and 4.07±0.16 and 4.25±0.11 g for those held in the polyculture with sea bass or milkfish respectively. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were 2.69, 2.96 and 2.71 for snails held in the monoculture and polyculture with sea bass and milkfish, respectively, and the final survival rates were 84.94%, 74.30% and 81.20% respectively. There were no significant differences in each parameter of water quality among the treatments but significant differences among the culture period were present (P<0.05). Salinity and total alkalinity showed the greatest changes during the culture period for all treatments. Seawater temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite–nitrogen and ammonia–nitrogen gradually changed over the culture period for all the treatments. The present study indicated the technical feasibility for monoculture and polyculture of B. areolata to marketable sizes in earthen ponds.  相似文献   

This article examines the economic considerations involved in the production of spotted babylon (Babylonia areolata) in Thailand. A financial analysis of the construction and operating costs of a pilot commercial production of spotted babylon of marketable sizes is provided, based upon proven practical techniques and production data for a flow‐through growout system. The investment required for a spotted babylon growout hatchery producing 990 kg per year is estimated to be US$4528.8. The annual cost of operating such a hatchery is estimated to be US$4624.1. The cost of producing 990 kg of marketable‐size spotted bablyon with a survival rate of 95% is estimated to be US$4.91 per kg of snails produced. Cash flow analysis showed that a constant selling price of US$5.8 kg?1 results in positive cash flow by year 4. The proposed enterprise is marginally feasible if cost can be considerably reduced by targeting production and integrating hatchery and growout operations.  相似文献   

Juvenile spotted babylon (Babylonia areolata) and sea bass (Lates calcarifer) were cultured in 11.5‐m3 indoor rearing tanks supplied with flow‐through of ambient natural sea water over a 120‐day experiment. Each species, stocked at the following densities for the following treatments, was tested with three replicates per treatment: 5000 B. areolata per tank (Treatment 1); 200 L. calcarifer per tank (Treatment 2); and 5000 B. areolata plus 200 L. calcarifer per tank (Treatment 3),. The average growth (length and weight), feed conversion ratio and total production of spotted babylon and sea bass from Treatment 3 were not significantly different from those of Treatment 1 and 2 (P > 0.05). Average survival rates for both spotted babylon and sea bass exceeded 95% for all treatments.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata , were determined at five stocking densities (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 snails m−2) and three water exchange regimes (7-, 15- and 21-day intervals) in experimental earthen ponds over a 6-month experimental period. The results showed that the growth of spotted babylons was not significantly different among any density treatments ( P <0.05). At the end of the experiment, the average growth rates in body weights were 0.59, 0.59, 0.58, 0.42 and 0.41 g month−1 respectively. Growth was significantly different among the different water-exchange treatments ( P <0.05). The higher body-weight gains were observed in snails held at water exchanges of 7- and 15-day intervals, when compared with those held at water exchange of 30-day intervals. At the end of the experiment, average body-weight gains were 4.22, 3.67 and 2.68 g for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals respectively. This study recommended that stocking densities ≤300 snails m−2 and water exchange of 7–15-day intervals are suitable for cultured B. areolata juveniles in earthen pond.  相似文献   

饥饿及恢复生长对方斑东风螺抗氧化体系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在(25.8±1.7)℃条件下,测定了方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)不同饥饿期(7d、15d、25d、40d)后再投喂(30d)过程中足肌、肝胰脏的抗氧化体系相关指标变化。结果显示,分别饥饿25d和40d时幼螺两组织丙二醛(MDA)含量较对照组均显著升高;饥饿25d前,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)活力较对照组逐渐增强,当禁食达40d时却显著减弱;谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)活力饥饿状态下先略上升后下降,肝胰脏、足肌中分别于饥饿25d和40d时显著降低;谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活力及谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量随禁食延长均呈下降趋势。恢复生长后,除饥饿40d组GR活力及肝胰脏MDA水平较对照呈差异显著外,该组其余指标及其他各处理组相应指标均恢复至或接近对照组水平。结果表明,饥饿胁迫下螺体抗氧化体系虽被激活,但仍处于一定的氧化应激状态,提示幼螺养成中禁食时间不宜超过25d,且SOD、CAT与GPx活性可作为螺体饥饿胁迫状态的指示参数。  相似文献   

The ivory shell, Babylonia areolata (Link 1807), has been exploited as an important aquaculture organism along the southern China coast. In order to obtain optimal culture conditions for ivory shell juvenile, the central composite rotatable design was used to estimate the combined effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density on accumulated growth rate (AGR) and survival rate (SR). The results showed that the linear effects of temperature and rearing density on both growth and survival were highly significant (P < 0.01), but there was no significant effect on salinity (P > 0.05). The quadratic effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density influenced growth significantly (P < 0.01). The quadratic effects of temperature and salinity on survival of juvenile snail were significant (P < 0.01), the combined effects between the quadratic effect of temperature and the linear effect of rearing density influenced survival significantly (P < 0.01); the interactive effects of temperature, salinity and rearing density played a significant role in survival (P < 0.01). As can be seen from the above experimental results, the effects of temperature and salinity on growth and survival of B. areolata were strengthened with enhanced rearing density in a certain range and vice versa. By optimization using the response surface method, the optimal point was found at a temperature of 26.81°C, a salinity of 28.76 ppt and a rearing density of 527.07 ind m?2. Under these conditions, the optimal AGR and SR were 36.84 mg day?1 and 99.99%, respectively, with a satisfaction function value of 99.71%.  相似文献   

A 120-day feeding trial was designed to determine the effects of different dietary protein and lipid levels and protein to energy ratio (P:E) on growth performance and feed utilization of hatchery-reared juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, cultured under a flow-through seawater system. Six diets were formulated to contain three protein levels (18, 28, and 36%) and two lipid levels (10 and 15%) in a 3 × 2 factorial design with three replicates to provide six different dietary P:E ratios (50.17, 49.09, 68.50, 65.85, 88.66, and 85.36 mg protein/kcal). Each replicate was stocked with 50 snails (0.12 + 0.01 g, initial weight) and fed to satiation once daily. The results showed that survival was above 96% at the end of the feeding trial in all groups and was not affected by either dietary protein level or dietary lipid level. The highest significant (P < 0.05) growth and feed utilization were observed for juveniles fed diet with a P:E ratio of 88.66 kcal g−1 diet. With respect to dietary protein and lipid levels, the highest (P < 0.05) values for growth and feed efficiency were observed for snails fed a diet containing 36% protein level and the same trend was observed for snails fed a diet with 10% lipid level. This results indicated that the diet containing 36% protein and 10% lipid level with a dietary P:E ratio of 88.66 mg protein/kcal would be suitable for optimum growth and feed utilization of B. areolata juveniles.  相似文献   

Hatchery reared juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, were raised in canvas rearing tanks at four stocking densities (100, 200, 300 and 400 ind. m–2) in flow-through and recirculating seawater systems until they reached the marketable sizes of 100–140 snails/kg. At all stocking densities, final increments in mean length and weight of snails held in flow-through systems were higher than those in recirculating systems, there was a significant effect (p < 0.05) of culture system on final length and weight. Mean (±SE) survival of snails held at 100 ind. m–2 in the flow-through system was 100.0 ± 0.1% but was not significantly higher than survival in any other treatment (p > 0.05). Mean survival of snails held in the recirculating system was not significantly lower than at any stocking density in the flow-through system (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

投喂频率对黄鳝幼鱼摄食、生长及饵料利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同投喂频率对黄鳝(Monopterus albus)摄食率、特定生长率、饵料效率、体重分化、鱼体组成的影响。试验共设5组不同投喂频率(2、3、4、12次/d和24次/d),每组3个重复,试验持续30 d。结果显示:投喂频率4次/d组的摄食率显著高于其它各组(P<0.05);特定生长率有不同程度增高,4次/d组达到最高(P<0.05);饲料利用效率4次/d组显著高于2次/d组(P<0.05),与其它组无显著性差异(P>0.05);随着投喂频率增加,各试验组组内个体体重无显著差异(P>0.05),黄鳝的规格趋于整齐。试验各组黄鳝的鱼体成分无显著性差异(P>0.05);饵料蛋白质和能量的表观消化率,在4次/d时达到最高(P<0.05)。试验表明:黄鳝的生长受投喂频率的影响,每天投喂4次是黄鳝养殖的最佳投喂频率。  相似文献   

方斑东风螺水泥池养殖不同底质的生长与存活试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解方斑东风螺水泥池养殖适宜的底质,水泥池底铺设不同底质进行对比试验。结果表明:在池底铺沙情况下,添加10%海泥或添加1%的贝壳,不影响方斑东风螺的正常生长与存活,体重、壳高生长速度分别是23.7~25.1mg/d和105.3~110.4μm/d,不同池生长、存活无明显差异;底沙添加海泥达到30%时,初期东风螺的生长受到不良影响,但随着换水次数的增加,逐渐趋于正常;池底不铺沙时体重生长速度为10.0mg/d,仅为其他池的39.8~42.2%,存活率仅为其他池的65.1~67.6%。认为东风螺水泥池养殖必须铺沙,底沙可适当含泥,含泥量不高于10%。  相似文献   

A factorial (3 × 4) feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding frequency and feed type on the growth performance, feed utilization and body proximate composition of juvenile olive flounder. Three feed types including a sinking moist pellet (MP), a sinking dry pellet (DP) and a floating extruded pellet (EP) were used. Fish (average weight, 11.1 ± 0.4 g) were randomly distributed in thirty‐six 300 L tanks in a flowthrough system. Triplicate groups (30 fish per tank) of fish were fed each feed type to visual satiation at three meals per day, two meals per day, one meal per day and one meal every 2 days for 7 weeks. At the end of the feeding trial, the survival of fish was not significantly different among the treatments. Weight gain was affected by the feeding frequency. The highest weight gain was observed in fish fed the EP at three meals per day. The daily feed intake of fish fed the MP and DP tended to be higher than that of fish fed the EP at each feeding frequency. The feed efficiency and the protein efficiency ratio of fish fed the EP were higher than those of fish fed the MP and DP. The body proximate composition of fish was altered by the feeding frequency. The crude lipid content increased with the increase in the feeding frequency. The present findings suggest that three feedings per day at visual satiation of the floating EP may be sufficient for the maximal growth performance of olive flounder grown from 11 to 60 g.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to determine the effects of dietary calcium and phosphorus, and the interaction between calcium and phosphorus, on the growth of juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, cultured in a recirculating culture system. Nine isonitrogenous experimental diets supplemented with three levels of calcium (1, 4, and 7%) for each of three levels of phosphorus (1, 3, and 5%) were prepared using fish meal, squid meal, and shrimp meal as the main protein sources. Juveniles with an initial average body weight of 0.59 ± 0.09 g were fed to satiation once daily with one of the nine diets for 180 days. Absolute and specific growth rates were calculated for both shell length and whole wet body weight. Results showed that dietary calcium and phosphorus supplementation significantly affected the growth of juvenile spotted babylon (P < 0.05), but not survival and feed-conversion ratio. The specific growth rate in shell length (SGRL) ranged from 0.32 to 0.39% day−1. No significant difference among phosphorus levels and no significant interaction between calcium and phosphorus in SGRL of the spotted babylon (> 0.05) was found, but significant differences were observed among calcium levels, irrespective of phosphorus levels (< 0.05). For 1 and 7% supplemental calcium, the spotted babylon had significantly higher SGRL than those fed diets supplemented with 4% calcium. However, the specific growth rate in body weight (SGRW) ranged from 0.91 to 1.19% day−1 with no significant difference among calcium and phosphorus levels and no significant interaction between calcium and phosphorus (> 0.05). Survival and feed-conversion ratio were not significantly affected by dietary calcium and phosphorus levels with ranges from 91.00 to 95.00% and 2.43 to 2.76, respectively. At the end of the experiment, shell abnormality of B. areolata was found for all feeding trials.  相似文献   

投喂频率对龙虎斑幼鱼生长和饵料利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内车间采用4种不同的投喂频率养殖龙虎斑幼鱼(47.6±5.2 g),分析和比较不同投喂频率对其生长和饵料利用的影响。试验设S1、S2、S3、S4共4组,分别按照1、2、3、4次/d进行投喂,共进行60 d。结果显示:(1)投喂频率显著影响龙虎斑幼鱼的生长(P<0.05)。 S1的平均体质量显著低于S2、S3、S4(P<0.05),为149.7 g;S2、S3、S4组间差异不显著(P>0.05),S4最大(168.7 g),其次为S3(168.0 g)和S2(162.2 g);S1日增体质量、增重率、特定生长率显著小于S2、S3、S4(P<0.05),分别为1.68 g,204.83%,1.86%/d,S2、S3、S4组间差异不显著(P>0.05),S2特定生长率最大,为2.12%/d;S2的体质量回归方程斜率最大,为1.915,S1最小,为1.532。(2)投喂频率对龙虎斑幼鱼的饵料利用影响显著(P<0.05)。 S2的摄食率和饵料系数显著小于S1、S3、S4(P<0.05),分别为1.31%/d、0.70;S4摄食率最大,为1.64%/d;S1、S3、S4组间饵料系数差异不显著(P>0.05),分别为0.88、0.84、0.88。因此,综合养殖效果和劳动强度考虑,S2的投喂频率最适合龙虎斑的养殖,建议在龙虎斑的养殖生产中,最适宜的投喂频率为2次/d。  相似文献   

Growth, production and economic analysis was performed for the polyculture of juveniles spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, and milkfish, Chanos chanos, to marketable sizes using a large‐scale production of earthen ponds in Thailand. The analysis was based on actual cost and production data from a pilot commercial‐scale farm. A total farm area of 0.8 ha was comprised of 0.3 ha grow‐out earthen ponds, a 0.4 ha seawater reservoir, and a 0.08 ha accommodation and office. Each pond was stocked with spotted babylon juveniles of 0.3 g initial body weight at a density of 200 snails m?2, and they were harvested at a 7‐month period, at an average body weight of 4.6 g for a total yield per production cycle of spotted babylon and milkfish of 9875 and 6875 kg ha?1 respectively. Based on farm data and harvest data used in this study, initial investment requirement was estimated to be $4837. The ownership cost and operating cost per production cycle were $2241 and $18 501 respectively. Total cost per production cycle was $20 742. The cost of producing spotted babylon marketable sizes in this grow‐out farm design was $6.56 kg?1. The enterprise budgets based on the price of spotted babylon at a farm gate in 2003 of $9.00 kg?1 results in gross return, net return, return to capital and management, and return on investment of $31 190, $10 448, $12 689 and 2.62 respectively. Milkfish was not calculated for any returns because they were less than marketable sizes.  相似文献   

A growth trial was conducted to determine the effects of dietary carbohydrate level on growth performance, feed utilization and metabolism of juvenile spotted babylon. Six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets (48% crude protein and 15 MJ kg− 1 diet) using wheat starch as the carbohydrate source, were formulated to contain six carbohydrate levels. Triplicate groups of 45 animals (initial average weight, 168.39 ± 0.69 mg) were stocked in 120-l tanks and fed to apparent satiation twice daily for 10 weeks. Growth performance and feed utilization were significantly affected by dietary carbohydrate level. Maximum weight gain and specific growth rate occurred at 20% dietary starch inclusion, survival and soft body to shell ratios were not significantly different among diets. There were significant differences in protein, lipid, moisture and glycogen content in soft body. Glycogen content in soft body was positively correlated with dietary starch level. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase were significantly affected by dietary starch level, with both peaking in the 20% treatment; however, there were no significant differences in 6-phosphofructokinase activity in any treatment. Quadratic regression analysis of weight gain against dietary starch level indicated that the optimal dietary carbohydrate level for maximum weight gain of juvenile spotted babylon is 27.1% of dry diet.  相似文献   

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