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Oak decline and related mortality have periodically plagued upland oak–hickory forests, particularly oak species in the red oak group, across the Ozark Highlands of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma since the late 1970s. Advanced tree age and periodic drought, as well as Armillaria root fungi and oak borer attack are believed to contribute to oak decline and mortality. Declining trees first show foliage wilt and browning, followed by progressive branch dieback in the middle and/or upper crown. Many trees eventually die if severe crown dieback continues. In 2002, more than 4000 living oak trees ≥11 cm dbh in the relatively undisturbed mature oak forests of the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project (MOFEP) were randomly selected and inventoried for tree species, dbh, crown class, crown width, crown dieback condition (healthy: <5% crown dieback, slight: >5–33%, moderate: 33–66%, and severe: >66%) and number of emergence holes created by oak borers on the lower 2.4 m of the tree bole. The same trees were remeasured in 2006 to determine their status (live or dead). In 2002, about 10% of the red oak trees showed moderate or severe crown dieback; this was twice the percentage observed for white oak species. Over 70% of trees in the red oak group had evidence of oak borer damage compared to 35% of trees in the white oak group. There was significant positive correlation between crown dieback and the number of borer emergence holes (p < 0.01). Logistic regression showed oak mortality was mainly related to crown width and dieback, and failed to detect any significant link with the number of oak borer emergence holes. Declining red oak group trees had higher mortality (3 or 4 times) than white oaks. The odds ratios of mortality of slightly, moderately, and severely declining trees versus healthy trees were, respectively, 2.0, 6.5, and 29.7 for black oak; 1.8, 3.8, and 8.3 for scarlet oak; and 2.6, 6.5 and 7.1 for white oaks.  相似文献   

A forest fire can be a real ecological disaster regardless of whether it is caused by natural forces or human activities, it is possible to map forest fire risk zones to minimize the frequency of fires, avert damage, etc. A method integrating remote sensing and GIS was developed and applied to forest fire risk zone mapping for Baihe forestry bureau in this paper. Satellite images were interpreted and classified to generate vegetation type layer and land use layers (roads, settlements and farmlands). Topographic layers (slope, aspect and altitude) were derived from DEM. The thematic and topographic information was analyzed by using ARC/INFO GIS software. Forest fire risk zones were delineated by assigning subjective weights to the classes of all the layers (vegetation type, slope, aspect, altitude and distance from r3ads, farmlands and settlements) according to their sensitivity to fire or their fire-inducing capability. Five categories of forest fire risk ranging from very high to very low were derived automatically. The mapping result of the study area was found to be in strong agreement with actual fire-affected sites.  相似文献   

四川森林植被遥感识别最佳时相的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了农作物、植被调查与分析中利用遥感技术的最佳时相的选择,分析了四川森林植被的特点及其遥感干扰信息农作物、草地、其他因子的物候特点.根据影响遥感时相选择的平台、太阳高度角和代表光谱等因素,针对四川不同地区森林植被遥感识别的特点,按照5个区域提出了四川森林植被遥感识别的最佳时期.  相似文献   

Although oaks (Quercus spp.) have historically dominated much of the forest land in eastern North America, a great deal of fragmentary and sometimes anecdotal evidence suggests that they have been yielding dominance in recent decades to other, typically more shade-tolerant species. Using FIA data, our work formally quantifies the change in oak abundance in the eastern U.S. during the period of 1980-2008. The results indicate that most areas in the eastern U.S. experienced some decline in oak abundance, but the decrease was not universal either geographically or among species. Declines were especially marked in the Central Hardwood Region, which lost oak abundance on 81% its forested area as measured by importance value (IV). Areas with a high oak abundance were more likely to see a reduction in abundance. Among all 25 species analyzed, eight species decreased significantly in IV while two increased. Both the top two most prevalent white oak species (white oak (Quercus alba) and post oak (Quercus stellata)) and red oak species (northern red oak (Quercus rubra) and black oak (Quercus velutina)) had significant decreases in density and IV. Water oak (Quercus nigra) is one of the red oak species that had a near universal increase of its abundance throughout its native range (83% of area). This study provided a comprehensive quantification of the dynamic of oak species in a regional-wide geographic context, which will provoke forest researchers and managers to revisit the oak decline problem by using knowledge from other regions and other species.  相似文献   

Our objective was to investigate the differences in the spectral trajectory of the LANDSAT Thematic Mapper with stand volume development between Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) and Japanese oak (Quercus mongolica var. crispula) in the experimental forest of Kyushu University, Hokkaido, Japan. We used nonlinear regression and a categorical variable to investigate the relationship between spectral reflectance factor and stand volume for each forest type. This research showed that the reflectance factor of Japanese larch and Japanese oak reached saturation and that both forest types had different spectral trajectories with stand development. In addition, we found that middle of development stage (stand volume was between 100 and 200 m3/ha) of each forest type had similarity in reflectance factor.  相似文献   

Forest cover and pattern changes in the Carpathians over the last decades   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study aims at developing a satellite-based methodology for the implementation of two Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe indicators for the European Alpine Bio-geographic region, and their changes over time: (1) area of forest cover and (2) forest spatial pattern. The northern Carpathians were selected as a study area due to the documented recent increase of forest cover. Changes of forest cover were quantified using Landsat images for the years 1987 and 2000. Single-date forest–non-forest maps were derived by image segmentation and supervised classification, including the use of ancillary data (CORINE Land Cover and a digital elevation model). These maps were an input for the post-classification change detection. The forest spatial pattern maps with four classes (core, patch, edge and perforated forest) were derived with morphological image processing. A simple method to mask uncertainty areas on forest maps and related products was also developed. The accuracy of the resulting forest–non-forest map was assessed with orthophotos and amounts to 93.9%. Uncertainty areas, for which change assessment was judged more difficult and less reliable, were not considered for assessing forest cover change. The annual forest cover change rate of 0.38% was found over the 1987–2000 period. For the 13-year time period, we found a decrease of core forest and an increase of patch and perforated forest. We conclude that the proposed methodology allows to quantify changes of forest cover and forest spatial pattern at ∼1 ha minimum mapping unit.
C. Estreguil

森林资源管理的遥感技术应用研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
本文论述了森林资源管理的遥感技术应用方法和手段。通过对不同时期的TM卫星影像进行数字解译处理,结合地面调查数据,计算各种图像指数,并辅以地理信息系统的分析,在ERDASIMAGINE和ARC/INFO系统的支持下,实现对森林资源动态变化情况进行监测的系列化程序,建立适用于福建省森林资源管理的遥感应用解析模型。  相似文献   

Forest fire in India: a review of the knowledge base   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forest fire has profound impacts on atmospheric chemistry, biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem structure. This feedback interaction may be hastened in climate change scenarios. In view of this, the present day knowledge about the forest fire condition in India has been reviewed. Operational monitoring, geospatial modelling and climate change uncertainties are discussed. Indicators for forest fire assessment and the role of geoinformatics tools in developing those parameters are identified. The need for developing an adaptive management strategy from the existing experience is emphasized, and specific points are recommended sector-wise with short- and long-term visions.  相似文献   

本文对两期遥感图像进行解译,并在GIS支持下提取露水河林业局主要河流两岸各缓冲区森林资源信息,经分析得到各类地物在1985年及1999年的变化趋势。结果表明:在河流沿岸对森林的采伐强度1999年较1985年明显减小,整体生态环境较1985年有所改善。在缓冲区1,2,3除中龄针叶林大幅度增加外,其它地物类型面积均减少,由此可以看出,在这三个缓冲区内针叶林得到了较好的恢复。在缓冲区4内,中龄针叶林、成熟针叶林、成熟阔叶林形成一个林龄梯队,有利于森林生态系统的稳定与功能的发挥,十五年间缓冲区4受到的干扰相对较小。湿地数量在四个缓冲区内均有所减少,虽然在缓冲区4内森林生态系统恢复的较好,但湿地面积仍有所减少,说明保护及恢复湿地资源是一件非常艰巨的任务,必须引起高度重视。图5表2参12。  相似文献   

The restoration of the riparian vegetation disturbed by human activities is one of the hotspots of watershed ecology. Through interpreting the images of Remote Sensing in 1985 and 1999, the basic information of forest resources of Lushuhe Forest Bureau, which is a typical forest area of Chanbai Mountain was obtained with support of GIS. By dividing Land covers of Lushuihe area into 10 types (water body, residential land, stump land, farming land, wetland, mature conifer forest, midlife conifer forest, mature broadleaf forest, midlife broadleaf forest, and man-made young forest) and dividing the riparian zone into four buffers (in turn 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 m away from the river), the changes of riparian forest resources during 1985–1999 were analyzed. The results showed that the deforestation intension has obviously decreased and the whole environment has been evidently improved, but the riparian ecosystem was still flimsy. In buffer 1, 2, 3 the area of midlife conifer forest increased largely, but the areas of other types of land covers all decreased. Midlife conifer forest had a comparatively good status in the three buffers. In buffer 4, midlife conifer forest, mature conifer forest, and mature broadleaf forest formed a forest-age rank that is helpful to stabilize the forest ecosystem and exert its functions. Area percentage of wetland decreased in buffer 1, buffer 2, and buffer 3, even in buffer 4 in which forest ecosystem rehabilitated comparatively well, so protecting and rehabilitating wetland is a very difficult task. Foundation item: This study is supported by major projects of Knowiedge Innovation Program. Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-SW-320-3) and Institute of Applied Ecology (a grant SCXZD010-01), CAS. Biography: HAO Zhan-qing (1962-), Male, Ph. Doctor, Professor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang 1100016, P.R. China Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

美国国有林经营及对中国的启示   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在介绍美国国有林经营政策的基础上, 针对中国国有林经营现状, 提出应借鉴的经验:减轻税费负担, 加强营造林基础; 提高林业科技水平, 发展高效林业; 构建国有林资源法制化管理体系; 重视跨部门跨学科的交流和合作; 采用生态系统管理方法, 开发和保护并重。  相似文献   

The Fort Valley Experiment Station (now Fort Valley Experimental Forest) has contributed many long-term studies to forest research. This paper focuses on a “Methods of Cutting” study initiated in 1913 on the Coulter Ranch Unit of Fort Valley and how that long-term study yielded important ecological and management lessons. We quantified the historical and contemporary forest patterns at this ponderosa pine-Gambel oak site, which was harvested using three different harvesting systems in 1913 (seed tree, group selection, and light selection) and was partially excluded from livestock browsing in 1919. Using nine historically stem-mapped permanent plots for the following three stand structural scenarios: 1913 pre-harvest (modeled), post-harvest (actual), and 2003-2006 (actual) conditions, we examined the short- and long-term consequences of harvest and livestock grazing land-use and stand dynamics. We assessed changes in spatial pattern under each harvesting system and in each structural scenario, and lastly, we examined spatial and temporal tree recruitment patterns as observed in the contemporary (2003-2006) conditions. The seed tree harvests effectively converted the spatial patterns from aggregated to random and left few trees, while the group selection and light selection had varying effects, but consistently exaggerated the spatial patchiness of the stand. By 2003-2006, all plots were aggregated at all scales and were one large patch of predominately small trees. Sites that were harvested, but excluded from livestock browsing had 40% more trees in 2003-2006. Contemporary recruitment patterns were significantly aggregated under all harvesting systems, but were most strongly aggregated if the site received a group selection or light selection cut. For group and light selection, pine seedlings initially established in stump patches created by harvesting and then proceeded to fill-in the remaining area, with recruitment rarely found under the residual pine or oak trees. Long-term data sets, such as these established by the Fort Valley Experimental Forest in 1913, are essential for quantifying the impact of historical land-use practices on contemporary forest composition and structure. Ignoring land-use legacies may lead to the misinterpretation of stand dynamics and development, and therefore should be explicitly quantified and incorporated into future management and restoration activities.  相似文献   

Roads and topography can determine patterns of land use and distribution of forest cover, particularly in tropical regions. We evaluated how road density, land use, and topography affected forest fragmentation, deforestation and forest regrowth in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest region near the city of São Paulo. We mapped roads and land use/land cover for three years (1962, 1981 and 2000) from historical aerial photographs, and summarized the distribution of roads, land use/land cover and topography within a grid of 94 non-overlapping 100 ha squares. We used generalized least squares regression models for data analysis. Our models showed that forest fragmentation and deforestation depended on topography, land use and road density, whereas forest regrowth depended primarily on land use. However, the relationships between these variables and forest dynamics changed in the two studied periods; land use and slope were the strongest predictors from 1962 to 1981, and past (1962) road density and land use were the strongest predictors for the following period (1981–2000). Roads had the strongest relationship with deforestation and forest fragmentation when the expansions of agriculture and buildings were limited to already deforested areas, and when there was a rapid expansion of development, under influence of São Paulo city. Furthermore, the past (1962) road network was more important than the recent road network (1981) when explaining forest dynamics between 1981 and 2000, suggesting a long-term effect of roads. Roads are permanent scars on the landscape and facilitate deforestation and forest fragmentation due to increased accessibility and land valorization, which control land-use and land-cover dynamics. Topography directly affected deforestation, agriculture and road expansion, mainly between 1962 and 1981. Forest are thus in peril where there are more roads, and long-term conservation strategies should consider ways to mitigate roads as permanent landscape features and drivers facilitators of deforestation and forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Understanding the shifts over time in the distribution and amount of forest vegetation types in relation to forest management and environmental conditions is critical for many policy and ecological questions. Our objective was to assess the influences of ownership and environment on changes in forest vegetation from post-settlement historical to recent times in the central Coast Range of Oregon. We evaluated land cover types on 1475 20 m plots, using scanned, geo-referenced historical (1939) and recent (1993) aerial photos. The amount of older conifer cover declined by 63% relative to its former amount, from 36 to 13% of the landscape, during the 54-year period. Dominant ownership of older conifer stands shifted from industrial private to Forest Service lands. Younger conifer stands showed the greatest expansion in cover, increasing more than two-fold, from 21 to 44% of the landscape. Shrub and hardwood cover declined by 16%, from 31 to 25% of the landscape. Shrubs and hardwoods occurred at lower slope positions and closer to streams at the end of the period than at the beginning. Ownership was not an important determinant of the presence of large and very large conifer cover or shrub and hardwood cover in 1939, but was a very important factor affecting the presence of these cover types in 1993. Landscape transitional pathways were distributed among many types and no single transitional pathway was dominant. Even the most stable cover types (hardwood trees and herbs) had low absolute stability, with over 65% of their plots changing to another cover type by 1993. Our research indicates that the importance of ownership as a factor affecting the type of vegetation cover present has increased greatly during this time, whereas the relative influence of environment has lessened considerably. Land owners in the Oregon Coast Range have altered the cover and distribution of vegetation in diverse ways, changing the landscape to one dominated by young conifers, shifting the distribution of younger successional shrubs and hardwoods toward streams, and restricting the location of older coniferous stands to particular ownerships and site types.  相似文献   

A spatially explicit forest succession and disturbance model is used to delineate the extent and dispersion of oak decline under two fire regimes over a 150-year period. The objectives of this study are to delineate potential current and future oak decline areas using species composition and age structure data in combination with ecological land types, and to investigate how relatively frequent simulated fires and fire suppression affect the dynamics of oak decline. We parameterized LANDIS, a spatially explicit forest succession and disturbance model, for areas in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas, USA. Land type distribution and initial species/age class were parameterized into LANDIS using existing forest data. Tree species were parameterized as five functional groups including white oak (Quercus alba L., Quercus stellata Wangenh., Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm.), red oak (Qurecus rubra L., Quercus marilandica Muenchh., Quercus falcata Michx., Quercus coccinea Muenchh.), black oak (Quercus velutina Lam.), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill), and maple (Acer rubrum L., Acer saccharum Marsh.) groups. Two fire regimes were also parameterized: current fire regime with a fire return interval of 300 years and a historic fire regime with an overall average fire return interval of 50 years. The 150-year simulation suggests that white oak and shortleaf pine abundance would increase under the historic fire regime and that the red oak group abundance increases under the current fire regime. The black oak group also shows a strong increasing trend under the current fire regime, and only the maple group remains relatively unchanged under both scenarios. At present, 45% of the sites in the study area are classified as potential oak decline sites (sites where red and black oak are >70 years old). After 150 simulation years, 30% of the sites are classified as potential oak decline sites under the current fire regime whereas 20% of the sites are potential oak decline sites under the historic fire regime. This analysis delineates potential oak decline sites and establishes risk ratings for these areas. This is a further step toward precision management and planning.  相似文献   

Forest stress and decline resulting from increased river levels were investigated in Myakka River State Park (MRSP), FL, USA. Since 1977, land-use changes around the upper Myakka River watershed have resulted in significant increases in water entering the river, which have caused extensive mortality in the upper watershed. The present study assessed whether similar forest stress and mortality was occurring downstream within the park. Our objectives were to (1) determine if tree die-off and/or stress resulting from increased river levels were present in MRSP and (2) determine the relationship between historical and present river levels regimes and growth of actively managed forested stands undergoing restoration located both above and below a dam. We used two methodological approaches. The first was recording indications of tree stress and decline (crown dieback, crown thinning, trunk rot, foliage discoloration, and parasitism) in Fraxinus caroliniana Miller dominated forested wetlands, Pinus elliottii Englem. var. densa Little & Dorman dominated mesic pine flatwoods, and Quercus laurifolia Michaux dominated oak palm hammocks. Our second approach was tree-ring analyses, which allows for more detailed analyses of growth in response to precipitation and river flow (a surrogate variable for water table depth) in the pine flatwoods stands.

Our results indicate significant stress and decline in some forested wetlands upstream of the dam, significant mortality in wet-mesic pine flatwoods sites close to the river, and significant amounts of stress in wet-mesic pine flatwoods sites upstream of the dam. F. caroliniana sites located upstream of the dam had more individuals with symptoms of stress than those downstream of the dam (67% versus 43%, P=0.031). In Q. laurifolia sites, 70–85% of the trees had evidence of flooding stress and mortality, which is comparable to distributions found in severely disturbed forest in the upper watershed. P. elliottii var. densa sites located <1000 m from the river had higher mortality than sites located >1050 m from the river (P<0.01), and the stressed trees in sites upstream of the dam had significantly lower growth rates in the 1990s versus the 1960s than those downstream. Although, the onset of stress and decline coincided with increasing river levels, we found that river levels were positively correlated with tree growth, both before and after flow increases in the system. Increasing river levels may play an indirect role through increased competition in the stress and decline in wet-mesic pine flatwoods, however, increased river levels seems to be the direct cause for stress and decline found in forested wetland stands.  相似文献   

Madagascar is currently developing a policy and strategies to enhance the sustainable management of its natural resources, encouraged by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and REDD. To set up a sustainable financing scheme methodologies have to be provided that estimate, prevent and mitigate leakage, develop national and regional baselines, and estimate carbon benefits. With this research study this challenge was tried to be addressed by analysing a lowland rainforest in the Analanjirofo region in the district of Soanierana Ivongo, North East of Madagascar. For two distinguished forest degradation stages: “low degraded forest” and “degraded forest” aboveground biomass and carbon stock was assessed. The corresponding rates of carbon within those two classes were calculated and linked to a multi-temporal set of SPOT satellite data acquired in 1991, 2004 and 2009. Deforestation and particularly degradation and the related carbon stock developments were analysed. With the assessed data for the 3 years 1991, 2004 and 2009 it was possible to model a baseline and to develop a forest prediction for 2020 for Analanjirofo region in the district of Soanierana Ivongo. These results, developed applying robust methods, may provide important spatial information regarding the priorities in planning and implementation of future REDD+ activities in the area.  相似文献   

为研究毛竹 Phyllostachys heterocycla 扩张对土壤甲螨群落的影响,2017 年冬季在从化流溪 河森林公园内,采用样方调查法分别对毛竹林、竹阔混交林、阔叶林 3 种林地进行调查取样,通过室内 Tullgren 漏斗法对土壤甲螨进行分离和鉴别。结果表明:共捕获 5 607 头甲螨,隶属于 67 属,优势属为角 单翼甲螨属、大奥甲螨属和大头甲螨属。竹林土壤甲螨数量最多;但阔叶林样地的土壤甲螨类群数最多, 群落的 4 种多样性指标亦最高,毛竹扩张导致竹林地下土壤甲螨数量增加但多样性降低,各样地土壤甲 螨群落相似性和 MGP 分析得出类似的结论。  相似文献   

Yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn), two valuable tree species of Pacific Northwest forests, are competitive in low productivity forests on wet, nearly saturated soils with low nitrogen (N) availability and turnover. We propose a mechanism where cedar trees survive in marginal conditions through exploiting a coupled Ca–NO3 nutrient cycle where trees assimilate N as nitrate (NO3), but must accumulate a counter-ion to NO3 such as calcium (Ca+2) to control their internal cell pH and provide electrochemical balance. The availability of NO3 in cedar forests is favored by increased microbial activity and shifts in microbial community composition that is conducive to N mineralization and nitrification at higher pH. Cedars influence the soils under their canopy by enriching the forest floor with calcium compounds leading to increases in pH. Cedars are also prone to precocious dehardening in the spring when N is released from freeze–thaw events in the soils and conditions appear to favor nitrifying microbial communities. Cedars must concentrate fine-root biomass near the soil surface to access Ca and NO3, but this beneficial physiological adaptation also creates a vulnerability to periodic root freezing injury that is leading to the decline and mortality of at least one of them—yellow-cedar.  相似文献   

Although wildfires are occurring frequently in the pine–oak forests in the Sierra Madre Oriental (northeastern Mexico), data on post-fire succession and forest structure are still rare. Our objectives were to (1) assess the changes in woody plant species composition after fire and to (2) to relate successional patterns to environmental variability. Based on their fire history 23 plots were selected in the Parque Ecológico Chipinque (PECH). Changes in forest structure across the chronosequence of burned stands were deduced from density, height and diameter measurements of trees and shrubs (>5 cm in diameter) in all plots of 1000 m2. Differences in woody plant species composition among the plots were evaluated using Shannon evenness measure and the Whittaker's measure and by Hierarchical cluster analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed a high similarity among all recently burned plots, independed of the aspect. Multivariate analysis showed that local environmental factors, including time since fire, continue to structure species composition. Oak species (mainly Quercus rysophylla) resprouted successfully after fire and dominated young post-fire stands. Pine species (Pinus pseudotrobus and Pinus teocote) only appeared 18 years after fire and were the dominating species in mature stands (62 years after fire). In contrast, woody plant species composition in older stands tended also to be influenced by factors such as aspect and by the potential solar radiation (PSR) during the growing season. The results demonstrate that in the PECH, natural regeneration is sufficient and woody plant species composition will be similar to pre-fire conditions after 60 years of succession. We conclude that the park managers should consider incorporating natural disturbance regimes into their management practices.  相似文献   

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