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五年前,袁隆平提出在南方稻区实施超级杂交稻种三产四丰产工程,即运用超级杂交稻技术成果,用3亩(667m2,下同)地产出现有4亩地的粮食,大幅提高现有水稻单产和总产,但强调要良种、良田、良法三良配套.科技的进步带动生产力的飞跃,2011年9月18日,令国人振奋的日子,袁隆平的超级杂交稻百亩试验田平均亩产达926.6公斤!所以说水稻高产的第一次革命从良种开始. 相似文献
氮肥施用量和施用方法对超级杂交稻纹枯病发生的影响 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
The experiments of resistance of different super hybrid rice (SHR) combinations to sheath blight (ShB) (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) and effect of nitrogen fertilizer (NF) dosage and fertilization methods on ShB occurrence were conducted in Hangzhou during 2005-2006. The results indicated that the resistance level of different SHR combinations to ShB were significantly different. For the same combination, the severity of ShB depends on the seeding and transplanting period. The disease index showed a positive correlation with the nitrogen dosage, but depended on resistance level of combination. The ShB severity of susceptible combination showed high positive correlation with NF dosage. At the flowering stage, there were no effect of nitrogen fertilization method on the occurrence of ShB, but the fertilization method showed significantly effect at dough stage. The occurrence of ShB was significantly affected by the supply rate of nitrogen at different rice growing stage. When the total NF supply was 165 kg per hectare, the occurrence of ShB with high NF rate (80%) at early stage (as basal and tillering fertilizer) and low rate (20%) at late stage (as panicle fertilizer) was more serious than that of low NF rate (60%) in early and high NF rate (40%) as panicle fertilizer. The result was the reverse of conventional viewpoint about that high NF supply at rice late growing stage might lead to severe occurrence of ShB. 相似文献
恩施市属一季中稻区,常年水稻坐蔸现象突出,经调查分析由冷浸田、沼泽化田、洪水淹田引起,致根系中毒不发蔸所致。笔者经走访农户,认真分析总结出行之有效的防治措施。 相似文献
绿色、环保、经济、高效已成为当前农作物病虫害防控的首要目标和要求,通过多年田间试验和研究,提出水稻病虫害"一喷多防"防控新模式,并在田间推广应用。 相似文献
“旱涝急转”对水稻生长发育的影响及其有关问题的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来我国很多地区,尤其是长江中下游地区发生了快速、剧烈的"旱涝急转"事件,造成农作物大幅度减产。介绍"旱涝急转"的概念及内涵,阐明干旱胁迫、湿涝胁迫及"旱涝急转"对水稻生长发育、产量、品质、根系活力、生理特性的影响以及不同水稻基因型对其反应的差异性,概述水稻"旱涝急转"最新研究进展,提出"旱涝急转"灾害的预防与补救措施,就培育抗旱和耐涝水稻品种的研究前景进行展望。 相似文献