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Between 6 and 10 months of age, the infant's ability to discriminate among native speech sounds improves, whereas the same ability to discriminate among foreign speech sounds decreases. Our study aimed to determine whether this perceptual narrowing is unique to language or might also apply to face processing. We tested discrimination of human and monkey faces by 6-month-olds, 9-month-olds, and adults, using the visual paired-comparison procedure. Only the youngest group showed discrimination between individuals of both species; older infants and adults only showed evidence of discrimination of their own species. These results suggest that the "perceptual narrowing" phenomenon may represent a more general change in neural networks involved in early cognition.  相似文献   

When sounds such as those produced by reverse playback of recorded speech are presented to left and right ears of normal subjects, the sounds arriving at the right ear are more accurately identified than those arriving at the left. These findings are comparable to the right-ear superiority demonstrated with normal speech sounds, and contrast with the left-ear superiority for musical and other non-speech sounds. It is suggested that the neural mechanisms underlying the perception of speech and non-speech sounds are not differentiated along the dimension of conceptual content.  相似文献   

《战国策》作为先秦纵横家散文的典型代表,具有非常鲜明的特点。特别是在修辞艺术方面取得了非常高的成就。作者结合当时情况以及策士们独特的身份地位、不同的言语对象等语言环境,始终围绕"劝谏、游说"这一主题,充分发挥短句、整句的独特优势,并综合运用比喻、比拟、夸张、排比、对偶、反问、对比等修辞格式,恰当地安排人物语言。  相似文献   

针对高噪环境下语音识别的困难,以独立分量分析和小波理论为基础,提出一种负熵最大化小波语音降噪预处理新方法,对不同种类和不同输入信噪比的噪声设计了试验,结果表明在低输入信噪比情况下本方法的优越性,此结论对高噪环境下的信号分析和语音识别具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Clustering by passing messages between data points   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The human lateral occipital complex (LOC) has been implicated in object recognition, but it is unknown whether this region represents low-level image features or perceived object shape. We used an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation paradigm in which the response to pairs of successively presented stimuli is lower when they are identical than when they are different. Adaptation across a change between the two stimuli in a pair provides evidence for a common neural representation invariant to that change. We found adaptation in the LOC when perceived shape was identical but contours differed, but not when contours were identical but perceived shape differed. These data indicate that the LOC represents not simple image features, but rather higher level shape information.  相似文献   

The red palm weevil (RPW) is a key pest of horticultural and ornamental palm species in Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, currently dispersing in Mediterranean European countries, endangering the landscape. The RPW larvae bore deep into palm crowns, trunks and offshoots, concealed from visual inspection until the palms are nearly dead. Traded palm trees are intensively transported between and within countries, spreading the pest worldwide. Consequently, an urgent need exists to identify and monitor concealed RPW larvae. Acoustic signals of boring RPW larvae can be recorded from the infested palms using off-the-shelf recording devices, but the resolution of the signals emitted by healthy palms is often difficult to discriminate. The purpose of this research was to develop a mathematical method to automatically detect acoustic activity of RPW in offshoots and implement it in a prototype setup. The methodology applied was similar to techniques used in the field of speech recognition, utilizing Vector quantization (VQ) or Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM). The algorithm successfully achieved detection ratios as high as 98.9%. The study shows that it is feasible to detect RPW sounds using the mathematical method of speech recognition and commercial recording devices, which could be utilized to monitor trade and transportation of offshoots.  相似文献   

Chemokine receptors serve as portals of entry for certain intracellular pathogens, most notably human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Myxoma virus is a member of the poxvirus family that induces a lethal systemic disease in rabbits, but no poxvirus receptor has ever been defined. Rodent fibroblasts (3T3) that cannot be infected with myxoma virus could be made fully permissive for myxoma virus infection by expression of any one of several human chemokine receptors, including CCR1, CCR5, and CXCR4. Conversely, infection of 3T3-CCR5 cells can be inhibited by RANTES, anti-CCR5 polyclonal antibody, or herbimycin A but not by monoclonal antibodies that block HIV-1 infection or by pertussis toxin. These findings suggest that poxviruses, like HIV, are able to use chemokine receptors to infect specific cell subtypes, notably migratory leukocytes, but that their mechanisms of receptor interactions are distinct.  相似文献   

抗植物病毒剂研究进展和面临的挑战与机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 就抗植物病毒剂研究进展进行综述,并简要介绍病毒的危害、防治现状,文中回顾抗植物病毒剂的研究历史、抑制物种类、研究与开发的进展、现状与动向;指出抗植物病毒剂的实用化研发面临的困境与挑战,其中牵扯到多学科的相关发展与相互协作,强调药理研究在抗植物病毒剂研发中的意义,并连同其它学科和相关技术的进展给抗植物病毒剂研究所带来的机遇,最后对抗植物病毒剂的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Recovery of masked visual targets by inhibition of the masking stimulus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theories of visual backward masking all assume that a masked target is eliminated from the visual system. Experiments on reaction time to masked signals suggest otherwise, as does a recent demonstration that a masked target can be restored to phenomenal awareness by backward masking of the target's mask. Two experiments are reported here that substantiate the possibility of recovering a masked target, by using different stimulus materials and a more elaborate design than was employed in the first demonstration of this effect.  相似文献   

Utilization of wood chips for bioenergy requires classification and segregation of the constituents of the chipped mass to help optimize energy conversion. Wood chips obtained from processes such as forest thinning can contain a considerable amount of material other than wood chips, such as bark. An image processing algorithm was developed to discriminate bark from wood chips. The algorithm involved object identification, image capture, single value decomposition to describe wood texture evident in grayscale image with a single numerical value, and application of logistic models involving the single values representative of wood texture to predict whether a chip is bark. The percentage of correct predictions using this system was about 98%.  相似文献   

县域农业生态经济系统的分析(Ⅰ)——类型与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对分别位于我国东部、北部、西部的常熟、公主岭、昌吉这三个县域农业生态经济系统的类型和结构进行了分析。通过分析表明:常熟市农业生态经济系统属农业自然资源相对短缺、农村人力资源相对丰富、农村经济相对发达类型,其农业结构和种植业结构的演化相对滞后;公主岭市农业生态经济系统属农业自然资源相对丰富、农村人力资源相对短缺、农村经济相对发达类型,其县域产业结构相对滞后;昌吉市农业生态经济系统属农业自然资源相对丰富、农村人力资源相对短缺、农村经济相对发达类型,其农业结构的演化相对滞后。  相似文献   

从总体上讲,对量刑情节构成理论的研究还相当薄弱。通过与犯罪构成要件的类比,可以对研究量刑情节构成要件的必要性,以及量刑情节构成要件的界定、类型、具体构造等得出初步结论。量刑情节的构成要件与量刑情节的功能设定之间具有互动性:量刑情节的功能定位越明确,量刑情节的构成要件设置也应越清晰;反之,量刑情节的构成要件弹性越大,量刑情节的功能也就不确定。  相似文献   

由于东西方人思维方式的差异,表现在语言上,英汉两种语言的表达方式有很大差别。汉语句子重意合,英语句子重形合;汉语句子主题显著,英语句子主语显著;汉语句子多用主动语态,英语句子多用被动语态。翻译时应把握其思维方式和语言特点。  相似文献   

言语行为指人们为实现交际目的而在具体的语境中使用语言的行为,是语用学研究中的重要领域,也是语言学家和哲学家共同关注的一个重要课题。它包括语言和行为两个部分。哲学家从行为研究到语言,重点是行为。语言学家从语言到行为,重点在语言。人们的言语交际是通过实施言语行为而完成的。只有正确领会言语行为所体现的说话人的意图即言外之力,受话者才能做出恰当的回应,从而顺利完成交际活动。而准确理解言语行为,尤其是在跨文化交际的语境下的言语交际行为,则需要言语行为理论作指导。本文将尝试从语言哲学视角对跨文化交际领域中的言语行为进行分析,并剖析和探索西方语言哲学研究成果 (特别是言语行为理论)对跨文化交际活动的指导作用  相似文献   

高等院校既是培养和输送人才的主要场所,更是使用和汇聚高科技领域人才的重要基地,就目前情况来看,我国高校教师队伍整体质量不容乐观,究其原因是高校教师管理体制落后,经营理念陈旧,已经不能适应市场经济发展的需要。因此,有必要研究高校教师人力资源管理的理论和存在问题。本文结合我国高校教师队伍的人力资源管理特点、现状和存在的主要问题,重点分析问题存在的原因,提出了进一步完善我国高校人力资源管理的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Ocular dominance column development: analysis and simulation   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The visual cortex of many adult mammals has patches of cells that receive inputs driven by the right eye alternating with patches that receive inputs driven by the left eye. These ocular dominance patches (or "columns") form during early life as a consequence of competition between the activity patterns of the two eyes. A mathematical model of several biological mechanisms that can account for this development is presented. Analysis of this model reveals the conditions under which ocular dominance segregation will occur and determines the resulting patch width. Simulations of the model also exhibit other phenomena associated with early visual development, such as topographic refinement of cortical receptive fields, the confinement of input cell connections to patches, monocular deprivation plasticity including a critical period, and the effect of artificially induced strabismus. The model can be used to predict the results of proposed experiments and to discriminate among various mechanisms of plasticity.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are influenced by social interactions in a variety of species, but little is known about the sensory mechanisms underlying these effects. We investigated whether social cues could reset circadian rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster by addressing two questions: Is there a social influence on circadian timing? If so, then how is that influence communicated? The experiments show that in a social context Drosophila transmit and receive cues that influence circadian time and that these cues are likely olfactory.  相似文献   

对立词谓语表示相同的句意,但句中有关词项位置颠倒。这—特点可用来体现尾心原则,尾重原则和揭示连贯性话语中句际逻辑思想的发展。 本文展示了五种用对立词表示的英语谓语。  相似文献   

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