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通过扫描电镜观察蚜科专化菌暗孢耳霉对竹梢凸唇斑蚜的侵染特征。孢子附着在蚜虫体表后可迅速萌发直接侵入虫体,24 h后即有蚜虫感病死亡。在寄主死亡6 h内,假囊状体先突破体壁,分生孢子梗随后出现,后者可通过产孢启动新一轮的侵染循环。毒力生物测定结果显示,暗孢耳霉对竹梢凸唇斑蚜具有高毒力。在高剂量接种浓度(192.6±20.3)个孢子· mm -2时,92.8%的接种蚜虫5天内死亡。经时间-剂量-死亡率模型分析,第5天的半致死浓度低至51.6个孢子· mm -2 ,半致死时间在接种浓度100个孢子· mm -2时仅为2.3 天。  相似文献   

集约经营对毛竹笋品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探讨集约经营对毛竹笋品质的影响.对2种不同经营类型毛竹林地的土壤及毛竹笋进行采样分析。缔果表明:集约经营毛竹林地土壤养分含量高于粗放经营;集约经营降低了毛竹笋体中总糖、蛋白质、脂肪含量,而提高了淀粉、游离氨基酸含量;集约经营使毛竹笋体S,Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn,Si,Na等矿质元素含量降低,P,K含量升高。  相似文献   

Temperature effects on developmental period, survival rate, and reproductive capacity of Aphis rumicis L. were studied on Broadleaf dock and Swiss chard at four constant temperatures (17.5°C, 20°C, 22.5°C, and 25°C). The developmental time of immature stages ranged from 10.9 days at 17.5°C to 6.5 days at 25°C on Broadleaf dock, and 11.8 days at 17.5°C to 6.5 days at 25°C on Swiss chard. The total percentage of survivorship of immature stages varied from 54.2% and 67.6% 17.5°C–25°C on Broadleaf dock, and 49.7% and 62.4% at 17.5°C–25°C on Swiss chard. The largest r m value occurred with 0.2845 at 25°C on Broadleaf dock and with 0.2785 at 25°C on Swiss chard. The results obtained on this study indicated that Swiss chard was a less favorable host of the A. rumicis than Broadleaf dock. The optimal temperature for A. rumicis growth, developmental time, and reproduction was 22.5°C–25°C.  相似文献   

The developmental time, survivorship and reproduction of Aphis gossypii Glover was evaluated on detached cucumber leaves at nine constant temperatures ranging from 15±1°C to 35±1°C in 2.5°C increments in the laboratory. Developmental periods of immature stages ranged from 10.8 days at 15°C to 4.1 days at 30°C and 32.5°C. Constant 35°C was lethal to immature stages of A. gossypii. The lower developmental threshold for the cotton aphid was estimated at 6.0°C and it required 92.6 degree–day development for a first instar to become adult. The average reproduction rate was 82.1 nymphs female–1 at 25°C and 2.3 nymphs female–1 at 32.5°C. The mean generation time of the population ranged from 6.8 days at 32.5°C to 22.8 days at 15°C. The highest per capita growth rate (rm=0.526) occurred at 25°C and the lowest at 15°C (rm=0.208) and 32.5°C (rm=0.132). It was evident that temperatures over 30°C prolonged development, increased mortality of immature stages, shortened adult longevity and reduced fecundity. The optimal range of temperature for population growth of A. gossypii on cucumber was very broad and ranged between 22.5°C and 30°C.  相似文献   

The role of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) fungi symbiosis with bamboo seedling was investigated. VAM species Glomus aggregatum, G. fasciculatum and G. mosseae were inoculated individually and in combinations with the bamboo seedlings. The percentage of infection and various growth parameters such as the number of shoots, number of rhizome, internodal distance, leaf length and breadth and total biomass production were studied in myocorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal infected plants. The above findings indicated a significant increase in the growth rate and biomass productivity.  相似文献   

I examined the adult potential fecundity of the bamboo gall maker,Aiolomorphus rhopaloides Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), and its inquiline,Diomorus aiolomorphi Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) by dissection just after emergence, and at death after rearing. Emerging females ofA. rhopaloides hadca. 80 mature eggs in their ovaries. The number of eggs at emergence and after death at rearing was not significantly different. However, emerging females ofD. aiolomorphi had no eggs in their ovaries but hadca 20 eggs at death after rearing. These results suggest thatA. rhopaloides is pro-ovigenic andD. aiolomorphi is synovigenic. Female body sizes of both species were positively correlated with the size of galls from which each emerged. Number of eggs in each species was also correlated with female body size, suggesting that gall size might be a good predictor of potential fecundity. This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for scientific Research (No. 11460068) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

The properties of the binderless boards of moso bamboo depending on the harvest seasons and the parts of the height were reported and the optimum harvesting conditions investigated. The binderless boards were prepared from the powdered bamboo harvested each month from June to May, and the parts in height. The hot water extract (HWE), lignin, α-cellulose, and hemicelluloses contents were examined. The board properties were evaluated with internal bonding (IB), water absorption (WA), and thickness swelling (TS). From the experiment, the boards prepared between March and October had higher HWE content and higher IB and lower WA and TS than the ones prepared in other months. The board from the top part showed lower IB and higher WA and TS than the bottom and the middle. The boards prepared from the residue after extraction of HWE showed lower IB than the unextracted samples. These results indicated that for producing board from bamboo, the suitable harvesting season is when HWE contents are higher and that the suitable parts in height for harvesting are the bottom and the middle where lignin contents are not low.  相似文献   

中国竹藤的利用已有悠久的历史,竹藤家具是竹藤合理利用的一个重要方面。随着人们崇尚自然、珍爱绿色的观念的逐步深入,竹藤家具以其自然、环保的优势得到了越来越多的应用。本文概要介绍了竹藤家具的生产工艺,竹藤家具的不足之处及其改进方法,以及竹藤家具扩大市场的策略。  相似文献   

研究了PFI磨浆预处理对干、湿竹浆所制备的阳离子纳纤化纤维素(Q-NFC)物化特性和微观结构的影响规律。选用PFI磨浆处理前后的干、湿竹浆为纤维素原料,依次经过2,3-环氧丙基三甲基氯化铵化学预处理和高压均质机械拆解分离,制备了一系列Q-NFC水分散液;采用电导滴定、紫外-可见光分光光度计(UV-Vis)、旋转流变仪、透射电子显微镜(TEM)及X射线衍射仪(XRD)等手段对系列Q-NFC水分散液进行分析表征。试验结果表明,由湿竹浆所制备的Q-NFC较干竹浆所制备的Q-NFC具有更高的固体收率、表面电荷量、Zeta电位、纳纤化程度及更细的平均微纤直径;经PFI磨浆预处理后,干、湿竹浆纤维表面均发生大量分丝帚化现象,导致纤维在季铵盐化预处理过程中的反应可及性和反应活性增加,从而进一步提高了干、湿竹浆所制得Q-NFC固体收率、表面电荷量、纳纤化程度及透光度等物化特性,但减少了它们的微纤尺寸和聚合度。由此可以说明,PFI磨浆预处理能消除角质化给干竹浆在季铵盐化预处理中带来的不利影响,但是对Q-NFC的结晶指数无明显影响。  相似文献   

The poor adhesion of bamboo coatings is a serious issue in the bamboo industry. To develop a pretreatment method that improves the adhesion of films and increases the economic value of bamboo products, a study of hydrogen peroxide treatment with solutions of various pH (pH 4–9) on bamboo surfaces was conducted. Five-year-old ma bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro), and nitrocellulose lacquer were used in the study. Surface properties of the bamboo such as contact angle and color were evaluated, and 180° peel strength and shear strength tests for measuring adhesion of films were conducted. The results showed that the wettability of water droplets and the carbonyl group concentration on the bamboo surface were increased significantly by alkaline (pH 8 and 9) hydrogen peroxide treatments. There was only minor color variation and the outer wax layer of bamboo was etched to form additional recesses after hydrogen peroxide treatment. It was also found that all hydrogen peroxide treatments improved the adhesion of bamboo coating; bamboo treated with hydrogen peroxide at pH 7 showed the greatest improvement. The enhanced adhesion was attributed to the mechanical interlocking of the film on the treated bamboo rather than to surface activation.  相似文献   

Phytophthora agathidicida is the accepted causal agent of dieback in remnant stands of long‐lived indigenous New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) and poses a significant threat to the long‐term survival of this species. Little is known about the effect of key soil physicochemical characteristics on the growth of P. agathidicida. In this study, we investigated the growth of P. agathidicida in soils collected from adjacent areas under original kauri forest, short rotation pine (Pinus radiata) plantation forest and grazed pastures. A growth response assay was used to quantify asexual (sporangia) and sexual (oospore) spore counts over 8 days in soils sampled from each land‐use. Significantly higher numbers of sporangia (p < 0.001) and oospores (p < 0.01) were found in pasture and pine forest soil within 2 days of the growth assay trials, suggesting these soils may favour asexual/sexual reproduction in the early stages of P. agathidicida establishment compared to kauri forest soils. Additionally, oospore production significantly increased over 8 days in pine forest soil, suggesting that with an increase in inoculum loads, these soils potentially act as pathogen reservoirs. The soil physicochemical properties (e.g., pH, C and N, phosphorus content and electrical conductivity) investigated in this study did not significantly correspond to spore count data between land‐uses, suggesting that differences in growth response are driven by other edaphic factors not explored in the present study.  相似文献   

文中研究和探讨了竹龄对1~6年箣竹人工林纤维和化学特性的影响。 50, 65和 100目纤维的化学组份,纤维长度和百分比含量与林龄的增长而逐渐增加。结果表明这些竹种可能在第一年已达到成熟期。人工竹林与热带竹林相比变化很小。考虑到人工林的管理,36个月的老竹适合用于纸浆材。  相似文献   

红壳竹笋用林竹鞭的生长结构及其分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对红壳竹不同年龄竹鞭长度、重量、鞭段长度、鞭径、侧芽 (笋芽、壮芽、弱芽、空芽节 )数量及其在不同土层中的分布状况、竹鞭的分岔和延伸方向等进行分析。认为壮龄鞭所占比例最大 ,其次为幼龄鞭 ;壮龄鞭在 10~ 2 0cm土层分布最多 ,幼龄鞭在 0~ 10cm土层分布最多。竹鞭大多数为平行生长。为红壳竹笋用林的土壤管理提供科学依据  相似文献   

The influence of pine twist must (Alelampsora pinitorqsat) on growth and development of Scots pine was studied during three consecutive years. The experimental material included three provenances from natural stands and one open pollinated seed orchrd progeny. Trees severely affected by pine twist must reached an average of 38% lower height than did not-affected trees. while mildly affected trees grew somewhat better, on the average, than did non-affected trees. Pine twist must caused tha greatest loss of height increment in the seed orchard progeny.  相似文献   

Trees at low density and cereals may be combined in silvoarable agroforestry systems: tree rows and their companion vegetation introduce an heterogeneity in the cropped field that may modify the dynamics of insects crop pests and their predators. This hypothesis was tested in tree-wheat systems by monitoring aphids and their predators for two years in southern France, in two fields in 2006 and one in 2007. Tree row vegetation diversity was either suppressed by weeding or stimulated by seeding flowering species that could attract adult predators of aphids. The dynamics of aphids and predators were recorded by tiller sampling and yellow trap monitoring. Between 3500 and 5000 aphids were collected from each studied field. Surprisingly, no differences could be evidenced on the dynamics of both aphids and their predators between agroforestry and monocropping plots, nor between weeded and flowered plots. The heterogeneity induced by the tree row in the cropped field was probably not strong enough to alter the populations dynamics. A high landscape diversity in the area due to nearby forest patches and fallows may have blurred the impact of the tree lines. Different results may be expected in areas with lower biodiversity like cereal monocropping zones.  相似文献   

Management of renewable natural resources and the corresponding policy formulation should be founded on reliable data and information. This refers both to information on the resource itself and to information on the market situation. In this paper, we present methodology and major results of an inventory of the Guadua resources, in a study area of about 1 million ha within the Coffee Region of Colombia. This inventory produced for the first time sample-based statistical estimations of the Guadua area and growing stock. In the study area, land cover of Guadua patches was estimated to be 3.9% or about 40,000 ha (minimum patch area 0.3 ha). This is higher than figures published earlier. Estimation for mean number of standing culms (including shoots and dry culms) per hectare was 6,940 with a mean diameter at breast height of 10.8 cm, apparent commercial volume of 654 m3/ha, commercial wood volume of 304 m3/ha, oven-dry biomass of 311 ton/ha, and total carbon stock of 156 ton/ha. While the low-intensity sampling approach worked well and may serve as an example for similar studies, we identified a number of issues for further research, particularly in what refers to as the basic mensurational models for Guadua volume and biomass estimation from inventories.  相似文献   

针对常德市楠竹产业发展现状和存在的主要问题,分析了常德市楠竹产业发展前景,提出了提高认识是前提;扩大资源规模是基础;提高竹林经营水平是重点;发展竹业加工是出路;开拓产品市场是关键等做大、做强楠竹产业的建议。  相似文献   

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