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Diversity of methanogenic archaeal communities in Japanese paddy field ecosystem was evaluated by the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) after PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA genes (16S rDNAs), sequencing analysis and data evaluation by principal component analysis. Data were obtained from samples collected from the plowed soil layer, rice roots, rice straws incorporated in soil, plant residues (mixture of weeds, rice litters, rice roots, and rice stubbles) in soil, and composing rice straw. The number of bands of DGGE profiles ranged from 12 to 26 with the highest numbers in rice roots and rice straws incorporated in soil. However, the diversity indices based on both the numbers and intensity of bands indicated that the community of the plowed soil layer was the most diverse, even, and stable. Sequencing of the main DGGE bands showed the presence of Methanomicrobiales, Methanosarcinales, Methanobacteriaceae, and Methanocellales. The plowed soil layer included all phylogenetic groups of the methanogenic archaea of the other studied habitats, with prevalence of the members of Methanomicrobiales and Methanocellales. The phylogenetic diversity was compared with that of paddy soils collected in Italy, China, and the Philippines and that of 12 anaerobic environments (fen, waste, coast, permafrost, natural gas field, bovine rumen, riparian soil, termite, ciliate endosymboints, lake sediment, landfill, and seep rumen). The phylogenetic diversity was more similar among paddy soils than with the other anaerobic environments. Probably, the methanogenic archaeal communities of the paddy field soils were characterized by indigenous members and some of the members of the community of the plowed soil layer colonized rice roots, rice straws, and plant residues.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic positions of characteristic bands of 16S rDNA that were obtained from the floodwater of a Japanese paddy field by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis in a previous work (Biol Fertil Soils 36:306–312, 2002) were determined to identify dominant bacterial members in the floodwater. Sequences of DGGE bands were affiliated with the CytophagaFlavobacteriumBacteroides group, β-Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria and showed phylogenetically close relationships with species inhabiting other aquatic environments, although most of their closest relatives were uncultured bacterial clones.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) patterns of 16S rDNA were studied to elucidate the effects of the type of fertilization and the growth stage of rice plants on the community structure of the microbiota in the floodwater of a Japanese paddy field under a long-term fertilizer trial. From the mid tillering stage, a higher pH and temperature were observed in the plot without fertilization (NoF plot) than in the plots supplied with chemical fertilizers (CF plot) and with compost (CM plot). DNA fragments specific to the respective plots and common to every plot were detected after the digestion of PCR products by restriction enzymes. Cluster analysis separated the RFLP and DGGE patterns of the microbiota in the floodwater into four clusters; the microbiota in (1) the NoF plot, (2) the CF plot, (3) the CM plot, and (4) the CF and CM plots in the early growing stage. The effect of fertilizer application on the community structure was more conspicuous than that of seasonal variation.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid-based techniques allow the exploration of microbial communities in the environments such as the rhizosphere. Azospirillumbrasilense, a plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR), causes morphological changes in the plant root system. These changes in root physiology may indirectly affect the microbial diversity of the rhizosphere. In this study, the changes in the rhizobacterial structure following A. brasilense inoculation of maize (Zea mays) plants was examined by PCR-denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), using two universal primers sets for the 16S rRNA gene, and an intergenic 16S-23S rDNA primer set, respectively. Similar results were obtained when using either ARISA or DGGE performed with these different primer sets, and analyzed by different statistical methods: no prominent effect of A. brasilense inoculation was observed on the bacterial communities of plant roots grown in two different soils and in different growth systems. In contrast, plant age caused significant shifts in the bacterial populations.  相似文献   

The present study compared the capsid gene ( g23 ) of T4-type bacteriophages (phages) in Mn nodules with those in the plow layer soil and subsoils of two Japanese paddy fields by applying the primers MZIA1bis and MZIA6 to DNA extracts from the nodules and soils. The deduced amino acid sequences of the g23 genes in the Mn nodules were similar to those in the plow layer soil and in the subsoils. This result indicated that similar T4-type phage communities developed at these sites and that the diversity of T4-type phage communities was wide enough to cover those in the plow layer soil and in the subsoils. The majority of g23 clones formed several clusters with the clones and phages obtained from far-apart paddy fields, and the sequences of two clones were completely identical to a phage and a clone from other paddy fields at the nucleotide or amino acid level, indicating horizontal transfer of g23 genes between those paddy fields. A clone with a long nucleotide residue (686 bp) and a distribution remote from the other clones in the phylogenetic tree indicated that there were many uncharacterized, novel g23 genes in the paddy fields.  相似文献   

To understand how soil color is influenced by soil components at the farm scale, we evaluated spatial variation in soil color and related soil properties in Japanese paddy fields. After harvest of rice, 246 surface soil samples were collected in 10-m grids from five contiguous irrigated paddy fields, each with an area of about 0.5 ha. The samples were analyzed to determine color parameters (L*, a*, and b*), and contents of total C, total N, Fe oxides, sand, and loss-on-ignition. The results obtained were modeled and mapped geostatistically. All color parameters indicated strong spatial dependence with long ranges (>85 m). In contrast, total C and N showed short ranges (about 40 m). The contents of Fe oxides, sand, and loss-on-ignition showed intermediate ranges (50–85 m). The ranges of these properties and their distribution patterns suggested that the contents of total C and N were influenced by long-term application of manure and that sand content was influenced by topography and past land consolidation. Further soil color analysis after removal of organic matter or silt plus clay particles revealed that soil organic matter, texture, and Fe oxides affected soil color parameters in a complex manner. Prediction of total C from soil darkness was hindered by the presence of silt plus clay particles containing Fe oxides. On the other hand, citrate-dithionite extractable Fe was estimated accurately from the b* value (yellowness), which can be useful for predicting the occurrence of akiochi (autumn decline) disease of rice at the farm scale.  相似文献   

The community structure of methanogenic archaea is relatively stable,i.e.,it is sustained at a high abundance with minimal changes in composition,in paddy field soils irrespective of submergence and drainage.In contrast,the abundance in non-methanogenic oxic soils is much lower than that in paddy field soils.This study aimed to describe methanogenic archaeal community development following the long-term submergence of non-methanogenic oxic upland field soils in pot and field experiments.In the pot experiment,a soil sample obtained from an upland field was incubated under submerged conditions for 275 d.Soil samples periodically collected were subjected to culture-dependent most probable number(MPN)enumeration,polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE)analysis of archaeal 16 S r RNA gene,and quantitative PCR analysis of the methyl-coenzyme M reductase alpha subunit gene(mcr A)of methanogenic archaea.The abundance of methanogenic archaea increased from 102 to 103 cells g-1 dry soil and 104 to 107 copies of mcr A gene g-1 dry soil after submergence.Although no methanogenic archaeon was detected prior to incubation by the DGGE analysis,members from Methanocellales,Methanosarcinaceae,and Methanosaetaceae proliferated in the soils,and the community structure was relatively stable once established.In the field experiment,the number of viable methanogenic archaea in a rice paddy field converted from meadow(reclaimed paddy field)was monitored by MPN enumeration over five annual cycles of field operations.Viability was also determined simultaneously in a paddy field where the plow layer soil from a farmer’s paddy field was dressed onto the meadow(dressed paddy field)and an upland crop field converted from the meadow(reclaimed upland field).The number of viable methanogenic archaea in the reclaimed paddy field was below the detection limit before the first cultivation of rice and in the reclaimed upland field.Then,the number gradually increased over five years and finally reached 103–104 cells g-1 dry soil,which was comparable to that in the dressed paddy field.These findings showed that the low abundance of autochthonous methanogenic archaea in the non-methanogenic oxic upland field soils steadily proliferated,and the community structure was developed following repeated and long-term submergence.These results suggest that habitats suitable for methanogenic archaea were established in soil following repeated and long-term submergence.  相似文献   

过氧化钙及硅钙肥改良潜育化稻田土壤的效果研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
【目的】潜育化水稻土是我国最主要的低产水稻土类型,长期渍水导致的土壤缺氧及活性还原物质过度积累是其最主要特征,这严重影响了水稻的根系发育和产量提高。本研究以鄱阳湖区潜育化稻田土壤为对象,通过田间试验研究过氧化钙和硅钙肥单施或配施对潜育化稻田土壤的改良效果,旨在为探索潜育化稻田的轻简化改良方法提供理论依据。【方法】田间试验于2012 2013年在鄱阳湖区潜育化双季稻田进行,试验设单施化肥(T1)、化肥+硅钙肥(T2)、化肥+过氧化钙(T3)和化肥+硅钙肥+过氧化钙(T4)4个处理。通过2年4季的田间试验研究了过氧化钙和硅钙肥单施或配施对鄱阳湖区潜育化稻田水稻产量、土壤还原物质总量及土壤物理化学性质的影响,分析了过氧化钙和硅钙肥改良潜育化稻田土壤的效果和应用前景。【结果】过氧化钙和硅钙肥单施或配施均可以提高潜育化稻田的水稻产量,二者配施每季可以提高水稻产量1.06 t/hm22.06 t/hm2,并可促进磷、钾养分向籽粒转移。施硅钙肥对土壤还原物质总量没有明显影响,而施过氧化钙可以显著降低土壤还原物质总量,二者配施可以减少耕层土壤还原物质总量1 cmol/kg以上。随着土层的加深,土壤还原物质总量呈增加的趋势。硅钙肥与过氧化钙配施可以明显提高小于10 mm的中小团聚体的含量。施硅钙肥或过氧化钙对土壤养分含量没有明显影响,但二者配施可以明显提高土壤有机碳、速效磷的含量,但对腐殖质碳、速效钾和全氮含量影响不明显。【结论】施用硅钙肥可以提高潜育化稻田的水稻产量,但对土壤还原物质总量没有明显影响。施用过氧化钙既可以提高水稻产量,又可以降低潜育化稻田的潜育化程度。而硅钙肥和过氧化钙配施不仅可以明显提高水稻产量、降低潜育化稻田的潜育化程度,还可以改善土壤养分供应状况和土壤结构。因此,施用过氧化钙和硅钙肥可以作为改良鄱阳湖区潜育化稻田土壤的一种参考方法。  相似文献   

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