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A new species, Demodex tauri sp. n., is described in all stages of the life cycle from the hair follicles and ducts of the sebaceous glands on the eyelids of cattle in Czechoslovakia. It is compared with other demodicids described from cattle. Observations on the prevalence, habitat, and pathogenicity of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Capillostrongyloides ancistri sp. n., is described from the intestine of aquarium-reared catfish Ancistrus dolichopterus Kner in Czechoslovakia. This fish is of South American origin and, therefore, C. ancistri sp. n. has probably been brought into aquaria in Europe from there. The parasite is characterized mainly by the structure of the male caudal end (presence of two large postanal papillae and the cuticular bursa supported by two caudal lobes), the length of a spicule (0.258-0.297 mm), the presence of a non-spiny spicular sheath, shape of the female end, structure of the stichosome (23-30 stichocytes present), and the size of the eggs. The species appears to be highly pathogenic to aquarium-reared Ancistrus dolichopterus, causing death of these fish.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species, Paragendria papuanensis sp. n. (Quimperiidae) and Rhabdochona papuanensis sp. n. (Rhabdochonidae), are described from the intestine of freshwater fishes Glossamia giellerupi (Weber et Beaufort) (Apogonidae) and Melanotaenia affinis (Weber) (Melanotaeniidae), respectively, from the Sogeram River (Ramu River basin), Madang Province, northern Papua New Guinea. The former species is characterized mainly by the absence of oesophageal teeth, the presence of conspicuously inflated papillae of the last two subventral pairs, a gubernaculum, spicules 69-75 microm long, eggs measuring 57-66 x 39-45 microm, and by a small body (male and female 3.2-3.7 and 5.8 mm long, respectively). Paragendria is considered a valid genus, to which P. aori (Khan et Yaseen, 1969) comb. n., P. guptai (Gupta et Masoodi, 2000) comb. n., P. hanumanthai (Gupta et Jaiswal, 1988) comb. n. and P. vermae (Gupta et Masoodi, 2000) comb. n. are newly transferred. Rhabdochona papuanensis differs from all congeners mainly in having hammer-shaped deirids and from individual species also in other characters. Both findings represent the first records of species of Paragendria and Rhabdochona from the Australian zoogeographical region and the first records of the representatives of these genera from fishes of the families Apogonidae and Melanotaeniidae, respectively.  相似文献   

A new species, Demodex foveolator, is described in all stages of the life cycle from the lesser white-toothed shrew, Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1821). The species inhabits epidermal pits and apparently is a low-grade pathogen. A suggested trait of structural adaptations of epithelia-dwelling demodicids to their habitats is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of dracunculoid nematodes, G. carcharhini sp. n. and G. simile sp. n., representing a new genus Granulinema gen. n. (Dracunculoidea: Micropleuridae) are described from the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, from Louisiana (Lake Borgne), USA; the site of their localization in the host is unknown (probably abdominal cavity). The nematodes of both species were found in tissue juice and only males, juvenile females and body fragments of more advanced but nongravid females were obtained. Granulinema gen. n. differs from Micropleura, the only other genus in the family Micropleuridae, mainly by the presence of marked, dark excretory corpuscles in lateral excretory canals, pointed tail in females, greater number (6) of postanal pairs of caudal papillae in males, and by the presence of conspicuous transverse cuticular ornamentations on the body surface of mature females. The two new species can be easily distinguished from each other by the length of their spicules (0.78-0.90 mm in G. carcharhini sp. n. and 0.20-0.36 mm in G. simile sp. n.); moreover, there are two pairs of preanal papillae in the male of G. carcharhini sp. n., while there are three pairs in G. simile sp. n.  相似文献   

Two new nematodes, Paraseuratoides ophisterni gen. et sp. n. (Seuratoidea: Quimperiidae) and Philometra ophisterni sp. n. (Dracunculoidea: Philometridae) are described based on specimens recovered from the intestine and mesentery, respectively, of the swamp-eel Ophisternon aenigmaticum Rosen et Greenwood (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from a canal of the Papaloapan River in Tlacotalpan, State of Veracruz, Mexico. The genus Paraseuratoides is mot similar to Paraseuratum Johnston et Mawson, 1940, differing from it mainly in the absence of a bulbous inflation on the anterior end of the oesophagus and in the structure of the mouth (presence of 6 spines in addition to 6 oesophageal teeth). Neoquimperia Wang, Zhao, Wang et Zhang, 1979 and Wuinema Yu et Wang, 1992 are synonymised with Ezonema Boyce, 1971 and Paragendria Baylis, 1939, respectively, and Haplonema hamulatum Moulton, 1931 is considered a junior synonym of Ichthyobronema conoura Gnedina et Savina, 1930. Philometra ophisterni (only females) is mainly characterised by minute cephalic papillae, a greatly developed anterior oesophageal bulb separated from the cylindrical part of the oesophagus, anterior extension of the oesophageal gland anterior to the nerve ring, and by the character of large caudal projections. This is the first Philometra species recorded from inland fishes in Mexico.  相似文献   

A new species of myocoptid mite, Trichoecius calomysci sp. n. (Acari: Myocoptidae), from Calomyscus sp. (Rodentia: Cricetidae) from Iran is described.  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - Trichoderma aggressivum, a mycopathogen causing green mould disease, is a major problem in Agaricus bisporus cultivation due to crop loss, and resistance to...  相似文献   

A new nematode genus and species, Daniconema anguillae gen. et sp. n., is described from the serosa of the swimbladder and from the intestine of eels (Anguilla anguilla (L.] from Denmark (Lake Esrum, northern Zealand); a new family Daniconematidae fam. n. is established to accommodate it. The hitherto monotypic family Daniconematidae shows affinities with the Skrjabillanidae; in contrast to the latter, the new family is characterized by the absence of a buccal capsule, by the presence of anus in the female, and by different structure of the male tail (shape of the tail, absence of bursa-like caudal alae, number and distribution of papillae, presence of the peculiar genital projection). D. anguillae has recently been recorded also from eels in Czechoslovakia (Mácha Lake, northern Bohemia).  相似文献   

During a recent investigation of parasites infecting fishes from the Okavango River and Delta, Botswana (southern Africa) fourteen sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (Siluriformes: Clariidae) were examined for the presence of myxozoan infections. Results revealed the presence of two species of the genus Henneguya Thélohan, 1895 and one species of the genus Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882 infecting this fish host. Two of the sampled fish exhibited large plasmodia of Henneguya suprabranchiae Landsberg, 1987 in the cartilage of the accessory breathing organ, another two individuals were infected with H. samochimensis sp. n. plasmodia in the gills and another three individuals revealed an infection with Myxobolus gariepinus sp. n. plasmodia in the ovaries.  相似文献   

拟短体线虫属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 甘薯拟短体线虫新种(Pratylenchoides batatae n. sp.)根据采自河北省卢龙县前双庙的甘薯根部及根际土壤中的一个拟短体线虫种群进行描述和作图。新种的主要鉴别特征是:唇区有5个唇环,侧区4条侧线并有网格纹,尾呈圆柱形、有24~26个体环,尾端圆、具粗纵纹。食道腺末端覆盖于肠背面,2个亚腹食道腺核均在背食道腺核之后,一个亚腹食道腺核位于食道-肠瓣门前的腹面、另一个位于食道-肠瓣门稍后。近似种为齿尾拟短体线虫(P. crenicauda),该种与新种的主要区别是:唇区3~4个唇环,侧区有6条侧线、无网纹,亚腹食道腺核一个在背食道腺核前、另一个在背食道腺核后。新种为两性种。模式标本保存于福建农林大学植物保护学院植物线虫学实验室。  相似文献   

A new multivalvulid myxosporean species, Kudoa dianae sp. n., is described from bullseye puffer, Sphoeroides annulatus (Jenyns) (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae). Plasmodia develop in extramuscular sites, in the wall of oesophagus and less frequently on mesenteries. Mature spores can reach lumen of the digestive tract directly by disruption of plasmodial wall or via macrophage transport to the oesophageal epithelium. New species is characterised by morphology of spores and by the complete sequence of SSU rRNA gene that differs from all hitherto known sequences of Kudoa species. Spore morphology (moderate-sized, simple non-ornate spores, quadrate in apical view) clusters with that of Kudoa scienae, K. cerebralis, K. chilkaensis, K. leiostomi, K. finduli, K. cascasia and K. ovivora. Analysis of phylogenetic relationships (using SSU rRNA gene sequences) among five Kudoa species, the molecular data of which are available thus far, revealed that K. dianae is distinguishable from these five species and that its closest relation is with K. miniauiriculata.  相似文献   

Paranaella, a new microcotyline monotypic genus, is erected to accommodate Paranaella liquei sp. n., parasite of gill filaments from Hypostomus sp., Hypostomus regani (Ihering) and Rhinelepis aspera Spix et Agassiz (Loricariidae) from the Parani River, Brazil. The new genus is most closely related to Microcotyle Van Beneden et Hesse, 1863, Diplostamenides Unnithan. 1971 and Solostamenides Unnithan, 1971. From Microcotyle it differs mainly by having the genital atrium formed by a muscular ring with a concentric row of numerous elongate and straight spines; from Diplostamenides it can be distinguished by the unarmed and not differentiated cirrus and from Solostamenides it differs by the single vaginal pore and absence of larval hooks.  相似文献   

Mormyrogyrodactylus gemini gen. et sp. n. (Gyrodactylidea: Gyrodactylidae), a viviparous monogenean is described from the skin and fins of Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Peters) from South Africa. This new genus is unique in having a large cup-shaped cirrus armed with one large needle-like spine and numerous small hair-like spinelets. A peduncular bar is present. The haptor is clearly demarcated from the body and situated on a small pedicle. The haptor has one pair of large anchors, a ventral bar complex, a small dorsal bar and 16 evenly spaced marginal hooks. The ventral bar complex consists of three parts: an inverted U-shaped piece with two semi-attached bars, each bar consisting of a base and an extension. An accessory inverted T-shaped sclerite is present on the posterior rim of the haptor. Mormyrogyrodactylus is the fifth genus of the Gyrodactylidae to be described from Africa.  相似文献   

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