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Reptiles can harbor pathogenic microorganisms asymptomatically and serve as potential reservoirs of infection for humans, domestic animals, and other reptiles. Infectious diseases are also problematic for free-ranging reptile populations and are an important consideration in reptile reintroduction and translocation projects. There have been limited serologic studies of free-ranging reptiles for evidence of exposure to potential pathogens. In the present study, serum or plasma samples from five male and five female free-ranging Venezuelan anacondas (Eunectes murinus) were screened for antibodies to eastern, western, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses, vesicular stomatitis virus, ophidian paramyxovirus, 19 Leptospira interrogans serovars, and Cryptosporidium serpentes. Antibodies to these agents were not detected, or antibody titers were low and possibly nonspecific. These results for the limited number of anacondas surveyed suggest that they do not serve as significant reservoirs for these infectious agents at this location.  相似文献   

Abstract— Epidermotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma was diagnosed in six Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) with a generalised dermatosis characterised by pruritus, alopecia and exfoliative erythroderma. Plaques and nodules were evident in one animal. Clinical and histopathological findings were suggestive of mycosis fungoides and electron microscopical investigations in one case were supportive. Immuno-histochemical stains for CD3 antigen were strongly positive in all cases. Résumé— Un lyphome T cutané a été diagnostiqué chez six hamsters de Sibérie (Mesocricetus auratus) avec une dermatose généralisée, caractérisée par un prurit, une alopécle et une érythrodermie exfoliative. Des plaques et des nodules ont été observées sur un animal. Les données cliniques et histopathologiques étaient évocatrices d'un mycosis fungoïdes et les examens en microscopie électronique étaient compatibles dans un cas. Les marquages immuno-histochimiques de l'antigène CD3 étaient très positifs dans tous les cas. Zusammenfassung— Bei sechs Syrischen Goldhamstern (Mesocricetus auratus) wurde ein epidermotropes kutanes T-Zell-Lymphom mit einer generalisierten Dermatose diagnostiziert, die durch Pruritus, Alopezie und eine exfoliative Erythrodermie gekennzeichnet war. Bei einem Tier traten auch Plagues und Knoten auf. Die klinischen und histopathologischen Befunde deuteten auf Mycosis fungoides hin. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen unterstützten diesen Verdacht in einem Fall. Immunhistochemische Färbungen auf CD3-Antigen waren bei alien Fallen stark positiv. Resumen En un grupo de seis hamsters de siria, (Mesocricetus auratus), se diagnosticó limfoma epidermotrópico cutáneo de linfocitos T, presentando una dermatosis generalizada de tipo pruriginoso, acompañada de alopecia y eritroderma exfoliativo. Las placas y nódulos fueron evidentes en uno de los animales. Los estudios clinicos e histopatológicos indicaron una micosis fungoide, y las investigaciones de microscopía, en uno de los caseos, pareció indicar lo mismo. La tintura inmuno-histoquimica para el antígeno CD3 resultó claramente positiva en todod los casos.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma iguanae was the suspected etiology of spinal disease in feral iguanas (Iguana iguana) from Florida. In an experimental infection study, juvenile iguanas were inoculated with M. iguanae intravenously or by instillation into the nares. Blood samples obtained at intervals postinoculation were all culture negative for mycoplasma. Gross anatomic and histologic findings at necropsy 12 wk postinoculation were unremarkable. Mycoplasmas were cultured in high numbers from the posterior choanae and upper trachea of some inoculated and control iguanas at necropsy. The 16S rDNA gene sequence of these isolates revealed they were all a previously undescribed strain, Mycoplasma insons proposed species nova. M. iguanae. Mycoplasma iguanae was not recovered from the conjunctivae, choanae, trachea, lung, coelomic cavity, blood, heart, liver, spleen, limb joints, brain, or spinal cord of inoculated iguanas, and the iguanas did not seroconvert. We conclude that M. iguanae is unlikely to be an agent of acute disease in iguanas and that M. insons can be considered as normal flora in the respiratory tract of iguanas.  相似文献   

A 12-yr-old mountain lion (Felis concolor) developed a 0.5-cm3 raised nonpigmented and nonulcerated mass between the lip and the nasal planum. The tumor was surgically removed and diagnosed histologically as a fibropapilloma. The tumor recurred 1 yr later, at which time it was again excised, and the diagnosis was reconfirmed by biopsy. Frozen tissue from the second excision was submitted for polymerase chain reaction testing for papillomavirus. The 176-base pair polymerase chain reaction product recovered from the tumor was cloned and sequenced. The papillomavirus had 96% homology with a papillomavirus previously retrieved from a fibropapilloma in a domestic cat and is the next most closely related to bovine papillomavirus type 1. This is the first report of a virus-associated fibropapilloma in a mountain lion.  相似文献   

Avian polyomavirus (APV) is one of the most significant pathogens of domestically raised psittacine birds (parrots). One or more APVs are suspected to infect nonpsittacine cage birds, but the relationship of these viruses to the APV infecting parrots remains unclear. In this report, for the first time, we fully document an APV infection in a nonpsittacine cage bird, a green aracaris (Pteroglossus viridis). Grossly, this bird evidenced generalized hemorrhage. Histologically, there was severe hepatic necrosis, splenic necrosis, and the presence of lightly basophilic to clear pannuclear inclusion bodies and karyomegaly in splenocytes and renal mesangeal cells, all characteristic lesions of APV infection in parrots. APV DNA was amplified directly from the liver by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. The virus differed from the original APV sequence by only 24 base pairs (0.48% of the genome), demonstrating that it is a variant of the APV. A serologic survey of the remaining birds in the aviary demonstrated anti-APV antibody in two cockatoos, two cockatiels, a laughing kookaburra, a Lady Ross turaco, and five zebra finches. The remaining green aracaris was seronegative. The sequence and serologic data suggest that the APV that infected the green aracaris originated in a parrot and was capable of infecting birds from at least four orders.  相似文献   

An adult female llama with a comminuted fracture of the left femoral head was necropsied. A firm multinodular mass infiltrated skeletal muscle adjacent to the fracture. Multiple, firm, white nodules were in the pulmonary parenchyma and pleura. A single nodule was in the liver. Microscopically, transition from nonneoplastic bronchiolar epithelium to neoplastic epithelium that formed acinar structures was evident at bronchioloalveolar junctions. A diagnosis of pulmonary adenocarcinoma was made. Similar neoplastic tissue was in the liver and in the perifemoral mass. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells were positive for pan-cytokeratin, cytokeratin 7, and cytokeratin 5/6 antibodies and negative for vimentin and cytokeratins 8/18 and 20.  相似文献   

An imported 2.5-yr-old female green iguana (Iguana iguana rhinolopa) kept in Greece was presented with a history of anorexia and allotriophagy of 1 mo duration. Upon clinical examination, it was cachectic and had severe abdominal distension and fibrous osteodystrophy. Despite treatment, it died a month later. On necropsy, massive accumulations of threadlike nematode parasites were observed in the large intestine, identified as Ozolaimus megatyphlon, a member of the Oxyuridae family of Pharyngodonidae, a usually nonpathogenic intestinal parasite of iguanas. To the authors' knowledge, its presence has not been reported previously in Europe, although one pathogenic infection has been reported previously in Japan. The animal was presumably infected before importation. Although death was attributed to the heavy parasitic overload, the poor diet and terrarium hygiene, and absence of an anthelminthic regime further contributed to the deterioration of the animal's condition. Recognition of this condition, which may be recently introduced or underdiagnosed, may help improve medical and trade standards concerning this species in practice.  相似文献   

An adult female green iguana (Iguana iguana) presented with polyphagia, loss of the dorsal spines, hyperactivity, increased aggression, tachycardia, and a bilobate mass palpable anterior to the thoracic inlet. Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism was based on a total T4 (30.0 nmol/L) elevated above that of clinically healthy iguanas (3.81 +/- 0.84 nmol/L), and histopathology confirmed a functional thyroid adenoma. Surgical thyroidectomy safely returned the lizard to a euthyroid state.  相似文献   

The anesthetic and cardiopulmonary effects of butorphanol followed by sevoflurane or isoflurane were compared in 23 male green iguanas (Iguana iguana). Heart and respiratory rates were recorded before administration of butorphanol (2 mg/kg i.m.) and at 30 min after premedication. Anesthesia was induced in 12 iguanas (group 1) with isoflurane (5%) and in 11 iguanas (group 2) with sevoflurane (7%). Heart rate, relative arterial oxygen hemoglobin saturation (SpO2), and end-tidal CO2 concentrations (EtCO2) were measured every minute for the first 5 min and every 5 min thereafter. Arterial blood gas parameters were determined at 10 and 40 min after induction. Thirty minutes after butorphanol administration, no significant changes in heart and respiratory rate were seen as compared with baseline values. Quality and time to induction were superior with butorphanol-sevoflurane (6 +/- 3 min) than with butorphanol-isoflurane (9 +/- 4 min). Vaporizer settings during maintenance ranged between 1-3% and 2-4%, respectively. No significant differences in heart rate were noted between groups. In the sevoflurane group, SpO2 values were > 90% throughout. Although SpO2, values were < 90% at 20, 25, and 30 min in the isoflurane group, no significant differences in SpO2 values were seen over time and between groups. A significant decrease in EtCO2 with time was present in both groups, with no significant differences between the groups. At 10 and 40 min, arterial blood oxygen saturation values were > 90% in both groups and no significant differences were noted with time and between groups. Recovery time was significantly longer in the butorphanol-isoflurane group (35 +/- 27 min) than in the butorphanol-sevoflurane group (7 +/- 4 min). The cardiopulmonary effects of butorphanol-isoflurane and butorphanol-sevoflurane assessed in this study are similar, and both inhalants appear to be safe and effective for induction and maintenance in the green iguana.  相似文献   

Natural nocardial infection has been reported in many different species including mammals and fish, but reports in birds remain uncommon. Eight juvenile Black Crakes (Limnocoraxflavirostra) died unexpectedly at the Basle Zoo. Necropsy revealed disseminated white, firm nodules, 1-3 mm in diameter, throughout the lung parenchyma. Histologically, the lungs contained multiple, often confluent granulomas with central necrosis. Delicate, gram-positive, 0.5- to 1.0-microm-wide, branching, occasionally beaded, filamentous organisms were visible in necrotic centers. These organisms were acid fast when stained with Fite-Faraco. No histologic lesions were seen in other organs. Nocardia nova was isolated from liver, spleen, kidney, and lung. Granulomatous and necrotizing nocardial pneumonia with agonal septicemia was diagnosed, suggesting an aerogenous infection. To our knowledge, this is the first reported epizootic outbreak of nocardiosis in birds, which is additionally unusual because it was caused by N. nova.  相似文献   

Molecular hybridisation with radioactively labelled DNA complementary to the RNA of the maedi virus was used to probe for homologous RNA in the polysome fraction of pulmonary carcinomas (jaagiekte) of Awassi sheep. No sequence homology was detected, which suggests that maedi (or visna) virus is not implicated in the aetiology of pulmonary carcinoma of sheep.  相似文献   

A free-ranging, adult male Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) was immobilized and evaluated for hematuria following routine capture. Prior to anesthetic recovery, the panther was fitted with a telemetry collar. After an initially quiet recovery, the panther began thrashing in the transport cage, and was again immobilized. Pink foam was evident from the nostrils, and crackles were ausculted over the chest, indicating pulmonary edema. Postobstructive pulmonary edema was diagnosed based on history, clinical signs, radiographic evaluation, and blood gas analysis. The animal was treated intensively for several hours with diuretics, oxygen, and manual ventilation. The panther responded rapidly to therapy and was released back into the wild 48 hr after presentation. Postobstructive pulmonary edema, also called negative-pressure pulmonary edema, may be underrecognized in veterinary medicine. In this case, the telemetry collar, in conjunction with anesthetic recovery in a small transport crate, may have contributed to tracheal obstruction. Wildlife veterinarians and biologists should be aware of the risk of airway obstruction when placing tracking collars, and animals should be continuously monitored during anesthetic recovery to ensure the presence of a patent airway.  相似文献   

A 4-yr-old male bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) developed an Aspergillus fumigatus pneumonia. Fungal elements were identified by cytology and microbiology from endoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage and brushings of a raised yellow endobronchial lesion. The results of qualitative immunodiffusion serology, a technique that identifies specific circulating antibodies to Aspergillus fumigatus, were suggestive of an active infection. The dolphin was treated with itraconazole for over 2 yr, which resulted in remission of clinical signs. Pneumonia caused by Aspergillus sp. accounts for the large majority of pulmonary mycoses in marine mammals. Bronchoscopy facilitated an early definitive diagnosis, accurate treatment, and remission.  相似文献   

The aim of this report was to present a case of epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) in a coati. The animal was presented for evaluation of a non-pruritic nodule. Although the diagnosis of cutaneous histiocytoma was made histologically, plaques and erosions appeared in new areas of the skin along with rapid deterioration of body condition that led to euthanasia in less than one month following initial presentation. Epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma was confirmed with plaque biopsies. Cross-reactivity of a polyclonal antihuman CD3 antibody to coati T lymphocytes was also observed. Apart from skin lesions, only pleuritis was post-mortem diagnosed most likely because of immunosuppression secondarily to malignant neoplasia.  相似文献   

A seven-year-old castrated male Yorkshire terrier dog was presented for a recurrent skin disease. Erythematous skin during the first visit progressed from multiple plaques to patch lesions and exudative erosion in the oral mucosa membrane. Biopsy samples were taken from erythematous skin and were diagnosed with epitheliotropic T cell cutaneous lymphoma by histopathology and immunochemical stain. In serum chemistry, the dog had a hypercalcemia (15.7 mg/dl) and mild increased alkaline phosphatase (417 U/l). Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-rP) in epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma tissues but the neoplastic cells were not labeled with anti-PTH-rP antibodies. The patient was treated with prednisolone and isotretinoin. However, the dog died unexpectedly.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and describe the characteristics of cataracts and other ocular lesions found in two colonies of gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). ANIMALS STUDIED: A total number of 218 mouse lemurs (age range: 4 months-11 years) were included in this study. All individuals were property of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (France), and were housed either in Paris (colony #1: 75 animals examined), or in Brunoy (colony #2: 143 animals). METHODS: Ocular examinations were performed on all animals before and after pupil dilation, and included slit-lamp biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy. In both colonies, a limited number of individuals were re-examined between several months and 2 years following the initial eye examinations. The eyes of five mouse lemurs with incipient or immature cataracts that died during this period were collected, and processed for routine histopathologic examination. RESULTS: A high incidence of cataracts was observed in both colonies (48% in colony #1; 21% in colony #2). Cataracts were predominantly bilateral, started in the anterior and/or posterior subcapsular area, and appeared to be slowly progressive. The earliest age at which lens opacities were observed was 3.5 years, and more than 50% of mouse lemurs over 7 years of age were diagnosed with cataracts. Complete cataracts led to blindness and were occasionally associated with other ocular lesions. CONCLUSION: We report a high incidence of acquired, slowly progressive, bilateral cataracts in two colonies of mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Further studies need to be conducted to determine the cause of this disease in this species.  相似文献   

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