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岳阳纸业集团地处洞庭湖出口与长江交汇处的城陵机,一直是国家扶优扶强的重点企业,也是国家文化用纸的重要生产基地。公司1999年列入国务院重点支持的520户重点企业行列,目前已发展成为集制浆造纸、碱回收、机械制造、发电供热为一体的现代化纸业集团,年生产能力18万吨,总资产14亿元,年产值8亿元。从80年代初开始,岳纸一方面着力调整原料结构,优化制浆造纸工艺,一方面大胆探索和完善纸材林基地的建设,切实闯出了一条林纸结合。产供互补的路子。国家林业局、国家轻工局、中国造纸协会的领导、中外专家和中央电视台、《经济参考报》…  相似文献   

岳阳林纸集团公司是湖南省四大企业集团之一,生产区主要分布在湘北和湘南。岳纸现有在职员工近万人,年生产能力50万吨。2003年,企业总资产62亿元,共生产纸及纸板35万吨,产值23亿元,利润1亿2558万元,上缴税费1亿5812万元。公司规划通过40万吨漂白硫酸盐木浆项目、30万吨高档涂布白卡纸项目、15万吨系列包装纸项目、10.2万吨苇浆等项目的实施,争取到2007年实现年产120万吨纸浆、135万吨纸产品,年创100亿元产值、20亿元利税的林浆纸一体化企业。为实现这一战略目标,保证企业可持续发展,岳阳林纸集团公司从上世纪末开始规划510万亩林业基地的建…  相似文献   

茂林 《湖南林业》2005,(11):1-1
湖南泰格林纸集团是一家实行林板浆纸体化经营的大型国有控股企业。经过近7年的高速发展,总资产由6.4亿元增加到80亿元,增加了12倍,净资产由1.9亿元增加到31亿元,增加了16倍,纸品产量由6万吨增加到65万吨,增加了10倍。公司在2005年中国企业500强中排名第357位,在造纸及纸制品行业中排名第4位。  相似文献   

中竹邵武纸业有限责任公司林纸一体化项目近日获国家发改委批准建设和国债支持。该项目新建一条年产15万t漂白竹浆生产线,并配套建设竹林基地4.67万hm^2和3万千瓦热电站等。项目总投资约16.5亿元,其中,中央安排国债资金9750万元,申请中国农业银行贷款7亿元、国家开发银行贷款4.6亿元。该项目已准备开工建设。  相似文献   

湖南泰格林纸集团有限责任公司(原岳阳林纸集团)始建于1958年,地处万里长江和洞庭湖交汇的三江口处,北枕长江黄金水道,西临烟波浩渺的八百里洞庭,东依京广铁路大动脉、京珠高速公路和107国道。便利的水陆交通、湖区丰富的淡水资源与芦苇、杨木原料,使这里被国内外造纸专家喻为发展造纸工业的黄金宝地。经过40多年的发展,泰格集团已成为集制浆造纸、林业基地开发、发电供热、轻机制造、科研设计、国际港口贸易于一体的国有大型一类企业。目前集团拥有总资产75亿元,净资产31亿元,年生产纸及纸板能力65万吨。2004年实现利税3.6亿元,实现销售收…  相似文献   

泰格林纸集团有限责任公司(原岳阳纸业集团有限责任公司)是集林业开发、制浆造纸、发电供热、轻机制造、木材加工、港口贸易‘、小化工、房地产开发等于一体的国有大型一类企业.是湖南省加快推进工业化进程而实施“+大标志性工程”的龙头企业。曾获得“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国内审先进单位”、“全国质量管理先进企业”、“全国模范职工之家”、“全国质量效益型先进企业”、“湖南省三湘环保世纪行特别荣誉奖”、“2005年度环保特别贡献奖”等荣誉称号。泰格林纸集团以“超越自我。追求卓越”的企业理念。面对经济全球化的挑战,规划到“十一五”期末。即2010年.集团公司林业基地面积发展到976万亩、板材加工产能50万立方米、商品浆纸产能350万吨。年产值200亿元。年利税超过30亿元。  相似文献   

湖南泰格林纸集团,是国内知名的大型造纸企业,经过近几年的努力,现已拥有原料林基地13.3万公顷,加上合作、订单等营林模式,自用资源面积已超过33.3万公顷,走出了一条“林纸一体化”的道路。近日,本刊记者专程采访了全国绿化奖章获得者、泰格林纸集团副总裁晏世和。  相似文献   

年产60万吨化学漂白木浆(桉树木浆48万吨、相思树木浆12万吨),全年消耗木材原料247万立方米(桉木192万立方米、相思树55万立方米);项目总投资82亿元,建成后年销售收入27.8亿元,年利润10.3亿元,年税利13.8亿元———这是目前国内最大的林纸一体化商品木浆项目———广西林纸一体化工程年产60万吨漂白化学木浆项目。我区正在紧张筹建的广西高峰林浆纸业集团有限责任公司,由区属国营高峰、七坡、六万、博白、钦廉、东门、派阳山林场和良凤江国家森林公园以及武鸣栲胶厂、国营林场开发公司分别以其全部…  相似文献   

探寻符合企业自身条件的可持续发展之路是当代国企改革的一项重要课题。地处洞庭湖畔的岳阳市纸业集团,坚持以“林纸经营一体化”为企业发展的“指南针”,近 20年来,他们一方面着力调整原料结构以优化制浆造纸工艺,一方面大胆探索和完善纸材林基地建设,切实闯出了一条林纸结合、产供互补的路子,唱出了一台林纸结合的“大戏”。   (一 )  始建于 1958年的岳阳纸业集团,是国家文化用纸的重要生产基地。面对洞庭湖浩荡的芦苇资源,岳纸集团为何要“舍近求远”走木浆造纸之路 ?陪同采访的公司张副总经理解释说:“我国造纸业大部分是…  相似文献   

“全国林纸一体化工程建设”具体目标为:“十五”期间,全国新增制浆生产能力280万t,(其中木浆生产能力210万t,竹浆生产能力70万t),造纸生产能力330万t,造纸林基地200万hm^2(其中木材基地176万hm^2.竹材基地24万hm^2)。木浆新增能力180万t,竹浆60万t,纸及纸板300万t,基地可产木材1000万m^3、竹材400万t,实现造纸工业用材由靠商品材供应向造纸林基地供应逐步过渡。  相似文献   

Summary The thermal stability of papermaking pulps under conditions of accelerated aging and at pyrolytic temperatures was examined. Degradation was found to be extremely complex and influenced by both the technical processes of papermaking and by the experimental methods used. At moderate temperatures, as used for accelerated aging, the folding endurance test was found to be a sensitive measure of degradation. Methods of reducing the variability of the test were considered, and a new technique capable of handling widely different results was developed and evaluated.Several papermaking pulps were artificially aged and the resultant loss of strength attributed to the interaction between a gradual fiber strength reduction and a rapid increase in interfiber bonding. Excessive initial inter-fiber bonding decreased handsheet stability. Softwood sulfite and kraft pulps were more stable than a birch kraft pulp, but the behavior of sulfite pulps varied greatly. The presence of lignin or a high hemicellulose content was not of itself sufficient to cause rapid aging.The pyrolytic behavior of pulps was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis. Papermaking pulps had mean pyrolytic activation energies between 30–45 kcal/mole. The activation energy decreased as the reaction proceeded. Correlation of these activation energies with the rate of loss of physical properties during accelerated aging was not good. The results indicated that the rate determining reactions for pyrolysis and for low temperature degradation are different but that the pyrolytic behavior is partially determined by the supramolecular structure. Empirical stability indices, based on both the integral and differential thermograms, were calculated, and these correlated well with the relative rates of loss of physical properties.A large part of this paper is based on the thesis of R. D. Carwell. Contributions were also made by L. Lyon and M. C. Varshney. This work was partially funded by the National Bureau of Standards  相似文献   

Biotechnology in the pulp and paper industry   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Biotechnology implies the technical exploitation of biological processes. One of nature's most important biological processes is the degradation of wood and other lignocellulosic materials to carbon dioxide, water, and humic substances. Consequently, there should be possibilities to apply biotechnology to wood conversion. This article summarizes briefly the knowledge relating to the enzymic degradation of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. However, it is mainly focused upon biotechnological processes in commercial use or in various stages of development for the pulp and paper industry. Areas covered are ethanol and protein production, water purification, development of new bleaching techniques, microbial delignification (biopulping), and development of biosensors for analysis of pulp fiber surfaces.Academy lecture presented on May 18, 1989 at the Fourth International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Raleigh, NC USA  相似文献   

Summary Linear viscoelastic properties of laboratory handsheets have been investigated from the two dimensional aspect. According to the linear theory of viscoelasticity, the behavior of transverse isotropic materials such as handsheets subjected to plane stresses is fully described by the two in-plane relaxation functions G11 (t) and G12 (t). In the present paper, some viscoelastic characteristic functions describing responses to in-plane deformation histories are derived from G11 (t) and G12 (t) determined by strip biaxial stress relaxation testing. The predicted uniaxial relaxation function curve was in good agreement with the experimental one, and the viscoelastic Poisson's ratios in uniaxial stress relaxation and in uniaxial constant strain rate extension were decrease functions of time. Effects of beating on the areal dilatation and shear relaxation functions are discussed by introducing the classical concept of relaxation spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper uses a dynamic land allocation model combined with the infinite rotation problem to determine theoretically, the recycling rate that maximizes the forest area and, thus, the number of trees under social management thereby integrating both positive externalities generated by the forest and social costs of not recycling. The results suggest that, when the recycling rate is low, increasing it to its optimal level will result in more land area being devoted to forestry and, thus, more trees. However, increasing it beyond its optimal level will reduce the number of trees in the long run. In addition, the recycling rate that maximizes the forest area is optimal in the sense that it also maximizes the social net benefit. An application shows that increasing the recycling rate up to its optimal level considerably increases the forest area. The increase in the social net benefit is very small.  相似文献   

当前,食品加工正向着营养全面、纯天然、食用方便的方向发展。消费者对食品要求是营养均衡,并希望食品同时具有保健功能。因而,食品的加工生产无论是原料、生产工艺,还是设备都应力求使产品具有天然性、营养性和方便性。蔬菜纸是近年来新出现的一种方便食品,它以低热量、富含维  相似文献   

核壳乳液纸张湿强剂的实验影响因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分子设计和粒子设计,开发了新型高效环保的核壳乳液湿强剂。研究了三步乳液聚合法合成阴离子型聚苯乙烯-丙烯酸丁酯-丙烯酰胺(APSBA)核壳乳液的工艺,合成了聚合稳定、贮存稳定的APSBA核壳乳液。APS-BA能有效地提高纸张湿强度。并且讨论了APSBA的应用效果。  相似文献   

对废纸再生的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金艳春 《森林工程》2003,19(4):29-30
结合当前纸业原料结构和我国生态保护的现状 ,分析了废纸再生的重要意义。简要介绍了国际、国内废纸再生的发展概况 ,并对我国废纸再生事业的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

回顾历史,古代中国造纸术的发明比西方早了数百年;审视当今,现代中国的造纸业落后世界水平有数十年。我们有广阔的市场,也有多方面的发展潜力,面对WTO的新形势,我们如何加快造纸工业基地建设,做强我国的造纸工业呢?请您随下面的文章一同思考。  相似文献   

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