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骨条藻的工厂化培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要探讨骨条藻(skeletonema costatum)的原种分离、纯化,营养盐的配制及其工厂化培养方法。  相似文献   

关于骨条藻培养技术的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王淑萍 《水产科学》1993,12(10):9-11
中肋骨条藻是一种广温,广盐性藻类,是对虾蚤状幼体的优良饵料之一,但较难培养。根据生产需要,笔者从1985年开始研究骨条藻培养方面的有关技术问题,现将试验研究情况报道如下:  相似文献   

魏国重  裴光富 《水产科学》2007,26(3):173-174
单胞藻在海水动物育苗中的作用愈来愈重要,如何培养出纯度高、密度高、细菌少、生长鲜嫩的藻类,直接关系到海水动物育苗的质量和产量。骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum Cleve)在自然海水中分布广泛,是引起海水赤潮的主要藻类之一,同时也是海水动物幼体的主要饵料,是河蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)、梭子蟹(Portunus trituuberculatus)和青蟹(Scylla)涵状幼体的适宜开口饵料。骨条藻营养丰富,对幼体生长、发育和变态起重要作用,是育苗成败的关键因子。  相似文献   

李奕雯 《海洋与渔业》2010,(10):40-40,52
水体中氮元素的存在形式主要有硝酸氮(NO3)亚硝酸氮(NO2)、总氨氮(包括分子态NH3和离子态NH4)和氮气(N2)。一般认为,硝酸氮、氮气对水生生物是无毒的。在养殖水体中,亚硝酸氮对养殖动物有较大的毒性,通常是衡量水质好坏的重要指标,也是养殖者重点关注的对象。  相似文献   

不同氮源对骨条藻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滕亚娟 《水利渔业》2006,26(4):55-56,109
适合骨条藻生长的尿素质量浓度为20 mg/L,在100 mg/L时效果极差;氯化铵的适合质量浓度也是20 mg/L,60 mg/L时骨条藻会死亡很多;硝酸钠组骨条藻普遍长势都好,但利用率不太高,在50 mg/L长势最好,但效果不理想,也不经济。培养骨条藻以氯化铵效果最好,适宜质量浓度约为20 mg/L。  相似文献   

采用室内模拟试验,研究了不同粒径、不同浓度的悬浮清洁疏浚物对骨条藻(Skeletonema sp.)生长的影响。结果表明,在96 h的试验周期里,0~16、16~63、63~88μm粒径范围的清洁疏浚物对骨条藻生长的影响极显著(P0.01),而88~125μm粒径范围清洁疏浚物培养液中10 mg/L浓度组对骨条藻生长影响不显著(P0.05)。在相同浓度清洁疏浚物培养液中,粒径越小,对骨条藻生长影响越大;在相同粒径清洁疏浚物培养液中,浓度越高,对骨条藻生长影响越大。0~16μm粒径清洁疏浚物对骨条藻生长的96 h-EC50为2 507 mg/L,88~125μm粒径清洁疏浚物对骨条藻生长的96 h-EC50为7 645 mg/L,随着清洁疏浚物粒径范围的变大,对骨条藻生长的抑制作用逐渐减小。本试验用疏浚物为清洁疏浚物,不用考虑疏浚物本身析出的污染成分对骨条藻生长的影响,而其可能通过遮光效应引起的藻细胞光合作用减弱是对骨条藻生长产生影响的主要限制因子。  相似文献   

扁藻是一种具有四根鞭毛的单细胞绿藻。我场于1965年用作马氏珍珠贝幼虫人工饵料。经过多年的实践证明,它是马氏珍珠贝浮游幼虫期的良好饵料之一。随着我国海产动物养殖业的发展,扁藻已被用于翡翠贻贝、紫贻贝及海参幼虫的饵料。因此,如何培养好(尤其大面积培养)扁藻,为人工育苗提供足够的饵料已成为大家共同关心的问题。  相似文献   

Ecology of Blue-Green Algae in Aquaculture Ponds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in the genera Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Microcystis, and Oscillatoria often form extensive and persistent blooms in freshwater aquaculture ponds. Bloom-forming cyanobacteria are undesirable in aquaculture ponds because: 1) they are a relatively poor base for aquatic food chains; 2) they are poor oxygenators of the water and have undesirable growth habits; 3) some species produce odorous metabolites that impart undesirable flavors to the cultured animal; and 4) some species may produce compounds that are toxic to aquatic animals. Development of cyanobacterial blooms is favored under conditions of high nutrient loading rates (particularly if the availability of nitrogen is limited relative to phosphorus), low rates of vertical mixing, and warm water temperatures. Under those conditions, dominance of phytoplankton communities by cyanobacteria is the result of certain unique physiological attributes (in particular, N2 fixation and buoyancy regulation) that allow cyanobacteria to compete effectively with other phytoplankton. The ability to fix N2 provides a competitive advantage under severe nitrogen limitation because it allows certain cyanobacterial species to make use of a source of nitrogen unavailable to other phytoplankton. The ability to regulate cell buoyancy through environmentally-controlled collapse ad reformation of intracellular gas vacuoles is perhaps the primary reason for the frequent dominance of aquaculture pond phytoplankton communities by cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria that can regulate their position in the water column gain a distinct advantage over other phototrophs in poorly mixed bodies of water. In addition to the physicochemical interactions that influence phytoplankton community dynamics, cyanobacterial-microbial associations may play an important regulatory role in determining community structure. Cyanobacteria are always found in close association with a diverse array of microorganisms, including eubacteria, fungi, and protozoans. These associations, which in the past have often been viewed as antagonistic, are increasingly seen as mutualistic and may function in a positive manner during bloom development.  相似文献   

Selected water quality variables were measured at monthly intervals for 1 yr in 10 commercial channel catfish ponds in northwest Mississippi. Temporal changes in most variables appeared to be related to seasonal periodicity of phytoplankton abundance. Phytoplankton standing crops and total organic matter were highest in summer months when primary production was favored by warm water temperatures, high solar irradiance, and large inputs of nutrients resulting from high summer fish feed allowances. As day length, water temperature, and feed inputs decreased in autumn and winter, phytoplankton abundance and organic matter concentrations decreased. Seasonal changes in total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations were similar to phytoplankton abundance because much of the total nitrogen and phosphorus was contained within phytoplankton cells. Contrasting to the seasonal trend for total nitrogen, concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were lowest in the summer and highest in the cooler months. Rapid assimilation by phytoplankton served to maintain relatively low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen during the summer despite highest nitrogen loading rates during that period. Low water temperatures and generally less favorable conditions for phytoplankton growth decreased rates of nitrogen assimilation in the winter and ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate accumulated. Soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were low throughout the year because physico-chemical processes, such as precipitation and adsorption to bottom muds acted to continually remove inorganic phosphorus from the water column.  相似文献   

To improve the condition index of European oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Skeletonema costatum was fed to adult oysters. However, the consequences of this practice on compositional traits of oysters were not investigated. This study deals with the chemical changes in oysters fed with Skeletonema costatum for six weeks in ponds.The results showed that:1. Supplying Skeletonema costatum to oysters for six weeks improved the condition index (from 26 to 56) as a consequence of an increase in glycogen content (from 5.0 to 24.4 g·100 g –1 of dry flesh) while lipid content remained steady (9.9 g·100 g–1 dry flesh).2. Large changes in fatty acid composition of neutral lipids were observed. Some fatty acids of Skeletonema costatum such as 16:1 7 and 20:5 3, were directly accumulated into lipid fractions.3. 16:1 7 was elongated into 18:1 7 showing that oysters are able to elongate 16 carbon mono-unsaturated fatty acids into the corresponding 18 carbon fatty acids.4. Fatty acids typical of Skeletonema costatum (16:4 1, 16:2 4, 16:3 4) were poorly accumulated into neutral lipids and phospholipids of oysters suggesting that oysters discriminate these fatty acids.  相似文献   

由铜绿微囊藻和水花微囊藻形成的水华浴称为“湖靛”,对珍珠蚌的养殖有毒害作用;分析了蓝藻水华产生的主要原因,从7个方面论述了综合防治“湖靛”的方法。  相似文献   

中肋骨条藻是海水富营养化的标志性微藻和常见赤潮生物之一。在陆源低盐水中养殖南美白对虾期间,池塘里出现了持续时间较长的优势种中肋骨条藻。其对池塘生态的影响,本文做了初步的描述。相应的低盐度盐水高密度养虾模式的生态也做了初浅的划分。  相似文献   

丁(鱼岁)池塘主养成鱼试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕小江 《水利渔业》2005,25(2):34-34
为调整养殖品种结构,提高效益,龙庆公司于2003年引进丁鱥寸片进行池塘成鱼养殖,2004年6月全部收获,成活率70%,饵料系数1.8,纯利润8.5万元/hm^2,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

池塘主养匙吻鲟商品鱼技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水库坝下0.4hm^2、水深2.5m的池塘中,开展以匙吻鲟为主,配养鲢、草鱼、青鱼、团头鲂的养鱼试验。匙吻鲟饵料系数为2,饵料成本占生产成本48%,匙吻鲟单产超过3000kg/hm^2,投入产出比1:2。  相似文献   

选取天津市北辰区易爆发有害蓝藻的一口养殖虾池,面积为1hm2,水深1.3m,2015年5月7日投放凡纳滨对虾苗种1.0×106尾,6月24日向养殖虾池全池泼洒小檗碱—青蒿素复合物,自5月12日起至8月17日,养殖期间平均每14d采样1次,监测养殖虾池浮游植物组成及数量和主要水化指标,以探求有效调控凡纳滨对虾养殖池中有害蓝藻的方法。试验结果表明,加入小檗碱—青蒿素后,显著抑制了有害蓝藻,对微囊藻和颤藻的抑杀率接近100%和71%,蓝藻的总体抑杀率达到90%。微生态制剂显著降低了水中亚硝酸盐、氨氮及化学需氧量,pH控制在9以内;促进有益绿藻数量增长35.36%。试验结果说明在应急反应时,小檗碱—青蒿素显著地抑杀池塘有害蓝藻,而微生态制剂可在杀藻后期调控水质,维持藻相平衡,控制有害蓝藻数量,防止其再次爆发。  相似文献   

6种微藻生长及脂肪累积对氮含量变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了绿色巴夫藻、米氏凯伦藻、球等鞭金藻、三角褐指藻、海水小球藻、衣藻的生长及脂肪累积对氮含量变化的响应。试验结果表明,6种微藻生长及总脂对不同氮含量均有一定程度的响应。微藻生长,绿色巴夫藻、米氏凯伦藻、球等鞭金藻3种微藻响应明显,绿色巴夫藻以氮含量100%组生长最快,第10d时,比氮含量40%组快512%,比氮含量20%组及60%组分别快62%、61%;米氏凯伦藻氮含量80%组生长最快,第10d达到最高值,超出其他试验组约60%;球等鞭金藻氮含量80%组最快,第10d生长量超过100%试验组67%;三角褐指藻、海水小球藻、衣藻响应程度小于其他微藻。总脂积累,三角褐指藻氮含量80%组总脂含量最高,达细胞干质量的80.77%,是氮含量100%组2.5倍;绿色巴夫藻氮含量60%组最高,达细胞干质量的73.68%,是氮含量100%组3.4倍;其他4种微藻在降低氮含量后,总脂均超过细胞干质量的30%。三角褐指藻在生物柴油制备方向极具开发前景。  相似文献   

介绍了近年来淡水池塘养殖虾蟹的主要有害藻类青泥苔、水网藻及微囊藻的生态习性、危害性和用草木灰、生石灰及硫酸铜等的传统防治方法,提出了用有益水生植物、贝类、鱼类以及益生菌的综合生物防治方法。  相似文献   

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