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荷兰豆的花为总状花序,自叶腋生出第一花序,着生于7~18节的花轴上。每一花梗着生1~3朵花,极少数为4~6朵,一般为两朵。花冠白色、粉色、紫色。花萼钟型、萼片5枚,蝶型花冠,旗瓣圆型,翼瓣龙骨瓣贴生。雄蕊10枚,分为两体,9枚合生,1枚单生。每个荚果内有种子2~10粒。种子嫩时含水分较多,因而干燥后皱缩。 相似文献
河南省濮阳农业科学研究所的玉米育种在起步晚、条件差的情况下,破常规、高起点,精心设计刻苦攻关.采取改用结合、优中选优的技术路线,广泛搜集并研究利用国内外种质资源与热带亚热带玉米种质材料,经过大量的自交、回交、转育、改育和不间断地南繁北育,加速了育种进程,选育出一批优良高配合力自交系。通过组配、筛选、鉴定,参加省、国家预试、区试和生产试验.选育出了濮单系列优质高产玉米新品种,其中濮单3号、濮单4号、濮单5号通过河南省品种审定, 相似文献
J. Sneep 《Euphytica》1958,7(2):119-122
In spinach the breeding of hybrid varieties is attractive because this may result in a heterosis and/or a transgressive effect. Resistance to downy mildew [Peronospora spinaciae
(Mont.) de By] and against mosaic (Cucumis virus 1) can be combined rather easily, since in both cases the resistance depends on one dominant gene. Besides a hybrid variety excludes the growing of later generations.However, a careful removal of all pollen-producing plants demands so much labour that a production of hybrid seed on a commercial scale involves great difficulties. The creation of an entirely female variety would be a solution for this problem. An outline has been given of the way in which such a variety can be developed, starting from purely female and from intersexual plants.It is possible to simplify the production of hybrid seed by using a round-seeded female parent and a prickly-seeded male parent. Moreover this will prevent errors: all plants can then be harvested and threshed at the same time and in cleaning the prickly seed can be separated mechanically from the round-seeded commercial seed. The use of a prickly-seeded male parent will be an extra check on the possible growing of later generations by others. 相似文献
While hybrid breeding is widely applied in outbreeding species, for many self‐pollinating crop plants, it has only recently been established. This may have had its reason in the limitations of methods available for hybrid performance prediction, in particular when established heterotic pools were absent. Genomic selection has been suggested as a promising approach to resolve these limitations. In our review, we briefly introduce the principles of genomic selection as an extension of marker‐assisted selection using genome‐wide high‐density molecular marker data and discuss the advantages and limitations of currently used algorithms. Including the outcome from a recent extended approach to hybrid wheat as a timely example, we summarize current progress in empirical studies on the application of genomic selection for prediction of hybrid performance. Here, we put emphasis on the factors affecting the accuracy of prediction, pointing in particular to the relevance of relatedness, genotype x environment interaction and experimental design. Finally, we discuss future research needs and potential applications. 相似文献
<正>亚航0919是广西亚航农业科技有限公司根据国家及广西壮族自治区玉米育种目标及高效的农业生产需求,确定选育目标,以YHM181作母本、YHF21A作父本通过杂交育成的优质、高产、多抗的玉米单交种,2012年通过广西品种审定委员会审定,审定编号:桂审玉2012002号。1品种特征特性1.1植株基本性状广西春播生育期(出苗至成熟)122d,秋播108d。该品种幼苗长势强,叶片深绿色,株高250cm,穗位高100cm。株型平展,成株叶片数为 相似文献
自20世纪90年代末.淮安市引进抗虫棉杂交制种,先后为南京红太阳、合肥丰乐等单位承担制种任务,制种面积日益扩大。近年来,我们根据本地气候和生产特点.在前人研究的基础上.对杂交棉制种技术进行了深入研究和探讨。已初步形成了一套行之有效的以适当稀植、壮苗早发、摘早蕾、去晚蕾、集中成铃、全株杂交为核心的大规模人工去雄制种技术体系。现将其总结归纳.以供制种者参考。 相似文献
回顾了国内外早期关于水稻雄性不育性研究的关键突破,简要概述了水稻雄性不育性的遗传机理和分类,统计了近50年来我国育成审定的各类不育系及对应的杂交种数量,认为水稻亚种内品种间杂种优势利用遭遇"天花板"效应,指出亚种间杂种优势利用即籼粳交杂交种是杂交水稻育种的新赛道。籼粳交杂交种基于母本的不同有"粳母籼父"和"籼母粳父"两种模式,"三系法"BT型"粳母籼父"模式已由宁波市农业科学院率先突破,"籼母粳父"模式及其他"粳母籼父"模式基本上属于空白,是杂交水稻育种的新赛道。 相似文献
Significant differences of callus induction, green plant regeneration and culture efficiency were observed among restorer lines and their hybrids in rice. Average callus induction percentage of F1, hybrids was about twice that of their parents. Twenty doubled haploid (DH) lines that showed normal fertility with both indica and japonica CMS lines, were selected as widely compatible restorers (WCRs). TG8 derived from CPSLO17/Minghui 63 not only showed normal fertility to both indica and japonica test varieties and CMS lines, but also exhibited superior agronomic traits, in particular short plant, desired plant type, high tillerability, large panicles, good grain quality and resistance to rice blast disease. Strong heterosis for yield was observed in crosses between indica or japonica CMS lines and TG8. TG8 possessed a dominant, widely compatible gene (WCG) that was inherited from the variety CPSLO17. Results confirmed that the anther culture technique is a quick and effective way of developing widely compatible restorers in rice and that it is applicable to the direct use of intersubspecific heterosis with the three-line method. 相似文献
<正>毕玉8号系毕节市种子管理站用自选系BD032作母本、7031作父本组配而成,于2011年通过贵州省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号:黔审玉2011016号。该品种品质优良,丰产稳产,适应性广,生育期适中,适宜于毕节高寒山区海拔在1400~2200m之间中上等肥力土壤的区域推广种植。1亲本的选育及其特征特性1.1母本母本BD032是本站2001年用331杂 相似文献
与常规的大豆种子不同,杂交大豆的种子在培育的过程中,容易受到外界的侵扰,进而导致各种问题的产生,对生产产量和病虫害的防控工作有着极大的影响。本文以杂交大豆育种的流程作为研究思路,对杂交大豆的育种防控技术进行分析,以期保证大豆的最终质量要求。 相似文献