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前期研究表明,卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)高效低鱼粉配合饲料在池塘网箱养殖中展现出优良效果。为进一步评估该饲料在深海网箱养殖中的应用效果,本研究基于该饲料配方,委托某饲料公司采用大规模生产工艺(基于饲料厂大机器、大规模生产条件下进行饲料生产,每小时生产量达十多吨,且具有喷油机等设备,通过外喷添加脂肪源)生产实验饲料(粗蛋白47.66%,粗脂肪7.98%),以某知名品牌的商品饲料为对照(粗蛋白47.75%,粗脂肪9.63%),利用上述2种饲料,于深海网箱(周长60 m)养殖大规格卵形鲳鲹(平均体重约为262 g) 33 d。结果显示,2种饲料组鱼的生长性能无统计学差异(P>0.05),然而,相比于商品料组,实验料组鱼的增重率和特定生长率分别提高了14.43%和8.19%,日均增重提高0.68 g;在肌肉营养成分和质构特性方面,实验组鱼肌肉脂肪含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),但其水分显著降低(P<0.05);两组间鱼肌肉品质和质构特性无显著性差异(P>0.05)。相比于商品料组,实验料组鱼血清总蛋白、甘油三酯、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白含量及谷草转氨酶活性均显著降低(P<0.05),实验组鱼肝脏总胆固醇含量显著降低(P<0.05),但两组间鱼肝脏抗氧化能力无显著性差异(P>0.05);此外,实验料每养成1 kg鱼的饲料成本比商品料低18.80%,总养殖效益提高62.12%。研究结果表明,与商品料相比,实验料(卵形鲳鲹高效低鱼粉配合饲料)不仅具有优良的促生长效果,且能够提升肌肉脂肪水平、改善卵形鲳鲹的血脂代谢、提高养殖经济效益。这说明该高效低鱼粉配合饲料可在卵形鲳鲹养殖生产中大规模推广应用。  相似文献   

尹孟杰 《水产学报》1995,19(3):225-232
温杖子水库按养鱼水面单位面积承受2200kg/ha网箱鱼的负载量设置网箱,建立以网箱养鱼为重要环节的水库新型渔业生产结构体系。三年中,水库水面鱼产量(含网箱鱼产量)由145.5kg/ha上升到266.71kg/ha,年总产量增长18.3倍;渔业投入资金年利润率达71.9%;网箱养鱼的投入总能量转换效率提高了6.03-6.36%。合理开发和保护了水库渔业资源,促进了温杖子水库渔业的高速增产。  相似文献   

In order to realize the real-time appetite-based feeding in aquaculture, a novel and practical method, based on the quantification of the spontaneous collective behaviors, was proposed in this study to assess the real-time appetite of the swimming fish in a recirculating aquaculture system. First, foreground feature points of fish school were extracted using an improved complex network. Then, covariance, a modified social force model and a kinetic energy model were used to analyze the collective behaviors of the school from perspectives of dispersion degree, interaction force and the changing magnitude of the water flow field, respectively. Finally, the quantified behavioral characteristics were integrated and used to assess the appetite of fish school. The presented method shows its good performance in the expression of the collective behaviors representing five typical appetites (0.01, 0.52, 1.28, 2.26 and 2.92), and the assessing accuracy of the appetite of the school is also maintained at a low non-match rate ((2.19 ± 0.81)% best) in the context of ten different sampling durations.  相似文献   


This paper presents the applications of two simulation models developed for the Pu‐Shin wholesale fish market: the current operational model and the alternative operational model. This study analyses the possible influence on the wholesale fish system by manipulating the number of porters in the alternative operational model. Cost‐benefit analysis is conducted to compare the two models. The results suggest ways to improve the operational efficiency of the wholesale fish market in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The study estimates technical efficiency and investigates the factors affecting the technical inefficiency of cage fish farming in Peninsular Malaysia. The study employs the stochastic frontier function to estimate a production frontier and technical inefficiency model. The data were collected using standard structured questionnaires completed by sample cage fish farmers in the study area. The result reveals an estimated mean technical efficiency score of 0.79, implying that the sample fish farmers are operating 21% below the production frontier and thus, there is room for improvement. The production function involves the use of one output and four inputs, which are stocking density, feed, labour and other relevant production costs. The coefficients of all the inputs have positive signs and statistically significant impacts on the output. The output elasticity associated with stocking density is the highest (0.634), followed by feed (0.317). The null hypotheses that the technical inefficiency effects are absent from the model and that the combined exogenous variables do not influence inefficiency are strongly rejected. The individual's null hypotheses of no age effect, no experience effect, no education effect, no species effect, no extension services effect, no workshop attended effect and no diseases effect on technical inefficiency are all rejected at different levels of statistical significance.  相似文献   

300W型LED集鱼灯光学特性及其节能效果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高效节能型新光源集鱼灯的应用研究是光诱渔业研究的重要内容之一.使用高光谱剖面仪Hyperspectral profiler Ⅱ对所研制的国产300 W型LED集鱼灯的光学特性进行测量,并与1 kW型、1.5 kW型、2 kW型金属卤化物集鱼灯进行比较,表明国产LED集鱼灯具有良好的水中穿透性,能够满足渔业生产需要.根据...  相似文献   

Abstract –  The efficiency of a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT)-tag detection system was tested during a 23-day experiment using a permanent digital video to record the passage of fish through multiplexed antennas. Coupling video to the PIT system allowed the detection of error sources and the correction of erroneous data. The efficiency of the detection system and its variation were investigated according to fish swimming speed, direction of movement and individual fish behaviour. Influence of time and environmental conditions on detection results were also checked. The PIT tag system was 96.7% efficient in detecting fish. Upstream movements were better detected (99.8%) than downstream movements (93.7%). Moreover, results showed that efficiency rate was not stable over the experiment; it was reduced on stormy days. Several sources of errors were identified such as sub-optimal orientation of the PIT tag relative to the antenna plane, the influence of fish swimming speed, individual fish behaviour and influence of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In the present study a microtitre plate assay was used to evaluate antagonistic activity of 157 intestinal bacteria belonging to Carnobacterium isolated from Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and wolf fish (Anarhichas lupus L.) against fish pathogenic bacteria. One hundred and forty‐nine strains isolated from Arctic charr fed; (a) different lipid levels and (b) different fatty acids were screened for their ability to inhibit growth of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida strain AL 2020 (the causative agent of furunculosis). Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Carnobacterium mobile isolated from fish fed a low‐lipid diet inhibited growth of the pathogen, while none of the Carnobacterium divergens isolated from fish fed the high‐lipid diet had this ability. When Arctic charr was fed different fatty acids, was the frequency of antibacterial ability of C. maltaromaticum highest in strains isolated from fish fed 4%α‐linolenic acid (18:3 n‐3) and lowest in strains isolated from fish fed 4% linoleic acid (18:2 n‐6). Extracellular growth inhibitory compounds harvested in exponential and stationary growth phase from eight carnobacteria strains isolated from three fish species were tested for their ability to inhibit growth of six fish pathogens [A. salmonicida, Vibrio splendidus strain VS11, Vibrio salmonicida strain LFI 315, Vibrio anguillarum strain LFI 317, Moritella (Vibrio) viscosa strain LFI 5000 and C. maltaromaticum (piscicola) CCUG 34645]. The highest antibacterial activity was found when cellular extracts of the producer isolate were harvested in stationary growth phase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigations of A. salmonicida showed that cell morphology was affected by the inhibitory substance produce by strain 8M851, a Carnobacterium inhibens‐like bacteria.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We compared fish abundance, diversity and species composition between lakes open (fished) and closed (no-take) to fishing activities in Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve in the Central Brazilian Amazon, in order to investigate potential influences of the common-based management. We sampled 1483 fishes from 70 species through gillnet fishing during the low-water season, in seven fished and seven no-take lakes. Contrary to expected, the mean values for abundance, size, diversity and species-richness of fish did not differ between fished and no-take lakes. There was no difference between fished and no-take lakes considering only the abundance of the 14 fish species more intensely targeted by fishermen. However, the abundance of an important commercial fish, the tambaqui ( Colossoma macropomum ) was higher in no-take lakes. Such data from a rapid assessment may be useful to monitor this and other fishery co-management schemes.  相似文献   

福建古田水库渔业污染事故调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翁蓁洲 《福建水产》2012,34(3):220-224
2004年6月22日,福建古田水库北区出现人工养殖的鱼类大面积死亡事件,受该县渔政管理站委托对该水库大面积死鱼事件进行调查鉴定工作。调查在事故区域布设了5个调查站位,对所采集的水样和鱼样进行测试分析,通过对比分析发生死鱼的事故区域和未发现死鱼的对照区域的水样各项因子测试结果以及死亡鱼体内脏和正常鱼体内脏的农残测试结果,笔者排除了酸碱污染物污染、缺氧、重金属污染、粪便污染(非离子氨中毒)、化学药品氟化物和挥发性酚中毒、水质变坏(硫化物指标升高和细菌总数变高)等因素。确定福建古田水库北区此次鱼类大面积死亡是由于有机农药硫丹中毒造成的,系一次人为投毒事件。也说明了浮游生物及微生物作为水环境污染变化的指示生物,在渔业污染事故监测调查中有着极其重要的地位。  相似文献   

鱼类外周血淋巴细胞的分离技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对分离草鱼( Ctenopharyngodon idella) 外周血淋巴细胞技术的探索,发现用相对体积质量为1 .080 ~1 .085 的Ficoll- Urografin 分层液可将草鱼外周血中淋巴细胞100 % 地分离出来,这对进一步研究鱼类淋巴细胞的结构、功能具有重要意义。同时测得草鱼各类血细胞的相对体积质量:淋巴细胞为1 .077 ±0 .002 ,粒细胞为1 .096 ±0 .003 ,红细胞为1 .111 ±0 .002 。  相似文献   

钱塘江中下游鱼类资源及其增殖途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
葛亚非 《海洋渔业》2005,27(2):164-168
作者于1995~1996年和2000~2001年对钱塘江中下游的鱼类区系,主要经济鱼类的渔获组成以及年龄、体长和体重等进行了调查分析,根据所得的材料,论述了该水域的鱼类资源及其利用现状,并就资源增殖提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to assess the use of the bottom‐feeding grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) within benthic enclosures as a means to reduce the benthic impacts of a net cage fish farm in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Five experimental 1‐m3 net‐cage enclosures were stocked with 12 grey mullets each (fish weights 50, 70 or 144 g). The enclosures had no bottom and the mullets had access to the enclosed organically enriched sediments and to particulate matter (PM) falling from the overlying cages. Sediment traps were used to quantify and qualify the PM falling from the fish farm to the sea floor. Simultaneously, a feeding trial was performed with mullets (50 and 70 g) in experimental tanks. In order to estimate the potential growth rate and to quantify energy and protein requirements, the fish were fed a formulated diet with known composition. After approximately 70 days at sea, mullets in the enclosures had used up all the available food in the sediment and gained up to 0.78 g day?1 fish?1. Applying the values for energy and protein requirements for maintenance and growth derived from the experimental trial, estimates indicated that the grey mullets effectively removed 4.2 g organic carbon, 0.70 g nitrogen and 7.5 mg phosphorus kg?1 mullet m?2 day?1 from the organically enriched sediment. Thus deployment of grey mullets may be an efficient means to improve the quality of sediments below intensive net‐cage fish farms.  相似文献   

Rotenone sampling is the most efficient method for assessing the fish assemblage structure and species abundance of low conductivity Amazonian streams. It does, however, cause fish mortality and disturb aquatic ecosystem. The aim of this study was to search for a non‐destructive alternative. The efficiency of electrofishing was compared against complete removal using rotenone. This procedure was repeated in 12 streams dispersed throughout French Guiana to test for environmental and biological effects such as water conductivity, stream depth, fish family membership and body size. This study revealed that the efficiency of electrofishing was influenced by stream conductivity and stream depth, but not by fish family or body size. The electrofishing method might constitute an efficient alternative to using rotenone in smaller streams (below 25‐cm depth and above 43 μS cm?1), whereas in deeper and/or slightly conductive streams, rotenone still remains the only method able to provide a quick and comprehensive picture of the fish assemblage.  相似文献   

Abstract – The horizontal distribution of fish in lakes varies with species, age, predation risk, vegetation coverage and water clarity. Although sporadic data are available for specific lakes, little is known about how habitat distribution generally changes along a gradient in nutrients and clarity. Here we analyse littoral and pelagic fish catch data for 34 Danish lakes (covering 94 lake years) with contrasting total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and mean depth levels (but mainly eutrophic and shallow). Electrofishing was conducted during day along the shore or along the edge of the reed belt if such existed. Gill nets were set overnight for 18 h in open water. We calculated a littoral proportion as: LITPRO = (100 × number caught by electrofishing in the near‐shore area)/(number caught by electrofishing in the near‐shore area and nets in the open water). At all summer TP concentrations LITPRO was high for several ‘littoral’ species such as gudgeon (Gobio gobio), rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalmus) and pike (Esox lucius) and low for more typical pelagic species like pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). However, for many of these species including the dominant roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) LITPRO increased with TP or lake water chlorophyll a (CHLA) for fish >10 cm, suggesting a more littoral distribution with increasing turbidity. Exceptions are pikeperch and bream (Abramis brama). For bream, LITPRO increased significantly with mean lake depth only. For fish ≤10 cm LITPRO showed only a weak relationship to TP, CHLA or depth. In accordance with the TP‐dependent distribution, major changes occurred in the fish community structure during the monitoring period following nutrient loading reduction. A comparison of LITPRO from the first part of the monitoring period (1989–1993) with a subsequent period (1997–2003) for four abundant species showed a significant decline in LITPRO over time for large‐ and small‐sized roach and perch and large rudd. This suggests a fast response in fish distribution to improved water quality. It further demonstrates that fish monitoring in lakes should cover both littoral and pelagic habitats to describe the recovery process.  相似文献   

Artificial photoperiods that postpone sexual maturation and increase growth are now widely used in the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. farming industry. Few studies have been carried out to examine the effect of this treatment on fish behaviour and welfare in production cages. In this study, echo‐integration was used to observe the swimming depth and fish density of salmon in 20‐m‐deep production cages illuminated by lamps mounted above the water surface (SURF) or submerged in the cage (SUBS). From January to May, SUBS swam at a greater depth (5–11 m) than SURF (1–3 m) at night. SURF descended and SUBS ascended at dawn, but SUBS were still swimming at greater depth than SURF during the day from January to March. The difference in swimming depth resulted in SURF swimming at a median fish density about twice as high as SUBS at night and up to five times the calculated fish density. SURF increased the utilization of the cage volume as the biomass increased, but fish swimming at the highest density did so at up to 20 times the calculated fish density. The results suggest that salmon position themselves in relation to the artificial light gradient to maintain schooling behaviour and that the use of submersible lights may be a precaution to secure the welfare of caged salmon.  相似文献   

长江靖江段处于长江下游与河口段的交汇地带,是长江下游和河口渔业资源养护的重要地区。2002年至2006年,在靖江沿岸滩涂湿地用1张定置张网共采集到鱼类3514.84kg。5年间鱼类月平均捕获量58.59kg,以6月为最高,达108.61kg,12月最低,仅为31.57kg,呈现出典型的非平稳时间序列。按照残差不相关和简洁原则确定模型结构,依据Akaike信息准则(AIC)与Schwarz贝叶斯信息准则(SBC)确定模型优度,用SPSS V13.0软件对2002年1月-2006年12月的月捕获量进行ARIMA建模拟合。结果表明,类型为ARIMA(1,0,0) (0,1,1)12(不含常数项),模型方程(1-0.327B)(1-B12)lnyt= (1-0.825B12)et的残差为白噪声(P>0.05)。该模型对2003-2006年4年的月捕获量拟合精度为71.49%-83.28%,能较好地拟合既往时段的月捕获量序列。对2007年逐月捕获量预测的相对精度为58.64%-99.44%,年相对精度达81.60%,表明该模型能很好地用于长江口沿岸滩涂湿地鱼类捕获量的预测。  相似文献   

针对转基因鱼技术中关于启动子和结构基因的选配、外源基因的定点整合、外源基因的可控表达、转基因鱼鉴定、建立转基因鱼纯系个体以及转基因鱼应用安全问题几个方面进行了论述.  相似文献   

针对转基因鱼技术中关于启动子和结构基因的选配、外源基因的定点整合、外源基因的可控表达、转 基因鱼鉴定、建立转基因鱼纯系个体以及转基因鱼应用安全问题几个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

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