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一、简介本刊今年第一期曾向读者介绍过一种近年来兴起的草捆青贮新技术。草捆青贮主要是采用将500公斤左右的大圆草捆逐个装入聚乙烯塑料袋的方法进行的。有没有更为简便的方法呢?本文以大圆草捆为例,介绍英国农业部推广的一种“无袋大草捆青贮”。这种新方法的基本工艺是:将草捆堆成紧凑的草垛,然后用双层500克聚乙烯塑料单盖好,塑料单周围用沙士压严实。最后,再用一张结实的网盖在塑料单上面,网的下端坠以重物,这样全部工作便告完成。无袋大草捆青贮的优点:1.草捆毋须逐一装袋、  相似文献   

牧草捆裹青贮技术的试验研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
牧草捆裹青贮是近年来在国外广泛推广和应用原一项青贮新技术。笔者着重对捆裹青贮的工艺,技术要求和配套机具进行了研究,并对捆裹青贮的草捆进行了质量综合分析评价。  相似文献   

牧草青贮因各地条件不同而方法各异,目前比较成熟的青贮形式以窖贮、塔贮、壕贮和塑料袋贮为主。1984年澳大利亚英特包装集团公司(Integratedpackaging)研制了制作青贮饲料的青贮草捆裹包系统并获得专利。这套系统采用塑料草料裹包膜将重达半吨...  相似文献   

拉伸膜圆捆青贮是先将牧草/苜蓿在含水率为50%左右时,用高压力打捆机将牧草/苜蓿制成圆柱型草捆,然后采用专用裹包机,用青贮专用拉伸膜将草捆紧紧地裹包起来,即完成了拉伸膜裹包青贮的制作。若是玉米秸秆、甘蔗尾叶或芦苇等其他作物,则需先用揉碎机或切碎机将秸秆揉碎或切短。再进行打捆和裹包。圆捆青贮有大型圆捆和小型圆捆两种。  相似文献   

1捆裹青贮的方式捆裹青贮有2种方式:裹包青贮和袋式青贮。1.1裹包青贮裹包青贮采用捆草机将刈割后的牧草压实,进行机械打捆,制成圆柱形或长方形草捆,然后采用裹包机,用青贮专用拉伸膜将草捆紧紧地裹包起来。捆裹过程中也可添加多种添加剂。大型圆捆(直径120厘米×l20厘米),在含水量约50%时,每捆草重约500千克。小型圆捆(直径55厘米×52厘米),在含水量约50%时,每捆草重约40千克。1.2袋式青贮袋式青贮特别适合于玉米、高粱等以及秸秆类植物。将其切碎后,采用袋式灌装机将秸秆/牧草高密度地装入塑料拉伸膜制成的专用青贮袋。秸秆的含水量可达60…  相似文献   

一、考察情况概述草捆青贮是近年来兴起的一项牧草加工新技术,它兼有传统青贮和调制干草二者之优点,而避免了其不足之处。采用草捆青贮技术可将草场的载畜能力提高30%以上,对解决我国北方草原长期存在的畜草矛盾有很大意义;制作草捆青贮毋需依赖好的天气条件,可以解决我国南方调制干草与天气多雨的矛盾。然而,草捆青贮技术在国内鲜为人知,更未曾应用。为此,1985年经农牧渔业部畜牧局建议,将草捆青贮技术考察作为中  相似文献   

4牧草加工技术青饲料生产受外界因素影响很大,遇上不良气候,或计划不周,或管理不善,都可能造成青饲料的缺口,这就要在产草旺季,搞好加工调制和贮存,实行以旺补淡,才能确保一年四季草料的均衡供应。同时经加工调制的牧草饲料都能改善适口性和提高消化率。其加工调制,目前多采用以下几种方法。4.1青贮青贮是当前国内外调节青饲料的旺淡季,实现草料均衡供应的重要措施。方法有青贮塔、青贮壕、青贮窖、平地堆贮、塑料袋青贮和草捆青贮等6种。青贮壕、平地堆贮,量大,适合大型养殖场采用;青贮塔造价高;草捆青贮是近年从国外引进的一种新技术,需要…  相似文献   

一、考察情况概述草捆青贮是近年来兴起的一项牧草加工新技术,它兼有传统青贮和调制干草二者之优点,而避免了其不足之处。采用草捆青贮技术可将草场的载畜能力提高30%以上,对解决我国北方草原长期存在的畜草矛盾有很大意义;制作草捆青贮毋需依  相似文献   

牧草青贮是保存牧草优质营养价值和养分重要技术手段。牧草在青贮过程中养分损失较少,是牧草资源短缺时期十分优质的牧草来源。草捆青贮是最近几年发展出来的一种全新的牧草青贮技术,它是将牧草在伏天收获后经捡拾压捆机压成草捆,利用青贮技术将牧草保存起来。这种青贮技术和过去传统的青贮技术相比较,更方便储存、运输,能够显著提高饲料质量,改善牧草适口性。笔者主要结合实际情况就草捆青贮技术进行了分析。  相似文献   

牧草捆裹青贮加工及饲喂模式和规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牧草捆裹青贮技术是 2 0世纪 80年代中期畜牧业发达国家首先研究应用的一项饲草加工贮存技术 ,它是在传统青贮方式 (窖贮、壕贮、塔贮等 )基础上研究、开发出来的一种新的饲草青贮方式。牧草捆裹青贮有别于将牧草切碎后 ,装填后在地窖、壕、塑料袋或塔里的传统青贮方式。这一新的贮草方式应用了具有高新技术含量的拉伸回缩膜将原料牧草分别捆裹成单个捆 ,其最大优点是具有可移动性。使用该技术对由于牧草自然生长而带来的营养物质输出的不平衡性具有较好的平衡营养作用 ,特别是在冷季 ,可移动性带来的调剂作用对于改善家畜营养状况更具有良…  相似文献   

塑料袋青贮饲草技术应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍塑料袋青贮饲草技术及应用,首先塑料袋具有可靠的隔氧效果,为发酵反应的完成和青贮质量的稳定提供了可靠保障;其次塑料袋青贮具有高发酵质量、多品种饲草青贮能力及易于推广的特点,表现出更好的适应性,为奶畜户提供质优量足的青贮饲料,促进奶畜养殖的优质高效。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices of people in the Nairobi and Kajiado Counties, Kenya, on the usage, disposal, and effect of plastic waste on sheep and goats (shoats). A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 384 respondents in four communities in the two counties. Most of the people irrespective of their age, occupation, and educational status used plastic bags of some type on a daily basis. A high proportion of the respondents (37.0%, 142) used plastic bags because of the low cost. Approximately, 79.1% (304) disposed used plastic bags in open dumps. A total of 147 (38.3%) households kept shoats. Out of these, 38.1% (56) purchased feed and also allowed their animals to roam. Most of them (45.3%, 174) thought that lack of feed for the animals was the main reason why shoats roam and scavenge at refuse dump sites and road sides. A large proportion of the respondents (44.5%, 143) mentioned death of animals as the ultimate consequence of ingestion of waste plastic bags. Though, the respondents were aware that indiscriminate disposal of used plastic bags could result in death of the animals from which they derive their livelihoods, they nevertheless continued with the practice. There is a need for a paradigm shift in the way and manner plastic bags are used and disposed.  相似文献   

For practical reasons, a large volume (i.e. 5 ml) of frozen boar semen per insemination dose is desirable, but successful freezing has not been achieved, since optimal cooling rates have not yet been established. Post-thaw motility and the acrosome intep'ty of semen from four boars frozen with a programmable freezin machine, in mini-(0.25 ml), maxi-(5 ml) plastic straws and in 10 × 5 cm PVC- or Teflon FEP-plastic bags (0.35 – 0.12 mm thick, 5 ml) was studied. The freezing of the semen was monitored using thermocouples placed in the straws and the bags. The freezing curve started from +5°C, at a rate of −3°C/min, to – 6°C, it was held for 1 min at −6°C, and was followed by further drop to −100°C at a rate of −20°C/min, with subsequent storage in LN2. The bags had a much shorter freezing point plnteau, compared to the maxi-straws. Post-thaw sperm motility was significantly higher when semen was frozen in mini-straws or in bags than in maxi-straws. The freezing procedure did not cause major acrosomal damages, significantly more normal apical ridges being present in the bags and mini-straws than in the maxi-straws. This in vitro evaluation indicates that the freezing method employed is satisfactory for freezing large volumes of boar semen into plastic bags .  相似文献   

不同包装贮藏对桑树种子活力的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以生石灰为干燥剂,普通塑料薄膜袋、铝箔袋作包装材料,对桑树种子进行密封小包装后,贮藏于室内自然条件下,探讨室温条件下各种密封小包装对杂交桑种子发芽率、活力的影响,筛选适宜的种子包装材料及包装方法。试验结果表明:贮藏2个月后布袋散装、塑料袋和铝箔袋密封包装的种子发芽率下降极显著,9个月后全部丧失发芽能力;而用生石灰+铝箔袋密封小包装的种子贮藏15个月后发芽率才有所下降,但发芽率仍保持在94.67%,贮藏效果明显。  相似文献   

Dry pet food is a potential source of exposure to house dust and storage mite allergens in canine atopic dermatitis. This study evaluated contamination of house dust and dry dog food stored in paper bags, sealable plastic bags and sealable plastic boxes in 10 households for 90 days using Acarex® tests for guanine, a Der p 1 ELISA and mite flotation. Acarex® tests were negative in all the food samples but positive in all the house dust samples. The Der p 1 levels and mite numbers significantly increased in food from paper bags (P = 0.0073 and P = 0.02, respectively), but not plastic bags or boxes. Mite numbers and Der p 1 levels were 10–1000 times higher in house dust than the corresponding food samples (P < 0.0001). There were significant correlations between Der p 1 in house dust and food from the paper (P < 0.0001) and plastic bags (P = 0.003), and mite numbers in house dust and food from the paper bags (P = 0.0007). Bedding and carpets were significantly associated with Der p 1 levels in house dust (P = 0.015 and P = 0.01, respectively), and food from the paper (both P = 0.02) and plastic bags (P = 0.03 and P = 0.04, respectively). Mites were identified in six of 10 paper bag, three of 10 plastic bag, one of 10 plastic box and nine of 10 house dust samples. These comprised Dermatophagoides (54%), Tyrophagus (10%; all from food) and unidentified mites (36%). Storage of food in sealable plastic boxes largely prevented contamination for 3 months. Exposure to mites and mite proteins in all the stored food, however, appeared to be trivial compared with house dust.  相似文献   

Dry matter disappearance (DMD) and cellulose disappearance (CD) from alfalfa hay were measured simultaneously in synthetic fiber bags incubated in vitro. In general, DMD, CD, and pH were reduced (P less than .05) inside the bags compared with values in the fermentation flasks. Bags became fully expanded with gas soon after the fermentation started, which seemed to inhibit fluid movement into and out of the bag. By creating a vacuum in the flask, fluid exchange was enhanced, and DMD, CD, and pH increased (P less than .01) inside the bags. Sample size, type of fabric, and fabric pore size affected pH, DMD, and CD. Inoculum source (forage or concentrate diet) did not affect DMD in either bags or flasks. In contrast, DMD in bags incubated in vivo was affected (P less than .01) by animal diet. When bags were incubated in vivo inside a rigid plastic container, both pH and DMD were reduced (P less than .01) compared with bags suspended freely in the rumen. Direct physical action of ruminal contents on the bags apparently enhanced exchange of fluid. Bacterial concentrations in bags suspended freely in the rumen were greater than those in bags incubated inside containers. Synthetic fiber bags may be useful in comparing digestibility between diets; however, caution is needed in evaluating such data in absolute terms.  相似文献   

几种禾本科牧草内生细菌的分布特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同禾本科牧草植株内生细菌含量差异显著,杂交狼尾草闽牧六号内生细菌含量最高,达26.800×104CFU/g。具体到各个部位,禾本科牧草不同部位内生细菌含量差异也显著。通过微生物鉴定系统对内生菌进行鉴定的结果表明,64株内生细菌中与MIDI数据库比较相似性指数大于0.500,可确定其菌种名称的有50株,属于19个种,隶属于12个属。以分离到的19种内生菌为样本,以各菌株在各部位出现与否为指标,用类平均法对数据进行系统聚类分析,当λ=8.35时,可将19种内生细菌分为4个大类群。从聚类结果显示,内生菌与宿主植株和不同分离部位都存在相关性,与宿主植株的关系更密切。  相似文献   

通过套透明塑料袋、黄色纸袋、报纸袋等三种套袋材料对琯溪蜜柚果实进行套袋处理,以无套袋为对照,研究不同套袋材料对果实品质的影响。结果表明:套袋对防虫防病效果显著,明显改善果实外观品质,不同材料套袋对营养品质的影响存在差异。综合评价黄色纸袋套袋效果较好。  相似文献   

Two methods for collecting specimens for measuring sequential antibody activity of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were compared. Whole blood was collected on filter-paper strips, dried for 2 hr at 37 C, and then stored in plastic bags at 4 C or eluted overnight and tested immediately. Eluates of whole blood were paired with serum samples and tested for IBV antibody activity by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at four weekly intervals. Both sampling methods yielded ELISA antibody levels that were detectable at 7 days postinfection (PI), peaked at 21 days PI, and then began to decline by 28 days PI. The paired samples showed no significant difference (P less than 0.05) between ELISA titers at any time tested. Whole blood dried on filter paper could be stored sealed in plastic bags at 4 C for at least 2 weeks with no appreciable loss of antibody titers. Virus-neutralizing antibodies, measured in serum only, were not detectable until 14 days PI but then continued to rise through 28 days PI. It was concluded that eluates of whole blood dried on filter paper may be used as an alternative to sera in ELISA for measuring IBV antibodies.  相似文献   

The post-thaw motility and the acrosome integrity of semen from 4 boars frozen with a programmable freezing machine, in mini (0.25 ml) and maxi (5 ml) plastic straws and in 10 x 5 cm Teflon FEP-plastic bags (0.12 mm thick, 5 ml), were compared. The freezing of the semen was monitored by way of thermo-couples placed in the straws and the bags. Three freezing programmes were used, namely A: from +5 degrees C, at a rate of 3 degrees C/min, to -6 degrees C, held for 1 min at -6 degrees C, and followed by a cooling rate of 20 degrees C/min to -100 degrees C; B: a similar curve except that there was no holding time at -6 degrees C and that the cooling rate was 30 degrees C/min, and C: from +5 degrees C to -100 degrees C, with a cooling rate of 35 degrees C/min, followed by storage in liquid N2. Despite the freezing curve assayed, both the mini-straws and the bags depicted much shorter freezing point plateaus as compared to the maxi-straws. Post-thaw sperm motility as well as the amount of normal apical ridges were equally significantly higher when semen was frozen in mini-straws or in bags than in maxi-straws. Significant differences in these post-thawing parameters were obtained between the freezing curves used. The stepwise freezing procedure A appeared as the best alternative for boar semen, considering this in vitro evaluation.  相似文献   

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