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森林认证及其对我国林产品贸易的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
森林可持续经营问题已普遍受到人们的关注 ,但相对来说 ,森林认证从理论到实践 ,只有十几年的发展历程 ,其理论基础与实践经验都很不完善 ,现存的有关森林认证的论述大多是关于体系、标准的建设和基本理论及国外经验的总结 ,而涉及森林认证对我国林产品贸易的影响及对策方面的研究在国内尚属空白。因此 ,在了解我国森林认证的进展与绿色壁垒的基本情况下 ,重点研究森林认证对我国林产品贸易产生的影响  相似文献   

绿色壁垒与我国入世后的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当今世界商品经济空前发达,国际贸易十分活跃。1993年GATT乌拉圭回合谈判的完成和WTO组织的成立,标志着国际贸易的自由化和全球化达到了一个新的高度。但是多年以来的经济增长建立在对资源的掠夺性开发的基础上,使人类在浅尝经济增长的甜蜜后,不得不自食随之而来的全球生态环境恶化的苦果。1990年以后,各国开始在推行贸易自由化的同时,将注意力转向保护环境,特别是1992年在巴西举行的联合国环境与发展大会表明,环境保护的全球化已成为不可阻挡的历史潮流,将环保事业推进到了一个新的发展阶段。正是在这样的国际背景…  相似文献   

自治区党委六届三次全委(扩大)会议提出了实行“两个转变”,实现“两个提高”,完成两大历史性任务的宏伟目标.这是我区当前最大的政治.这就要求重点去抓与“两个转变”、“两个提高”关联度大的工作.本文就林业如何建立和完善以木材为主的林产品市场体系问题,做以下分析探讨.一、我区林产品市场现状及存在的主要问题由于森林具有经济、社会、生态三大效益,森林采伐不能单纯从经济效益一个方面考虑,因此决定了木材等林产品也具有特殊性.一是在产品品种规格上,还不能完全象工厂产品一样,完全按市场需求确定生产;二是在产品数量上,要受到森林采伐限额的  相似文献   

陈水合 《国际木业》2005,35(1):36-37
猴年即将过去,鸡年又将来临,在过去的一年里,我国的国民经济的巨舰在中央的宏观调控和科学发展观的指引下,盲目发展的思潮已得到很大的控制,房地产投资规模过大现象也已得到有效控制,实践已证明中央在过去的一年多来,所采取的宏观调控政策措施是及时的、正确和有效的。从而使我国的国民经济出现了喜人的局面,GDP的增长速度预计将超过9%,外贸进出口将大大超过万亿美元。进出口贸易额、工业生产和实际利用外商投资都出现了大幅增长。这将使我国的林业产业的发展和林产品市场蕴藏着巨大的商机。新的一年即将来临,在这辞旧迎新之际,对我国的林产品市场进行回顾和展望,供业内人士参考。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了改革开放以来中国木材和主要林产品的生产、消费和贸易现状及其在2010年的发展趋势。指出:中国政论为保护森林资源和改善生态环境,制定了严格的限额采伐下策在1981~1997年期间,中国主要林产品的生产有了很大发展主要林产品的消费量已跃居世界前列,人均林产品消费量依然较低。林产品进口总量持续大幅度增长,进口原木由以温带针叶材为主转向大量进口原木由以温带针嘻村为主转 向大量进口热带阔叶材。  相似文献   

对兴建全国性郑州林产品综合市场的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国林业发展的需要,在对全国林产品市场和其它行业商品市场调查分析的基础上,提出了建立全国性大型林产品综合市场的必要性,分析了建立郑州全国性林产品综合市场的有利条件,并就如何建全国性郑州林产品综合市场进行了初步实施和有益探讨。  相似文献   

中美贸易摩擦是中美经济关系中的重要问题。2018年中美贸易摩擦爆发后,双边经贸关系曲折不断,木质林产品贸易面临极大考验。文中在梳理2015—2020年中美双边木质林产品贸易数据的基础上,分析贸易摩擦对双边木质林产品贸易的影响。结果显示,中美贸易摩擦对双边贸易规模具有较大影响,贸易总额、进口额和出口额均大幅下降;木家具和人造板等木质林产品贸易受到较大冲击,双方短期内均难以找到替代市场;中国从美国进口原木和锯材大幅下降,但中国木材供应和木材安全未受到威胁。未来,建议从增加国内木材供应、拓展替代市场、优化林业产业结构、建立国际国内双循环的林产品市场方面积极应对贸易摩擦。  相似文献   

森林认证把森林经营与森林的产品结合在一起,良好的森林经营产出的产品才能被消费者认可。改善森林经营是所有森林认证计划的目标和要求。森林认证能逐步提高森林经营的质量;森林认证和标签的出现,使贸易有可能多元化,环境敏感市场的市场格局可能受到冲击,一些不符合环境要求的产品可能退出市场,而通过认证的产品有机会占领市场。  相似文献   

We assessed the impact on the world forest sector of a progressive elimination of illegal logging. The analysis compared predictions from 2007 to 2020, with and without a gradual reduction of illegally logged industrial roundwood from 2007 to 2011. A large part of the curtailment of timber supply due to the stoppage of illegal logging would be compensated by increased legal production incited by higher prices. As a result, without illegal logging the world annual production of industrial roundwood would decrease by no more than 1%, even though it would decrease by up to 8% in developing countries. World prices would rise by 1.5 to 3.5% for industrial roundwood and by 0.5 to 2% for processed products, depending on the assumption on illegal logging rates. World consumer expenditures for wood products and producer revenues would rise by 1 to 2% without illegal logging. World value added in forest industries would remain the same. However, the changes in consumer expenditures would be more than double the changes in producer revenues in countries dependent on illegally logged timber of domestic or foreign origin such as Indonesia and China. Symmetrically, changes in producer revenues would be almost twice the changes in consumer expenditures in countries with little illegal logging and efficient industries, such as Canada, Germany and the United States. Value added in forest industries would decrease most in countries with heavy illegal logging (12% in Indonesia and up to 9% in Brazil), and it would increase most in Germany, Canada (4%), and the United States (2%). Without illegal logging, the world forest inventory would increase slightly, as the increase in developing countries would more than compensate the decrease in developed countries.  相似文献   

森林认证对林产品贸易的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郑仰南  蒋敏元 《林业研究》2002,13(4):316-318
森林认证在森林经营政策方面扮演了一个重要的补充角色并对林产品贸易起到了极其重要的影响。在短短的10余年间,森林认证已得到许多国家政府和林业部门的关注和认可。森林认证工作在中国刚刚起步,我们应该让更多的人了解森林认证并推动该项工作的发展。本文分析了森林认证对世界林产品贸易的影响,包括认证进出口国的利益、贸易流向、企业竞争、以及人们对认证林产品的需求,论述了森林认证对中国林产品贸易的影响,提出了森林认证对中国森林经营和林产品贸易的影响是机遇与挑战并存。参8。  相似文献   

本文论述了加入WTO后中国林产工业所面临的挑战 ,并提出了应对这些挑战所应采取措施  相似文献   

入世后本溪市森林旅游面临的机遇和挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
入世为森林旅游业的发展创造了良好的国际、国内环境和机遇,同时也对森林公园的旅游服务和管理水平提出了更高的要求。章通过对入世给森林旅游业带来的机遇和挑战以及本溪市发展森林旅游业优势的深刻剖析,提出本溪市森林公园立足于森林旅游资源优势,应对加入WTO后的机遇和挑战的管理和营销策略。  相似文献   

There is an increasing understanding that forests and the forestry sector are key elements in poverty reduction strategies in Africa. However, issues of equity between various forest users are becoming a major challenge to environmental development, forest management and poverty reduction. This paper presents an analysis of household representatives' socio-economic determinants and other constraints on accessing forest products, based on data collected through a questionnaire survey of 1865 respondents in seven districts of the Sissili province, southern Burkina Faso. Three logistic regression models were developed to examine determinants of access to the forest for collecting fuelwood, grazing livestock and collecting non-timber forest products (NTFPs). The results showed that access to forest products is associated with individual characteristics. Age, ethnicity, occupation and sources of income were significant determinants of access to all types of forest products. Access to the forest for grazing livestock was further influenced by gender and household size, while access to NTFPs was influenced by gender, household size and education level of the respondents. The formal forest law that precludes grazing in the forest, and customary rules and regulations pertaining to land tenure, were reported to be serious constraints to forest access for women and migrant people. Understanding the factors influencing access to products from commonly-owned forest resources could form the basis for developing, modifying and targeting policy instruments that promote equitable access. Policies should particularly encourage the direct involvement of vulnerable and marginalized groups (women and migrants) in forest management activities.  相似文献   

Pentadesma butyracea Sabine (Clusiaceae) is a multi-purpose tree that provides non-timber forest products (NTFPs). In particular, fruit almonds can be transformed into butter for cooking and cosmetics. During the present study, the following hypotheses were tested: (i) diameter structure of P. butyracea populations is independent of its fruit gathering intensity; (ii) P. butyracea seedling and sapling density and origin are independent of its fruit gathering intensity; (iii) P. butyracea fruit gathering and processing of its almonds are profitable activities and (iv) P. butyracea fruit collectors and almond transformers are receiving the lowest marketing margins in the commercial channel. The class distribution in the low-intensity harvesting sites showed a typical inverse J-shaped curve whereas the high-intensity harvesting ones showed an almost bell curve (G2 = 23.93, p = 0.0008). After data analysis, all hypotheses turned out to be wrong except the hypothesis (iii). In order to assess the effects of fruit harvesting on natural regeneration of P. butyracea, we compared seedling and sapling density of regeneration originating from seeds and roots suckers in plots that had been differentiated according to fruit harvesting intensity. These plots were laid out in riparian forests, which are the natural habitats for the species in Benin. Observed seedling and sapling density was high (13,872 ± 7886 seedlings and saplings/ha) in low-intensity harvesting sites but very low (4200 ± 3810 seedlings and saplings/ha) in high-intensity harvesting sites (F = 17.16; p = 0.0006). However, there was no significant difference between root sucker density in either type of harvesting site (F = 0.79; p = 0.3861). Collection of P. butyracea fruits and subsequent processing of its almonds into butter is an important source of income for women involved in these activities. Commercial margin analysis showed that these women involved in almonds and butter trade, far from being exploited by traders, recuperate between 49% and 80% of the price paid by the consumer, depending on the quality of the product and the length of commercial channel used.  相似文献   

高文祥  陈国刚  李凤翔 《森林工程》2000,16(3):41-41,10
本文针对黑龙江省森工系统林产品的生产现状进行了分析和评述,依据我国的改革开放政策,结合黑龙江森工系统的实际情况和国内外林产品的发展趋势,作者提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

BRAZIER  J. D. 《Forestry》1997,70(4):337-342
In seventy years, timber use, at first governed by craft practices,has been transformed to a technology determined by scientificprinciples, made possible by the research on wood undertakenduring the period. The pattern of this research, those undertakingit, the factors determining it and its funding in the UnitedKingdom are considered. Today, forest products research is ata low ebb, compared with that in earlier decades, but it issuggested that with a rapidly expanding UK resource, a continuingnational dependence on timber and timber products and the environmental benefits from growing and using wood, the need for aneffective forest products research capability remains as importantas ever.  相似文献   

Increased urbanization in many societies is having a negative impact on vitality of rural areas. To maintain the vitality of these areas governments have employed a variety of policies, some of which are designed to facilitate innovation and enhance landowner innovativeness. However, little research has investigated the antecedents to landowner innovativeness and whether innovativeness positively impacts economic performance in this setting. The present study investigates these issues in the context of Norwegian forestland owners and their involvement in non-timber forest products and services (a form of ecosystem services). The authors present a conceptual model hypothesizing that social networking, entrepreneurial climate, and a learning orientation each have a direct, positive impact on landowner innovativeness and innovativeness has a direct, positive impact on economic performance. Property size is included as a moderating variable. Data were collected via a mail survey and a total of 683 useable responses were received reaching an adjusted response rate of 35%. Results show that social networking and a learning orientation positively impact innovativeness, but that entrepreneurial climate does not. Innovativeness was found to positively impact economic performance. The authors outline implications of the findings that may be used by policy makers, landowners and research.  相似文献   

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