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There has been renewed concern in recent years about the use of antibiotics in food animal production and the potential risk it may pose to public health due to transfer of antibiotic resistance factors via the food supply. Although a legitimate concern, it bears reminding that this debate is not new. It has been ongoing for decades, yet there is still no documented case of human treatment failure due to antibiotic resistant bacteria acquired from USDA-inspected meat and poultry. This fact strongly suggests that the issue is not the imminent threat as has been portrayed by certain individuals or advocacy groups. The poultry industry as a whole has been using antibiotics responsibly for several decades, and there are strong beneficial arguments for their continued use. Responsible public policy demands a science-based approach be utilized in the decision making process before attempting to restrict or remove certain products due to overestimated risks. Part of this scientific review should include antibiotic use data, however this information has definite limitations and shortcomings which need to be understood before attempting to make any valid antibiotic resistance associations.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the use of antibiotics on small dairy farms in lower/middle-income countries. The use of these drugs can have profound impacts on animal health, farmer income and public health. A survey of 156 farmers was conducted in Cajamarca, a major dairy-producing center in the highlands of Peru characterized by small farms (<15 cows) to assess patterns and determinants of antibiotic use and farmers’ knowledge of antibiotics. The reported incidence of disease on these farms was relatively low (0.571 episodes of disease per cow-year), but more than 83% of the reported episodes were treated with antibiotics. The most commonly used antibiotics were oxytetracycline, penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole drugs; antiparasitic drugs were also used to treat what were likely bacterial infections. An increased incidence of treated disease was significantly associated with smaller farm size, lower farmer income, the previous use of the Californian Mastitis test on the farm and antibiotic knowledge. Farmers’ knowledge of antibiotics was assessed with a series of questions on antibiotics, resulting in a “knowledge score”. Increased knowledge was significantly associated with the use of antibiotics for preventative reasons, the purchase of antibiotics from feed-stores, the experience of complications in animals after having administered antibiotics, the number of workers on the farm and the educational level of the farmer. Overall, antibiotics appeared to be used infrequently, most likely because therapeutic interventions were sought only when the animal had reached an advanced stage of clinical disease. Few farmers were able to define an antibiotic, but many farmers understood that the use of antibiotics carried inherent risks to their animals and potentially to the consumers of dairy products from treated animals. The results of this study are useful for understanding the patterns of antibiotic use and associated management, demographic and knowledge factors of farmers on small dairy farms in rural Peru.  相似文献   

Poultry is widely produced and consumed meat global y. Its demand is expected to continue increasing to meet the animal protein requirement for ever-increasing human population. Thus, the chal enge that poultry scientists and industry face are to produce sufficient amount of poultry meat in the most efficient way. In the past, using antibiotics to promote the growth of poultry and manage gut microbiota was a norm. However, due to concerns over potential fatalistic impacts on food animals and indirectly to humans, their use as feed additives are banned or regulated in several jurisdictions. In this changed context, several alternative strategies have been proposed with some success that mimics the functions of antibiotics as growth promoters and modulate gut microbiota for their beneficial roles. These include the use of probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids, and exogenous enzyme, among others. Gut microbiota and their metabolic products improve nutrient digestion, absorption, metabolism, and overal health and growth performance of poultry. This paper reviews the available information on the effect of feed additives used to modulate intestinal microbiota of poultry and their effects on overal health and growth performance. Understanding these functions and interactions wil help to develop new dietary and managerial strategies that wil ultimately lead to enhanced feed utilization and improved growth performance of poultry. This review wil help future researchers and industry to identify alternative feed ingredients having properties like prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids, and exogenous enzymes.  相似文献   

畜禽生产中,抗生素的不合理使用在畜禽产品中极易形成抗生素残留超标的安全隐患,不仅威胁人类健康,也制约着养殖业的可持续发展。益生菌正是在这种情况下作为抗生素的有效替代品应用于动物饲料中。但是,有关益生菌制剂发挥益生作用的机理还不是很清楚,而通过现代生物技术对有益菌株进行遗传标记,是研究和阐明其在动物体内作用机理的重要技术手段和有效途径之一。绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)作为新的报告系统,已开始逐渐应用于饲用微生物的动态监测和作用机理研究中,且已表现出良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

随着我国畜禽养殖业的规模化发展,畜禽粪便排放量急剧增加,致使含有大量兽用抗生素和有抗菌活性的代谢产物排入环境,引起了一系列的潜在生态风险,对人类健康构成了严重威胁。结合我国兽用抗生素使用及其在土壤、植物中的残留现状,对抗生素残留的潜在风险和降解方法进行分析,以期为畜禽粪污的无害化处理和资源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The harm for livestock and poultry production caused by Mycoplasma infection has got widespread attention of researchers in the world. The practical ways to control the disease in order to reduce economic loss through Mycoplasma infection is the extensive use of antibiotics. Many groups of antibiotics including tetracyclines, macrolides and quinolones have been shown to be effective to Mycoplasma. Clinical practice shows many Mycoplasma isolated from livestock and poultry are characterized not only by single drug resistance but also by multiple antibiotic resistance due to the legacy of past decades of antimicrobial misuse, which threat the livestock and poultry production health. This paper reviews the mechanism of anti-Mycoplasma medicines through the alterations in the targets, the formation of efflux pump system, and the generation of inactivated enzymes of antibiotics, which provide theoretical basis and strategies for establishing resistance testing system, rational drug use and development of new drugs.  相似文献   

畜禽支原体耐药性及耐药机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
支原体感染给畜禽养殖造成的危害已受到国内外科研人员的广泛重视。目前控制畜禽支原体感染、降低畜禽养殖经济损失的切实有效方法是大量使用抗生素,其中四环素、大环内酯类及喹诺酮类药物是现阶段临床兽医首选的3类抗菌药。但短短几十年的临床实践表明,滥用抗生素已经严重威胁畜禽健康,许多畜禽支原体临床分离株不仅仅对单一抗生素产生耐药性,而且同时对多种抗生素耐药。作者从药物靶位点改变、外排泵系统形成、抗菌药物灭活酶产生等方面对上述抗畜禽支原体药物的耐药机制进行阐述,以期为建立支原体耐药性检测体系、指导临床合理用药、开发新的药物等提供理论依据和策略。  相似文献   

Functional foods are foods enriched with single ingredients, which influence 1 or more functions of the consumer in a favorable way, exceeding the effects of normal adequate nutrition. Consumers can expect health benefits from these products. The production of functional poultry meat is a promising future perspective, although the market share of such products will be small. The objective of the present paper was to summarize some examples of functional poultry meat. Substances of interest for this purpose are fatty acids and antioxidants. Enrichment of poultry meat with these health-promoting substances is not really a new approach, but there exists a potential for meeting the recommended daily intake for humans despite a probable negative effect on product quality. In the past, many papers were published showing that poultry meat can be enriched with conjugated linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, and Se in such a way that 100 g of enriched tissue meets 3 to 11, 70 to 130, and 60% of the recommended daily intake for humans, respectively. However, the occurrence of tough meat (conjugated linoleic acid) and an increased liability to oxidation (omega-3 fatty acids) may impair the use of functional poultry meat. More research is needed, both on these negative effects on human requirements for these substances and possible interactions between enriched components.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance is a major emerging global public health threat. Farmers in the Khartoum state are believed to misuse antibiotics in animal farming leading to daily exposure to resistant bacteria and antibiotic residues. Hence, farmers are at potential risk exposure to bacteria, zoonotic infection and toxicity. We hypothesized that farmers' misuse of antibiotics could be due to their ignorance of the importance of optimal use of antibiotics, the potential health hazards and the economical waste associated with antibiotic misuse practices. In the present study, we investigated knowledge and practices among farmers regarding antibiotic use and resistance. For this purpose, a cross-sectional study was conducted in Khartoum state where data were collected from 81 farmers using structured interviews. Data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Fifty-two per cent of farmers were uneducated or had studied for < 6 years. The majority reported antibiotic use for treatment and prevention while only 5% stated use for growth promotion. Antibiotic group treatment for both sick and healthy animals was commonly practiced among most farmers. The most commonly used group of antibiotics was the quinolones, which was reported by one-third. Only 30% of the farmers had heard of antibiotic resistance and provided their definition. Almost half were not aware of the commonly transferred zoonotic infections between humans and animals. The farmers consume 1-2 meals/day from their own farm products. A significant association between low education, poor knowledge of farmers on antibiotic use, antibiotic resistance and zoonotic infections was found. This association may play a vital role in the present practiced misuse of antibiotics. Our findings on farmers' practices could be used as baseline information in defining the gaps related to antibiotic use and resistance in animal farming in Sudan. It can thus serve as a foundation for future interventions.  相似文献   

Nutraceuticals have gained immense importance in poultry science recently considering the nutritional and beneficial health effects of their constituents. Besides providing nutritional requirements to birds, nutraceuticals have beneficial pharmacological effects, for example, they help in establishing normal physiological health status, prevent diseases and thereby improve production performance. Nutraceuticals include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. which are important for preventing oxidative stress, regulating the immune response and maintaining normal physiological, biochemical and homeostatic mechanisms. Nutraceuticals help in supplying nutrients in balanced amounts for supporting the optimal growth performance in modern poultry flocks, and as a dietary supplement can reduce the use of antibiotics. The application of antibiotic growth enhancers in poultry leads to the propagation of antibiotic-resistant microbes and drug residues; therefore, they have been restricted in many countries. Thus, there is a demand for natural feed additives that lead to the same growth enhancement without affecting the health. Nutraceuticals substances have an essential role in the development of the animals’ normal physiological functions and in protecting them against infectious diseases. In this review, the uses of amino acids, vitamins and minerals as well as their mode of action in growth promotion and elevation of immune system are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来由于抗生素在临床上的滥用,使得抗菌药物的抗菌效果大大降低,抗生素滥用还会导致有害菌定殖增加,影响人和动物的健康。因此,很多国家开始禁止用抗生素作为饲料添加剂,且在饲料中添加低剂量的抗生素作为肠道微生态调节剂已不再受欢迎,而探寻新的抗生素替代品来调节畜禽肠道微生物区系和维持肠道健康显得非常重要。人们一直误认为饲粮纤维是一种抗营养因子,指出纤维能稀释饲粮能量水平,影响家禽的生产性能。但最新研究表明,在家禽饲粮中添加适量纤维是改善家禽肠道健康、减少家禽肠道紊乱的一种有效的营养调控措施。本文从家禽肠道发育、肠道黏膜形态及上皮组织健康、肠道消化生理、肠道微生物区系等方面综述饲粮纤维对家禽肠道健康的影响,为进一步研究纤维对家禽肠道健康的调控机制提供参考,也为今后在家禽饲粮中添加纤维性物质提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

There is growing acknowledgement that use of antibiotics in people is the primary driver of antibiotic-resistant infections in humans [1, 7., 8., 9.], however, antibiotic-free production of poultry has become increasingly popular. Consumer perception is that antibiotic-free produced poultry is superior to conventionally raised poultry in spite of a lack of supporting scientific data [2]. A widely accepted definition of antibiotic-free poultry in the United States is that there is “no use of antibiotics (including ionophore anticoccidials) at the farm.” That means that coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis prevention must rely on synthetic or “chemical” anticoccidials, or on live coccidiosis vaccines, or on rotations between drugs and vaccines. The problem with this approach is that chemical anticoccidials (with the exception of nicarbazin) build coccidial resistance much quicker than ionophores and must be rested for a prolonged period of time. Further, there are limited numbers of anticoccidials of this class on the market. Moreover, unlike the ionophores, the chemicals do not have an antibiotic effect that aids in the prevention of necrotic enteritis and typically nicarbazin is only used during the cool months. Additionally, live coccidiosis vaccines induce immunity by invading, replicating, and cycling through the intestines. The coccidial infection, therefore, damages the intestinal epithelium and predisposes the birds to necrotic enteritis [3]. These intestinal health problems lead to bird welfare issues that must be addressed in the antibiotic-free production system. Likewise, it is generally acknowledged that production efficiency (weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality and yield) is adversely impacted in the antibiotic-free production system [4]. Thus, antibiotic-free production results in a greater carbon footprint and is less efficient [5., 6.]. Companies considering raising antibiotic-free poultry must be aware of the expected adverse effects on bird health, production efficiency, and cost.  相似文献   

The long-term consequences of climate change and potential environmental degradation are likely to include aspects of disease emergence in marine plants and animals. In turn, these emerging diseases may have epizootic potential, zoonotic implications, and a complex pathogenesis involving other cofactors such as anthropogenic contaminant burden, genetics, and immunologic dysfunction. The concept of marine sentinel organisms provides one approach to evaluating aquatic ecosystem health. Such sentinels are barometers for current or potential negative impacts on individual- and population-level animal health. In turn, using marine sentinels permits better characterization and management of impacts that ultimately affect animal and human health associated with the oceans. Marine mammals are prime sentinel species because many species have long life spans, are long-term coastal residents, feed at a high trophic level, and have unique fat stores that can serve as depots for anthropogenic toxins. Marine mammals may be exposed to environmental stressors such as chemical pollutants, harmful algal biotoxins, and emerging or resurging pathogens. Since many marine mammal species share the coastal environment with humans and consume the same food, they also may serve as effective sentinels for public health problems. Finally, marine mammals are charismatic megafauna that typically stimulate an exaggerated human behavioral response and are thus more likely to be observed.  相似文献   

Organic agriculture has increased greatly over the past several years as consumer demand for these products has risen. Organic meat production, including poultry, has grown especially quickly, resulting in increasingly stringent guidelines being put in place to ensure safe, uniform, and ideal products for these consumers. Feed formulation and manufacturing for organic poultry in the United States are strictly regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture National Organic Program. Currently, no synthetic amino acids are allowed to be used in organic poultry diets in the United States except for limited quantities of synthetic methionine since it is typically considered the first or second limiting amino acid in corn and soybean meal based poultry diets and it is a critical nutrient for maintaining bird growth and productive performance, especially regarding egg size in laying hens. The aim of the review herein is to discuss the impacts that current organic regulations on synthetic methionine have on diet formulation when using readily available ingredients. High levels of crude protein must be used to meet bird methionine requirements with this restriction in place, which both increases feed costs and can have negative impacts on bird health and on air quality and the surrounding environment due to increased ammonia emissions. Atypical feed formulation strategies have been explored to address this issue, including such methods as feeding alternative ingredients and providing forage materials. Another possibility would be to use an average lifetime maximum inclusion rate for synthetic methionine, which may allow for better flexibility to provide sufficient methionine throughout various phases of growth and production since the requirements of the bird change with age.  相似文献   

Viral and bacterial diseases remain a threat to the poultry industry and countermeasures to prevent and control them are needed due to production losses. With the continued threat of exotic and emerging diseases and concern over the use of antibiotics in animal production, there is a serious and urgent need to find safe and practical alternatives to prevent or control pathogens. Identification of new tools for the design of new immunological interventions or therapeutic antimicrobials to reduce microbial pathogens in poultry is now required more than ever. Immunological interventions to reduce microbial pathogens in poultry would be of great value to the poultry industry and to the consumer. We have been advocating boosting immunity and encouraging the host to utilize its innate immune system to control and clear infections. Our research has addressed the use of innate immune mechanisms and components to develop new immune modulators (prophylactic and therapeutic) and the characterization and production of antimicrobial peptides as potential immune modulators in poultry. Dietary bioactive food components that interact with the immune response have considerable potential to reduce susceptibility to infectious diseases. With this premise, this paper asks and answers a series of pertinent questions on the utilization of avian immunity for increasing resistance to a variety of potential pathogens problematic in today's commercial poultry industry. Using experimental data to provide answers to these questions, we hope to stimulate a dialog between avian immunologists and nutritionists that results in coordinating and integrating their expertise into specific practical solutions that will benefit the industry and improve the well-being of commercial poultry.  相似文献   

Florfenicol is an important antibiotic in veterinary medicine that is used extensively in aquaculture, including salmon farming in Chile. We analysed a set of 119 florfenicol‐resistant Gram‐negative bacilli from seven freshwater Chilean salmon farms for the molecular determinants involved in the florfenicol resistance. Ninety‐seven of these strains were glucose non‐fermenting bacilli, mainly belonging to the Pseudomonas genus, whereas 22 strains were glucose‐fermenters. The floR gene was detected in 26 strains (21.8%) that had been isolated from three of the seven salmon farms. Most of the floR‐carrying strains were glucose fermenters (21 strains), and most of the floR‐carrying strains were also resistant to streptomycin, chloramphenicol and oxytetracycline. The minimum inhibitory concentrations against florfenicol were assessed in the presence and absence of the efflux pump inhibitor Phe‐Arg‐β‐naphthylamide (MC‐207,110). There was evidence that in the majority of non‐fermenting bacteria (82 strains), florfenicol resistance was at least partially mediated by non‐specific efflux pump systems. Given the diversity of antibiotic resistance patterns observed in this study in the floR‐positive isolates, a single antibiotic has the potential to co‐select for a diversity of resistances. For this reason, human health as well as animal health can potentially be impacted by the use of antibiotics in aquaculture. To assess this potential risk, future studies should focus on the ability of different antibiotics used in aquatic environments to co‐select for multiple resistances, the molecular basis of this diversity of resistance, and whether the genes conferring resistance can be transferred to other bacteria, including those of human health concern.  相似文献   

抗生素作为主要的饲料添加剂在几十年的广泛应用过程中造成了致病菌耐药性增强、动物免疫力降低、影响动物疫苗的效价、通过食物链影响人体健康等亟待解决的问题。我国农业农村部已发布公告,自2020年起我国饲料全面禁止添加使用抗生素类添加剂,饲料行业正式进入“无抗时代”。长期以来,研究人员积极寻求研发各种抗生素替代品及绿色无害的饲料添加剂,以消除或减轻禁用抗生素带来的一系列影响。就目前主要抗生素替代品的抗菌特点及抗菌机理进行综述,旨在为“禁抗”后抗菌性添加剂在饲料中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

动物应用抗菌药的风险及防制对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食品动物因大量应用抗菌药物产生耐药菌株,对动物和人类健康及生态环境造成危害,为此欧盟对多种促生长抗菌药颁布了禁令,导致了动物治疗用抗菌药的急剧增加及畜牧业经济效益的降低。本文就此展开讨论,强调必须开发新型抗菌药物,合理应用抗菌药,加强抗菌药药效学及药动学研究,健全食源性病原菌耐药性监测系统等。  相似文献   

Inappropriate use of antibiotics in humans and animals contributes to decreased antimicrobial susceptibility in bacteria of medical importance. Resistant bacteria being transferred from animals to humans are causing public health concern. In-person interviews were conducted with 20 dairy farmers in rural counties of South Carolina to determine farmers' knowledge and attitudes about prudent antibiotic use among livestock. Four focus groups (n = 22) were also conducted to ascertain farmers' specific information needs about proper antibiotic use. Survey results showed that participants (100%) typically determined a need for antibiotic treatment using symptom assessment and reported following some form of operating procedures regarding administration of antibiotics. Few farmers (32%) had actual written antibiotic protocols. Preferred information sources about antibiotics were veterinarians (100%) and other dairy farmers (50%). Most farmers (86%) were not concerned that overuse of antibiotics in animals could result in antibiotic resistance among farm workers. Qualitative analysis of focus groups revealed significant barriers to following proper antibiotic procedures including limited finances and lack of time. The need for bilingual educational resources for Hispanic/Latino dairy workers was expressed. Desired formats for educational materials were posters, flowcharts, videos, and seminars. Education of South Carolina dairy farmers by veterinarians and public health professionals on the appropriate use of antibiotics in dairy cattle is needed to ensure antibiotic effectiveness in both animals and humans.  相似文献   

Antibiotics will always be needed in horses for many types of infections, but the adverse consequences also must be considered. For the conditions described in this article, there is justification for antibiotic therapy. The intestinal problems that antibiotics can induce are among the risks from their administration to horses. Disruption of the endogenous bacterial population, colitis, and diarrhea are the most common complications from antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

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