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人工巢箱招引杂色山雀研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年3-7月于辽宁省白石砬子国家级自然保护区悬挂人工巢箱招引杂色山雀,共设置80个巢箱,其中11个巢箱被4种鸟利用。鸟类的进驻率为13.75%,其中杂色山雀利用了8个巢箱,利用率占招引总数的72.73%。对招引到杂色山雀的巢箱因素进行分析,结果表明:杂色山雀多选择2m以上、南坡中下部、巢口朝西南的巢箱,而巢箱悬挂的树种对其选择没有影响,人为或天敌干扰会导致杂色山雀放弃巢箱。该项试验为进一步保护稀有物种和研究其繁殖生态提供了初步的依据。  相似文献   

近几年来,辽宁本溪、阜新、铁岭、海城等十几个市、县的部分落叶松、油松、杨树、刺槐等人工纯林内,先后挂了三万余个木板巢箱、油毡纸巢、招引木段,招引进大山雀、白眉勜、沼泽山雀、杂色山雀、北椋  相似文献   

人工招引益鸟各地都有一些成功的经验。我们场地处长白山区,虽然植被面貌较我省中西部地区稍好,但由于大面积人工纯林日益增加,给森林鸟类的栖息、繁殖带来了困难:而森林害虫却日趋增多。为了控制害虫的发生,我们于1984年开始在寒葱岭、新开岭、柞木台、王牛沟林场落叶松人工林中、挂巢箱招引益鸟,收到了较好效果。1984—1985两年共挂巢箱3000个,挂巢林地面积达10,500亩。巢箱种类主要采取山雀式和椋鸟式两种,规格如表1  相似文献   

兰大胆(Sitta europaea amurensisSwinhoe)是一种常年生活在森林中的益鸟,很喜欢在天然树洞或啄木鸟弃洞中营巢,在缺乏天然树洞的人工落叶松林内,它也进入山雀式人工巢箱中营巢繁殖。一、分布与数量兰大胆广泛的分布于东北林区各类森林中,冬季有时迁到村屯附近。是原始林、过伐林和次生林中常见的森林益鸟。二、繁殖习性1、发情期兰大胆的发情期为4月上旬,雄鸟追逐雌鸟1—2天后,就开始婚生活,且选择营  相似文献   

<正>鸟巢,一个保护卵和雏鸟的临时场所一般而言,鸟巢主要是容纳卵或雏鸟的场所,并起到一定的保温和保护作用。在某些鸟类类群里,鸟巢还兼具了性选择的内容,例如鸟巢的精美程度可能会影响到一方配偶的繁殖投资,简单说就是下几个蛋或者下多大的蛋。鸟巢是个临时性结构,也就是说繁殖结束以后,这个鸟巢基本上就不再用了,鸟巢并不是它们睡觉的地方。大多数鸟类在下一个繁殖季节会重新筑巢,也有少数鸟类会重复利用,但基本上都会在原址上翻新或者重筑,例如白头海雕、喜鹊、家燕等。  相似文献   

鸟类是大自然的重要组成部分,是人类的朋友。保护和招引益鸟,是防治森林害虫的有效措施。鸟类能够捕食森林害虫,特别是在育雏期间,捕食量更大。挂置人工鸟箱,能够为鸟类的栖息和繁殖创造优越条件,有利增加林中益鸟数量,消灭害虫。我局在森林保护工作中贯乇“予防为主、积极消灭”的方针。从一九八二年春季开始,在长安、响水、柳树河、永太、石砬、梨花、桃源、上营、正阴、马鞍山十个林场的二十五个林班,面积为六千余亩的落叶松人工林内,悬挂近四百个人工鸟箱,经调查,绝大部分都已有鸟做巢,主要鸟类有大山雀、小山雀、沼泽山雀、灰喜鹊、啄木鸟、杜鹃等。在一年的时间内,就收到了较为明显的治虫效果,在悬挂人工鸟箱的林分,松毛虫有虫株率只有19.4%。  相似文献   

提高森林鸟类招引率应注意的生物学问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
森林鸟类招引是森林害虫生物防治和鸟类保护的重要技术措施之一。作者在借鉴过去我国开展森林鸟类招引工作经验的基础上,结合多年来的实践,以人工巢箱招引为例,从鸟类生态、生物学原理角度出发,阐述了提高鸟类招引率,在招引对象、巢箱设计、招引区选择及巢箱布放等环节上应把握的主要技术问题。  相似文献   

杂色山雀性别分子鉴定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杂色山雀是一种分布区域狭窄的小型森林洞巢鸟类,在生态学上属衰落物种。杂色山雀是单态性鸟,仅从外部形态辨别雌雄非常困难。本研究采用非伤害性取样法以Chelex-100为介质快速提取DNA,利用5只已知性别的杂色山雀,对CHD基因性别鉴定特异性引物P2/P8和2550F/2718R的有效性进行验证,比较两对引物PCR的反应结果,筛选出用于杂色山雀性别鉴定的有效引物P2/P8,并摸索该引物的最佳PCR反应条件和反应体系,寻找到一种快捷方便、采样量少、鉴定精度高的性别鉴定的分子方法,为日后统计杂色山雀的种群性比现状提供基本技术方法。  相似文献   

自2002年起对舟山五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭种群的繁殖生态进行研究,结果表明,黄嘴白鹭繁殖期为5-8月,鸟巢主要由灌木枝和草杆组成,平均每窝卵数为2.6枚,平均卵重(23.89±1.45)g,平均卵大小为(45.65±2.26)mm×(32.40 0.65)mm,平均孵化率为82.1%.不同的繁殖年间,五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭数量和分布存在一定的动态变化,营巢资源、食物资源、物种间的竞争、台风和人为干扰等对黄嘴白鹭繁殖种群的数量和分布均有一定的影响.  相似文献   

洪艺轩 《绿色科技》2019,(16):30-32
指出了白腰鹊鸲是广泛分布于南亚和东南亚的雀形目鸣禽,其鸣声清脆悦耳,但目前中国还没有关于白腰鹊鸲的繁殖生态学研究。白腰鹊鸲繁殖期间是利用已有洞资源来筑巢的次级洞巢鸟,通过放置人工竹筒巢及繁殖期的观察,对白腰鹊鸲的巢址选择、窝卵数、卵情况、繁殖失败因素等进行了调查研究。结果表明:白腰鹊鸲的繁殖季为每年的3月下旬到7月下旬,繁殖高峰期为4~6月份;白腰鹊鸲窝卵数一般为4枚,单枚卵重3.18±0.27g;白腰鹊鸲一个完整的育雏周期为26±2 d,其中孵化周期为15±1 d,育雏周期为11±3 d。巢材的植物包括14科18属20种,主要营巢材料包括羽叶金合欢(Acacia pennata)、托叶黄檀(Dalbergia stipulacea)、铁刀木(Senna siamea)。巢址距道路最近距离为20.72±16.34 m,距离房屋最近距离为31.29±19.11 m,巢高为1.27±0.4 m。白腰鹊鸲巢失败的主要因素为巢被捕食。  相似文献   

Daxing'an Mountains was one of the most important forest areas in China, but it was also an area which was prone to suffering forest fire. The catastrophic forest fire that occurred in Daxing'an Mountains on May 6, 1987 devastated more than 1.33×106 hm2 of natural forests, which leaded to the formation of some mosaic areas with different burn intensities. Two forest farms of Tuqiang Forest Bureau (124°05′–122°18′E, 53°34′–52°15′N) were chosen as a typical area to analyze the post-fire landscape change by drawing and comparing the two digital forest stand maps of 1987 and 2000. The landscape lands of forest were classified into 12 types: coniferous forest, broadleaf forest, needle-broadleaf mixed forest, shrub, nursery, harvested area, burned blanks, agricultural land, swamp, water, built-up, grass. The results showed that: 1) The burned blanks was almost restored, some of them mainly converted into broadleaf forest land during the process of natural restoration, and coniferous forest land by the artificial reforestation, and the others almost changed into swamp or grass land; 2) The proportion of forest area increased from 47.6% in 1987 to 81.3% in 2002. Therefore, a few management countermeasures, such as the enhancing people's consciousness of fire-proofing and constructing species diversity, were put forward for forest sustainable development. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Science Foundation of China (No. 30270225, 40331008) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCXZY0102). Biography: KONG Fan-hua (1975-), female, Ph.D. candidate of Hiroshima University in Japan, specialized in Landscape Ecology. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

在黑龙江省小兴安岭东部地区(东经444-4726 N?北纬2633-13141? 海拔400-1000 m), 对不同封育时间、不同坡向的蒙古栎林中的主要乔木树种径级结构进行分析。在阳坡,针对封育5年 16年和24年蒙古栎种群, 分别选择6个重复样地。在阴坡,也同样分别选择6块样地。每块样地的面积为20 m×20 m。在每块样地中, 测量各树的胸高直径,树高和冠幅直径。结果表明:在封育5年样地内,蒙古栎、糠椴和黄榆种群的数量均随着径级的增加而单调下降,表明均为增长型种群;在封育16年以后,由于林内乔木层的盖度较大,糠椴和黄榆种群均呈不同程度的衰退,已经成为蒙古栎种群的伴生种群;封育24年样地中,蒙古栎种群明显成为优势树种。在阳坡随封育时间延长乔木层盖度增长较快,而阴坡乔木层盖度增长较慢;糠椴和黄榆种群随封育时间延长逐步衰退的现象在阳坡比阴坡表现明显。图2表1参8。  相似文献   

Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), a type of subtropical fast-growing conifer tree, is widely distributed in South China. Its plantation area covers more than 7 × 106 hm2, accounting for 24% of the total area of plantation forests in the country. In recent decades, the system of successive plantation of Chinese fir has been widely used in southern China due to anticipated high economic return. However, recent studies have documented that the practice of this system has led to dramatic decreases in soil fertility and forest environment as well as in productivity. Some forest ecologists and managers recognize the ecological role performed by broadleaf trees growing in mixtures with conifers, and a great deal of studies on mixture effects have been conducted, particularly on mixture species of temperate and boreal forests, but these research results were not completely consistent. Possibilities include dependence of the mixture effects in large part to specific site conditions, the interactions among species in mixtures and biological characteristics of species. Although some researchers also studied the effects of mixtures of Chinese fir and broadleaf tree species on soil fertility, forest environment and tree growth status, little information is available about the effects of Chinese fir and its mixtures with broadleaves on carbon and nitrogen stocks. The experimental site is situated at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forest Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hunan Province (26°40′–27°09′ N, 109°26′–110°08′ E). It is located at the transition zone from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the low mountains and hills of the southern bank of the Yangtze River at an altitude of 300–1,100 m above mean sea level. At the same time, the site is also a member of the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This region has a humid mid-subtropical monsoon climate with a mean annual precipitation of 1,200–1,400 mm, most of the rain falling between April and August, and a mean temperature of 16.5°C with a mean minimum of 4.9°C in January and a mean maximum of 26.6°C in July. The experimental field has red-yellow soil. After a clear-cutting of the first generation Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation forest in 1982, three different plantation forest ecosystems, viz. mixture of Michelia macclurei and Chinese fir (MCM), pure Michelia macclurei stand (PMS) and pure Chinese fir stand (PCS), were established in the spring of 1983. A comparative study on C and N stocks under these three plantation forest ecosystems was conducted in 2004. Results showed that carbon stocks were greater under the mixtures than under the pure Chinese fir forest and the pure broad-leaved forest, and the broadleaves and the mixtures showed higher values in nitrogen stocks compared with the pure Chinese fir forest. The spatial distribution of carbon and nitrogen stocks was basically consistent, the value being greater in soil layer, followed by tree layer, roots, understory and litter layer. The carbon and nitrogen stocks in soil layer were both highly correlated with the biomass in understory and litter layer, indicating that understory and forest litterfall exerted a profound effect on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks under plantation ecosystems. However, correlations among soil carbon, nitrogen stocks and below ground biomass of stand have not been observed in this study. Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(12): 3,146–3,154 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

岷江上游景观格局变化研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岷江上游地区位于青藏高原向四川盆地的过渡地段,其源头到都江堰市,包括汶川县、茂县、理县、黑水县和松潘县五个县。它是四川省乃至全国的一个重要的林区。在过去的几十年里,其景观结构发生了重要的变化。本文应用3S 技术研究了该区在1986 年到2000 年之间的景观变化情况。该区的景观被划分为10 个景观生态类型,即耕地、有林地、灌木林地、经济林、草地、居民用地、河流、湖泊、沼泽和未利用地。研究结果表明,在岷江上游地区林地和草地是该区主要的景观类型,约占全区面积的91%,景观类型之间的变化主要发生在有林地、灌木林地、草地、耕地、居民用地和经济林之间,并且有林地面积从51.17%下降到47.56%。分析结果表明,岷江上游地区在过去的几十年里其景观的破碎化在加剧。图1表2 参20。  相似文献   

Analysis of organic acids in seleted forest litters of Northeast China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Larch(Larix olgensis), Manchurian ash(Fraxinus mandshurica), Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) and White birch(Betula platyphylla) are the major planting species in northeast China. The samples of forest litters were collected from the stands of the above 4 species in Laoyeling and Jianlagou experiment stations of Maorshan Exp. Forest Farm (45°12′–45°30′N, 127°30′–127°48′E), Northeast Forestry University, in early October 2002. Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were carried out on the organic acids existing in freshly fallen litters (L layer) and hemi-decomposed litters (F layer) of the four forest species by using Gas Chromatogram system. A wide variety of organic acids were identified, including oxalic, malonic, fumaric, succinic, maleic, malic, citric, C16:O, C18:O, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3 and C20:O acids. In respect of L litters of all samples, the oxalic acid content (over 30 mg/g) was the highest of the seven low-molecular-weight organic acids identified, while the content of oleic or linoleic (above 40mg/g) was found to be highest among the six high aliphatic acids identified. As to F litters, oxalic acid content was also the highest, followed by linoleic and oleic. For the same tree species or the same forest, the kinds and contents of organic acids in L litters were more abundant than that in F litters. Foundation item: This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (30170768) Biography: SONG Jin-feng (1976-), female, doctor postgraduate, Harbin 150040, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

聂绍荃  张艳华  朱虹 《林业研究》1997,8(3):167-170
IntroductionHeilongiiangProvinceisoneoftheIargestforestryregionsinChina,whichisnamedaspreciousregionsofforestsdeposits.Greatamountoftimberandrnanykindsofforestproductshavebeenproducedthere.Thedenseforestshaveprovidednaturaldefenseforthesucceedinghighand's…  相似文献   

According to fixed-position data for 1985–2003 from nine runoff plots of Caijiachuan watershed which lies in Jixian County of Shanxi Province in Loess area, this paper studied the relationship between vegetation and runoff and sediment production in sloping lands in detail, which helps to provide scientific basis for vegetation re-construction and studies on environmental transformation of water and sediment in watersheds of Loess area. Although, many study results testify that forest vegetation has an important function in soil and water conservation and cutting runoff, the effect of vegetation on runoff and sediment transmission is complicated, and this needs to be studied in depth. The results of the paper showed the following. Firstly, the natural secondary forest performs better function of soil and water conservation than artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest, and runoff and sediment produced in the former in individual rainfall were 65%–82% and 23%–92% of those produced in the latter. At the same time, better correlative relationship between runoff and sediment production and rainfall and rainfall intensity were testified by multiple regression, but the correlation decreased gradually with the increase of canopy density of forest. Secondly, the difference of runoff and sediment production in several land use types was very distinct, and the amount of runoff and sediment produced from Ostryopsis davidiana forest and natural secondary forest were the least, and runoff and sediment produced from in artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest and Pinus tabulaeformis forest were 5-fold as much as those from O. davidiana forest. Besides, runoff and sediment produced in mixed planting of apple trees and crops were 16.14-fold and 2.96-fold than those of O. davidiana forest, respectively, but the amount decreased obviously after high-standard soil preparation in the case of the former. Thirdly, based on gray cognate analyses of factors affecting runoff and sediment production in sloping land, the factors of stand canopy density and herb and litter biomass were the most significant ones, whose gray incidence degree exceeded 0.6. Therefore, mixed forest with multi-layer stand structure and shrub forest should be developed in vegetation re-construction of Loess area, which will help to increase coverage and litter thickness in order to cut down the runoff and sediment dramatically in sloping land. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(9): 1,613–1,617 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(9): 1,613–1,617]  相似文献   

A previously unknown association of ants with birds breeding in tree holes is described. Ants Lasius brunneus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were found in c. 15% of nests of Parus major L. and Poecile palustris L. (Paridae) breeding in tree holes in the primeval deciduous forest located in the Bia?owie?a National Park (Poland). The ants preferably used holes located higher above the ground. As such holes are warmer than the unused holes or other nest sites, it is suggested that the ants cohabit holes utilized by the tits to gain thermal benefits.  相似文献   

Robinia pseudoacacia stands act as a typical ecological protection forest in hilly semi-arid area of China. Two fields of surface runoff were separately set up inR. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area in the western Liaoning Province (18°50’–122°25’ E, 40°24’–42°34’ N) for measuring the characteristics of runoff and sediment as well as soil moisture dynamics. Contractive analysis of the two land types showed that there existed a significant difference in volumes of runoff and sediment between the sites ofR. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area. The runoff volume and sediment volume in clearcut are were much bigger than those inR. pseudoacacia stand, with an increase amount of 40%–177% for runoff and 180%–400% for sediment. Hydrograph of surface runoff of typical rainfall showed that the peak value of runoff inR. pseudoacacia stand was decreased by 1.0–2.5×10−3m3·s−1 compared with that in its clearcut area, and the occurring time of peak value of runoff inR. pseudoacacia stand was 10–20 min later than that in its clearcut area. Harmonic analysis of soil moisture dynamics indicated that the soil moisture inR. pseudoacacia stand was 2.3% higher than that in clearcut area, and the soil moisture both inR. pseudoacia stand and its clearcut area could be divided into dry season and humid season and varied periodically with annual raifall precipitation. It was concluded thatR. pseudoacacia stand plays a very important role in storing water, increasing soil moisture, and reducing surface runoff and soil erosion. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Chinese “863” Plan Water-Saving Agriculture (2002AA2Z4321), the Key Knowledge Innovation Project (SCXZY0103), and The “Tenth-five” Plan of Liaoning Province (2001212001). Biography: GAO Peng (1967-), male, Dr. candidate, associate professor of Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

[目的]研究北京海淀区3种道路防护林(油松林、圆柏林、银杏林)的滞尘能力、林内滞尘的空间分布规律、滞尘作用与气象因子和PM10浓度的相关性。[方法]滞尘量的测定用单位叶干质量滞尘量(mg·g-1)表征叶面滞尘能力。于冬、春、夏、秋4季对3种道路防护林内距道路不同距离处的滞尘量进行连续观测,比较3种道路防护林滞尘能力,分析3种道路防护林滞尘的空间分布特征及降雨等气象因子及PM10浓度与滞尘作用的相关性。[结果](1) 3种道路防护林总体单位滞尘量圆柏林(4. 20±0. 19 mg·g-1)银杏林(1. 98±0. 07 mg·g-1)油松林(1. 71±0. 07 mg·g-1);油松和圆柏林的单位滞尘量冬季春季秋季夏季,银杏林的单位滞尘量春季和秋季基本无差异,夏季最低; 3种道路防护林的单位滞尘量在各季节均为圆柏林最高,银杏林次之,油松林最低。(2) 3种道路防护林空间分布的总体特征为:油松和圆柏林的滞尘空间分布均表现为"两端高、中间低",银杏林单位滞尘量林分中间位置略高于两侧;不同季节表现为冬季北侧高,春季南侧高,夏、秋季南北侧差异不显著。(3)降水量对3种道路防护林滞尘作用影响最大,是3种道路防护林滞尘的最主要限制因子,极大风速、气温、相对湿度和PM10浓度对3种道路防护林滞尘均具有不同程度的正的直接作用。[结论]在相同配置模式(5 m×5 m)及林龄(18年)下,林地尺度滞尘量油松林最大、圆柏林次之、银杏林最低。道路防护林迎风一侧往往具有较高滞尘量,可根据盛行风向强化迎风侧的树木配置。降雨是树木滞尘的主要限制因子,冬季和春季降雨少,树木滞尘量较大,可结合人工冲洗措施使其发挥更大滞尘作用。  相似文献   

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