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Herd health programs for llama owners offer veterinarians the opportunity to provide preventive care to an expanding market. Some aspects of llama herd health programs are unique but should be based on herd health principles used for other livestock species. Vaccinations, parasite control, nutritional consultation and reproductive examinations, coupled with feet and teeth care, are some areas to cover in herd health programs. Each herd will have slightly different requirements and the program should be tailored to the goals of the producer.  相似文献   

It is important to remember when performing health examinations and clinical diagnostic procedures on ratites that all protocols mentioned in this article should be followed; this includes reviewing history, environmental evaluation, proper handling, complete hands-on physical examination, diagnostic testing, and postmortem examination. The individual ratite examination is becoming rare, but veterinarians and producers must remember that individual birds make up the flock. Flock health is maintained by diagnosing disease and health problems early in the most susceptible animals. The most successful producers will use veterinarians as a major element to their management program to raise the most desirable birds for the future of the industry.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A health program for dairy herds is defined as a planned and coordinated approach to achieving and maintaining optimal health and productive efficiency of livestock. A program is described, which has been developed over a period of eight years to fulfill this definition in providing veterinary services to participating herds did not satisfactorily achieve the stated aim and therefore an alternative approach was developed. This approach is centred around the concept of performance targets, and each herd is monitored closely by means of a computer-based health and productivity monitoring system in order to detect deviation from target performance. When such deviations occur, the monitoring system is used to diagnose the nature of the problem. The detailed targets adopted in this study are described and the examinations which are undertaken on cattle are outlined. These examinations are aimed at correcting problems, or at confirming satisfactory performance. Further details of the findings of the study are outlined in following papers.  相似文献   

兽医协会早已有之,界定各国兽医协会历史比较困难。兽医协会一般均从兽医学会分立或隶属于兽医学会。兽医协会以会员利益为主体,服务于兽医行业,保护动物福利和健康。协会多由委员会及下属理事会构成。理事会是协会运作的主体,分设各职能分会、部门或机构。协会会员多需要经过正式的学术教育,且通过国家或地方兽医资格考试,有些国家还要求会员是注册兽医。兽医资格考试分为理论考试和临床技能考试。多数国家只需要通过理论考试,有些国家还需要通过临床技能考试。欧美国家还设有专科考试。  相似文献   

Swine may be examined to evaluate a disease state or a lowered economic performance or as a herd health consultation. As much of the examination as possible should be performed without handling the animal. A thorough history, evaluation of herd records, environmental examination, and herd examination should be performed prior to the evaluation of an individual animal. All necessary equipment should be available when starting the individual examination. The animals is then restrained and examined, and necessary samples are taken. Post-mortem examinations or slaughter house evaluations are a very frequent part of a health examination on swine. All samples taken should be in accordance with the standards of the laboratory that you use. You should work closely with the laboratory to obtain the best results. Physical examination of swine can be rewarding for the veterinarian as well as the producer. The most important aspect to remember is to have enough information and the proper equipment available to handle the animals for the minimal amount of time to gain the maximum benefits. Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are similar to domestic swine in terms of their diseases and health but are dissimilar in management; pot-bellied pigs are frequently brought to the veterinarian for individual examinations. History is the most valuable part of the examination, followed by observation. Pot-bellied pigs prefer to be held securely with a hand under the chin and rump. The examination is conducted similarly to the examination of any companion animal. Chemical restraint often is necessary for sampling or minor surgical procedures. Owners should be consulted prior to the use of any restraint. This will help win their approval and confidence when working on their pets. While performing the physical examination, look at the pig's overall health as well as specific breed characteristics. Try to stay abreast of swine vaccination recommendations; you may be consulted in this regard. Most importantly, never forget even though they are pigs, pot-bellied pigs are companion animals and should be handled as such.  相似文献   

For a twelve year period the health condition of a large group of pig-, cattle- and sheep-breeder was controlled and at the same time an inquiry was carried out why these people suffer from high occurrence of specific health problems which among the rest of the population appear in smaller extent. The performed investigation shows that the primary cause of the specific problems is a latent infection caused by the chlamydia microorganism, namely by the Chlamydia trachomatis group, that can be transferred from animals on people. These microorganisms survive permanently and parasite in the living cells of animals and people and they cause a wide range of specific health difficulties, often subjective, painful and very unpleasant ones, without any manifestation of clinical symptoms which could suggest an infectious disease. These properties of the agent and the fact, that neither human nor veterinary medicine inquire the problems of the relationship between the latent infection and the health of people, makes Chlamydia an extremely dangerous factor affecting people's health. Our paper includes anamnestic data of specific health problems of 746 breeders from 31 farms and results of serological examinations of a group of people with antigens Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia trachomatis. The paper also includes a biological experiment which the rise of antibodies of a guinea pig kept and fed with table scraps in the family of one the afflicted breeders as well as the results of serological examinations of a group of animals, the most frequent health problems at the latent course of disease, the course of the disease itself and the author's opinions on necessity of further investigation of the human medicine problems.  相似文献   

A variety of reports on mange eradication exist in international literature. Adequate programs are yet to be established in Germany. The commonly used examination of skin scrapings proved to be insufficient. Due to reliable results the pig health service is using Sarcoptes-ELISA (AFOSA GmbH). In the years 2001 and 2002 a Sacoptes suis eradication was accomplished in two sow farms in the Weser-Ems region and since continuously monitored clinical examinations have been used, as well as ELISA testing and skin scrapings. After two years of monitoring a certificate on "unsuspicious for mange" was given to both farms in November 2003 and June 2004. The practical approach will be described. This Sarcoptes eradication is possible even in areas with intensive pig production. When setting up or expanding high health breeding or multiplying herds "unsuspicious for mange" should be one of the important health targets. The practical results with the use of the Sarcoptes-ELISA for monitoring sow farms are promising.  相似文献   

Periodontal examinations were performed on ten 1- to 22-year-old snow leopards (6 males and 4 females), using dentistry methods for determining the plaque and gingival indices. All tooth surfaces were probed, and alveolar bone attachment loss was determined. After subgingival plaque removal, plaque specimens were examined for differential bacterial morphotypes. The small number of leopards evaluated precluded definitive statistical analysis. However, the progression from gingival health to gingivitis to periodontitis was similar to that seen in man. Therefore, the use of plaque index, gingival index, alveolar bone attachment loss, and differential bacterial morphotypes can be used to determine the dental health of snow leopards.  相似文献   

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) have jointly introduced the first Canine and Feline Preventive Healthcare Guidelines. These consensus statements provide veterinarians with a new resource for improving patient care by emphasizing the value and scope of regular pet examinations. The two guidelines provide complete recommendations for comprehensive preventive healthcare programs, published as accessible, single-page documents. The guidelines are based on the subjective-objective-assessment-plan (SOAP) methodology of case management, a proven approach traditionally used with sick or injured patients. This logical and disciplined process is equally applicable to healthy patients and is designed to consistently deliver optimal patient care. The guidelines recommend visits for health examinations on at least an annual basis, recognizing that for many pets, more frequent visits may be appropriate, depending on the individual needs of the patient. The guidelines also provide detailed diagnostic, therapeutic, prevention, and follow up plans, to be accompanied by appropriate documentation. The inclusive content and concise format of the guidelines are designed to maximize their practical value and make them easy to implement.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a novel test strip designed to assess thiol levels as they relate to gingival/periodontal health in dogs. The simple to use strip (similar in form to a pH test strip) provides a colorimetric signal which estimates the level of thiols dissolved in oral fluid. Among several oral sites tested (left and right lingual vestibules, lower buccal vestibule, and upper buccal gingival margin), fluid from the maxillary gingival margin gave results with the best dynamic range, and its thiol levels correlated well with several oral health parameters (Pearson coefficients between 0.55 and 0.84; P < 0.001), especially those relating directly to the gingiva. The strip, which can be used on animals which are awake, may be useful as a quick, objective assessment of periodontal health, potentially enhancing compliance for thorough examinations, and promoting earlier and better-sustained treatment programs.  相似文献   

The final decision in the meat inspection mainly depends on the results of the examinations before, during, or directly after the slaughter of animals in the slaughterhouse. The present threats to public health cannot be adequately judged on that place and under these circumstances. A new approach of the meat inspection methods is only possible with the cooperation of the other EU member states and the people who are involved in the meat inspection. New views on the purpose of meat inspection and the possibility of translation of these ideas towards Food Safety Objectives could be the basis for adaptation of the meat inspection. The rigid form in which the present meat inspection exists can be changed by this approach.  相似文献   

Horse handling and veterinary examination can induce hazardous stress reactions. Such reactions occur especially in young and less-trained horses, particularly stallions, and make their handling a risk for breeders, grooms, and medical staff. Moreover, these stressful situations will affect the animal’s health and welfare. Because stress reactivity is thought to be partly determined by genetic factors, scientists, veterinarians, and breeders are likely to be interested in adding temperament assessments to stallion selection schemes, as it is already done in some countries. This study assesses young stallions’ temperament and its comparison with their stress reactions during a standardized veterinary examination for studbook admission. The assessment consists of a general examination, a lameness examination including flexion tests, an endoscopy of the upper airway, and a standardized radiological examination. During the years 2008 and 2009, 93 stallions were evaluated. Stallions were observed from the moment they were unloaded from the trailer at the clinic until the end of veterinary examinations. In addition to the behavioral observations made by the experimenter, each staff member in charge of the examination filled in a short questionnaire about the horse’s temperament and the “easiness of manipulation” for the performed examinations. Breeders were asked to complete a longer questionnaire about their horse’s temperament. The assessments of “aggressiveness,” “sociability,” and “learning level” temperament traits were the most consistent, as shown by the significant Spearman correlations between judges’ assessments. Undesirable behaviors during veterinary examinations leading to handling difficulties were associated with a low “easiness of manipulation” score assessed by the clinical staff. These low “easiness of manipulation” scores were positively correlated to temperament traits such as “anxiousness” and “aggressiveness” and negatively correlated to others such as “sociability” or “learning level.” Temperament assessment and behavioral observations can therefore be used to anticipate behaviors that make a horse difficult to handle during veterinary examinations. Thus, it may be important to include temperament assessment as a feature in the selection of breeding stallions—as already practiced for some breeds in some countries. Such evaluations may promote the welfare of horses and ease of handling as well as safety for the handler.  相似文献   

A variety of diagnostic tests are utilized during herd health examinations at the herd and individual cow level. While most of these tests are based on the best available evidence it has to be considered that each diagnostic test generates type 1 and 2 errors. Such diagnostic errors can lead to treatment errors with relevant clinical and pharmacological as well as ethical and economical consequences. The objectives of our studies were to generate science-based information on the repeatability and accuracy of relevant diagnostic methods utilized in postpartum monitoring of dairy cows. Both rectal thermometry and visual examination of vaginal discharge by means of a speculum are not perfect. Results can be biased by a variety of factors. Diagnostic performance (accuracy and repeatability), however, is adequate for cow side tests in the practice. The visual assessment of rumen fill is an inadequate method to monitor dry matter intake in cows.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) has recently been shown to be a useful tool in the diagnosis of acute canine pancreatitis, the identification of pancreatic necrosis, and the detection of sequelae. Evidence of pancreatic necrosis on CTA has been shown to be correlated with a poorer outcome in both humans and dogs and early diagnosis and intervention may improve outcomes. In humans, pancreatic necrosis is typically evident on CTA within 48 h of clinical signs, thus, repeat CTA examinations are often performed to identify pancreatic necrosis that may not have been evident on CTA examinations performed early in the course of disease. Published information investigating the timing of CTA examinations and the use of serial CTA in dogs with acute pancreatitis is lacking. In this prospective, longitudinal study, CTA examinations were performed at the time of hospitalization and repeated 3‐5 days later in 11 dogs suffering from acute canine pancreatitis to determine if pancreatic necrosis or sequelae are under diagnosed on examinations performed at the time of hospitalization. Computed tomographic angiography studies were evaluated for changes in pancreatic size, pancreatic contrast enhancement, and peri‐pancreatic tissues and vessels. The only statistically significant difference between the initial and repeat CTA examinations was the improvement of fat stranding on the repeat CTA examinations (P < .045). Based on these results, CTA performed at the time of admission is likely adequate in the diagnosis and evaluation of dogs with acute pancreatitis. Repeat CTA examinations are unlikely to add additional information in the absence of worsening clinical signs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects on health and kidney function of local implantation of commercial gentamicin-impregnated collagen sponges. Four healthy dogs were submitted to local surgical implantation of collagen impregnated sponges. Follow-up with serial physical examinations and measurements of serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, and gentamicin were performed for 7 d. There were no adverse reactions, or changes in measurements of kidney function.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: To establish baseline parameters of equine health, owner knowledge and husbandry practices and tack against which benefits to local horses arising from an equine charity's training programme in Lesotho could be measured. Objectives: To describe and investigate associations between owner knowledge and equine husbandry practices, horse health and tack‐related parameters prior to the start of the training programme. Methods: A cross‐sectional survey was undertaken in the catchment area of students attending the first training course. Owners from randomly selected villages were interviewed about horse care using a standardised, structured questionnaire, administered face to face in local language. Horses were clinically examined and tack assessed according to standardised protocols. Results: Clinical examinations were performed on 312 horses and 287 owners were interviewed. Owners had variable knowledge of equine husbandry and limited understanding of appropriate primary and preventive healthcare. Equine health problems identified included ecto‐ and endoparasite infestation, mouth lesions, overgrown and unbalanced feet and tack‐associated wounds. The majority of tack was in poor condition, dirty and ill‐fitting. With the exception of below‐average body condition score, no associations were found between key adverse horse‐related clinical findings and owners reporting their horse as being ‘unhealthy’. Conclusions: Working horses in Lesotho have a range of physical problems, many of which could be ameliorated through targeted owner education. With limited access to veterinary advice and scarce resources, improved availability of affordable local equine trade skills is key to improving equine health. Potential relevance: Findings could be used to inform and direct training programmes to maximise benefits to equine health and to serve as a baseline against which to monitor effects of educational and other interventions.  相似文献   

Exercise testing can be useful to evaluate poor performance, as a preventative medicine tool, and in the assessment of training progression. A comprehensive exercise testing protocol that simultaneously evaluates common causes of poor performance has not been described in reining horses. The objective of this study was to describe the results of a standardised exercise testing protocol in reining horses. Seventeen reining horses that were part of a western performance intercollegiate team and had met the trainer's expectations during the athletic season were evaluated using a comprehensive standardised exercise test. Systems assessed included musculoskeletal system, upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract and cardiovascular system. These systems were assessed by means of historical questionnaires, general physical examinations, subjective lameness examinations, gait analysis using digital body mounted inertial sensors, resting and dynamic upper airway endoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cytology, echocardiograms, resting and exercising electrocardiography, and laboratory tests (packed cell volume, lactate, creatine kinase and serum amyloid A). Subclinical abnormalities were detected frequently. The musculoskeletal system was the most commonly affected system, but cardiovascular and upper and lower airway abnormalities were also detected in some horses. These results suggest that exercise tests may be useful to detect subclinical abnormalities in horses used for reining. Further evaluation of both normally and poorly performing horses is necessary to determine if exercise testing can improve the health, performance and welfare of horses used for reining.  相似文献   

Leptin is a cytokine produced by adipocytes, and plays a key role in the regulation of energy balance. In the present study, we measured plasma leptin concentrations of 166 normal and obese dogs visiting veterinary practices, and clarified the influence of age, gender and breed on plasma leptin levels in dogs. Leptin levels were higher in the dogs with higher body condition scores. There was no noticeable influence of age, gender and breed, but those in optimal puppies and obese Miniature Dachshund tended to be lower than those in corresponding groups. We conclude that plasma leptin is a reliable marker of adiposity in dogs regardless of age, gender and breed variations, and thereby useful as a blood biochemistry test for health examinations and treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

The health status of ring-necked pheasants in view of the prevalence of infectious diseases was estimated in Polish pheasantries in the years 1997-2000. Anatomicopathological, microbiological and serological examinations were carried out on birds derived from 26 pheasantries, including birds randomly selected from 18 flocks and sick or dead birds sent from 8 pheasantries. Antibodies specific to the following viruses were detected in serum blood samples: HE, AE, AP, REO, AI, Adeno group 1, MD, ND, as well as Mycoplasma gallisepticum specific antibodies. However, in none of the examined flocks was the presence of antibodies against reticuloendoteliosis virus found. Marble spleen disease and salmonellosis proved to be the most frequent cause of death during the growing period.  相似文献   

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