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用从饲草中分得的土尘和从甘肃河西地区气喘病马肺中分到的一株普通高温放线菌(Thermoactinomyces vulgaris—T.v.),对50只家兔进行了实验尘肺的研究。病理形态上可见,只有在土尘和菌尘先后感染或同时感染后其病理学改变才与河西地区马气喘病自然病例的病变更为相似。电镜检查,在实验兔肺泡巨噬细胞内可见到尘粒和T.v.孢子残骸。CIEP和ELISA检测,在染菌3次以上实验兔血清中检出了沉淀素抗体和循环免疫复合物。免疫荧光技术查明在肺组织内有T.v.孢子和IgG沉着。结果表明,在混合性尘肺的发病机理中,土尘和普通高温放线菌存在相互协同的关系,且尘肺的发生是由机体对土尘所致肺泡损伤的非特异修复及对这种放线菌孢子侵害发生Ⅲ、Ⅳ型变态反应所引起的。  相似文献   

用甘肃河西地区麦草土尘在家兔成功地复制出了尘肺模型,病理形态学研究表明,在肺与支气管淋巴结可引起尘沉着和尘细胞结节形成,引起支气管炎和血管周炎,单核细胞肺泡炎和间质性肺炎,淋巴结构的尘细胞结节形成等。这些变化与甘肃河西地区马类动物气喘病自然病例的变化相似。病理生理学研究表明,试验组动物有较严重的低氧血症和呼吸性酸中毒,肺循环中有大量单核细胞和微血栓滞留,试验后期肺组织顺应性明显降低,这也是引起尘肺  相似文献   

用从饲草中分得的土尘和从甘肃河西地区气喘病马肺中分到的一株普通高温放线菌(Thermoactinomyces vulgaris——T.v.),对50只家兔进行了实验性尘肺的研究。从病理形态可见,只有在土尘和菌尘先后感染或同时感染后其病理学改变才与河西地区马气喘病自然病例的病变更为相似。电镜检查,在实验兔肺泡巨噬细胞内可见到尘粒和T.v.孢子残骸。CIEP和ELISA检测,在染菌3次以上实验兔血清中检出了沉淀素抗体和循环免疫复合物。免疫荧光技术查明在肺组织内有T.v.孢子和IgG沉着。结果表明,在混合性尘肺的发病机理中,土尘和普通高温放线菌存在相互协同的关系,且尘肺的发生是机体对土尘所致肺泡损伤的非特异修复及对这种放线菌孢子侵害发生Ⅰ、Ⅳ型变态反应所引起的。  相似文献   

骆驼风沙尘肺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明风沙尘对动物健康的危害,对阿拉善右旗的78例双峰驼的肺脏和肺门淋巴结进行了病理组织学观察和电子探针分析,同时也分析了风沙尘的矿物和元素组成。结果发现17例驼骆的肺脏和肺门淋巴结有程度不同的尘肺病变,其中2例肺出现了典型的的结节。另有39例双峰驼仅在淋巴结出现较严重的尘肺病变。肺和淋巴组织中的矿物主要为二氧化硅和铝硅酸盐化合物,与风沙尘的组成相同,从而证明风沙尘的长期吸入会引起骆驼的尘肺,其性质为一种铝硅酸盐尘肺。  相似文献   

甘肃农大兽医系的研究结果表明,甘肃河西一带马类动物气喘病是由外界吸入的无机尘与有机尘所致的混合性尘肺,无机尘主要是存在于家畜外界环境中的麦衣土尘。本试验是为了确证麦衣土尘能否在家兔引起尘肺病变及其和自然病例病变的相似性。  相似文献   

用从河西气喘病马肺组织中分到的一株普通高温放线菌(Thermoactinomyces Vulgaris)与饲草土尘,以先后不同的顺序或混合吸入感染,对50只健康家兔进行了临床免疫学和病理学研究,获得了和马气喘病相似的病理变化。ANAE染色结果表明,用上述菌尘和土尘多次吸入感染,可使家兔外周血T淋巴细胞值在一定时间内逐渐升高,然后又降至正常,但普通高温放线菌比饲草土尘对T淋巴细胞值的影响要大得多。T淋巴细胞的增生是机体对病原所发生的一种免疫反应。  相似文献   

中西结合治疗马属动物气喘病张英王凯(青海省畜牧科技信息咨询站810008)(青海畜牧兽医学院)马属动物气喘病是有机尘和无机尘引起的混合性尘肺,是马属家畜以气喘为主要临床症状的呼吸系统疾病。国外研究认为,该病与霉菌性过敏性变态反应有关。我国甘肃、云南、...  相似文献   

实验动物日粮的更换应循序渐进广西医科大学530027郑毅家兔作为医学上的实验动物已很久,在日常饲养家兔的工作中,经常会碰上由于动物的生长发育情况及饲料来源的变化,需对日粮进行必要的调整。此时,必须根据家兔的消化生理特点循序渐进。切不可冒然从事,否则,...  相似文献   

家兔除了为人类提供肉食、皮毛及观赏外,还有一个重要作用,就是用作实验动物。它在生命科学研究、制药、鉴定、测试和教学实验中发挥重要作用。因此,家兔既是传统养殖业的一部分,又是科学研究中不可缺少的实验动物之一。随着实验动物生产供应的商品化、产业化、社会化...  相似文献   

酒精生理盐水合剂对家兔麻醉效果好   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酒精生理盐水合剂对家兔麻醉效果好河南农业大学450002惠参君实验动物在医学教学和科学研究中已成为必不可少的基本手段和实验材料,其麻醉效果更是关系到动物实验成功与否的重要前提;家兔作为一种体格较小、温顺易养、保定方便的实验动物模型,很受人们欢迎。笔者...  相似文献   

家兔亚硒酸中毒的病理形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给家兔分别肌肉注射不同剂量的亚硒酸钠,历时入周,复制出亚急性硒中毒的动物模型。病理形态学变化为:家兔的生长受到明显抑制,肝,肾,心,脾等组织器官损害严重如肝实质细胞变性,坏死;肾实质退行病变;心肌纤维变性,充血,肺淤血,水肿:脾萎缩,淋巴细胞坏死,肝,肾,心细胞内线粒高度肿胀,嵴减少,断裂或消失成空泡。  相似文献   

用光镜、电镜、电子探针微分析仪及原子发射光谱仪(ICP)等,对内蒙古阿拉善右旗和甘肃民勤县的共48例双峰驼的肺脏、支气管淋巴结及纵隔淋巴结进行了研究。结果表明,48例的支气管淋巴结和纵隔淋巴结均有程度不等的尘沉着变化,其中13例肺脏有程度不等的尘肺病变。肺脏的尘肺病变主要为局灶型,尘灶与尘细胞结节呈星散状分布,多位于细支管周围、肺泡隔和肺胸膜结缔组织。病变部常有程度不等的慢性炎症,少数病例发生灶性纤维化。电镜观察发现,淋巴结中,尘细胞的线粒体空泡化,内质网扩张,尘粒积聚体处细胞器完全破坏。元素分析表明,肺和淋巴结中的粉尘多为铝硅酸盐类化合物。作者认为,双峰驼铝硅酸盐尘肺的发生同该地区大气环境浮尘含量过高有关。但骆驼尘肺的病变比马的轻,这主要与骆驼呼吸道和肺脏有较完善的除尘机构有关。  相似文献   

采用光镜、电子探针微分析仪及原子发射光谱(ICP),对购自青海省果洛藏族自治州达日县5例确诊为尘肺的藏獒肺脏进行了研究。结果表明,5例藏獒肺脏均有程度不等的尘肺病变,肺脏尘肺病变可表现为局灶型或弥漫型。局灶型,尘灶与尘细胞结节呈星散状分布,多位于细支气管周围、肺泡隔和肺胸膜结缔组织中;弥漫型则尘灶与尘细胞弥漫性分布于大范围肺组织中;并可见巨噬细胞性肺炎。元素分析表明,肺和淋巴结中的粉尘多为铝硅酸盐类化合物。  相似文献   

High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) was performed in 21 isolated animal lungs, from 4 mammalian species (pigs, rabbits, dogs, sheep). Gross and subgross central and peripheral lung morphology was determined by HRCT. Three distinct types of lungs can be identified, principally based on the extent of interlobular septal development; the relationship of major vessels to airways; and the thickness of the visceral pleura. Type-I lung is found in pigs, sheep, and cattle; type-II lung is found in rabbits, dogs, cats, and monkeys; and type-III lung is found in human beings and horses. These mammalian lungs were compared with human lungs. The potential use of HRCT to investigate specific human lung diseases in the aforementioned species also was considered.  相似文献   

甘肃省马类动物气喘病病理研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用电子探针、光镜与电镜对甘肃河西地区12例气喘病畜进行了病理研究。这些病畜包括马5例、骡5例和驴2例,年龄为5~18岁。病肺高度膨大,其切面细支气管明显。主要组织变化有慢性支气管炎和血管周炎、间质性肺炎、内含折光性无机粉尘的巨噬细胞和巨细胞。从这些病例的肺中分到了普通高温放线菌、干草小多孢菌、热吸水链霉菌和高大毛霉菌。在肺尘细胞中看到了线粒体空泡化和内织网脱粒等超微结构变化。同时这些细胞的无机元素(铝、硅等)含量增加。因此认为甘肃马气喘病是一种由外界吸入的无机与有机尘所致的混合性尘肺。  相似文献   

This study was carried out with the aim of identifying types of gross and histopathological lesions in lungs of camels slaughtered between October 2009 and April 2010 at Addis Ababa abattoir enterprise, Ethiopia. All camels were originated from Borana and Kereyu areas. A total of 387 slaughtered camel lungs were inspected during the study period. Of which, one or more gross lesions were encountered on 300 lungs. Lesions were further subjected for detail gross and histopathological examinations. The occurrence of pulmonary lesions was 77.5%. The gross and histopathological examination of these lesions had revealed 60.2% emphysema, 21.2% hydatidosis, 18.6% pneumonia, 10.6% atelectasis, 4.9% aspiration of blood, 3.9% pneumoconiosis, 2.6% pulmonary edema and congestion, 1.6% abscess, 1% pleurisy, and 0.8% granulomatous pneumonia. Most camels had one or more pulmonary lesions on postmortem examination, but they were apparently healthy during antemortem inspection. Therefore, the prevailing stressful environmental condition coupled with the existing poor level of veterinary service in camel-rearing areas of the country might reverse these hidden inactive lesions and thereby contributed for the higher occurrence of respiratory diseases in camels.  相似文献   

Resistance to pulmonary aspergillosis was studied in groups of rabbits exposed to aerosolized spores of Aspergillus fumigatus for 15 minutes on successive days for a total of 10, 7, or 4 exposures or a single exposure. The results of the study demonstrated that exposure of rabbits to spores for 15 minutes on 10 successive days did not result in an accumulation of viable spores in excess of those present in the lungs of rabbits exposed a single time. The tissue response in the lungs of the rabbits exposed at multiple times was more intense than that in the rabbits exposed once, but resolution of the lesions occurred similarly in terms of time and completeness of resolution. The duration of the antibody response as determined by a passive hemagglutination test and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay correlated with the number of exposures to spores, in that rabbits exposed 10 or 7 times to aerosolized spores remained positive longer than did those exposed fewer times. The results of the precipitin tests in agar gel were negative in all the rabbits but one.  相似文献   

用兔出血症病毒西藏株人工感染3月龄家兔。在接种后8h的病理变化主要表现为肝、肾、心等实质细胞变性、坏死,内皮细胞肿胀以及其它器官充血、淤血等变化。在接种后16h全身各器官均呈现一定程度的坏死、出血以及透明血栓形成等变化。濒死期表现为全身各组织器官均受到严重损害,实质细胞广泛坏死,微血管有大量透明血栓形成,以及出血、水肿,炎性细胞浸润等特征性的败血症变化。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the effect of immunosuppression by cyclophosphamide or methylprednisolone on the clinicopathological alterations in respiratory absidiosis in rabbits. Infected rabbits showed respiratory distress that was more severe in immunosuppressed groups. Leukocytosis due to neutrophilia was observed in the non-immunosuppressed group in the initial stages, whereas leukopenia was observed in both the immunosuppressed groups initially, owing to polymorphopenia in the cyclophosphamide-treated group and to lymphopenia in the methylprednisolone-treated group, followed by leukocytosis in both groups. Total serum proteins increased significantly in the non-immunosuppressed group but were significantly decreased in the immunosuppressed groups. Serum creatinine increased significantly in all the infected groups from 20 days post inoculation (DPI) onwards. Blood urea nitrogen increased significantly in the initial stages only in the methylprednisolone-treated group. AST and ALT also showed significant increases in the infected animals. Total serum immunoglobulins and circulating immune complexes increased gradually in all three infected groups, except for an initial significant drop in the immunosuppressed rabbits. Re-isolation of fungus was only achieved from the lungs of infected rabbits up to 15 DPI in the non-immunosuppressed group and 30 DPI in the immunosuppressed groups. Pathological lesions in all the infected groups were found mainly in the lungs and consisted of pyogranulomas. The lesions were most severe in the cyclophosphamide-treated group and least severe in the non-immunosuppressed group.  相似文献   

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