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Twelve Angus x Hereford heifer calves (233 kg) were fitted with abomasal infusion cannulas and used to study N and endocrine responses to abomasally infused arginine (Arg). Heifers were allotted randomly to three treatment groups and received continuous abomasal infusions (2 liters/d) of water (CON) or Arg solutions providing .33 g Arg.HCl/kg BW (LOW) or .50 g Arg.HCl/kg BW (HIGH) each day. A 12-d dietary adjustment period preceded a 7-d infusion and collection period. Each calf received 4,544 g DM/d of a basal diet in equal portions at 0600, 1200, 1800 and 2400. Calves were housed in individual metabolism crates and fitted with urinary bladder catheters for total excreta collection. On d 1 and 5, blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals for 8 h between 1200 and 2000. Single samples were obtained at 1400 on remaining days. The infusion of Arg increased the quantity of N retained by heifers (P less than .01) and the percentage of total N retained (P less than .10); however, no differences were observed between LOW and HIGH heifers. Increased (P less than .01) urinary N excretion by Arg heifers was associated with greater (P less than .05) quantities of urinary urea N and ammonia N. Blood urea N and serum Arg concentrations were highest (P less than .05) in Arg heifers, whereas total serum AA concentrations were lower (P less than .05) in Arg heifers than in CON heifers. Serum glucose and insulin concentrations were not affected (P greater than .10) by treatment. Characterization of somatotropin (STH) profiles revealed that amplitude and frequency of STH pulses were not affected (P greater than .10) by treatment, whereas mean (P less than .10) and basal (P less than .05) STH concentrations were elevated in HIGH compared to LOW heifers on d 1 and 5. The similar N retention responses of LOW and HIGH heifers and similar STH profiles of CON and LOW heifers suggest that the stimulatory effect of the HIGH dose on STH secretion occurred only after tissue N requirements had been satisfied.  相似文献   

Nitrogen metabolism by lactating ewes and their lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty multiparous ewes and their newborn lambs were assigned to a 2 x 2 factorial experiment in which ewes were fed ad libitum either a moderate (MP, 15%) or a low (LP, 10%) CP diet and nursed either twin (T) or single (S) lambs. Nitrogen (N) balance trials were conducted on both the ewes and lambs during wk 2, 4 and 8 of lactation. Nitrogen balance, N digested and the portion of digested N retained were greater (P less than .01) with the MP diet. Nitrogen retention and serum urea-N values were lower for the ewes nursing T lambs. Plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate and serum glucose values were lower (P less than .01) for ewes fed the LP diet, and certain plasma amino acids and the ketogenic amino acids were lower with the LP diet. Insulin increased (P less than .01) with time throughout lactation. Triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations were higher (P less than .01) in ewes nursing T lambs. Thyroxine (T4) was greater (P less than .04) with the LP diet and greater (P less than .01) for ewes nursing T lambs. The T4:T3 ratio was lower (P less than .02) in the ewes consuming LP. The portion of the ewe's retained N used for milk synthesis was lower (P less than .01) with the MP diet. Ewes fed LP and nursing T lambs utilized all of their retained N plus a portion of their body protein reserves for milk production by the 2nd wk of lactation. Body weights of creep-fed lambs were not changed by protein content of the ewe's diet.  相似文献   

The median concentration of histamine in abomasal fluid of lambs with abomasal haemorrhage and/or ulcers (group 2) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than the concentrations in lambs presenting abomasal bloat (group 1) and in the healthy and the diseased controls. In group 2, there was also a strong correlation (R2 = 0.81) between the histamine concentrations in abomasal tissue and abomasal fluid, although the median value of histamine in the abomasal tissue was not statistically higher in this group than in the others. The urine of lambs in group 2 also had numerically higher median concentration of histamine than the other groups. Five out of eight tested strains of Lactobacillus spp. and one out of two strains of Clostridium sordellii, isolated from abomasal contents of lambs with abomasal disease, were strong producers of histamine. Bacterial production is one possible source for the increased histamine concentrations in lambs suffering from abomasal haemorrhage and/or ulcers.  相似文献   

Abomasal bloat in young lambs in clinically characterized by a distension of the abdomen, especially on the right side. The significant finding at necropsy is a gas-filled abomasum.

Abomasal bloat was studied over a 2-year period in 28 flocks located in Alvdal and Rendalen, two mountain valley communities in south-east Norway. The herd incidence rate varied from 0 to 20%. Abomasal bloat was most often seen 15–30 days after birth, and most cases occurred in the period just before and after the lambs were turned out to spring pasture.

There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of abomasal bloatin single, twin and triplet lambs. The following factors were found to have a significant effect on the incidence rate: geographical area, type of floor, and interaction between the type of floor and the % grass silage in the roughage. Highest rates were found in flocks with built up litter floors and more than 25% silage. Substituting perforated floors for built up litter floors in 3 sheep houses reduced the incidence rate markedly.

The aetiology of the disease is discussed. It is suggested that young lambs housed on built up litter with a wet consistency nibble hay contaminated with faeces. This can lead to an excessive gas-producing flora in the abomasum.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of daily injection of bovine somatotropin (bST) on the metabolism of N and 1-[14C]leucine and on hormone and metabolite concentrations in growing beef steers. Injection of bST increased N retention (P less than .05) primarily through decreased (P less than .10) urinary N excretion. Plasma concentration of somatotropin, insulin and glucose increased (P less than .01) and of urea-N (P less than .01) and alpha-amino-N (P less than .10) decreased with bST compared with excipient injection. Total leucine flux was not altered by treatment; however, the partition of flux was. Leucine oxidation decreased (P less than .05) and leucine used for protein synthesis (P less than .10) increased, with bST compared with excipient injection. During excipient injection, 10.3 g protein were synthesized for each gram crude protein deposited, whereas during bST injections only 6.4 g were required. The average maximum contribution of myofibrillar protein degradation to whole body protein degradation, calculated from excretion of 3-methylhistidine, was 16%. Although the ratio of protein deposition/protein synthesis was low for both excipient- and bST-injected steers, the incremental efficiency of protein deposition was 50%, reflecting a dilution of protein synthesis required for turnover and a proportionately greater increase in protein synthesis than protein degradation with bST injection. In growing beef steers, bST stimulated whole body protein synthesis and decreased leucine oxidation. The change in partition of leucine flux, but not of total flux (irreversible loss), demonstrates a chronic redirection in metabolism consistent with homeorhetic control. These data from steers injected with bST suggest mechanisms by which bST affects metabolism during normal growth.  相似文献   

Five crossbred steers (348 +/- 12 kg) fitted with a pancreatic pouch draining the main pancreatic duct and duodenal re-entrant and abomasal infusion cannulas were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square design to determine the influence of postruminal carbohydrate source and level on pancreatic exocrine secretion in beef steers. Abomasal infusion treatments (250 mL infused/h) were water (control), 20 g/h glucose, 40 g/h glucose, 20 g/h starch hydrolysate (SH), and 40 g/h SH. Infusion periods were 8 d with 3 to 4 d of rest between periods. Pancreatic juice was collected for 6 h on d 8 of each collection period. Every 30 min a 10% subsample was composited and frozen and the remainder was infused into the duodenum via the reentrant cannula. Abomasal infusion of glucose or SH increased (P < 0.10) total secretion of pancreatic juice and decreased (P < 0.10) secretion of alpha-amylase activity. Abomasal carbohydrate infusion did not influence total secretion of protein, trypsin activity, or chymotrypsin activity. This experiment indicates that increasing postruminal glucose or SH decreases pancreatic alpha-amylase secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of a mixed beta 1/beta 2-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, on hindlimb metabolism was studied in growing wether lambs using arteriovenous difference and blood flow rate techniques. Isoproterenol (48 micrograms kg-1 d-1), or saline, was infused into a jugular vein of five wether lambs (30 to 35 kg) for five days and samples taken on the fifth day of treatment. Infusion of isoproterenol significantly increased blood flow, oxygen uptake and tyrosine uptake across the hindlimb. Hindlimb non-esterified fatty acid uptake was increased but not significantly (P = 0.11) and arterial growth hormone concentration was not altered by isoproterenol infusion. Results suggest that beta-adrenergic agonists promote lean tissue deposition by increased muscle blood flow rate and amino acid uptake.  相似文献   

Abomasal secretion has been collected from Grosskopftype pouches prepared in five adult Karrakul ewes. Feeding caused a marked increase in volume, acidity and pepsin activity, whereas these factors were reduced by starvation. Both insulin-induced hypoglycaemia and electrical stimulation of the vagal nerve supply to the pouch increased the volume, total acid and pepsin secretion. It is concluded that vagal activity is an important factor in the control of abomasal secretion in sheep.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to examine the ability of human pancreatic growth hormone releasing factor (hGRF) administration to stimulate endogenous growth hormone (GH) secretion in lambs. Each study utilized eight Dorset wether lambs in replicated 4 X 4 Latin square experiments. Growth hormone response (integrated area under the curve for 150 min post-injection) for 0, 1, 5 and 10 micrograms hGRF/kg body weight averaged 13, 23, 92 and 134 units, respectively. While the 1-microgram hGRF dose was not different (P greater than .05) than the response to saline injection, there was an increased (P less than .01) GH response to 5 or 10 micrograms hGRF. Overall the GH response increased in a log dose-response fashion. There was distinct variation between lambs in their response to hGRF. Study II examined the optimal method to administer 40 micrograms hGRF/kg body weight to maximize GH concentration over 24 h. Continuous infusion (CI) was compared with eight (8X), four (4X), or two (2X) injections/d. Hourly blood samples were obtained from all lambs. Growth hormone response (area under the curve for 24 h) was 162, 305, 306 and 220 units for CI, 8X, 4X and 2X, respectively. Growth hormone response to CI was inferior to discrete injections, and the GH response to 4X or 8X was superior to 2X/d. Results demonstrate that, in spite of lamb-to-lamb variation, one can utilize exogenous hGRF to enhance GH secretion in lambs. Thus, the ability of exogenous hGRF to enhance growth performance merits further study.  相似文献   

Eight Angus steers (290 +/- 8 kg), surgically prepared with pancreatic pouch-duodenal reentrant cannulas and abomasal infusion catheters were used in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square experiment to investigate the effects of abomasal infusion of starch hydrolyzate (SH) and/or casein on pancreatic exocrine secretion and plasma concentration of hormones. Steers were fed a basal diet of alfalfa (1.2 x NEm) in 12 equal portions daily. Abomasal infusion treatments (6-L total volume infused per day) were water (control), SH [2.7 g/(kg BW x d)], casein [0.6 g/(kg BW x d)], and SH + casein. Periods were 3 d for adaptation and 8 d of full infusion. Pancreatic juice and jugular blood samples were collected over 30-min intervals for 6 h on d 11. Weight and pH of pancreatic samples were measured, and a 10% subsample was composited and frozen until analysis of total protein and pancreatic enzyme activities. The remaining sample was returned to the duodenum. Plasma was harvested and frozen until analyzed. Pancreatic juice (67 mL/h) and protein (1.8 g/h) secretion rates were not affected by nutrient infusion. There were SH x casein interactions for all pancreatic enzyme secretions (U/h; alpha-amylase, P < 0.03; trypsin, P < 0.08; and chymotrypsin, P < 0.03) and plasma insulin concentration (P < 0.10). Secretion of pancreatic enzymes was increased by SH (trypsin) and casein (alpha-amylase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin) but not when SH + casein were infused together. Glucose (P < 0.10) and cholecystokinin octapeptide concentrations (CCK-8; P < 0.05) were increased by SH, but glucagon was decreased (P < 0.10). Casein decreased (P < 0.10) plasma CCK-8 concentrations. These data indicate that positive effects of postruminal casein on enzyme secretion were inhibited by SH, emphasizing the complexity of the regulatory mechanisms involved in dietary adaptation of pancreatic exocrine secretion. Changes in hormone concentration may not relate directly to changes in enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

Serum pepsinogen estimations from serially bled lambs grazing on pasture from spring to autumn showed correlations with the availability of Ostertagia larvae on pasture, with faecal egg counts of O circumcincta, and with Ostertagia worm counts in similar lambs slaughtered fort-nightly from the same pasture. In the slaughtered lambs correlations were recorded between worm count, serum pepsinogen level and abomasal pH. The value of serum pepsinogen estimations as a diagnostic test is discussed with reference to these findings.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were 1) to compare intermittent subcutaneous administration of human growth hormone-releasing factor (hGRF) at two doses with a similar regimen of ovine somatotropin (oST) for effects on growth and composition of gain in growing lambs and 2) to determine whether increasing the dietary amino acid availability enhances response to oST or hGRF. Eighty crossbred ewe and wether lambs (25.5 kg live weight) were assigned randomly in pairs to receive four daily injections of excipient, 40 micrograms oST/kg BW, 5 micrograms hGRF/kg BW or 10 micrograms hGRF/kg BW for 42 (n = 80) or 56 (n = 40) d. Doses were adjusted weekly for BW. Mean plasma oST concentrations increased from 2.03 ng/ml prior to treatment to 20.64, 4.80 and 5.45 ng/ml with oST, 5 and 10 micrograms/kg hGRF doses, respectively. Lambs did not become refractory to hGRF. Cumulative gain increased approximately 18% with 7 wk of treatment with oST and the low dose of hGRF (both P less than .01), and feed efficiency improved 21% with oST and 18% with both doses of hGRF (both P less than .05). Carcass lipid accretion rate decreased 22% to 30% (P less than .001), and carcass protein accretion rate increased 30% to 36% (P less than .001) with hGRF and oST treatment, respectively. Addition of fishmeal to the diet at 4% to replace an equal amount of soy protein improved gain 8.5%; it improved efficiency 14.2% (P less than .05) across all treatments, and it significantly enhanced the effects of oST on feed efficiency (interaction P less than .12) and hind leg muscle weights.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to compare the worm burden and cellular responses in the abomasal mucosa and blood of Florida Native and Rambouillet lambs and also in animals produced by crosses of these two breeds (generations F1 and F2). Animals were exposed to infection by gastrointestinal nematodes on three different occasions. The first infection was natural, occurring while they were suckling lambs. After weaning, they were kept indoors for 53 days and then were allowed to graze a contaminated pasture for 50 days for a second natural infection. The third infection was an artificial challenge with 6000 Haemonchus contortus infective larvae. The highest mean fecal egg counts (FEC) values were found in Rambouillet lambs followed in decreasing order by F1, F2 and Florida Native lambs. Throughout the trial, most of the high mean packed cell volumes and plasma protein levels were recorded in the F2 lambs; in contrast, most of the low values were found in the Rambouillet lambs. During the natural infection period, the highest percentages of larvae in the fecal cultures of the lambs were Haemonchus. However, high percentages of Trichostrongylus larvae were found particularly in Florida Native lambs. The mean number of blood eosinophils increased after the artificial challenge, reached a peak 21 days after infection and then declined. The highest and lowest blood eosinophil means were recorded in F2 and Florida Native lambs, respectively. The H. contortus burden was significantly higher in Rambouillet and in F1 lambs than in Florida Native and F2 lambs (p < 0.05), while no significant differences were recorded among eosinophil, mast cell and globule leucocyte counts in the abomasal mucosa (p > 0.05). The highest correlation coefficient recorded at the end of this study was between FEC and worm burden (r = 0.7). These two parameters showed a moderate negative correlation with PCV, plasma protein and mast cell counts in the abomasal mucosa. The results obtained in this study indicate that crossbreeding Florida Native and Rambouillet sheep can be a rapid way to combine and improve the characteristics of these two breeds. The parasitological results were promising, however, more studies will be necessary to verify the impact of crossbreeding in other traits.  相似文献   

In a previous study, ornithine addition to an arginine-deficient diet did not improve whole-body arginine status in enterally-fed piglets; however, the metabolic fates of the supplemental ornithine were not studied. This experiment determined the metabolic fates of the supplemental ornithine and whether ornithine metabolism was affected by the addition of -ketoglutarate. Male piglets (n = 20, 1.8 kg), fitted with gastric catheters for diet and isotope infusion, portal vein catheters for isotope infusion and femoral vein catheters for blood sampling (d 0), received 2 d of a complete diet, followed by 5 d of 1 of 4 test diets: the arginine-deficient diet (basal), or the basal diet with either -ketoglutarate [ +  - KG; 4.6 mmol/(kg d)], ornithine [ + Orn; 9.2 mmol/(kg d)] or both [ +  - KG/ + Orn; 4.6 mmol/(kg d)  - ketoglutarate + 9.2 mmol/(kg d) ornithine]. Piglets received primed, constant infusions of [1-14C]ornithine infused intragastrically (either d 5 and d 7) to determine ornithine kinetics, and [guanido-14C]arginine intragastrically to measure arginine flux (d 6). Piglets receiving the ornithine-containing diets had a higher intragastric ornithine flux (P < 0.0001) and ornithine oxidation (P < 0.05). Ornithine supplementation did not increase arginine synthesis, although the ornithine supplemented piglets had a greater conversion of ornithine to proline (P < 0.0001). The fates of supplemental ornithine in piglets fed an arginine-deficient diet appear to be oxidation and proline synthesis; this was not affected by the presence of -ketoglutarate.  相似文献   

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