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Biomarker responses to weaning stress in beef calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study objective was to investigate the physiological effects of weaning on beef calves and identify a panel of blood-based welfare biomarkers. On the day (d) of weaning (d 0), 16 spring-born, single-suckled, beef bull calves that previously grazed with their dams at pasture, were assigned to one of two treatments: (1) control (n = 8), calves were loose-housed with their dam, (2) weaned (n = 8), calves were abruptly separated from their dam and loose-housed. Jugular blood was collected on d −4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14 relative to weaning (d 0) and assayed for inflammatory and steroid variables. Total leukocyte counts were measured in whole blood. It is concluded that neutrophil number is a robust biomarker of stress and that plasma CXCL8 is a sensitive indicator of stress in weaned and control calves. In future studies, these two biomarkers should be central to the characterisation of stress responses.  相似文献   

Forty crossbred steers (Brahman x English) were categorized into two groups: 1) early weaned (EW; n = 20); and 2) normal weaned (NW; n = 20). Calves were 89 and 300 d of age at the time of EW and NW, respectively; SEM = 4.4. Early-weaned calves were kept on-site (University of Florida, Ona), provided supplement (1% of BW), and grazed on annual and perennial pastures until NW. At the time of normal weaning, all calves were loaded on a commercial livestock trailer and transported to the North Carolina State University Research Feedlot in Butner (approximately 1,200 km). Upon arrival, calves were stratified by BW and randomly allotted to four pens per weaning age treatment. Individual calf BW and blood samples were collected at the time of normal weaning, on arrival at the feedlot (d 1; 24 h following weaning), and on d 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of the receiving period. Individual BW was collected at the start and end of the growing and finishing periods, and feed intake by pen was measured daily. As an estimate of stress during the receiving period, plasma was collected and analyzed for the acute-phase proteins, haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin. Early-weaned calves were lighter (P = 0.03) at normal weaning than NW calves (221 vs. 269 kg; SEM = 10.6). By d 28, EW calves tended (P = 0.12) to be lighter than NW calves (242 vs. 282 kg, respectively). Gain:feed was improved for EW compared with NW calves during both the receiving (G:F = 0.157 vs. 0.081) and growing (0.159 vs. 0.136) periods. There tended (P < 0.10) to be weaning age x day interactions for each acute-phase protein. Ceruloplasmin concentrations increased in NW, but not EW calves, and peaked on d 7 (27.6 and 34.2 mg/100 mL for EW and NW calves, respectively; P < 0.05). Haptoglobin concentrations increased in both groups and were greatest (P < 0.05) in NW calves on d 3 (7.63 vs. 14.86 mg of haptoglobin/hemoglobin complexing/100 mL). No differences in ADG or G:F were detected during the finishing phase; however, overall G:F was improved (P = 0.03) for EW vs. NW calves (0.155 vs. 0.136). Carcass measures, including backfat thickness, USDA yield grade, marbling score, and LM area, did not differ between treatments. These data imply that EW calves, which are maintained onsite before shipping, may be more tolerant to the stressors associated with transportation and feed yard entry. Early weaned calves, managed within the system described in this study, may have improved G:F.  相似文献   

Effect of transportation and weaning on humoral immune responses of calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transportation exposes cattle to stress and results in increased morbidity and mortality. An investigation was made of the effects of transport and another important stressor, weaning, on the immune function of calves by determining Immoral immune responses to keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH). In a 2 × 2 factorial designed experiment, suckled calves were either (1) weaned at housing (day 0) and not transported, (2) weaned at housing and transported, (3) weaned while still at pasture nine to 13 days prior to housing and not transported or (4) weaned at pasture and transported. All calves were immunized with KLH at housing (day 0) and serum samples were collected subsequently to determine class and subclass anti-KLH antibody responses (IgG1, IgG2, IgA and IgM) by direct elisa. Increased anti-KLH IgG1 and IgG2 concentrations were shown in calves that were weaned prior to housing and transported on day 10 (P<0·05 and P<0·01 respectively). Transported calves had increased IgGI concentrations on day 20 (P<0·05) compared with calves that were not transported. However, calves weaned at housing and not transported had increased IgA and IgM responses on day 30 compared with the other groups of calves (P<0·05). This study shows that transportation and weaning affect the Immoral immune responses of suckler calves and that the effects persist for several weeks. However, the effects of the treatments were not consistent for all antibody classes measured.  相似文献   

Effects of stress on concentrations of cortisol and corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) in blood plasma and on glucocorticoid receptor concentrations in muscle cytosol were studied in pigs representing three Halothane (Hal) genotypes (NN, Nn, nn). At 12 wk of age, animals were divided into four groups: pigs subjected to transport (5 h in a truck), pigs treated with amperozide prior to transport, pigs not transported but treated with amperozide and pigs neither transported nor given amperozide. Animals were slaughtered the week they reached 100 kg live weight (3 mo later). The Hal gene showed no major influence on the variables studied except for cortisol concentrations (P = .06) measured directly after transport at 12 wk of age (NN = 66.8 nM, Nn = 61.4 nM, nn = 69.4 nM). However, the response in each Hal genotype differed, depending on whether or not the pigs had been exposed to transport. Two weeks after transport, NN pigs developed higher cortisol concentrations than untransported animals, whereas the response was reversed in nn animals; Nn pigs showed no difference in this regard. At slaughter, the effect of transport (12 wk of age) on cortisol and CBG was still apparent. In NN pigs cortisol and CBG concentrations were elevated (P less than or equal to .05, P = .08, respectively), whereas concentrations tended to be lower in nn pigs (P = .17, P = .07, respectively) when compared with untransported pigs. Transported pigs had lower receptor concentrations at slaughter (P less than or equal to .01) than untransported pigs. However, pigs given amperozide in connection with transport had a receptor concentration comparable to that in untransported pigs. Our study shows conclusively that transport stress had long-term effects on cortisol, CBG and glucocorticoid receptor concentrations. In addition, amperozide had long-term effects on cortisol and receptor concentrations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of early calf weaning from both primiparous and multiparous beef cows on hay intake and measures of performance. Over two consecutive years, 96 Brahman × British cows (48 cows/year) and their calves were stratified by parity and calving date and randomly assigned to one of two weaning treatments (n = 24 cows/weaning treatment; 12 primiparous and 12 multiparous). Weaning treatments consisted of normal-weaned (calf remaining with cow throughout the study) or early weaned (calves removed from cow at 86 ± 5 days of age). An estrus synchronization and fixed-timed artificial insemination protocol (CO-Synch + CIDR) was applied to all cows at 21 days after early weaning. Following fixed-timed artificial insemination, cows were put onto bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures (3 pastures/treatment; 4 cows/pasture) for a 60-day period to evaluate voluntary hay intake. During this time, cows were provided free-choice access to grass hay (‘Florona’ stargrass; Cynodon nlemfuensis) and 2.3 kg per head daily of a urea-fortified molasses supplement. Hay intake was determined by subtracting the dried weight of residual hay from the amount offered over the 60-day evaluation period. Cow body weight and body condition score were measured on day 0 and 60. Immediately following the hay intake determination period, all cows were grouped by weaning treatment and exposed to mature Angus bulls for 21 days. Pregnancy determination to artificial insemination and natural service was determined by transrectal utrasonography on two occasions conducted 60 days after artificial insemination and again 40 days after bull removal. Multiparous cows had greater hay dry matter intake (P < 0.001), body weight (P < 0.001), and body condition score (P < 0.001) than primiparous cows throughout the study. Overall, early weaning resulted in greater than a 16% decrease (P < 0.01) in hay dry matter intake, irrespective of parity. Early-weaned cows had greater (P < 0.01) body weight and body condition score than normal-weaned cows on day 60, but not day 0. Pregnancy rate to artificial insemination was greater (P < 0.01) for multiparous compared to primiparous cows. There was a weaning treatment × parity interaction for overall pregnancy rate, whereas early-weaned primiparous, but not multiparous, cows had a greater (P < 0.05) overall pregnancy rate compared to their normal-weaned contemporaries. These data imply that early calf weaning (90 days of age) will increase body weight and body condition in both multiparous and primiparous cows; however, early-weaning provides a greater advantage to overall pregnancy rate when applied to primiparous versus multiparous cows.  相似文献   

Weaning is often cited as a stressful event that can precipitate clinical coccidiosis in cattle. Recently, two-stage weaning methods have been investigated as a means to reduce stress in calves. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of weaning method on fecal oocyst count (FOC) and Eimeria spp. composition. A group of 108 beef calves (190-240 days of age) were allocated to three treatments on day -7: a fenceline weaned group where calves could see and hear their dams, but were physically separated from them by a fence (FL), a noseclipped group where suckling was prevented (NC), and a group left with their dams to be traditionally weaned (TW) by abrupt separation on day 0. On day 0, noseclips were removed from the NC calves and all groups were completely separated from their dams. The steers (n=50) were transported 172 km to another farm, and heifers (n=58) were taken to distant fields on the same farm. Rectal fecal samples were collected from all calves on days -7, 0, and 14. Steers were also sampled on days 7, 28, and 42. A group of steers (n=24) from each of the treatments previously described were fitted with pedometers and intensively observed on days 1-4. The Modified McMaster's test and Wisconsin sugar flotation test were used for quantification and identification of Eimeria spp. oocysts. Clinical coccidiosis was not observed during the study. Fecal oocyst counts did not differ between treatment groups on any sampling day. Differences between steer and heifer FOC were not detected. Treatment had no effect on species composition, but time effects were detected in the steers. The mean percentage of E. bovis was lower (P<0.05) on days 28 and 42 than all other sampling days. The decrease in the percentage of E. bovis was accompanied by an increase (P<0.05) in the percentage of E. canadensis on days 28 and 42. Behavioral observation showed that TW steers exhibited higher levels of stress related behavior (P<0.05) following complete separation, although this was not reflected in FOC.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of early weaning fall-born calves on heifer and calf performance in Florida. Over two consecutive years, 3-yr-old Braford and Brahman x Angus first-calf heifers were assigned randomly to one of two treatments; early-weaned (EW, n = 20 and 30 for yr 1 and 2, respectively) and normal-weaned (NW, n = 20 and 38 for yr 1 and 2, respectively). Calves were EW on January 23 and 3 for yr 1 and 2, respectively. Following EW, all first-calf heifers were returned to bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures with the mature cowherd. Early-weaned calves were maintained on annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) pastures at 8.2 and 10.7 calves/ha for yr 1 and 2, respectively, and were provided supplemental grain mixture (14% CP) at 1.0% of BW daily. Normal-weaned calves remained with their dams in the mature cowherd on bahiagrass. Final calf BW was collected on April 17 (d 84) and April 24 (d 111) for yr 1 and 2, respectively. Early-weaned calves had a greater (P < 0.001) ADG (0.17 kg/d) in yr 1, but a lower (P < 0.001) ADG (-0.24 kg/d) in yr 2 compared with NW calves. Early weaning resulted in heavier first-calf heifers with greater BCS at the time of normal weaning (August 1; 491 vs. 452 kg, with BCS = 6.34 vs. 4.75 for EW and NW heifers, respectively; SEM = 5.0 and 0.07). Heifers with EW calves had a higher (P < 0.07) pregnancy rate during both years than normal-weaned heifers (89.5 vs. 50.0 and 96.7 vs. 80.0% pregnant during yr 1 and 2, respectively). Early-weaned, first-calf heifers also had a lower (P < 0.05) calving interval in yr 2 (384 vs. 404 d; SEM = 6.0). These data suggest that EW will improve body condition of first-calf heifers resulting in an increased pregnancy rate. Early-weaned calves maintained on winter ryegrass provide producers with the ability to optimize early-weaned calf performance, while capitalizing on low cost of gain and favorable spring markets.  相似文献   

Four-month-old beef calves were implanted with 36 mg zeranol, and their growth compared with untreated calves. Treated steer and heifer calves gained 10 kg more bodyweight to weaning at 7.5 months of age. The trial was conducted at 2 research centres and calves at both centres showed significant responses for the first 45 days (P less than 0.001) after treatment but during the following 30 days only calves at one centre showed a continued response (P less than 0.05). No differences in growth rate occurred between treated and untreated calves over the final 30 days before weaning at either centre. The backfat measurement of untreated animals increased more than that of the implanted animals (P less than 0.05) at one centre but not at the other.  相似文献   

肉用犊牛在转至育肥场会出现一系列的应激反应,对肉牛育肥产业带来极大损失,本文通过对犊牛运输应激及断奶应激全面剖析的基础上,对产生犊牛应激综合征提出了新的看法,并提出要从犊牛的心理、断奶、环境改变、饲草料变化和运输等方面所产生的一系列应激叠加角度上考虑,综合预防犊牛过渡应激的横发,降低犊牛应激综合征给肉牛生产造成的损失。  相似文献   

The effects of suckling on secretion of luteinizing hormone, cortisol and transcortin were investigated in anovulatory postpartum cows. On d 35 postpartum, calves were separated from 12 cows to prevent suckling and eight calves continued to suckle their dams ad libitum. Between 35 and 41 d postpartum, samples of jugular blood were collected every 15 min for two periods of 6 h/d. In non-suckled cows, frequency of pulses and basal luteinizing hormone increased but amplitude of pulses did not change. Concentrations of total cortisol in serum of cows were not altered during 3 d after weaning calves and did not differ among intervals before, during and after a suckling event. Affinity of transcortin for cortisol was not affected by postpartum interval or treatment. Capacity of transcortin to bind cortisol tended to increase after weaning. We found no evidence to support the hypothesis that suckling reduces binding capacity of transcortin or increases unbound cortisol. Differences in preovulatory secretion of luteinizing hormone between suckled and non-suckled cows could not be accounted for by differences in secretion of cortisol. In beef cows that are fed to satisfy requirements for energy and have average body condition, we conclude that negative modulation of luteinizing hormone by suckling is not mediated by cortisol.  相似文献   

运输应激对2种Hal基因型猪肌纤维特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以二花脸与皮特兰杂交F2代猪为研究对象,应用组织学、组织化学方法与电镜技术研究运输应激对2种猪背最长肌琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、糖原以及肌纤维超微结构的影响,并分析比较了2种氟烷基因(HalNN,Halnn)猪背最长肌各肌纤维类型。研究发现:(1)HalNN猪背最长肌SDH活性比Halnn猪的极显著高(P<0.01);(2)背最长肌LDH活性Halnn猪比HalNN猪的极显著高(P<0.01);(3)Halnn猪糖原含量比HalNN猪的显著高(P<0.05);(4)透射电镜显示HalNN猪背最长肌肌纤维超微结构形态较清晰完整,而Halnn猪肌纤维收缩剧烈,肌节混乱,明带暗带区分不明显,有的肌节甚至降解,线粒体不同程度肿胀和裂解,肌浆网不明显等。结果表明:氟烷基因野生型HalNN猪对运输应激相对不敏感;而阴性纯合子Halnn猪则对应激很敏感,其肌纤维损伤较大。  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to investigate changes in immunological parameters induced by weaning stress (including milk restriction) in calves. Fifteen Holstein calves were subjected to weaning at 6 weeks of age. Blood samples were collected at -14, -7, -2, 1, 3, and 5 days post-weaning (DPW; 0 DPW = 42 days). Weaning caused significant (p < 0.01) increases in the neutrophil (NE):lymphocyte (LY) ratio at 5 DPW with a significant (p < 0.05) reduction of LYs. The concentration of acute-phase proteins (haptoglobin and serum amyloid A) also increased significantly (p < 0.05) at 3 and 5 DPW compared to -2 DPW. Levels of the iron-binding protein lactoferrin decreased significantly (p < 0.05) after weaning. Serum tumor necrosis factor-α and cortisol levels were elevated (p < 0.05) at 3 DPW, while those of serum interferon-γ decreased (p < 0.05) at 1 and 3 DPW compared to levels observed before weaning. Weaning significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the percentage of CD25+ T cells in the peripheral blood. In conclusion, weaning stress affected the NE:LY ratio along with the levels of acute phase proteins, lactoferrin, cortisol, and inflammatory cytokines in the peripheral blood of calves. Weaning stress may induce an acute phase response possibly through the elevation of cortisol production and modulation of inflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Four trials were conducted to explore possible advantages of weaning beef calves in two stages compared with the traditional method of weaning by abrupt separation. In the two-stage treatment, calves were prevented from nursing their dam for a period (Stage 1) before their separation (Stage 2). Control calves nursed from their dams until they were separated. Calf weights and behavior were recorded before and after the separation of cows and calves. Following separation, calves weaned in two stages vocalized 96.6% less (P = 0.001) and spent 78.9% less time walking (P = 0.001), 23.0% more time eating (P = 0.001), and 24.1% more time resting (P = 0.001) than control calves. Compared with controls, two-stage calves had lower (P < 0.001) ADG when nursing was deprived (Stage 1), but greater (P < 0.001) ADG during the 7 d following separation. In Trial 3, calves weaned by the two-stage method had greater (P = 0.05) growth rates than control calves for 7 wk after separation, but no treatment effects on ADG were detected (P > 0.38) in Trials 1 and 2. Over the entire study period (before and after separation), ADG did not differ (P > 0.10) for both treatments. In Trial 4, calves weaned in two stages walked 1.3 km/d more (P < 0.05) during the 4-d period when nursing was prevented (Stage 1) and 5.8 km/d less (P < 0.05) during the 4-d period after separation than controls. Differences between treatments were the greatest in the 2 d after separation. On the first day after separation, two-stage calves walked 5.2 +/- 0.5 km/ d, whereas control calves walked 16.7 +/- 3.1 km/d. Calves weaned in two stages were less distressed than calves weaned by the traditional method of abrupt separation based on behavioral data, but overall calf ADG did not differ for either method in this study. Nutritional management of two-stage weaned calves during the nursing-deprived period should be evaluated in future research because poor pasture conditions may have decreased gains by calves weaned by the two-stage method in this study.  相似文献   

The effects of two levels of nutrition (400 g and 1000 g air dry matter milk substitute powder per day) and three ages of weaning (rive, nine and 13 weeks) on cellular immune responses were determined in 32 calves. The lower level of nutrition was found to increase skin sensitivity responses to keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) and decrease lymphocyte blastogenesis test (LBT) responses to ConA and pokewood mitogen (P<0·05). Weaning at five weeks old resulted in increased KLH skin responses at nine weeks old compared with unweaned calves and decreased LBT responses to ConA and phyto-haemagglutinin at 10 weeks old compared with calves weaned at nine weeks old (P<0·05). Weaning at five weeks old also increased peripheral blood concentrations of BoCD2+ and BoCD8+ lymphocytes (P<0·05). The results show that the choice of husbandry conditions alters cellular immune responses in young calves and suggest that early weaning effects are essentially nutritional.  相似文献   

The effects of weaning on beef calves of different ages were investigated. Forty male and 40 female calves were either weaned at 6 (W6, n = 40) or 8 (W8, n = 40) months of age. The vocalization activity and behaviors (feeding, lying and standing/walking) were observed during the first 3 days following weaning. Body weight was recorded at 6 and 8 months and 2 weeks following weaning. W6 animals vocalized more often than W8 calves and females more than males on day 1 (P < 0.05). The vocalization activity decreased at a higher rate in W8 than in W6 from days 1 to 3. On day 2, W6 calves spent less time lying and more standing/walking than W8 calves (P < 0.05). The behaviors did not differ between males and females. The average daily gain after weaning did not differ between weaning ages (P > 0.05), but W8 calves gained more from 6 to 8 months of age. In conclusion, weaning distress was more pronounced in W6 than in W8 calves. W8 calves also had a superior growth performance during 6 to 8 months of age. The effect of the calves' sex was less pronounced. Therefore, it is recommended to wean beef calves later than 6 months of age.  相似文献   

选择体质量和出生日期接近的26头犊牛,其中6头母犊,20头公犊。10日龄开始补充苜蓿干草、精饲料自由采食,60日龄断奶。分别在断奶前(-1d)和断奶后1,3,5,7,14d采集血液,测定血清中代谢物、激素及免疫球蛋白含量的变化情况。结果表明,断奶影响犊牛的消化代谢,血清中葡萄糖、总蛋白、尿素氮、甘油三酯含量变化显著(P〈0.01)。断奶造成犊牛血清皮质醇、急性反应蛋白、T3、T4、乳酸脱氢酶、碱性磷酸酶、溶菌酶显著变化(P〈0.01),使免疫球蛋白、γ-IFN、IL-1含量有不同程度下降(P〉0.05)。因此,断奶不仅降低了犊牛的免疫力,而且对犊牛产生了严重的应激反应。  相似文献   

Weaning weights of 442 beef calves (223 male and 219 female), born between 1997 and 2004 from cows of nine breeds (Hungarian Fleckvieh, Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Red Angus, Lincoln Red, Charolais, Limousin, Blonde d' Aquitaine and Shaver) and maintained in the same conditions on peat-bog soil pasture at Keszthely, were evaluated. The effect of breed, age of dam, year/season of birth and sex of calf on the 205-day weaning weight was computed by analysis of variance (GLM). Overall mean of the 205-day weaning weight of all calves was 193 kg. The contribution to the total phenotypic variance of the 205-day weaning weight was: 18.60% by breed, 2.79% by age of dam, 43.23% by birth year, 3.95% by birth season and 31.43% by sex of calf. The evaluated factors had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on 205-day weight. Mean values by breeds were 198, 163, 206, 205, 182, 204, 181, 189 and 204 kg, respectively. According to the age of the dam, the weaning weight increased up to 5 years and after the maximum (205 kg) decreased. The minimum values were found in the group of 2- (178 kg) and 12-year-old (174 kg) cows. With respect to birth year, the highest weaning weight (238 kg) was observed in 2002 and the lowest (151 kg) in 1999. For birth season, winter, spring, summer and autumn, the 205-day weaning weight was 183, 196, 203 and 190 kg, respectively. Male calves reached 202 kg and female calves 185 kg mean value of the adjusted weaning weight.  相似文献   

The study objective was to determine health and performance of ranch calves from different preconditioning strategies during a 42-d receiving period when commingled with calves of unknown health histories from multiple sources. Steer calves from a single source ranch (RANCH) were weaned and immediately shipped to a feedlot (WEAN, initial BW = 247 +/- 29 kg); weaned on the ranch for 45 d before shipping, but did not receive any vaccinations (WEAN45, initial BW = 231 +/- 26 kg); or weaned, vaccinated with modified live viral vaccine, and held on the ranch for 45 d before shipping (WEANVAC45, initial BW = 274 +/- 21 kg). Multiple-source steers were purchased through auction markets (MARKET, initial BW = 238 +/- 13 kg), and upon receiving, a portion of ranch-origin steers from each weaning group was commingled with a portion of MARKET cattle (COMM). The experimental design was completely randomized with a 2 x 3 +1 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors were RANCH vs. COMM and weaning management (WEAN vs. WEAN45 vs. WEANVAC45) as the factors; MARKET cattle served as the control. Calves of WEAN, WEAN45, and MARKET were vaccinated on arrival at the feedlot. Ranch-origin calves tended (P = 0.06) to have greater ADG than COMM or MARKET calves, although ADG was not affected (P = 0.46) by weaning management. Across the 42-d receiving period, DMI was not affected (P = 0.85) by cattle origin. However, MARKET, WEAN45, and WEANVAC45 calves consumed more (P < 0.001) DM than WEAN calves. Gain efficiency was not affected (P > or = 0.11) by treatment. Ranch-origin calves were less (P < 0.001) likely to be treated for bovine respiratory disease than MARKET calves; COMM calves were intermediate. Calves that were retained on the ranch after weaning (WEAN45 and WEANVAC45) were also less likely to be treated (P = 0.001) than MARKET or WEAN calves. As expected, differences in morbidity related to differences in health costs. Calves of WEAN45 and WEANVAC45 had less (P < 0.001) health costs than MARKET and WEAN calves. On arrival, serum haptoglobin concentrations were greater (P < 0.001) in MARKET and WEAN compared with WEAN45 and WEANVAC45 calves. Calves from a single source that are retained on the ranch for 45 d after weaning exhibit less morbidity and less health costs during the receiving period at the feedyard than when cattle are commingled or trucked to the feedyard immediately after weaning.  相似文献   

The disease induced in calves following oral dosing with bovine parvovirus (BPV) was found to be substantially exacerbated when the animals had subclinical coccidiosis. Low levels of passive serum antibody appeared to have little influence on the response to BPV. Imposition of weaning stress on coccidia-infected calves which had apparently recovered from prior infection with BPV, was found to induce severe diarrhoea with recrudescence of BPV excretion in faeces. This was in marked contrast to the relatively mild diarrhoea which was found following weaning of control animals and animals infected with either agent alone. It was concluded that BPV activity and damage in the intestinal tract was probably enhanced as a consequence of the extra mitotic activity induced in the region by coccidial infection and the local effects of weaning. On the basis of these and previous findings in the field, it is suggested that BPV may play a significant role in the aetiology of post-weaning diarrhoea in calves.  相似文献   

The objective herein was to estimate heterosis and breed effects in purebred and crossbred Romosinuano, Brahman, and Angus calves on acute phase protein response to weaning and transportation. Calves (n = 1,032) were weaned in September of 2002, 2003, and 2004 at approximately 7 mo of age. Approximately 28 d after weaning, steer calves (n = 482) were transported 1,800 km (20 h) to Oklahoma. Concentrations of 3 acute phase proteins (ceruloplasmin, fibrinogen, and haptoglobin) were measured in blood samples. Calves (steers and heifers) were sampled at weaning, and 24 and 72 h postweaning. For separate analyses, steers sent to Oklahoma were sampled before shipment, upon arrival, and 24 and 72 h after arrival. Combinations of the following fixed effects were investigated: sire breed, dam breed, sampling time, birth location, calf sex (weaning only), year, cow age, and interactions. Effects of special interest were sire breed x dam breed as an indication of breed group of calf, and the interaction of sire and dam breeds with sampling time. Weaning age and BW were investigated as linear and quadratic covariates. Sire of calf within sire breed was a random term. The correlation structure of repeated measures was determined by comparison of information criterion values for different structures within each analysis. In general, plasma acute phase protein concentrations in weaned calves increased with sampling time. Concentrations in the transported steers increased through sampling at 24 h after arrival, and were lower at 72 h. Significant estimates of heterosis were detected for Brahman-Angus haptoglobin concentrations at weaning (0.38 +/- 0.14 mg/dL x 100; 44%), and for Romosinuano-Angus fibrinogen concentrations at weaning (11.4 +/- 5.5 mg/dL; 10%) and in transported steers (22.5 +/- 8.4 mg/dL; 20%). The direct effect of Romosinuano was to increase (P <0.004) ceruloplasmin concentrations of weaned calves (4.1 +/- 0.9 mg/dL) and of transported steers (3.9 +/- 1.3 mg/dL). The direct effect of Angus was to lower ceruloplasmin concentrations in weaned calves (-3.9 +/- 1.2; P = 0.001). Significant maternal effects were detected at weaning for ceruloplasmin concentrations in Romosinuano (-1.4 +/- 0.5 mg/ dL) and Angus (1.6 +/- 0.7 mg/dL) and fibrinogen concentrations in Brahman calves (-17.7 +/- 8.8 mg/dL). These data imply that acute phase protein concentrations in response to weaning and transportation are impacted by cattle breed.  相似文献   

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