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中国西北地区盐湖卤虫资源的评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者在对我国西北地区盐湖卤虫资源普查的基础上,对内蒙的额吉淖尔“黄旗海,青海的尕海、小柴旦湖,新疆的艾比湖、巴里坤湖和山西的解池等7个盐湖卤虫产区进行了重点调查。根据我国盐湖分布特点,湖水面积大小,湖水深浅,卤水盐度及湖区气候特点等,对我国西北地区盐湖卤虫资源进行了评估,可供各级领导机关决策和生产单位开发利用时参考。  相似文献   

中国内陆盐湖卤虫资源开发利用的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我国内陆盐湖卤虫资源分布地区约有43处,其中重点产区有内蒙古的额吉淖尔、黄旗海;青海的尕海、小柴旦湖;新疆的艾比湖、巴里坤湖;山西的解池等7处。卤虫资源量为25000~30000t/a;卤虫卵500~700t/a;可开发量:鲜卤虫1500t/a,原料卤虫卵200~300t/a。研究了主要盐湖卤虫生物学特性和投喂对虾幼体的饵料效果以及卤虫的孵化特性和加工工艺。并对我国内陆盐湖卤虫资源进行了评估,提出了繁殖保护和开发利用的意见。  相似文献   

尕海盐湖以出产卤虫(卵)而著称,是青藏高原盛产卤虫(卵)的典型湖泊,在我国乃至世界上都享有很高的声誉,具有很高的经济、科研、生态价值。尕海盐湖其环境状况对湖区生态平衡、社会、经济可持续发展具有重要的意义。尕海盐湖在开发卤虫生产之前属于荒芜湖泊,然而由于自然和人为的原因,  相似文献   

中国盐湖卤虫的生物学特性及其在对虾育苗中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对中国部分盐湖卤虫的自然种群组成、卤虫卵卵径、孵化特性、无节幼体体长以及投喂对虾幼体的饵料效果等的测定,对照卤虫卵和无节幼体生化成分的文献资料,评估了中国内陆盐湖卤虫的内在质量及其开发利用的前景。  相似文献   

盐湖卤虫卵质量因不同海拔和不同品系而有差异,其至卵径大小,颜色深浅也各不相同。我国盐湖产虫卵质量可与美国或盐田的虫卵比美。  相似文献   

张珍 《河北渔业》2007,(5):42-42,45,48
着重介绍了卤虫卵的采收、贮藏、加工方法,阐述了影响卤虫卵孵化率的一些因素,以达到利用盐湖卤虫卵的目的。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍了卤虫卵的采收、贮藏、加工方法,阐述了影响卤虫卵孵化率的一些因素,以达到利用盐湖卤虫卵的目的。  相似文献   

卤虫又名“丰年虫”、“丰年虾”,是高盐度水域繁生的一类小型甲壳动物,含有丰富的蛋白质及多种营养成分,无节幼体是鱼、虾、蟹育苗的优质鲜活饲料,成体是鱼、虾、蟹及家禽等养殖的精饲料。我国预计到2000年时年需要量2000吨卤虫卵。世界各国的需求量也在逐年增加。因此,卤虫个体虽小(成体仅1—1.7cm),经济价值却极高,尤其是细砂状的卤虫冬卵,每克20多万粒,在国际市场每吨售价2—3美元,高的可达5万美元。开发卤虫资源前景广阔。 我国沿海盐田及内陆盐湖、盐场面积很大,卤虫成体和卤虫卵产量均超过世界其它国家的总和。仅目前已开始利用的盐湖、盐场估计,天然卤虫卵年产量可超  相似文献   

新疆盐湖与卤虫分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本论述了新疆盐湖分布及形成特点,同时还论述了新疆盐湖卤虫分布及开发利用前景。  相似文献   

动物性饵料卤虫资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建鑫 《水利渔业》1998,(4):43-43,45
卤虫在我国沿海盐田和内陆盐湖都有分布,是广温性耐盐生物。其体内含蛋白质60%,含脂肪20%,并含高级不饱和脂肪酸、微量元素和丰富的β—胡萝卜素、核黄素等。成虫可以制成卤粉作为鱼虾的蛋白质饲料。卤虫休眠卵孵出的无节幼体,在1~2d内具有较多卵黄,是鱼虾...  相似文献   

中国卤虫卵孵化温度特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据有效积温法则,对中国12个主要地理品系卤虫卵的孵化速度、发育起点温度及其发育同步性作了分析。结果表明,各品系的孵化速度因温度不同而差异极显著;相同温度下各品系间孵化速度也有显著差异;在沿海品系中,其发育起点温度由北往南基本呈递增趋势。以各品系孵化发育历期的变差系数作为发育同步性的衡量指标,依据发育同步性程度及发育起点温度、有效积温进行聚类分析,提出了适合我国卤虫卵加工及使用的最佳品系组合。  相似文献   

实验室条件下,在经过沉淀以及过滤的自然海水中分别加入不同浓度的Hg^2+、Pb^2+、Cd^2+离子,分别对国产和进口2个产地的卤虫卵进行了孵化试验.结果表明:与对照组相比,3种重金属离子都降低了2个产地卤虫卵的孵化率,且浓度越高降低的百分率越大,3种重金属离子降低孵化率大小顺序为:Hg^2+>Cd^2+>Pb^2+;3种离子对2个产地的卤虫卵产生了不同的影响:进口卤虫大于对国产卤虫卵的降低率.  相似文献   

Lipid Nutrition and Feeding of Cobia Rachycentron canadum Larvae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examined the fatty acid composition of cobia Rachycentron canadum eggs and yolksac larvae, as well as the ovaries of wild caught females as an initial guide to lipid nutritional requirements. A 2-wk feeding study also was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of four dietary treatments on the growth and survival of cobia larvae. Cobia eggs in the tailbud stage contained 31.4 ± 1.3 μg lipid/egg. After hatching, the amount of lipid decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from 28.3 ± 0.3 to 23.2 ± 0.1 μg lipid/larvae during the yolksac larval stage (days 1 to 3 after hatching). Ovaries from wild caught adults and captive spawned eggs and yolksac larvae contained high levels of PUFAs with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and arachidonic acid (ARA) accounting for approximately 80% of the total suggesting that cobia larvae may have a high dietary requirement for these fatty acids. For the feeding study, larvae were fed: 1) Artemia only; 2) enriched rotifers for 1 d only + microparticulate diet (day 313); 3) enriched rotifers for 3 d (day 3–5) + Artemia (day 3–13); and 4) enriched rotifers for 6 d (day 3–8) + Artemia (day 3–13). Cobia larvae began feeding on rotifers 3 d after hatching and on newly hatched Artemia nauplii by the fifth day following the onset of exogenous feeding (day 7). On day 7, no differences in larval growth were found among larvae fed rotifers for 3 versus 6 d, whereas larvae fed only Artemia or rotifers for I d followed by microparticulate diet were significantly smaller (P < 0.05) and did not survive beyond day 9 and 13, respectively. The results of the feeding study indicate that cobia larvae require rotifers for a minimum of 4 d following the onset of exogenous feeding.  相似文献   

伴随着中国水产养殖业的快速发展,原产美国的旧金山卤虫(Artemia franciscana)被引入至我国渤海湾地区.为研究旧金山卤虫被引入中国后其基因组遗传多样性改变情况,本研究利用COI线粒体分子标记,评估旧金山卤虫在非原生栖息地,即唐山曹妃甸南堡镇(渤海湾,河北省)定殖的旧金山卤虫的遗传多样性现状.研究分析发现:...  相似文献   

The aquaculture of marine finfish in Newfoundland presents a challenge due to the cold-water (<0 C) conditions which occur over a four to five month period. As part of a continuing research program on the culturing of cold-water marine finfish species we report on preliminary results of two "new" aquaculture species. The lumpfish and the Ocean pout both occur along the coast of Newfoundland and are adapted to a cold-water environment. Lumpfish have been reared from egg masses collected from the wild or from eggs stripped in the hatchery. Eggs and larvae are relatively large and larvae are well developed at hatch. Larvae will feed on day-old Artemia nauplii after four to six days. Survival over the first eight weeks is high but declines over the first year. Lumpfish cultured in the laboratory become sexually mature and produce eggs (roe) at the end of their second year. Ocean pout have been cultured only from egg masses collected from the wild. Eggs and larvae are extremely large compared to other marine finfish currently being cultured. Larvae hatch during the cold-water period, absorb the yolk-sac within 24 hours and are ossified at hatch. Juveniles feed on Artemia nauplii within two days at very low temperatures. Survival is comparatively high (75–80%) over the first year. Initial results are encouraging but more research is required before commercial production of these species would be feasible.  相似文献   

The dynamics of resting egg production of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis originating from a wild population in the Tanggu Saltworks (P.R. China) was investigated. In the natural environment as well as in semi-controlled rearing conditions an increased resting egg production was noticed with declining food availability. Processed resting eggs had a hatching efficiency of 3 x 10 6 rotifers per gramme irrespective of their origin. Hatching started 22 h after the initiation of incubation and was completed after 36 h. Rotifers obtained from resting eggs could be further cultured on Culture Selco® and enriched with Super Selco®. The fatty acid profile of these rotifers were not divergent from reference rotifers (originating from the Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Centre) demonstrating that this strain was not catabolizing essential fatty acids and could be used for enrichment purposes. Storage of resting eggs at 4°C resulted in a 50% lower hatching after 1 year but remained stable during the next 2 years. The resting eggs used for storage could easily be disinfected without affecting their hatching characteristics. These results indicate that this material could be used as inocula for mass cultures of live food for commercial hatcheries.  相似文献   

辽宁沿海盐田孤雌生殖卤虫种群组成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对辽宁省大连市金州盐场、普兰店盐场、瓦房店复州湾盐场和营口市二道沟盐场孤雌生殖卤虫种群进行了野外调查,发现这4个沿海盐场中原有的孤雌生殖卤虫种群中出现了大量雄体。分析成体卤虫的性比,卤虫卵的卵色、卵径及卵重,初步认为辽宁省孤雌生殖卤虫种群中外来的两性生殖卤虫可能是美国旧金山湾卤虫。外来的两性生殖卤虫占有一定优势,本地的孤雌生殖卤虫种群已经有了转变,这样的种群组成表明已经形成了生态入侵,有可能影响卤虫的生物多样性。  相似文献   

中国不同地理品系卤虫卵主要营养成分的数值分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯林 《水产学报》2000,24(5):453-457
以主成份分析和聚类分析的方法,对中国25个不同地理品系卤虫卵的营养成分(脂类、氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素)进行了分析和研究。实验结果显示:(1)通过对不同地理品系卤虫卵的43个营养因子的主成分分析和聚类分析可把25个不同地理品系卤虫卵分为二个大的类群:海水型和淡水型卤虫卵。(2)C20:5n-3、C18:3n-3、蛋白质含量、C16:1、四种营养成分的含量是区别不同地理品系卤虫卵的主要营养特征。(3)生殖方式不影响各品系的营养成分的组成,而地理品系间营养成分存在差别。(4)淡水型卤早虫卵适合于投喂淡水养殖动物,而海水型卤虫卵适合于海水型养殖动物。  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of four kinds of foods ( Artemia nauplii, rotifer, and microalgae Chaetoceros gracilis and Isochrysis galbana ) and four temperature regimes on survival and development of larval Lysmata wurdemanni , a marine ornamental shrimp, were determined. The larvae fed with Chaetoceros or Isochrysis only survived for a maximum of 17 d, before developing to zoea IV. The survivorship of the larvae fed with Artemia nauplii or rotifer from zoea II to post-larvae was 66.7% and 68.9%. respectively, without significant difference ( P > 0.05). But larvae fed with Artemia nauplii grew significantly ( P < 0.05) faster than those fed with rotifer. Larvae fed with Artemia nauplii reached postlarvae in 29–32 d, compared with 32–36 d in the rotifer treatment. Artemia nauplii are also suitable food for the postlarvae and juveniles of L. wurdemanni . The 30 postlarvae fed on Artemia nauplii all survived to reach sexual maturity in 50 to 70 d, growing from about 7 to 28 mm in total length. The effects of four temperature regimes on larval development of L. wurdemanni was also investigated. The duration (mean ± SD d) to the postlarvae at temperatures of 26 C (37.4 ± 5.4) and of 26–30 C daily (40.2 ± 5.8) was significantly ( P < 0.05) longer than that at 28.5 C (29.3 ± 4.8) and at 27–29 C daily (28.7 ± 3.5).  相似文献   

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