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This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of age, breed, epididymectomy and semen processing on the concentration of estradiol-17 beta (E2) in bovine semen. Semen was collected either by electroejaculation or with an artificial vagina. Neat semen samples were stored at -20 C until analysis. Processed, frozen semen and an egg yolk-citrate semen extender were obtained from a commercial semen processing firm and stored in liquid nitrogen at -196 C. The concentration of E2 in semen was determined by radioimmunoassay. Semen from mature (greater than 24 mo), fertile Brahman (n = 19), Brangus (n = 16), Charolais (n = 29), Holstein (n = 15) and Santa Gertrudis (n = 25) bulls was analyzed for E2 concentration, and no difference (P greater than .10) between breeds was found. There was no difference (P greater than .10) in seminal E2 concentration between mature, fertile bulls (n = 104) and epididymectomized bulls (n = 22). In semen collected from prepuberal (12 to 16 mo, n = 21), peripuberal (17 to 20 mo, n = 17) and mature (greater than 24 mo, n = 19), Brahman bulls, the mature bulls had a lower (P less than .01) semen E2 concentration than peripuberal and prepuberal bulls. There were no differences (P greater than .10) in seminal E2 concentration among peripuberal Angus (n = 8), Hereford (n = 8) and Brahman (n = 17) bulls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between systemic concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol-17 beta (E2) after withdrawal of progesterone in cycling ewes. In Exp. 1, ewes were assigned randomly to one of three treatments: laparotomy (C), removal of the luteal ovary (ULO), or ULO plus anesthesia with sodium pentobarbital for 6 h beginning 4 h after surgery. Anesthesia was used in an attempt to block the expected increase in tonic secretion of LH. Patterns of LH and E2 in these three groups did not differ during the 24-h experimental period. In Exp. 2, a longer period of anesthesia was utilized. Forty-eight ewes were assigned at random to one of four treatments: C, ULO, lutectomy or an intrafollicular injection of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha). One-half of the ewes in each group were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital from initiation of treatment (0 h) until 10 h after surgery. Sodium pentobarbital did not suppress the increases in LH and E2 after progesterone withdrawal. The regression of concentrations of E2 on concentration of LH was not significant. In Exp. 3, ewes were infused with either saline or dopamine after receiving an im injection of PGF2 alpha. Tonic secretion of LH increased after 4 h in ewes infused with saline, but not in ewes infused with dopamine. Despite the suppression of LH, concentrations of E2 increased in dopamine-treated ewes as in control ewes. Therefore, the initial increase in E2 after a decline of progesterone in cycling ewes is independent of increases in LH.  相似文献   

Bacteriology, histology, and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate uterine involution in 27 mares treated with daily injections of 150 mg of progesterone and 10 mg of estradiol-17 beta, commencing within 18 hours of parturition. These findings were compared with those for 24 untreated mares at postpartum day 10 or 11. The treatment resulted in significantly (P less than 0.05) greater uterine gland proliferation. Gland density was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in mares treated for 6 to 10 days than in those treated 2 to 5 days. The proportion of ciliated cells to secretory cells lining the endometrial surface was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in mares during delayed foal estrus than in those at postpartum days 10 to 11. The proportion of ciliated to secretory cells increased with increasing duration of treatment. It was concluded that treatment with progesterone and estradiol-17 beta allowed additional time for uterine involution in the early postpartum period.  相似文献   

Testicular Transferrin (Tf) and peripheral plasma estradiol-17beta (E2) concentrations were measured in 3 dogs with azoospermia (AZ dogs), 3 dogs with Sertoli cell tumors (SC dogs), and 5 normal male Beagles. The mean Tf concentrations in the testes of the AZ dogs and the affected testes of the SC dogs, and the plasma E2 concentrations in both these groups of dogs were significantly higher than the values in normal dogs (P<0.05, 0.01 and 0.01, respectively). Therefore, excessive E2 secretion by hyperfunctioning Sertoli cells is thought to have caused the azoospermia in the 3 dogs.  相似文献   

Unsolicited reports of estrous behavior in mares thought to be pregnant were received from owners or caretakers of Arabian mares. Estrous behavior was confirmed and mares were examined for pregnancy. Gender of the conceptus was determined at foaling in 11 mares in which estrous behavior was confirmed while an apparently viable, ultrasonically normal-appearing conceptus was present. In 9 mares in which the day of ovulation was known (Day 0), the estrous behavior occurred on Day 12, 13 or 14 (5 mares), Day 18 or 20 (2 mares), Day 40 (1 mare) and Day 60 (1 mare). In another study, 55 pony mares were observed for estrous behavior every 3 days for 20 minutes during Days 11 to 40. Estrous behavior was observed in 1 mare (2%) on Day 24. Combined for the 2 studies, the incidence of a female conceptus (12/12) was greater (P<0.01) than the incidence of a male conceptus (0/12) in mares that exhibited estrous behavior.  相似文献   

The semen quality of 22 dogs (4 to 7 years old) with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was examined at the hospital of our university, and 4 of the 22 BPH dogs were diagnosed as azoospermic. The mean peripheral plasma estradiol-17beta (E2) level (17.3 pg/ml) of the 18 BPH dogs with spermatogenic function was higher than that of 5 normal male dogs and their mean T level (1.7 ng/ml) was lower. The mean E2 level (27.3 pg/ml) of the 4 BPH dogs with azoospermia was significantly higher than the value in the BPH dogs with spermatogenic function (P<0.01), and the mean T level (1.1 ng/ml) was significantly lower (P<0.05). Five normal male dogs were given 10 intramuscular injections of estradiol benzoate (E2B) 5 microg/kg, at 3-day intervals to investigate the relationship between high plasma E2 levels and the cause of the BPH and azoospermia. Their testes and prostates were measured and biopsied both before and 30 days after the start of E2B injections. At 30 days after the start of the E2B injections, the mean peripheral plasma T levels had decreased by half, and the mean testicular volume had decreased to 88% of original volume. The numbers of spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules of all of the dogs were significantly lower (P<0.05, 0.01). In addition, the mean prostatic volume increased to 130%, the mean height of the glandular epithelium decreased, and the glandular lumen became increased in diameter. These findings indicate that both BPH and serious spermatogenic dysfunction may be simultaneously induced by protracted high plasma E2 levels in dogs.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from pregnant cows, heifers and also from non pregnant cows serving as controls. The determination of insulin-like-growth-factor-I (IGF-I) and estradiol-17 beta (E2) were performed immunologically. In the non pregnant cows E2 remained unchanged. IGF-I decreased around parturition and increased again commencing the 6th week of lactation. Compared to nonpregnant animals E2 but not IGF-I was slightly elevated during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. During the 10th up to 20th week of pregnancy the mean values of IGF-I were increased as well as the ones of E2. During the late pregnancy the values of IGF-I in heifers are obviously more elevated as in lactating pregnant or non-pregnant cows; analogous high values were determined in pregnant cows only during the dry period. Before parturition even a negative correlation exists between IGF-I and E2. It is concluded that IGF-I is predominantly regulated by other factors.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of exogenous estradiol-17 beta (E2) administration on LH concentrations and the number of animals returning to estrus after the termination of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy in gilts. Gilts were mated (pregnant; n = 11) on the 1st d of estrus or received 5 mg of estradiol valerate i.m. at d 11 to 15 after the onset of estrus (pseudopregnant; n = 9). Gilts were treated with prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha, 15 and 10 mg) at 12-h intervals on d 44 of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. The day of abortion or luteolysis (progesterone less than .2 ng/mL) was considered d 0. Six pregnant and four pseudopregnant gilts received s.c. an E2 capsule (24 mg of E2) on d -20 and additional E2 capsules on d -13 and -6. The E2 capsules were removed on the day after PGF2 alpha administration. Blood samples were collected at 12-h intervals from d -21 to -3, at 6-h intervals from d -2 to 21 or the onset of estrus, and at 15-min intervals for 8 h on d -2, 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, and 18. After each 8-h sampling period, gilts were treated i.v. with GnRH at .5 micrograms/kg of BW and blood samples collected at 10-min intervals for 3 h. A greater (P less than .05) proportion of sham-treated gilts than of E2-treated gilts exhibited a preovulatory-like LH surge after abortion/luteolysis. It was evident that E2 supplementation before luteolysis reduced the ability of pregnant and pseudopregnant gilts to return to estrus.  相似文献   

The present study undertook chemical analysis of components of Pfaffia paniculata roots. In addition, an animal experiment was conducted in which mice had ad libitum access to water enriched with powdered P. paniculata root for 30 days. Changes in plasma concentrations of estradiol-17beta and progesterone in female mice and of testosterone in male mice were ascertained. The results revealed that P. paniculata roots contain two types of phytosteroids, beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol, in addition to other compounds such as pfaffic acid, allantoin, saponins, beta-sitosteryl-beta-D-glucoside, and stigmasteryl-beta-D-glucoside. Regarding changes in plasma concentrations of hormones, levels of the sex hormones estradiol-17beta, progesterone and testosterone were clearly higher for mice that drank P. paniculata root-enriched water than for mice that drank plain water. Powdered P. paniculata root is easily dissolved in feed or water, and as no adverse reactions were seen in mice within 30 days of oral intake, consumption of P. paniculata for long periods of time appears safe.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of estradiol-17 beta (E2) to suppress LH release in the sow during different months of the year. Six chronically ovariectomized sows were fitted with vena caval cannulas (d 0) and blood samples were collected at 6-h intervals for 6 d. Sows were treated s.c. with E2 capsules (24 mg of E2/275 kg of BW) at d 3. Additional blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals for 8 h on d 2 and 5. After each 8-h frequent sampling period, sows were treated i.v. with GnRH at .5 microgram/kg of BW, and blood samples were collected at 10-min intervals for 3 h. The protocol was repeated at monthly intervals for 13 mo. Luteinizing hormone concentrations were determined for all serum samples, and E2 concentrations were quantified in samples collected at 6-h intervals. Data were analyzed by split-block analyses of variance. Serum E2 concentrations increased (P less than .001) from 5.0 +/- .3 pg/ml before E2 treatment to 26.0 +/- .2 pg/ml after E2 treatment. The interval from GnRH administration to peak LH concentration was shorter (P less than .001) before E2 treatment than after E2 treatment (28.7 +/- 2.2 vs 71.0 +/- 2.2 min). It was evident that baseline LH, mean LH, pulse frequency, and pulse amplitude and LH release after GnRH administration failed to demonstrate seasonal changes. In summary, LH release was suppressed after treatment with E2 and was affected minimally by month of the year. In addition, E2 inhibitory effects of LH release included hypothalamic and anterior pituitary sites of action.  相似文献   

A series of trials were conducted to identify the factors causing loss of estradiol-17 beta (E2-beta) silicone rubber implants from the ears of cattle and to evaluate methods of reducing this loss. Surface application of cattle feces to the ears before implanting resulted in an increase in loss of implants compared with the loss from dry, clean ears (30.6 vs 8.6%; P less than .05). Washing ears with a povidone-iodine antiseptic solution before implanting or treating implant sites with an antibiotic after implanting reduced (P less than .05) implant loss when ears were coated with the fecal slurry. Coating silicone rubber implants with .5 to 2 mg of oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC) reduced (P less than .0001) implant loss from 39.8 to 13.8% when ears were coated with fecal slurry. When silicone rubber implants with a 1.5-mg coating of OTC were implanted in cattle before submerging in a dipping vat, implant loss was reduced from 6.2 to 2.7%. In studies designed to evaluate mechanical factors affecting implant loss, implants that were placed in the middle of the ear in tight skin moved .79 cm toward the insertion site during a 14-d period after administration compared with 2.82 cm when placed in the base of the ear. When placed in the middle of the ear in tight skin, only 2 of 399 (.5%) implants were lost from steers submerged in a dipping vat immediately following implantation compared with 42 of 394 (10.7%) when placed in the base of the ear (P less than .0001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was designed to clarify the characteristics of changes in plasma concentrations of reproductive hormones in heifers from birth to puberty. Weekly or daily hormonal changes were observed in 39 heifers. Daily changes in the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) demonstrated a consistent cycle of hormone changes over a 7- to 8-day period in heifers from approximately 10 days to 9 months old. Weekly changes in reproductive hormones showed that there were three brief periods in heifers between birth and puberty in which dramatic changes occur. The first period was the first week after birth, during which a reciprocal relationship between steroid hormones and gonadotropins was observed. At birth, the concentrations of steroid hormones were higher than those at any other age. These hormone levels rapidly decreased within the first week after birth. Gonadotropin levels, however, increased from birth to 1 week of age. The second period of major change was at approximately 4 weeks of age when there was an increase in the concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol-17beta, testosterone, and immunoreactive inhibin. The third period was the last 5 weeks before the first ovulation, when there was an increase in the concentrations of estradiol-17beta followed by an increase in (LH). These results suggest that regular hormone changes start from 10 days after birth and that the periods from birth to 4 weeks of age and the last 5 weeks before the first ovulation in heifers are important to the development of reproductive functions before puberty.  相似文献   

Seventy-eight Simmental-Angus-Hereford crossbred yearling heifers, in 1983, and 99 similar heifers, in 1984, were used to compare two estrous synchrony regimens. One treatment group (SMB) was synchronized using the commercially available Syncro-Mate-B procedure, which involved placing a norgestomet implant in the ear for 9 d and giving an injection of norgestomet and estradiol valerate at the time of implantation. A second group (PR + PG) was given a norgestomet implant (PR) for 7 d and a 5-mg injection of alfaprostol (PG) at implant removal. Percentage of heifers cycling during the synchronization period and percent conceiving in 5 d or 30 d were not different (P greater than .10) due to treatment. The interval from implant removal to onset of behavioral estrus was shorter (P less than .01) for the heifers treated with SMB than for the heifers treated with PR + PG (42.8 vs 58.0 h). The group treated with SMB had a more uniform synchrony of estrus than the group treated with PR + PG. The effect of day of the estrous cycle at implantation on hours to estrus after implant removal was determined by a regression analysis, which showed a linear response for the SMB group with a slope of .78 (P = .09); the PR + PG group regression was cubic (P less than .01); this also indicated a more uniform response by the SMB group. These results indicate that the combination of norgestomet and alfaprostol produced more variation in interval from treatment to estrus than the Syncro-Mate-B procedure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle protein degradation, measured by urinary N tau-methylhistidine excretion, and circulating concentrations of growth hormone (GH), insulin (INS), and cortisol (CT) were monitored in steers before and after implantation with estradiol-17 beta (E2; 24 mg) and trenbolone acetate (TBA; 300 mg). Yearling crossbred steers (n = 43) were randomly assigned to four treatment groups in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement: nonimplanted controls (C); TBA; E2; and TBA plus E2 (TBA+E2). A subgroup (Block 1) of 16 steers was bled on d -12, 31, and 72 after implanting. Deposition of skeletal muscle protein was markedly increased (P less than .001) by E2 and TBA+E2 treatment. This response occurred mainly within the first 40 d after implantation and declined (P less than .001) in concert with decreasing (P less than .01) concentration of serum E2. Anabolic steroid treatment did not affect the rate of skeletal muscle protein breakdown. There was no apparent relationship between reduced serum CT concentration (linear effect; P less than .01) in TBA-treated steers and skeletal muscle protein degradation rate. Blood concentration and pulse activity of INS were not affected by anabolic steroid administration. Both TBA- and TBA+E2-implanted steers displayed a linear decrease (P less than .05) in serum GH concentration over time, which was similar to C. Lowered mean GH concentration resulted from a reduction (TBA main effect; P less than .05) in pulse amplitude of GH. Unlike TBA, TBA+E2, and C, only E2 maintained serum GH concentrations over time. Although increased muscle protein deposition was evident in TBA+E2-treated steers, an obvious causal relationship between this response and circulating GH, INS, and CT was not revealed. These results do not support the concept that combined androgenic agent and estrogen administration effectively reduce bovine muscle protein degradation by static modulation of circulating endogenous anabolic and antianabolic hormones.  相似文献   

The size of the ovary varies substantially among cattle. This variation may influence the potential of the ovary to produce follicles. In the present study, we examined whether a relationship exists between the weight of the ovary and the number of antral follicles >or=1 mm. Paired ovaries were obtained from Holstein x Japanese Black F1 heifers. Follicles were classified into three size categories (small: 1.0-<5.0 mm, medium: 5.0-<8.5 mm and large: >or=8.5 mm), and the number of follicles in each category was recorded. Large variations in the weight of ovaries and the number of follicles were observed among animals. Significant positive correlations (r>or=0.4, P<0.001) were found between the weight of intact ovaries and the number of follicles in all three categories for the ovary contralateral to CL (OCC) and in the small follicles for the ovary ipsilateral to CL (OIC). Significant positive correlations (r>0.4, P<0.0001) were also observed between the weight of ovaries devoid of CL and follicles and the number of small and medium follicles in both OIC and OCC, indicating that the correlation is not due to the increase in ovarian weight associated with the increase in follicular number. Paired ovaries contained a similar number of small and medium follicles, and significant positive correlations were observed between them (r>0.6, P<0.0001). There were significant positive correlations between the weight of OCC and the number of small and medium follicles in paired ovaries (r>0.4, P<0.0001). These results suggest that 1) the weight of an ovary reflects the potential of the ovary to produce antral follicles, and 2) a rough estimation of follicular population might be possible by using the weight of the ovary contralateral to CL in heifers.  相似文献   

In this study, we first attempted to determine whether the timing of artificial insemination affects the sex ratio of seven-day-old embryos in superovulated Holstein heifers. The superovulatory treatment consisted of eight decreasing doses of FSH for 4 days and 2 doses of PGF(2alpha) given with the last two doses of FSH. The superovulated heifers were given a GnRH analogue 48 h after the first PGF(2alpha) treatment and were artificially inseminated 48 h (n=10) or 56 h (n=8) after the first PGF(2alpha) treatment. There were no significant differences in the percentages of unfertilized ova and transferable embryos (grades 1 to 3) between the two groups. The proportions of female grade 1 embryos did not significantly differ from the expected ratio of 50:50 (49.3% at 48 h and 52.5% at 56 h). We then compared the estrous behavior and superovulatory responses of the heifers with a proportion of female embryos of 50% or less (n=7, Low group) to those of the heifers with a proportion of female embryos of more than 50% (n=9, High group). The Low group had a longer duration of estrus and a higher superovulatory response than the High group. These findings offer little encouragement for prediction of the population of female embryos collected from superovulated heifers. Further studies are necessary to evaluate to what degree maternal hormone levels are related to estrus duration and sex ratio.  相似文献   

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