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林地产权稳定性对农户的造林投入是否有显著影响,目前研究文献尚无一致结论。基于浙江省107户农户232块地块的调查数据,采用统计描述与计量经济学方法,考察了农户在自有林地、自有耕地、转入林地等具有不同产权稳定性特征地块上的造林投入差异。结果表明:林地产权稳定性对农户用材林造林投入有显著影响,对经济林造林投入无显著影响;造林面积、政府补贴等因素对农户经济林造林投入有显著影响。基于研究结果,针对如何激励农户的造林投入提出建议。  相似文献   

浙江省基岩海岸生态型经济林的调查与研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用生态经济学原理,系统地研究基岩海岸生态型经济林的设计原理和方法,树种选拔原则及营造和林地管理技术,推荐杨梅,竹类,柚类,柿等作为基岩海岸生态型经济林的营造树种,并对杨梅林,竹林的生态效益进行评价,为浙江省基岩海岸地区提出较为完整的生态型经济林设计,营造及林地管理技术。  相似文献   

南方山区林地变化的现状和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南方多数山区林地变化的趋势:一是用材林和防护林减少,经济林增加;二是林地面积向非林地转变。通过对广西壮族自治区某县林地变化情况分析,探讨南方山区林地变化的主要原因,提出了林地管理的对策。  相似文献   

发展经济林产业有利于挖掘林地资源潜力,实现土地资源高效利用,提升林地资源效益,实现生态与经济效益的“双增”目标。从阐述新时期发展经济林产业的重要意义和经济林产业发展前景入手,结合沂水县经济林产业发展现状与问题分析,有针对性地提出了适合沂水县经济林产业发展的研究对策。  相似文献   

正下列森林、林木、林地使用权可以依法转让,也可以依法作价入股或者作为合资、合作造林、经营林木的出资、合作条件,但不得将林地改为非林地:用材林、经济林、薪炭林;用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权;用材林、经济林、薪炭林的采伐迹地、火烧迹地的林地使用权;国务院  相似文献   

下列森林、林木、林地使用权可以依法转让,也可以依法作价入股或者作为合资、合作造林、经营林木的出资、合作条件,但不得将林地改为非林地:(1)用材林、经济林、薪炭林;(2)用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权;(3)用材林、经济林、薪炭林的采伐迹地、火烧迹地的林地使用权;  相似文献   

人均1亩经济林、1亩竹林的全国经济林先进县宁国县,近年来又加快建设高产、优质、高效经济林步伐。现全县经济林面积已发展到5.3万公顷,占有林地面积的38.1%,经济林产品产量达3.4万吨,是“五八”规划前的四倍;经济林产品产值达1.4亿元,占林业总产值的52%。全县农村人均经济林收入220元,依靠经济林致富达小康农户占70%以上。  相似文献   

为了解五指山市林地景观的结构组成,掌握各类景观动态变化趋势,借助RS、GIS技术,利用马尔科夫模型模拟和预测了五指山市林地景观变化。结果表明:林地景观总面积逐年减少,其中针叶类、硬阔类、竹林类、灌木经济林类、阔叶混交林五种景观表现为逐年减少,软阔类、乔木经济林类、其他灌木类三种景观呈现逐年增加的趋势;五指山市各林地景观类型面积的大小排序为:阔叶混交林乔木经济林类硬阔类针叶类软阔类竹林类灌木经济林类其它灌木类。为今后五指山市林地景观的规划及管理决策提供借鉴,为五指山市的环境保护提供参考。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着党的各项政策的落实,经济林发展在临沂市进入了一个新的历史时期,到1997年底经济林面积已达21万hm2,成为临沂市森林资源的重要组成部分。经济林在改善人民生活、保持自然环境和促进林业可持续发属方面发挥了重要作用。但经济林生产也面临一些突出问题,这些问题将关系到经济林产业的可持续发展。1 存在问题近几年,经济林发展速度不断加快。表现在年度新造林中经济林比重一直超过50%、高达80%,年均新造经济林2万hm2。1991~1997年新造林及年末实存林地中经济林所占比重见表。随着经济林…  相似文献   

评估林地基准地价,为林地流转提供参考价格,有利于规范林地使用权交易。基于海南省五指山市林地定级数据,以外业调查样点林地价格为因变量,样点所在定级单元的定级指数为自变量,分地类建立定级指数模型,利用模型计算所有定级单元的林地价格,同一级别的所有林地定级单元价格平均值即为对应级别的基准地价。结果表明,研究区域林地基准地价与林地级别相对应,从1级到5级呈递减趋势,以芒果和荔枝为代表的乔木经济林地基准地价最高,以茶树为代表的灌木经济林地次之,竹林地、短轮伐期用材林地、一般用材林地、一般灌木林地的基准地价依次递减。经济林地价格远高于用材林地,且同一类型的林地价格因树种不同而差异巨大。各级别林地基准地价反映了不同质量林地的价格水平,可以为林地流转提供参考价格,有利于盘活林业资源,推进森林有偿使用,为自然资源保护和合理开发利用提供支撑。  相似文献   

How much to cut and to remain, as well as when to cut is an important decision-making issue in forest management. Unlike forest age, forest stock and harvest levels are applicable to both plantations and natural forests. This paper investigates the optimal forest stock and harvest with the consideration of both timber and non-timber benefits. The impacts of the discount rate, silvicultural cost, marginal timber benefit, and marginal non-timber benefit on the optimal forest stock and harvest are also examined. The results indicate that forest stock should be thickened when non-timber benefits are valued in addition to timber. The optimal steady state stock increases with a decrease in the discount rate, or an increase in marginal non-timber benefit. However, the impacts of the discount rate, marginal timber benefit, and marginal non-timber benefit on the optimal steady state harvest are ambiguous. In addition, a decrease in the discount rate has the same effect on the optimal steady state stock and harvest as an increase in the ratio of marginal non-timber benefit to marginal timber benefit. These theoretical results are illustrated through an empirical example of the US coniferous forests.  相似文献   

Malian Forest Service activities and policies have evolved since the beginning of colonialism under the assumption that forests and their products are the property of the government. Today the importance of involving local people in forest management is recognized. The purpose of this research was to determine the range of non-timber forest products local people use either for direct consumption or for income generation and to identify the trees/shrubs that yield these products in natural forests, fallow lands and crop fields. A gender analysis of the data was also conducted. The data were collected from face-to-face structured interviews using open-ended questions of 92 randomly sampled households in six Malian villages. One-half of the interviews were conducted with women and the other half were with men. The study identified 55 different non-timber forest products produced by 108 plant species. Almost all (99%) of the products identified are used for personal consumption, whereas 68% of the products are also used to generate income. Products such as firewood, leaves for sauces, shea nuts for oil/butter, seeds for condiments and nuts/seeds for soap are the most frequently mentioned products collected by women. Different categories of products like utensils/house materials, animal feed and construction materials (thatch, poles, mats) are the products most frequently collected by men. Ninety percent of the products collected are found in the natural forests; 63% are collected from trees on fallow lands and 51% from scattered trees in crop fields. Forest Service support of villagers using non-timber forest products would create an economic relationship between the forest and the local people. This is essential for the protection of the forest because people will safeguard their interests.  相似文献   

在国际热带木材组织(ITTO)的资助下,广东省林业科学研究院在广东新会和海南通什开展了“旨在提高生态和经济效益的热带地区次生林经营研究与示范”活动。其目的是通过在干扰破坏较严重的次生林中引入具有较好生态和经济效益的优良物种,使林分物种增加,林区居民能从经营中取得非木质产品的经济收益,达到保护和促进次生林的生长发育的目的,实现森林可持续经营的目标。在广东新会热带次生林经营研究与示范区活动中,选择101个引入物种进行试验研究,其中区域缺失和退化的乡土树种68种,占67.3%;外来树种13种,占12.9%;非木质产品物种20种,占19.8%。总结了低质低效次生林经营中物种选择的原则、方法和经营效果。  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nature of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners and the challenge this heterogeneity presents for effective policy and program design and delivery is widely recognised. Understanding the socio-economic and motivational differences between various types of landowners will better equip policymakers and forest extension professionals to design policies and programs that efficiently promote private sector timber production and forest conservation outcomes. The purpose of this study was to develop a survey-based empirical typology of Tasmanian NIPF owners based on their stated objectives of forest ownership and to relate owner type to a range of observable property and owner characteristics as well as to timber harvesting and forest management behaviour. Using principal component analysis (PCA) followed by means cluster analysis, four distinct groups are identified: income and investment owners, non-timber output owners, agriculturalists, and multi-objective owners. Members of these groups are found to differ significantly in terms of their personal and property characteristics, as well as their timber harvesting and management behaviour. For example, members of the non-timber output owners, who are motivated solely by objectives related to the production and protection of the non-timber outputs of forests, have similar proportions of timber on their property, but are less likely to have harvested timber from their property, than all other groups.  相似文献   

The Negrito (Ati) tribe of Nagpana, Iloilo, Philippines has traditionally been dependent on shifting cultivation and on hunting and gathering of non-timber forest products for its livelihood. In recent decades the Ati have derived increasing income from wage labor for adjacent landowners and from permanent rice cultivation. The consequent clearing of residual forests has resulted in extensive soil degradation, reduced crop yields, and loss of both commercial and subsistence non-timber forest products.Various agroforestry systems which incorporate permanent tree crops into traditional systems have great potential to reverse these losses. This study analyzes the economic sustainability of four different land-use options for the Ati. The net present value (NPV) of a system which incorporates both sustainable use of the existing forest and plantations of fast-growing tree species on agricultural lands is superior to all other alternatives. Social and environmental benefits from this system further justify implementation. Any recommendations to develop such an option must take into account the constraining factors typical of such upland communities.  相似文献   

在过去的20年里,亚洲林业经历了引人注目的转型,包括从计划经济到市场经济的转变,从天然林供给木材到人工林供给木材的转变,木材替代品与非木质林产品的增加,地方分权与当地群众的参与,生态时代的发展与生态系统管理。在促进亚洲可持续森林资源管理中,市场工具、社区参与和环境服务都得到了应用。亚洲林业的转型表现出多样化,其森林、社会与环境之间的联系是丰富多彩的。  相似文献   

Ever-wet forests of SW Sri Lanka are biodiversity hot spots with a wealth of potentially useful and currently used species. Traditional peoples surrounding these forests depend on them for a variety of focds, medicinals and the like as well as for timber. Some of these forests are being preserved as storehouses of diversity that include rare endemics and wild relatives of useful plants. Other natural forests and plantations must be managed for multiple uses including timber and non-timber products used by the forest dependent villagers. Understanding the ecological, social and economic interdependence of forests and rural communities is vital for the future forestry sector development in Sri Lanka. As many of the plants used locally are characteristic of early stages of gap regeneration, timber and non-timber products are compatible uses, given sufficiently judicious management. Anthropological and biological research is now in progress to plan for multiple use management of Sri Lankan ever-wet forests.  相似文献   

在过去的20年里,亚洲林业经历了引人注目的转型,包括从计划经济到市场经济的转变,从天然林供给木材到人工林供给木材的转变,木材替代品与非木质林产品的增加,地方分权与当地群众的参与,生态时代的发展与生态系统管理。在促进亚洲可持续森林资源管理中,市场工具、社区参与和环境服务都得到了应用。亚洲林业的转型表现出多样化,其森林、社会与环境之间的联系是丰富多彩的。  相似文献   

The roots of American ginseng have been harvested from the hardwood forests of the eastern United States, alongside timber, since the mid-1700s. Very little is known about this non-timber commodity relative to timber, although significant volumes of ginseng root have been harvested from the same forests along with timber. The harvest of ginseng correlated positively and significantly with hardwood forest area, hardwood growing stock volume, and timber removals. Also, it correlated with hardwood growing stock on public forestlands in the region. The annual wholesale value of American ginseng was estimated at approximately $26.9 million compared to annual stumpage value of harvested hardwood timber of just over $1.27 billion. The volume of ginseng root harvested from natural forests represents substantial extraction of biomass, and the associated value represents substantial income for people living in an economically marginalized region. Co-management of eastern hardwood forests for timber and non-timber forest products could improve local economies and better conserve the biodiversity of these forests.  相似文献   

在过去的20年里,亚洲林业经历了引人注目的转型,包括从计划经济到市场经济的转变,从天然林供给木材到人工林供给木材的转变,木材替代品与非木质林产品的增加,地方分权与当地群众的参与,生态时代的发展与生态系统管理。在促进亚洲可持续森林资源管理中,市场工具、社区参与和环境服务都得到了应用。亚洲林业的转型表现出多样化,其森林、社会与环境之间的联系是丰富多彩的。  相似文献   

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