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ABSTRACT:   It is important to clarify trophic dynamics in marine ecosystems for management of the fishing ground. Organic carbon sources and trophic position of pelagic fishes in the coastal waters of the south-eastern Izu Peninsula, Japan, were examined on the basis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope distributions. The δ13C of the fishes was mostly distributed from −19 to −16‰ for nektonic fishes (13 species of adults and immatures) and planktonic fishes (10 species of larvae and juveniles), close to the δ13C values of particulate organic matter and planktonic decapods. These δ13C signatures for the inhabitants of the water column were in contrast with the high δ13C values (mainly −16 to −13‰) for demersal fishes of Scorpaeniformes and benthic polychaetes collected in the surf zone. These results indicate that nektonic and planktonic fishes depend on phytoplankton for carbon supply. The δ15N signatures suggest that the trophic position ranged 3.1–4.5 for the nektonic fishes and 2.9–3.7 for the planktonic fishes, premised on trophic level 3 for larval Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus . Thus, planktivorous fishes should be mainly assigned to trophic levels 3 and 4 in this area.  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponensis) and red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) are important culture species in China and have world‐wide introduced distributions. The trophic role of these three decapods has not been compared within a system although they consume plants, animals, and detritus and often co‐occur in freshwater ponds. A combination of stable isotope measurements and gut content analysis was used to determine the main food sources and trophic niche of three benthic decapods, in commercial crab ponds around Lake Gucheng, China. Observation of the gut contents reflected a variety of prey items ingested by three decapods. Macrophytes made up the highest contribution to the volume of their gut contents, followed by forage fish, corn and mollusks. Stable isotope analysis supported a stronger relationship between crayfish and vegetable matter than with animal matter, while both crab and shrimp were the opposite. An isotopic mixing model indicated that about 60% of crab and shrimp production originated from animal matter, while only 40% of crayfish production was ascribed to consumption of animal matter. Although results from the mixing model corroborate the gut content findings in most cases, stable isotope results showed that three decapods obtained more energy for growth from animal matter than what would be estimated if gut analysis was used alone. Estimates of niche overlap indices indicated a high degree of dietary overlap among the three decapods examined, suggesting that shrimp and crayfish density should be controlled if considering economic benefits of pond aquaculture.  相似文献   

For developing efficient diets, two sets of experiments examined whether the use and allocation of dietary protein can be traced by labelling with stable isotopes (15N and 13C) in two culture fish ( Oncorhynchus mykiss and Sparus aurata) . In the first experiment, natural abundance and tissue distribution of these isotopes were determined, by measuring the δ13C and δ15N values by isotopic ratio mass spectrometry, in fingerlings (14–17 g) adapted to diets differing in the percentage of fish meal replacement by plant protein sources. For both species, δ15N and δ13C were greater in tissues with higher protein and lower lipid content. Delta 15N of diets and tissues decreased as replacement increased, suggesting δ15N can be used as a marker for dietary protein origin. The 15N fractionation (δ15N fish − δ15N diet) differed between groups, and could thus be used to indicate protein catabolism. In the second experiment, fish (75–90 g) of each species ingested a diet enriched with 15N-protein (10 g kg−1 diet) and 13C-protein (30 g kg−1 diet). These proportions were suitable for determining that the delta values of tissue components were high enough above natural levels to allow protein allocation to be traced at 11 and 24 h after feeding, and revealed clear metabolic differences between species.  相似文献   

Abstract –  In the absence of other life-history constraints, fishes that can feed at low trophic levels (i.e., omnivores/detritivores) are predicted to be successful invaders because their food resources during the colonization and integration phases of the invasion are rarely limiting. Accordingly, we hypothesized that trophic position of non-native fishes in five mid-western and south-western U.S. river systems would be lower than native fishes. By standardizing δ 15N values with a common invertebrate (chironomids) across sites, we were able to evaluate differences in trophic position between natives and non-natives across sample locations and years. Our data tend to support this hypothesis, but there was notable spatial and temporal variation in this pattern. Moreover, three of four species generally fed at lower trophic positions in their introduced ranges than their native ranges. Although many factors influence the success of introduced species, our data suggest that the ability to forage on low-quality resources is a favourable trait for invasive fishes in lotic systems. Because these fishes feed at low trophic positions, it is important to consider how they will influence invaded systems, in contrast to invaders that feed at higher trophic positions. Future studies that evaluate the resistance of communities to invaders from different trophic positions would help understand the mechanisms that control the establishment and spread of species with different life-history traits.  相似文献   

The effects of climate events on the feeding ecology and trophic dynamics of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in offshore waters of the central Gulf of Alaska were investigated during early summers (1994–2000), based on analyses of stomach contents, and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). Gonatid squids (mainly Berryteuthis anonychus) were the dominant prey of all salmon species except for chum salmon (O. keta). During the 1997 El Niño event and the 1999 La Niña event, squids decreased sharply in the diets of all Pacific salmon except coho salmon (O. kisutch) in the Subarctic Current, and chum salmon diets changed from gelatinous zooplankton (1995–97) to a more diverse array of zooplankton species. A δ13C and δ15N analysis indicated that all salmon species occupied the same branch of the food web in 1999–2000. We hypothesize that high‐seas salmon adapt to climate‐induced changes in their prey resources by switching their diets either within or between trophic levels. To understand the effects of climate change on Pacific salmon in the Gulf of Alaska, biological oceanographic research on B. anonychus and other important prey resources is needed.  相似文献   

应用同位素分析黑龙江中游主要鱼类营养层次   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年5月—2011年10月对黑龙江中游采集的32种鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物,运用稳定碳、氮同位素方法进行水生态营养层次的分析。结果显示,鱼类δ13C值为-32.00‰~-17.32‰,相差14.68‰;δ15N值为7.58‰~14.78‰,差值达6.80‰,跨度都很大。底栖无脊椎动物δ13C值和δ15N值的跨度不大,δ13C值为-29.64‰~-26.10‰,相差3.54‰;δ15N值为7.09‰~9.91‰,相差2.82‰。通过δ15N值计算出黑龙江中游32种主要鱼类和6种底栖无脊椎动物食物网营养层次,其中肉食性鱼类鳇(Huso dauricus)占据了黑龙江中游鱼类中最高的营养位置。通过分析初步建立了水体食物网连续营养谱,并结合底栖无脊椎动物同位素数据勾勒出黑龙江中游食物网营养结构图。  相似文献   

  1. Invaders affect native species across multiple trophic levels, influencing the structure and stability of freshwater communities. Based on the ‘trophic position hypothesis’, invaders at the top of the food web are more harmful to native species via direct and indirect effects than trophically analogous native predators are.
  2. However, introduced and native predators can coexist, especially when non-native species have no ecological and behavioural similarities with natives, occupy an empty niche, or natives show generalist anti-predator strategies that are effective at the community level.
  3. At present, conservation efforts are focused on eradicating invaders; however, their removal may lead to unwanted and unexpected outcomes, especially when invaders are well established and strongly interspersed with natives. This highlights the need to consider invaders in a whole-ecosystem context and to consider the evolutionary history and behavioural ecology of natives and invaders before active management is applied.
  4. Here, stomach content and stable isotope analyses were combined to investigate a pond system dominated by invaders in order to understand the effects of the interactions among upper level predators and lower level members of the food web on the whole community structure.
  5. Both diet and isotope analyses showed that several invaders contributed to the diet of natives and invaders. A significant isotope overlap was found among upper level predators. However, stomach content analysis suggested that predators reduced the potential competition differentiating the food spectrum by including additional prey in their diet. Both native and non-native upper level predators, by preying on invaders, seem not to exert a strong suppressive effect through predation and competition on native species.
  6. This research confirms the importance of studying food webs to identify ecological conditions that forecast the potential for deleterious impacts before management is applied. In cases where invaders cannot be eradicated, management efforts should follow a conciliatory approach promoting the coexistence of native species with invaders.

The recent increase in the Atlantic coast population of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), prompted managers to re‐evaluate their predatory impact. Published and unpublished diet data for striped bass on the Atlantic Coast of North America were examined for geographical, ontogenetic and seasonal patterns in the diet and to assess diet for this species. Diets of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) striped bass were similar across the Upper Atlantic (UPATL), Chesapeake and Delaware Bays (CBDEL) and North Carolina (NCARO) areas of the Atlantic coast where either fish or mysid shrimp dominate the diet. For age one and older striped bass, cluster analysis partitioned diets based on predominance of either Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), characteristic of striped bass from the CBDEL and NCARO regions, or non‐menhaden fishes or invertebrates, characteristic of fish from the UPATL, in the diet. The predominance of invertebrates in the diets of striped bass in the UPATL region can be attributed to the absence of several important species groups in Northern waters, particularly sciaenid fishes, and to the sporadic occurrences of Atlantic menhaden to UPATL waters. In all regions, across most seasons and in most size classes of striped bass, the clupeiod fishes; menhaden, anchovies (Anchoa spp.) and river herrings (Alosa spp,) and Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus L., dominated the diets of striped bass above the first year of life.  相似文献   

Investigations on the marine feeding of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Northwest Atlantic are limited compared with the Northeast Atlantic. Climate‐induced changes to food webs in Atlantic salmon feeding areas have been noted, alongside increased mortality despite a cessation of most marine fisheries. As forage efficiency may be hampering survival, it was important to address this knowledge gap. Atlantic salmon were sampled at three sites on the West Greenland coast (Sisimiut, Nuuk and Qaqortoq) between 2009 and 2011. Gut content and stable isotope analyses were combined to assess spatial and temporal differences in feeding. Capelin (Mallotus villosus) dominated the diet at Nuuk and Qaqortoq, whereas boreoatlantic armhook squid (Gonatus fabricii) was the dominant prey at Sisimiut. Hyperiid amphipods (Themisto spp.) and sand lance (Ammodytes spp.) were also important. Significant differences were found among sites for both gut contents and stable isotope analyses, with fewer differences evident temporally. Dietary differences were also evident across larger scales, with little overlap demonstrated with Northeast Atlantic diets and the emergence of boreoatlantic armhook squid as an important prey item over time. Atlantic salmon diets are frequently anchored on one or two prey items, on which they appear to specialize, but they will diversify to consume other available pelagic prey. Thus, Atlantic salmon are an opportunistic, generalist predator within the pelagic food web. The variability evident in diet suggests that the limited data available are insufficient to appropriately understand potential vulnerabilities that the species may have to ecosystem changes, and suggest further research is needed.  相似文献   

基于稳定同位素的口虾蛄食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨口虾蛄的食物组成,利用稳定同位素方法对2015年5月在汕尾红海湾海域采集的口虾蛄及其饵料生物的碳、氮稳定同位素比值(δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值)进行分析,定量研究不同饵料生物在口虾蛄食物中的贡献比率。结果表明,口虾蛄的δ~(13)C值为–18.1‰~–16.3‰,δ~(15)N值为10.9‰~13.5‰,平均值分别为–17.1‰±0.5‰和12.7‰±0.7‰。δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值的变化范围均较大,表明口虾蛄的食物来源较多。口虾蛄的食物主要由鱼类、虾类、贝类、蟹类和桡足类组成。其中,贝类为口虾蛄的主要食物,平均贡献率为38.6%;其次为蟹类和桡足类,平均贡献率分别为22.9%和16.0%;虾类的平均贡献率为13.6%;鱼类的平均贡献率最低,仅为8.9%。根据δ~(15)N值及营养级的计算公式得出,口虾蛄的营养级为3.01±0.22,在其5类食物中,桡足类的营养级最低,仅为1.77±0.12;其次为贝类;蟹类和虾类的营养级分别为2.78±0.21和2.89±0.16;鱼类的最高,为2.98±0.15;它们的营养级均低于口虾蛄。此外相关分析显示,口虾蛄的δ~(15)N值与其个体体质量间存在极显著的正相关关系,说明不同大小的口虾蛄营养级有所差异。  相似文献   

This study proposed the use of the stable isotope technique to track the type of food utilized by pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus larvae during their development, and to identify the moment when the larvae start using nutrients from the dry diet by retaining its carbon and nitrogen atoms in their body tissues. Five‐day‐old pacu larvae at the onset of exogenous feeding were fed Artemia nauplii or formulated diet exclusively; nauplii+formulated diet during the entire period; or were weaned from nauplii to a dry diet after 3, 6 or 12 days after the first feeding. δ13C and δ15N values for Artemia nauplii were ?15.1‰ and 4.7‰, respectively, and ?25.0‰ and 7.4‰ for the dry diet. The initial isotopic composition of the larval tissue was ?20.2‰ and 9.5‰ for δ13C and δ15N respectively. Later, at the end of a 42‐day feeding period, larvae fed Artemia nauplii alone reached values of ?12.7‰ and 7.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N respectively. Larvae that received the formulated diet alone showed values of ?22.7‰ for δ13C and 9.6‰ for δ15N. The stable isotope technique was precise, and the time at which the larvae utilized Artemia nauplii, and later dry diet as a food source could be clearly defined.  相似文献   

Abstract –  A dietary analysis of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ), an exotic, piscivorous species, was conducted in large South Korean river systems (>third order streams, 31 sites). Micropterus salmoides larger than 100 mm exhibited intense piscivory on native Korean juvenile fishes, with levels of piscivory amongst the highest recorded globally, for native and introduced populations. Largemouth bass exhibited an ontogenetic shift in diet, showing a progressive increase in piscivory with size, typical of this species within its native range but unlike several studies on introduced largemouth bass in Europe and Africa. Sampling of fish communities at the same sites used for diet studies showed that native piscivores and the main food fish species of largemouth bass were significantly less abundant ( P  = 0.049 and 0.045, respectively) at sites where bass were present than at sites where no bass were recorded. Largemouth bass may pose a threat to the structure of fish assemblages in Korean river systems and further study of their population interactions and how to minimise their spread is needed.  相似文献   


根据20115月在胶州湾进行的底拖网调查, 应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术对胶州湾方氏云(Enedrias fangi) 的食物组成、营养级和摄食习性的体长变化等方面进行研究。结果表明, 胶州湾方氏云δ15N值范围是10.14‰~15.50‰, 跨度为5.36‰, 平均值为(12.83±1.10)‰; δ13C值范围是–21.52‰ ~–18.14‰, 跨度为3.38‰, 平均值为(–20.42±0.73)‰。方氏云的饵料生物主要包括鲜明鼓虾(Alpheus distinguendus)、鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)、海蜇虾(Latreutes anoplonyx)、疣背宽额虾(Latreutes planirostris)、沙蚕、粒径大于900 μm的浮游动物, 其中以海蜇虾和粒径大于900 μm的浮游动物为主, 贡献率分别为47%~66%35%~40%; 其他饵料生物的重要性由高到低依次为沙蚕、疣背宽额虾、鹰爪虾和鲜明鼓虾, 其贡献率分别为0%~15%0%~5%0%~5%0%~2%。经Pearson相关性检验发现, δ15N与方氏云的体长无显著相关(P>0.05), δ13C与方氏云体长呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。以δ15N计算方氏云各体长组的营养级范围为3.33~3.79, 平均营养级为3.65±0.14, 并不随着鱼体长的增加而升高。与以往的研究相比,方氏云鳚的食物组成和营养级均发生了一定程度的变化,基础饵料生物的波动和分析方法的不同可能是导致变化的主要原因。另外,基线生物、富集度以及样品数量和体长范围的不同也是导致方氏云鳚营养级存在差异的原因之一。本研究旨在深入了解方氏云鳚在胶州湾生态系统中所处的地位和作用,为今后深入研究胶州湾生物群落的营养结构以及食物网的物质循环和能量流动提供基础资料。


  1. In order to evaluate the effects of ecological disturbances, such as climate change, human‐induced habitat modification, or species introduction, and in order to adopt appropriate management policies for their conservation, knowledge of the trophic ecology of protected or threatened species is crucial. The Italian crested newt, Triturus carnifex (Laurenti, 1768), is listed in annexes II and IV of the European Habitats Directive. For this species, changes in water quality and habitat loss represent major threats, potentially impairing its breeding and feeding activities.
  2. Artificial aquatic habitats, such as cattle‐drinking pools, represent valuable refuges and suitable breeding sites for T. carnifex. The aim of this study was to determine the food niche of the Italian crested newt in these habitats, evaluating its prey selection strategy in relation to a range of environmental conditions and differing availability of resources. Stomach contents (indicative of short‐term diet) and δ13C and δ15N signatures of tails (indicative of medium‐term diet) of adult newts from three artificial ponds in central Italy, where traditional silvo‐pastoral activities are still important, were determined. Potential prey were also sampled and processed for stable isotope analysis.
  3. Triturus carnifex, similar to other newt species, is an opportunistic predator, feeding on a wide variety of prey that includes terrestrial and aquatic macroinvertebrates. In particular, the opportunistic use of temporally available small zooplankton was identified from stomach contents analysis. Conversely, stable isotope analysis highlighted the consumption of larger, soft‐bodied prey that the stomach‐contents‐based approach underestimated. These included terrestrial oligochaetes, which turned out to be the most important and energy‐rich food source in the medium term.
  4. These results emphasize the usefulness of combined approaches for studying the trophic ecology of salamanders and also highlight the importance of the integrated management of aquatic breeding habitats and neighbouring terrestrial habitats, as sources of food, for newt conservation.

为了研究不同鱼类胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端调控序列转录因子差异与鱼类食性分化之间的关系。通过PCR克隆测序和查询NCBI数据库,获得32种鱼类胰α淀粉酶基因5'端824 bp序列,并对鱼类胰α淀粉酶基因5'端序列进行转录因子和系统发育分析。按不同的营养类型将鱼类分为杂食性、植食性和肉食性,通过百分比相似性分析不同食性鱼类的胰α淀粉酶基因转录因子的组成差异以及转录因子与鱼类食性的关系。结果显示:不同食性鱼类的胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端序列存在转录因子种类差异,植食性-肉食性鱼类差异主要体现在E47、C/EBPalpha、NF-Y和Pax-2,植食性-杂食性差异主要体现在deltaEF1、MyoD、NF-Y、AREB6和Pax-2,杂食性-肉食性差异主要体现在GATA-1、SRY、MyoD、HFH-8、AREB6、Pax-2、STAT5A和AP-1。系统发育结果与传统形态分类学大体相符,相同食性的鱼类并没有聚为一类。鱼类胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端调控序列中与食性分化相关的转录因子有E47、C/EBPalpha、NF-Y、Pax-2、deltaEF1、MyoD、AREB6、GATA-1、SRY、HFH-8、STAT5A和AP-1;胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端序列的转录因子与鱼类食性分化具有一定的关系。  相似文献   

Abstract –  This research characterised feeding ecology of fishes associated with patches of Egeria najas and Egeria densa , two submerged macrophytes, in Rosana Reservoir, Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Fishes were sampled using a 1 m2 throw trap in patches of different macrophyte biomass and in three diel periods during a wet season. Fish diet (10 species) was primarily composed of autochthonous items (zooplankton, algae and aquatic insect larvae). Almost all intra-specific diet patterns had moderate to low levels of diet similarity, indicating a high variability in diet. Some species showed no diel patterns in feeding activity, whereas others were primarily diurnal or nocturnal. No differences in feeding activity were observed among habitats of medium and high macrophyte biomasses, and species tended to feed on the same items among these habitats. The most abundant fish species demonstrated low inter-specific diet overlap and appear not to compete for food resources. We suggest that Egeria patches are feeding grounds and shelter for small-sized fish species.  相似文献   

基于碳、氮稳定同位素技术的大亚湾紫海胆食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握大亚湾紫海胆(Heliocidaris crassispina)的食性特征,应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术对2015年8月所采集紫海胆样本的稳定同位素特征、营养级和食性特征进行了初步研究。结果表明,大亚湾紫海胆平均δ~(13)C值为-(13.35±1.21)‰,平均δ~(15)N值为(9.14±0.38)‰,平均营养级为2.11±0.14。不同壳径紫海胆之间的碳、氮稳定同位素比值无显著性差异(P0.05)。大亚湾海域紫海胆生活环境周围生物δ~(13)C值分布范围为-20.76‰~-9.93‰,δ~(15)N值分布范围为-0.16‰~14.99‰,营养级范围为1.34~3.77。大亚湾主要生物种类可划分为悬浮物、初级生产者和初级消费者、次级消费者、顶级消费者4个营养组群,其中紫海胆属于次级消费者。8月份调查海域珊瑚稀少,大型海藻密度低且死亡降解形成颗粒有机物(Particulate Organic Matter,POM),陆源POM随降雨大量流入大亚湾,导致紫海胆在8月份摄食偏向碎屑食物链,主要食物来源为POM,平均贡献率为67.3%;其余摄食种类为沉积物(Sediment Organic Matter,SOM)、裂叶马尾藻(Scagassum siliquastrum)、底栖硅藻、浮游动物及浮游植物,平均贡献率分别为9.7%、9.3%、6.7%、3.7%及3.3%。大亚湾紫海胆摄食种类与其栖息地底栖生物存在重叠,具有一定的食物竞争关系。研究表明,分析紫海胆食性特征对了解其所在生态系统中营养级水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals, including Hg, Cu, Pb and Zn, in sediment and different organisms as well as the transference through the food web in a polyculture pond were investigated. The δ15N values of consumers showed a gradual enrichment with increasing trophic positions from the filter‐feeding bivalves (δ15N = 10.93 on average) to the predators (δ15N ≥ 12.59 for all crustacean and fish). Concentrations of heavy metals in sediments followed the decreasing order: Cu ≈ Zn > Pb > Hg, while in organisms, the order was Zn > Cu > Pb > Hg. Concentration of Cu was negatively related to the δ15N values of the animal tissues (P < 0.05), indicating the decrease in the Cu concentration with increasing trophic positions. Concentrations of Hg, Pb or Zn did not show significant relationship to the trophic positions. Food sources and feeding guilds of organisms might be more important factors determining the heavy metal concentrations in the body tissues of aquatic animals than their trophic positions.  相似文献   

基于15N稳定同位素技术的斜生栅藻对硝氮和氨氮吸收研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硝氮(NO3--N)和氨氮(NH4+-N)是水体中无机氮的主要形态。利用15N稳定同位素技术研究了斜生栅藻(Scendesmus obliquus)对NO3--N和NH4+-N的吸收特征。结果显示,在相同浓度条件下,斜生栅藻对NH4+-N的吸收速率显著高于对NO3--N的吸收率,在180min的试验中,对15NH4+-N的吸收速率为0.62~1.15μmol/(g·min);对15NO3--N的吸收速率为0.08~0.15μmol/(g·min)。在NO3--N和NH4+-N2种形态氮源同时存在的混合组中,斜生栅藻对NO3--N的吸收速率[0.12~1.00μmol/(g·min)]显著低于NO3--N作为唯一氮源的单一组[0.78~1.23μmol/(g·min)],表明NH4+-N的存在对藻类吸收NO3--N有抑制作用。在14NO3--N和15NO3--N同时存在时,斜生栅藻优先吸收14NO3--N,产生同位素分馏效应,但不同形态氮对藻类氮吸收的影响远远大于同位素的影响。  相似文献   

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