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The hatchery environment often favours completely different traits than natural selection in the wild. Consequently, hatchery-reared fish are usually larger and more aggressive than their wild counterparts. Increased growth rate and aggression are predicted to be beneficial in feeding competition in hatcheries, but not necessarily in nature, where food resources are spatially and temporally more variable. We compared the growth, condition and mortality of landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) juveniles in a common hatchery environment and when feeding on natural prey in semi-natural channels. We found that the growth and survival probability of the fish in the hatchery was negatively associated with their performance in the semi-natural channels. Furthermore, we found tendencies for directional selection (linear selection differential and gradient: P < 0.1, in both cases) against large body size in semi-natural channels, but not in the hatchery. Therefore, good performance during hatchery rearing may indicate reduced performance in food-limited natural conditions, where selection may favour smaller individuals that have a lower standard metabolic rate (higher growth efficiency). If our results are also valid in fully natural conditions, they suggest that selective stocking of the most successful hatchery phenotypes may not be an optimal strategy to conserve endangered natural salmonid populations.  相似文献   

Unchecked exploitation of wildlife resources is one of the major factors influencing species persistence throughout the world today. A significant consequence of exploitation is the increasing rate at which genetic diversity is lost as populations decline. Recent studies suggest that life history traits affecting population growth, particularly in long-lived species, may act to moderate the impact of population decline on genetic variation and lead to remnant populations that appear genetically diverse despite having passed through substantial demographic bottlenecks. In this study we show that the retention of genetic variation in a partially recovered population of Nile crocodile is deceptive, as it masks the reality of a significant decline in the population’s effective size (Ne). Repeated episodes of unchecked hunting in the mid to late 20th century have today led to a five-fold decrease in the population’s Ne. Using current census data we estimate the contemporary Ne/N ratio as 0.05 and, in light of quotas that permit the ongoing removal of adults, simulated the likely effects of genetic drift on extant levels of variation. Results indicate that even if the current effective size is maintained, both allelic diversity and heterozygosity will decline. Our findings have complex implications for long-lived species; an emphasis on the retention of genetic variation alone, whilst disregarding the effects of population decline on effective size, may ultimately obscure the continued decline and extinction of exploited populations.  相似文献   

Rainfall interception losses from an agroforestry system in semi-arid Kenya comprising Grevillea robusta and maize were measured over a period of 33 months. These measurements showed that interception was slightly higher (10.2%) under trees with no maize understorey, than in the intercropped treatment (9.8%), and was directly related to the degree of tree canopy cover. Interception estimates using the reformulated version of the Gash analytical model were 4% lower than measured totals, and were strongly dependent on both canopy cover and on monthly variations in the mean rainfall rate ( , mm h−1).  相似文献   

Genetic variability of wild populations, closely related to domesticated species, constitute important genetic resources for plant breeding programs. In this paper, we analysed the variation of eight wild populations of Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme in a common garden experiment for levels of plant infestation by whitefly, leaf trichome density as a defensive character preventing infestation by whitefly, and the effect of whitefly incidence into vegetative and reproductive plant characters. Number of adults of whitefly was recorded in the eight wild populations of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme, one population of the wild species S. habrochaites (C-360), and one of a cultivated variety of S. lycopersicum (Rio Grande). There were significant differences among the wild populations of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme in the average level of whitefly incidence and trichome density. Cultivated tomatoes had the higher incidence of whiteflies ( = 7.50 ± 0.14) followed by plants of S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme ( = 2.02 ± 0.92) and plants of S. habrochaites with the lowest incidence ( = 0.36 ± 0.35). Whitefly incidence was negatively correlated with trichome density (r = − 0.38, p < 0.0001), suggesting that trichomes deter or limit the establishment of whiteflies. Additionally, a significant negative effect of whitefly incidence along the growing season upon plant growth rate (number of branches and height) and fruit production was detected.  相似文献   

Francisco L. Prez 《CATENA》2009,76(3):191-205
The influence of tephra covers on soil water was studied in Haleakala (Maui, Hawai'i) during two summers; eight sites with tephra layers and silverswords (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.) were sampled at 2415–2755 m. At each site, eight paired-sample sets were obtained in bare soils and under adjacent tephra, at three depths. Tephra were sharply separated from underlying soils and showed prominent vertical stratification. Tephra clast size-distribution was assessed by photosieving and on interstitial-gravel samples; stones included 45.6% cobbles, 29.4% pebbles, and 25% blocks.Moisture content increased with depth in both positions, but soils below tephra had more water at all depths than exposed areas. Surface soils beneath tephra contained 83% more water than bare ground. Soils at 5–10 cm had  106% greater moisture under rocks, but only  70% at 10–15 cm. Differences between plots were statistically significant ( p < 0.001) for surface soils, but less pronounced for subsoils. Soils above 2650 m had greater water content than at lower elevations, and moisture disparity between sample pairs increased with altitude.All soils were coarse, with  20% gravel and  94% sand; most fine material (≤ 0.063 mm) was silt, as clay content was negligible. Organic-matter percentage was low (1.65%). Bulk density and porosity were associated with moisture variation both in tephra-insulated and bare soils; 80% of field moisture was statistically (p < 0.001) accounted for by pore space. Air and soil temperatures were recorded at three sites during  one-week periods prior to moisture sampling. Tephra substantially decreased soil maxima and daily thermal amplitude in underlying soils, but did not noticeably affect nightly minima. Thin (5–6 cm) tephra layers were nearly as effective as thicker (9–15 cm) deposits in depressing soil maxima. Possible water-conservation mechanisms under tephra include: decreased evaporation due to ground shielding and lower maxima; reduced capillary flow; greater infiltration depth; nocturnal dew condensation; and fog interception by blocks.  相似文献   

Closure of the surface energy balance provides an objective criterion for evaluating eddy-covariance (EC) flux measurements. This study analyses 5 years of EC carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sensible heat flux measurements from three mature boreal forest stands in central Saskatchewan, Canada. The EC sensible and latent heat fluxes, H and λE, underestimated the surface available energy by 11% (aspen), 15% (black spruce), and 14% (jack pine). At all sites, the energy-closure fraction CF responded similarly to the friction velocity u*, atmospheric stability, and time of day. At night, CF increased from 0.3 at very low-u* to an asymptotic maximum of 0.9 at u* above 0.35 m s−1. During unstable-daytime periods, CF varied linearly from 0.7 at low-u* to 1.0 at high-u*. The energy imbalance pattern was similar among sites and may be characteristic of the continental, boreal forest.EC measurements of net ecosystem exchange FNEE have no objective, diagnostic parameter that is equivalent to CF. We therefore derived an analogous FNEE “closure fraction” CFNEE by normalizing measured FNEE against estimates from an empirical model that was tuned to the high-u* data. CF and CFNEE responded similarly to u*, atmospheric stability, and time of day. We discuss two implications for EC flux data post-processing. The results uphold the common practice of rejecting EC measurements during low-u* periods. They also lend support to the application of energy-closure adjustments to H, λE, and FNEE.  相似文献   

A large area (180 Mha) of central Brazil is occupied by a savanna biome known as the Cerrado. Annual rainfall in this region varies from 1200 to 2000 mm, although there is a long (5 month) dry season with almost no rain. This region is regarded by Brazilians as their agricultural frontier and there is a steady growth in the area dedicated to permanent cropping in the region, which today is estimated to occupy 14 Mha. Owing to the dearth of long-term experiments, the impact of continuous cropping on soil carbon stocks remains unclear. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems (zero till (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT)) on the change in soil carbon stocks over a 20-year period of the same crop sequence compared to that under a neighbouring area of native vegetation (NV). Only approximately 10 Mg ha−1 of soil carbon in the 0–100 cm depth interval was lost under continuous ZT. However, under CT systems losses were greater (up to 30 Mg C ha−1) when the mouldboard plough was used and/or tillage was performed twice a year. We did not have access to instrumentation to accurately assess soil charcoal but the C/N data and peroxide and dichromate oxidative techniques suggested that 40% of soil C was in this form. The 13C natural abundance of soil profiles indicated that residues of crops (maize) and the spontaneous annual fallow of Brachiaria spp. resulted in integration of significant C4 residues to a depth of at least 40 cm. It would appear that zero tillage, which is already widely adopted in the Cerrado region of Brazil, will have only a small negative long-term impact on soil C stocks, but ploughing, especially more than once a year, will lead to considerably larger soil C losses.  相似文献   

Eolian deposits of loess on the Chinese Loess Plateau are investigated to decipher the influence of sequentially changed monsoon climate on silicate weathering process. Detailed hydrochloric acid dissolution experiments are applied to establish a sensitive proxy for silicate weathering. Combined elemental and mineralogical studies show that the minerals which are susceptible to incipient chemical weathering can be totally dissolved in hot hydrochloric acid (80°C, 3mol/L) after 4h, while other stable minerals are nearly unaffected. Thus, the hydrochloric acid dissolvable fractions (ADF) of loess and paleosol are more sensitive than bulk samples in the weathering reaction. Since Mg is tend to be leached out from the ADF while Al is conserved during the incongruent weathering, Mg/Al ratio of the ADF (Mg/AlADF) could indicate the weathering intensities of the Mg-bearing minerals, mainly chlorite. The Mg/AlADF of the modern soils on the Chinese Loess Plateau is closely correlated to the local precipitation amounts, suggests that the intensity of summer monsoon is a key factor in the weathering of Mg-silicate. The silicate weathering intensity of the loess-paleosol deposits of past 130Kyrs shows strong procession cycle of 23Kyrs coupled by glacial-interglacial variation. The 23Krys cycles are coherent to the variations of the intensity of summer monsoon, while the 100Kyrs glacial-interglacial variation may relates to the changes in winter monsoon. Phased intensification of East Asian summer monsoon, and thus enhanced silicate weathering and atmosphere CO2 drawdown, in response to the uplift of Tibetan Plateau, may be another mechanism relating the late Cenozoic tectonics to global cooling.  相似文献   

China, the native home of ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud. var. nivea), possesses many wild species in the genus Boehmeria Jacq., including many those rare valuables in some characteristics such as stress resistance and fiber qualities that can be used for biological engineering, genetics and breeding research. From 1995 to 1999, 130 samples of the genus Boehmeria that belong to 22 species and 6 varieties, were collected in 34 counties of 14 provinces in China in the region of N18.8–34.2° and E101–121°. The gene pool of wild species of the genus Boehmeria was constructed at Yichun, Jiangxi Province and 77 samples belonging to 8 species and 4 varieties were conserved alive. The collected species are classified into 5 sections i.e. Boehmeria, Tilocnide Bl., Zollingerianae Satake, Phyllostachys W. T. Wang and Duretia Bl., according to the morphology. They may also be divided into hygric type, moderately hygric type, semi-shade-hygrophyte and xeromorphy, based on their ecological adaptability and primitive growing circumstances. The distribution of the wild species and populations in the genus Boehmeria is related to the altitude.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to evaluatethe levels and patterns of genetic diversity in ten Elymusalaskanus populations, which were collected from Canada, USA,Greenland and Russia. Ten arbitrarily chosen decamer primers were used in thisstudy. The results revealed high levels of variation. The mean number of allelesper locus (Ap) was 1.5, ranging from 1.4 to 1.6, the meanpercent of polymorphic loci (Pp) was 49.5%, ranging from35.1% to 64.9%, and the mean gene diversity (Hep) was0.162, varying from 0.142 to 0.262. The total variation wasH T = 0.403. When partitioned(G ST), 60% of the total variation was foundamong the populations. Although the genetic diversity values obtained with RAPDsare much higher than for allozymes, they are similar regarding how the geneticvariation is distributed among populations. In addition, a similar geneticpattern of population differentiation, where populations from Greenland andthe USA (violaceus and latiglumis)were clearly separated from the others (hyperarcticus,komarovii and sajanensis), wasrevealed by both the cluster and principal coordinates analyses.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, when major improvements to the water quality were made, the River Thames has been subject to a high-profile project aimed at restoring Atlantic salmon to the catchment. Whilst initially successful, with hundreds of salmon returning each year in the late 1980s, the number of adults returning to the river has declined steeply again in recent years, reaching a low in 2005 when no salmon were recorded. Using a baseline of genetic information gathered from 3830 salmon from throughout their southern European range, and incorporating samples from the hatchery fish used to stock the Thames, all 10 tagged hatchery fish captured in 2003 and all 16 returning untagged adult salmon captured between 2005 and 2008 were assigned to their most likely river of origin. The results suggest that untagged salmon currently ascending the river originate not from exogenous fish stocked into the Thames, but predominantly from other rivers in southern England. This highlights the potential for natural processes of recolonisation to operate in rivers where salmon have become locally extirpated. These findings also underscore several important considerations when undertaking species restoration projects: (i) previous causes of declines must be sufficiently ameliorated to allow new/translocated individuals to thrive, (ii) introduced individuals should originate from a stock that is closely related to the extirpated population, according to the principles of contemporary conservation biology, and (iii) dispersal and gene-flow from neighbouring populations may play a significant role in establishing new populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether experimental-created wetlands affect soils by altering the levels of soil organic matter (SOM), inorganic nutrients contributed by fertilization and soil salinity/sodicity. We compared the properties of soils in permanently and intermittently flooded experimental wetlands artificially created in conventionally tilled agricultural areas 7 years after abandonment. To assess the long-term effects of wetlands, 18 wetlands created spontaneously by flooding with water from irrigated fields were compared to nearby croplands. Experimental-created wetlands did not exhibit a significant increase in SOM, but soil salinity was reduced, and inorganic nutrients were significantly lower than they were in the reduced in regard to reference croplands. In the soils of the observational natural wetlands that formed after irrigation, SOM increased significantly, and the levels of inorganic nutrients and salinity were reduced compared to agricultural soils. In the Ebro river Basin, 7 years of restoration might not be sufficient time for a significant accumulation of SOM but, after a prolonged period (40 years), SOM increased. In experimental-created wetlands, inorganic nutrients were slowly converted into SOM, but a portion of the NO3-N was denitrified, and some of the P was adsorbed by soil particles. Guidelines are provided for the creation of wetlands in existing and new agricultural developments in semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

Genetic consequences of silvicultural management of Leucaena esculenta subsp. esculenta were analyzed from eight allozyme loci in half-sib families of one wild and one managed in situ (selectively cleared) population from La Montaña de Guerrero region, Central Mexico. A reference sample (including wild, feral and cultivated individual plants) from the states of Morelos, Puebla and Guerrero, Mexico was also analyzed. Genetic variation, population structure and mating system were analyzed. All loci showed high variation (75–87.5% polymorphic loci at 95% level; 2.4–2.8 mean number of alleles per locus). All progenies showed heterozygous deficiency, but both wild and managed parental inbreeding coefficients were negative, suggesting heterosis. Progenies of managed populations differed from those of the wild and reference samples (Nei’s unbiased identities 0.874–0.934). Biparental inbreeding is suggested by Wright’s-statistics ( f = 0.313), and by outcrossing rate estimates: tm = 0.644 (SE 0.094), and 0.645 (SE 0.193); ts = 0.576 (SE 0.189), and 0.523 (SE 0.182), for managed and wild samples respectively. Population differentiation is significant (Θ = 0.210). The species is self-incompatible and deviations from the mixed mating model were found. Indirect estimates of products of effective population size (Ne) by the proportion of migrants (Nm) were moderate, as were the N evalues. Variation due to ecotypic differentiation (related to altitude), prolonged artificial selection, and introduction from other areas is supported. A model of domestication of seed-propagated trees is suggested, based on extensive and in situ selection of locally adapted populations, and their diffusion to other areas.  相似文献   

Many studies on land surface radiation balances have relied on geostationary satellites. These satellites have provided data with high temporal resolution (less than 3 h); however, the spatial resolution was too coarse (20–250 km scale) to investigate local-scale land surface radiation balances. Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) – onboard both the Terra and Aqua satellites – yields a tradeoff with regard to this problem by providing higher spatial resolution (1 km scale) and sensing all over the earth nearly twice a day during daytime; this provides a potential tool for the periodical monitoring of the land surface energy balance. The reliability of MODIS-derived estimates is, however, affected by the presence of multiple error sources, such as those related to heterogeneous land cover and complex topography. In this study, we have used atmospheric (5 and 10 km scale) and land (1 km scale) products obtained from both the Terra and Aqua MODIS devices as inputs in order to estimate the radiation components (1 km scale) under clear daytime conditions over a heterogeneous farmland area and a rugged deciduous forest in the Korea Flux Network (KoFlux). The reliability of these estimates and the associated errors were evaluated by comparing against field measurements taken for 41 and 26 clear days with regard to the farmland and forest sites, respectively. Solar radiation was successfully retrieved with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 20 W m−2 for both the Terra and Aqua devices over the flat farmland site, whereas the rugged forest site exhibited corresponding values of 40 and 65 W m−2 RMSE values with consistent positive biases (presumably caused by topographic effects). The RMSE values of the downward longwave radiation were 20 W m−2 for both the Terra and Aqua devices for both these sites. The sensitivities of the upward components of the shortwave and longwave radiations varied with the RMSE values to the scale of the spatial heterogeneity of both the sites. Consequently, the RMSE values of the net radiation ranged from 33 to 61 W m−2 for both the devices at both the sites. Our results suggest that the scales of the patch mosaics within the landscapes need to be quantified for proper retrieval of the MODIS-derived radiation products. More extensive validation efforts are required to identify and account for major error sources across diverse land surface conditions.  相似文献   

A total of 3600 entries of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] germplasm collections representing 36 populations from six regions of Ethiopia were evaluated for phenotypic diversity in six qualitative and phenologic characters. High values of Shannon–Weaver diversity index ( ) were recorded for most characters in each population. Monomorphism was high for anther color (purple) and panicle form (loose). Larger variances for were obtained among regions than among populations within a region from hierarchical analysis of variance. Significant (P<0.05) to highly significant (P<0.01) t-values were observed among values of some regions for seed color, panicle form and days to maturity. A substantial level of variance (P<0.05) was obtained for populations within altitudinal zones only for days to maturity. Altitudinal zones exhibited similar levels of diversity across characters for these collections. Generally, considerable variations important for tef improvement work have been observed and regions with highest diversity for some traits have been suggested for future in situ or ex situ germplasm conservation works. Although similar mean diversity indices were obtained among regions, they were non overlapping.  相似文献   

In several regions of Italy as well as other parts of southern Europe, the heterogeneity of the land, the climate and the soil favour the survival in cultivation of a large number of landraces specifically adapted to local conditions. Knowledge on the level and distribution of their genetic variation can help to develop appropriate strategies, in order to suistainably manage in situ these germplasm resources at risk of genetic erosion. C. annuum is an herbaceous diploid species and is considered to be self-pollinating, although different rates of out-crossing have been recorded. We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to assess genetic diversity within and between five populations of a landrace of Capsicum annuum L., grown in a limited area in north-west Italy and locally known as Cuneo pepper. Partitioning the genetic variation with Shannon's diversity index revealed that 41.6% occurred between and 58.4% within populations. Analogous results were obtained when the analysis was based only on RAPD or AFLP markers. However, AFLP was more reliable, since a lower range of variation was observed among primer combinations in detecting the two components of genetic variation. Notwithstanding the rather high level of within genetic variation detected, the five populations were clearly differentiated and differed in the frequency of alleles exclusive and/or present at very low frequencies. Our results show the need for accurate estimation of allele frequencies, in order to identify populations to which priority should be given for dynamic conservation of landraces.  相似文献   

Patterns of variation for the solanidine-based glycoalkaloids have been determined for tuber material of genebank accessions of landraces of the cultivated potato and three closely-related wild species. Total levels were low in the cultivated taxa investigated,S. phureja, S. stenotomum, and the tetraploidS. tuberosum in its two formsS. tuberosum ssp.tuberosum andS. tuberosum ssp.andigena. The only solanidine-based glycolkaloids found in the tubers investigated in this study were-solanine and-chaconine, with one additional related compound, dehydrocommersonine, found in tubers of an accession ofS. canasense. The ratio of chaconine : solanine differed markedly from a mean of 0.98 inS. phureja to 2.28 in ChileanS. tuberosum ssp.tuberosum. The chaconine : solanine ratio was relatively constant within these two taxa, reflecting their relatively narrow genetic bases, but was much more variable within the taxa regarded as ancestral,S. stenotomum andS. tuberosum ssp.andigena. The wild speciesS. sparsipilum has been implicated in the origin of the tetraploid potato,S. tuberosum, but there was no support for this from the patterns of variation in chaconine : solanine ratio. The cline of chaconine : solanine ratios in cultivated potatoes along the spine of S. America does not appear to relate to the influence of local wild species through introgression, but may instead reflect differing selective pressures acting in different parts of the native range of the cultivated potato.  相似文献   

Patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation revealed by RFLP were investigated for 63 individuals of the common fig, Ficus carica L., in 15 supposedly natural populations throughout the Mediterranean basin. Fifteen haplotypes were detected using one restriction enzyme (HindIII) and four probes (atp, coxIII, nad3rpsl2 and rps12). Mitochondrial diversity within populations varied from monomorphic to entirely polymorphic and population differentiation was high (FST = 0.323, P < 10–5). Seven groups of populations were defined on the basis of genetic and geographic proximity and lead to significant pairwise FST estimates except for the Corsican group which was similar to the Moroccan one. Fig populations were structured into three clusters: Balearic, West and East Mediterranean gene pools. The low diversity and strong differentiation of the Balearic populations strongly supports an ancient origin and the presence of natural populations in this area before domestication. Significant genetic differentiation between the West and East Mediterranean probably also reflects a diversification of the common fig over the Mediterranean basin preceding domestication. In contrast, Italian island populations seem to result from introduced cultivated fig since they present continental haplotypes. Our study represents a first mtDNA polymorphism survey and these indications should be confirmed by analysing local cultivated forms from the Baleares and from Italian islands and further natural populations from the East Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Hydrologic regime and the conservation of salmon life history diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life history diversity of imperiled Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. substantially contributes to their persistence, and conservation of such diversity is a critical element of recovery efforts. Preserving and restoring diversity of life history traits depends in part on environmental factors affecting their expression. We analyzed relationships between annual hydrograph patterns and life history traits (spawn timing, age at spawning, age at outmigration, and body size) of Puget Sound Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to identify environmental indicators of current and historic diversity. Based on mean monthly flow patterns, we identified three hydrologic regimes: snowmelt-dominated, rainfall-dominated, and transitional. Chinook populations in snowmelt-dominated areas contained higher proportions of the stream-type life history (juvenile residence >1 year in freshwater), had older spawners, and tended to spawn earlier in the year than populations in rainfall-dominated areas. There are few extant Puget Sound populations dominated by the stream-type life history, as several populations with high proportions of stream-type fish have been extirpated by construction of dams that prevent migration into snowmelt-dominated reaches. The few extant populations are thus a high priority for conservation. The low level of genetic distinction between stream-type and ocean-type (juvenile residence <1 year in freshwater) life histories suggests that allowing some portion of extant populations to recolonize habitats above dams might allow re-expression of suppressed life history characteristics, creating a broader spatial distribution of the stream-type life history. Climate change ultimately may limit the effectiveness of some conservation efforts, as stream-type Chinook may be dependent on a diminishing snowmelt-dominated habitat.  相似文献   

Fifty grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) populations collected from different administrative regions and altitude classes in Ethiopia, were evaluated for variations of five morphological traits. Shannon-Weaver diversity index was calculated for traits, populations and altitude classes. Monomorphism was recorded in flower color (blue) for most of the populations. Olive seed colour was dominantly distributed in all regions with mean frequency of 50% while black seed colour is rare with mean frequency of 4% in Ethiopia. Much variability was observed within populations. High diversity values for pattern of testa colour and leaflet size were recorded in populations of highland origin (>2550 m.a.s.l.). Shannon's diversity index is highest in Gondar (H = 0.65) followed by Tigray region (H = 0.64) even though there was no significant variation in H values between regions. These regions with high diversity are recommended for immediate in situ and ex situ conservation.  相似文献   

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