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奶牛XY精子分离的性控繁育及推广对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1性控繁育的概念即用性别控制的方法进行繁殖育种,是性别控制和繁殖育种的简称。目前,关于奶牛性控繁育的热门话题就是XY精子分离技术。该技术是通过流式细胞精子分离仪将公牛的X精子(雌性精子)与Y精子(雄性精子)分离,是真正从生公生母的内因———基因、性染色体的角度出发,来实现性别控制的。目前X精子分离准确率已达到93%以上。据美国XY公司报道,奶牛性控冻精配种产母率在90%以上,10787头青年母牛人工授精的受胎率为53%。国内报道,产母率达到92%,受胎率达到49%~68%,平均50%以上。目前XY种畜(天津)有限公司已经引进XY公司的技术和设…  相似文献   

为探究不同Hoechst 33342的染色浓度与冷冻方法对关中奶山羊X、Y精子进行分离及应用效果的影响,本实验采集6只关中奶山羊精液,使用浓度分别为10、11、12、13μL/m L的Hoechst 33342(5 mg/m L)染色液对精液样本进行染色,以流式细胞仪分离X精子和Y精子,应用3种不同冷冻程序冷冻精液,应用体外受精与胚胎发育技术评估关中奶山羊X、Y精液的分离准确性。结果表明:12μL/m L Hoechst 33342染色条件下,奶山羊X、Y精子分离效率达到91.02%,高于10μL/m L和13μL/m L(P<0.01),最高分选速度为4 134个/s(P<0.05);公羊个体的精液品质越好,其精子的分离速度越快,但对分离准确率的差异不显著;使用冷冻程序2进行关中奶山羊的X、Y精子冷冻的效果较好(P<0.05);体外受精48 h后,使用Y精子进行受精的卵细胞的卵裂率高于使用X精子(P<0.05),在胚胎培养第9天,使用Y精子进行受精的卵细胞的囊胚发育率高于使用X精子(P<0.05)。总之,当Hoechst 33342浓度为12μL/m L...  相似文献   

一、XY精子分离技术简介 长期以来,国际生物技术科学家们一直在探讨如何通过精子分离达到控制动物性别繁殖,从而获得所需性别的后代。1989年美国XY公司首次应用流式细胞仪成功将XY精子分离,并达到一定的精确度,自此以后,经过11年的不断技术更新和开发,该项技术从2000年开始从实验室成功进入商业化生产应用,  相似文献   

近几十年来人们对动物的性别控制进行了大量的研究,其中X精子和Y精子的分离技术被广泛应用于哺乳动物性别的控制。论述了哺乳动物X精子和Y精子分离的方法,并简述了X精子和Y精子分离技术存在的问题及其发展前景。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过优化输精剂量和输精内管插入深度,为低剂量深部输精技术推广应用提供技术参考。实验一,检测12组不同有效精子数(30亿、15亿、7.5亿、5亿)和输精体积(80、60、40 mL)的低剂量猪精液分别保存12、24、48、72 h后的精子活率,30亿/80 mL为对照组,以寻找不影响保存效果和繁殖性能的最低输精剂量;实验二,评价筛选出的低剂量精液深部输精效果,常规输精30亿/80 mL为对照组,每组输精100头,测定母猪的受胎率、分娩率、产仔数等繁殖性能参数;实验三,测量统计大白、长白、二元不同品种和3胎以下、3胎以上不同胎次母猪深部输精内管插入深度。结果表明:与对照组相比,不同有效精子数和体积的精液在保存12、24、48、72 h后相同时间的精子活率无显著差异;10亿/80 mL、7.5亿/80 mL、15亿/40mL和7.5亿/40mL组低剂量精液保存72h后的精子活率低于保存12h(P<0.05);低剂量深部输精组的受胎率和分娩率与对照组无显著性差异;深部输精15亿/80 mL、15亿/40 mL和7.5亿/40 mL组不影响窝均产仔数(P>0.05),提高了...  相似文献   

概述了哺乳动物精子分离的研究和应用状况,重点阐述了流式细胞检索仪分离精子的研究和应用进展。流式细胞检索仪分离精子这种控制动物后代性别的方法,目前虽然还存在一些问题,但已经用于牛的商业化生产中,羊、猪等方面也已临近实用。随着技术的进步和设备的改进,流式细胞检索仪分离精子等精子分离技术将会得到广泛的使用,并为畜牧业生产带来巨大的效益。  相似文献   

XY精子分离技术项目实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日前,由中国种畜进出口有限公司、新疆金牛生物股份公司和美国亚达出口公司合资组建的“XY种畜(天津)有限公司”成立,中国牧工商集团总经理、中国种畜进出口有限公司董事长区仲生。中国种畜进出口有限公司总经理冯立社以  相似文献   

[目的]探究定时输精技术在关中奶山羊繁殖方面的应用效果。[方法]选定陕西地区奶山羊规模养殖场的经产母羊先进行疾病检测,合格后开展定时输精试验。2020年7—9月,根据羊场存栏实际情况以及生产安排,将407只1胎羊分为4个批次开展试验,2021年7—9月,对同一批羊(2胎羊)以及新加入的1胎羊按照胎次分为4个批次开展试验,统计各个批次的受孕率。[结果] 2020年,奶山羊应用定时输精技术平均受孕率为79.1%,剔除第一批羊的影响(部分可能存在生理缺陷),平均受孕率为83.4%;2021年,奶山羊应用定时输精技术平均受孕率为84.6%,且2胎羊的受孕率略高于1胎羊。[结论]在繁殖季节,奶山羊应用定时输精技术可获得理想的受孕率;提高优质种公羊的利用率,有利于良种群体的扩繁;可避免生殖器官疾病和寄生虫病的传播。  相似文献   

牛XY精子分离技术的应用现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1989年美国XY公司首次应用流式细胞仪成功将XY精子分离,并达到一定的精确度.2000年该项技术经过不断改进,开始从实验室成功进入商业化生产应用.目前XY精子的分离速度达到3 000~5 000个/s;分离精子准确度大于90%;人工授精青年母牛受孕率50%以上.至今已利用分离X精子对10 787头青年母牛进行了人工授精,受孕率达到53%.目前该项技术是世界上最先进的XY精子分离技术.如拥有一台美国XY公司的XY精子流式细胞仪,分离速度按3 000个/s计算,每天连续工作20 h,分离X 和Y 精子各2.16 亿个,每剂量200万精子,则每台仪器日产量108支.  相似文献   

流式细胞仪分离精子研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文概述了近年来用流式细胞仪分离动物X、Y精子的研究进展、存在的问题和应用前景。流式细胞仪分离精子的研究已经取得了很大进展 ,在某些动物 (如牛 )分离的精子已开始用于人工授精。尽管该技术还存在许多亟待解决的问题 ,但随着流式细胞仪的改进和与各项辅助生殖技术 (如手术授精、体外受精、胞质内精子注射、低剂量精子人工授精 )结合 ,性别分离精子必将在实践中得到广泛的应用 ,产生巨大的社会和经济效益  相似文献   

41头梅花鹿被分为3组,CIDR+PMSG法同期发情,用流式细胞仪分离的马鹿X和Y型冷冻精液与常规精液对梅花鹿进行腹腔内窥镜子宫角人工授精.结果表明,0.25 mL/支含有106个有效精子的X和Y型冻精产仔率分别为100 %(2 / 2)和92 %(22 / 24),而含有107个有效精子0.25 mL/支的常规冻精产仔率为 93%(14/ 15),X和Y型冻精与常规冻精组间的受胎率差异不显著(P>0.05).X和Y精子受精后产出后代全部为预定性别,所产后代雌雄比率分别为:X组为0∶2,Y组为22∶0,与对照6∶8相比性别比显著偏离.X和Y型冻精与常规冻精所产后代出生重及60 d时的体重差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

Ejaculate of cooks was diluted by the Wishart and Davtjan diluents at a ratio of 1 : 1 and stored at a temperature of 4 degrees C during 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours before insemination of laying hens by the doses of 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150. 10(6) spermatozoa. With both diluents, egg fertility higher than 90 per cent was gained after 48 hours of keeping the ejaculate in sperm doses of 75 and 100 . 10(6) spermatozoa in the case of both diluents.  相似文献   

Ejaculates of bilaterally vasectomized dogs contained spermatozoa as long as 21 days after vasectomy, indicating that spermatozoa in the canine ejaculate originated from both the epididymides and the vasa deferentia, not from the epididymides alone.  相似文献   

In the course of the year, the temperature and relative humidity of the insemination hall of a large pig farm were studied in ten three-week periods. The results were compared with the conception rate of sows inseminated in these periods. The macroclimatic conditions were also studied, and the influence of macroclimate (including temperature and relative humidity) on the microclimate of insemination hall was evaluated. The studied microclimate parameters were found to influence the conception of sows in the first three weeks after insemination. Highly significant differences (significance level of alpha = 0.01) were recorded in the conception of sows after the first insemination, in the occurrence of optimum and increased temperatures, in the occurrence of optimum and increased relative humidity in the summer and winter months. A significant difference at the significance level of alpha = 0.05 was found when the occurrence of increased relative humidity was compared. A high temperature was recorded only in the summer months. In summer and in the first half of autumn (from the 9th of June to the 13th of October) when increased to high temperatures and increased to high relative humidity prevailed in the insemination hall (optimum temperature only in 2.0 to 23.3% of the period; optimum relative humidity in 11.1 to 50.0% of the period), the sow conception rate after the first insemination was low (45.5 to 49.7%). In autumn the microclimatic conditions in the insemination hall returned to the optimum. From the 4th of November to the 16th of February the optimum temperature (optimum in 71.6 to 89.7% of the period) and optimum relative humidity (optimum in 74.2 to 90.7% of the period) prevailed in the insemination hall, enabling an improvement in the conception of sows after the first insemination (71.4 to 80.1%). The temperature inside the insemination hall was influenced by changes in outside temperatures whereas the relative humidity inside the insemination hall was influenced mainly by internal factors.  相似文献   

The plasma cortisol responses of 11 normal cats to intravenous dexamethasone at a dose rate of 0.01 mg kg-1 whole bodyweight, were evaluated. Mean plasma cortisol concentrations decreased significantly (P less than 0.01) at three hours and eight hours following dexamethasone administration. Results of this study indicate that plasma cortisol levels are significantly decreased for at least eight hours following low dose intravenous dexamethasone administration in normal cats.  相似文献   

Laboratory trials were conducted to study the effect of various concentrations of cloprostenol on the motility and morphological changes of the acrosomes of boar spermatozoa. As found, a cloprostenol concentration of 250 ng per ml of semen to 2500 ng per ml of diluted semen has no adverse effect on the motility of spermatozoa and on the morphological changes of their acrosomes. The concentration of 5000 ng of cloprostenol (in the Oestrophan Spofa product) per 1 ml of diluted semen negatively influences the motility of spermatozoa. An insemination dose of 100 ml of diluted sperm treated with 500 ng of cloprostenol was used for the artificial insemination of 152 sows; 166 sows of the same farm inseminated with untreated semen were used as controls. No gilts were included in the trial. Out of the 152 test sows, 113 conceived after the first insemination, i.e. 74.35%, and the average litter size was 10.04 piglets. In the control group, 125 sows delivered their litters, i.e. 75.30% of the total number, the average litter size being 9.96 piglets. Comparing the reproduction parameters of the experimental and control groups it can be said that the treatment of an insemination dose with 500 ng of cloprostenol immediately before insemination had no influence on the pregnancy rate and on the size of litters.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were 1) to compare pregnancy rates resulting from 2 methods of insemination using low sperm numbers and 2) to compare pregnancy rates resulting from hysteroscopic insemination of 5 x 106 nonsorted and 5 x 106 spermatozoa sorted for X- and Y-chromosome-bearing populations (flow sorted). Semen was collected with an artificial vagina from 2 stallions of known acceptable fertility. Oestrus was synchronised (June to July) in 40 mares, age 3-10 years, by administering 10 ml altrenogest orally for 10 consecutive days, followed by 250 microg cloprostenol i.m. on Day 11. All mares were given 3000 iu hCG i.v. at the time of insemination to induce ovulation. Mares were assigned randomly to 1 of 3 treatment groups: mares in Treatment 1 (n = 10) were inseminated with 5 x 10(6) spermatozoa deposited deep into the uterine horn with the aid of ultrasonography. Mares in Treatment 2 (n = 10) were inseminated with 5 x 10(6) spermatozoa deposited onto the uterotubal junction papilla via hysteroscopic insemination. Mares in Treatment 3 (n = 20) were inseminated using the hysteroscopic technique with 5 x 10(6) flow sorted spermatozoa. Spermatozoa were stained with Hoechst 33342 and sorted into X- and Y-chromosome-bearing populations based on DNA content using an SX MoFlo sperm sorter. Pregnancy was determined ultrasonographically at 16 days postovulation. Hysteroscopic insemination resulted in more pregnancies (5/10 = 50%) than did the ultrasound-guided technique (0/10 = 0%; P<0.05) when nonsorted sperm were inseminated. Pregnancy rates were not significantly lower (P>0.05) when hysteroscopic insemination was used for sorted (5/20 = 25%) and nonsorted spermatozoa (5/10 = 50%). Therefore, hysteroscopic insemination of low numbers of flow sorted stallion spermatozoa resulted in reasonable pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

Ten bitches with pyometra were treated with prostaglandin F at a dose of 20 μg/kg bodyweight three times daily on consecutive days. Diagnosis was based on clinical signs and radiographic findings. Venous blood samples were collected for haematology and measurement of plasma progesterone levels. The response to treatment was monitored by repeated ultrasonic examinations. The treatment was continued for up to eight days. Seven out of 10 bitches responded well to treatment. The remaining three bitches underwent ovariohysterectomy and a cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium was diagnosed histologically. The results indicated that prostaglandin F used at the low dose is sufficient for medical treatment of certain cases of pyometra. The treatment seems to be most effective in bitches without obvious hormonal imbalance. The aetiology of pyometra is discussed.  相似文献   

研究的目的是验证猪常规人工授精中倒骑式按摩法输精方法的效果,分析配种后受胎率与产仔数.在断奶发情的实验母猪发情鉴定表现定立表现时,采用倒骑式按摩法输精技术,实施子宫颈人工授精.按摩母猪乳房时间为30~60 s.输精完成后继续倒骑60 s.试验组与对照组相比,母猪发情表现主要集中在72 h到96 h之间,母猪断奶处理12...  相似文献   



Sir,—The proportion of return intervals after first insemination of less than 18 days' duration is between 16 and 20% in New Zealand dairy cattle (Macmillan, 1970 Macmillan, K. L. 1970. Return intervals to first insemination and conception rates to second insemination in New Zealand cattle. N.Z. Jl agric. Res., 43 in press [Google Scholar]) whereas the comparable figure in American herds is 3.5% (Moeller and VanDemark, 1951 Moeller, A. N. and Van Demark, N. L. 1951. The relationship of the interval between inseminations to bovine fertility. J. Anim. Sci., 10: 988992. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Flerchinger and Erb, 1954 Flerchinger, F. H. and Erb, R. E. 1954. Influence of treatment and fertility level of semen on distribution and non-return decline of repeat service intervals. J. Dairy Sci., 37: 949949. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Since the incidence of these short cycles tends to increase with increasing: herd size, these short return intervals after first insemination may be the result of errors made by the farmer identifying or diagnosing oestrous cows. Such errors will arise because (1) the farmer correctly submits a cow in the first instance but then unnecessarily resubmits the same cow because of incorrect identification or diagnosis; (2) the initial incorrect submission is followed by correct diagnosis and submission; or (3) errors in detection and diagnosis are made on consecutive occasions.  相似文献   

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